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Michigan Department of Treasury - City Tax Administration
5469 (Rev. 11-19)

                        2020 City of Detroit Income Tax Withholding Guide
Who Must Withhold?                                                rendered  or  work  performed  regardless  of  whether  such 
                                                                  services or work are performed in or out of the city; and
Every employer that has a location in the City of Detroit, or is  •  All compensation of a nonresident for services rendered or 
doing business in the City of Detroit, even if it has no location work performed in the City of Detroit where the City of Detroit 
in the City of Detroit, is required to withhold income tax from   is the predominant place of employment.
its employees. An employer is any individual, partnership, 
association, corporation, non-profit organization, governmental   Vacation,  holiday,  sick,  severance  and  bonus  pay  to 
body or unit or agency, or any other entity that employs one or   nonresidents who perform part but not all of their work or 
more persons on a salary, bonus, wage, commission or other        services in the City of Detroit are taxable in the same ratio as 
basis whether or not the employer is a business.                  their normal activities.
For example:                                                      Example:  A nonresident employee who is subject to 
  ○ A construction firm from Ohio doing work in the City          withholding on 60% of their earnings, because 60% of their 
  of Detroit is required to withhold income tax from its          work is performed in the City of Detroit, is also subject to 
  employees.                                                      withholding  on  60%  of  their  vacation,  holiday,  sick  pay, 
  ○  An employer that has locations both in and out of            severance pay, bonus pay or wage payments during periods of 
  the City of Detroit must withhold income tax from all           sickness.
  employees working in the City of Detroit, and from all 
  City of Detroit resident employees working in or out of the     Payments Not Subject to Withholding
  City of Detroit.                                                Withholding does not apply to:
  ○ A  non-profit  organization  in  the  City  of  Detroit  is   •  Wages paid to domestic help;
  required to withhold income tax from its employees 
                                                                  •  Fees paid to independent contractors who are not employees;
  (although it is not engaging in business activity in the 
                                                                  •  Payment to a nonresident employee for work or services 
  usual sense).
                                                                  performed in the City of Detroit, if the predominant place of 
  ○  Employers that are not required to withhold City of 
                                                                  employment is not the City of Detroit;
  Detroit income tax may register and withhold for the 
  convenience of their City of Detroit resident employees.        •  Payment to a nonresident employee for work or services 
  Convenience withholders must comply with the                    rendered outside the City of Detroit;
  registration  and  filing  requirements  outlined  in  these    •  Pensions and annuities, worker’s compensation and similar 
  instructions.                                                   benefits;
                                                                  •  Amounts paid for sickness, personal injury or disability 
NOTE: Employers withholding City income tax are required 
                                                                  (so called excludable sick pay) to the same extent that these 
to file the City of Detroit Income Tax Withholding Monthly/
                                                                  amounts are exempt from federal income tax, but the employer 
Quarterly Return (Form 5323) either monthly ($1,200 or more 
                                                                  must withhold from such payments if federal tax is withheld;
withheld per year) or quarterly ($1,199 or less withheld per 
                                                                  •  Amounts paid to an employee as reimbursement for 
year) AND the City of Detroit Income Tax Withholding Annual 
                                                                  expenses incurred in performing services.
Reconciliation (Form 5321). 
                                                                  An individual with income described in the first three bullets 
Employees Who are Subject to Withholding                          above is not subject to withholding on such income. The 
An employer either required to withhold or voluntarily            individual is nevertheless required to file an annual return and 
registered for withholding must withhold on compensation paid     report such income if the individual is a City of Detroit resident, 
to the following employees:                                       or is a nonresident earning such income in the City of Detroit.

• All residents of the City of Detroit whether or not they work   Employee’s Withholding Exemption Certification 
inside the City of Detroit; and                                   for the City of Detroit (DW-4), Form 5527
•  All nonresidents of the City of Detroit who have the City of 
                                                                  To  determine  each  employee’s  place  of  residence  and 
Detroit as their predominant place of employment (see below).
                                                                  predominant place of employment, an employer must have 
An employee is anyone from whom an employer withholds             each employee fill out an Employee’s Withholding Exemption 
either federal income tax or social security tax.                 Certificate for the City of Detroit (DW-4), Form 5527. Only 
                                                                  one Form 5527 is required for each employee, even though the 
Compensation Subject to Withholding                               employee may be subject to withholding for two cities.
City of Detroit income tax must be withheld from:                 When properly filled out, Form 5527 provides the employee’s 
•  All compensation (salaries, wages, commissions, severance      city of residence and the two cities or communities in which 
pay, bonuses, etc.) of a City of Detroit resident for services    the employee earns the greatest percentage of compensation 

  These instructions are interpretations of the Detroit Income Tax Ordinance. The Detroit Income Tax Ordinance will prevail in 
                   any disagreements between the instructions and the Detroit Income Tax Ordinance. 


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from the employer. Most employees will only have one city                   The above method is applicable to all City of Detroit 
of  employment  and  will  check  the  81%-100%  field  as  the             withholding for regular payrolls. For bonuses or other taxable 
percentage of compensation earned in that city. Form 5527 is                earnings paid in addition to regular payroll, do not adjust for 
also the employee’s statement of the number of dependency                   exemptions. Withhold the correct tax percentage from the 
exemptions claimed.                                                         entire bonus or other taxable earnings amount.
If an employee fails or refuses to complete Form 5527 upon 
                                                                            Resident – Employment in Other City Levying a 
the request of the employer, tax shall be withheld from the 
employee’s compensation at the resident tax rate without any 
consideration of exemptions.                                                When a resident is employed at a job in a city other than the 
                                                                            City of Detroit and the other city levies an income tax, the 
Do not mail Form 5527 to the city or the Michigan                           employer must withhold separately for both the City of Detroit 
Department of Treasury; these are for the employer’s use and 
                                                                            and the other city. The rate of income tax to be withheld for 
must be retained in the employer’s files.
                                                                            the City of Detroit depends on the tax rate of the other city. 
                                                                            Compute the City of Detroit withholding rate by subtracting the 
Income Tax Rates
                                                                            other city’s nonresident tax rate from 2.4%.
The City of Detroit income tax rate for residents is 2.4% 
(multiply by 0.024). The City of Detroit income tax rate for                Nonresident – Employment Partly in Detroit
nonresidents is 1.2% (multiply by 0.012).                                   If a nonresident of the City of Detroit works less than 100% of 
                                                                            the time within the City of Detroit for an employer, the amount 
Calculating the Amount to Withhold
                                                                            withheld should be based only on wages earned in the City of 
The City of Detroit income tax is a straight percentage on                  Detroit. If gross pay is $200.00 and only 60% of the employee’s 
compensation after an adjustment for personal and dependency                work is in the City of Detroit, the gross pay for the City of 
exemptions. Each exemption is valued at $600.00 per year.                   Detroit tax purposes is 60% of $200.00 or $120.00. In this 
For the various pay periods, the exemption translates to the                example, compute the amount to be withheld for the City of 
amounts in the table below.                                                 Detroit as if the employee earned $120.00 gross pay.
 Weekly ............................................................ $11.54
                                                                            Nonresident – Predominant Place of 
 Bi-weekly ........................................................ $23.08  Employment
 Semi-monthly ................................................. $25.00
 Monthly ........................................................... $50.00 Nonresidents of the City of Detroit are subject to withholding 
                                                                            only if the City of Detroit is their predominant place of 
 Per diem/daily ................................................. $  1.64
                                                                            employment. The predominant place of employment is 
Exemptions are allowed for the employee, spouse, and other                  that city imposing a tax under a uniform city income tax 
dependents allowed under federal rules. Additional exemptions               ordinance other than the city of residence, in which the 
are allowed if either the employee or spouse is 65 years of age             employee estimates he will earn the greatest percentage of his 
or older, or blind (this is different from the federal rule).               compensation from the employer, which percentage is 25% or 
Individuals who may be claimed as an exemption on the                       more.
individual  return  of  another  taxpayer  should  report  zero             The City of Detroit is a nonresident’s predominant place of 
personal exemptions on Form 5527.                                           employment if:
The amounts in the preceding table are used to adjust gross                 •  The nonresident employee earns a greater percentage of 
pay for payroll withholding. The adjustment is the number                   compensation in the City of Detroit than any other Michigan 
of exemptions on Form 5527 multiplied by the exemption                      city  with  an  income  tax,  except  the  employee’s  city  of 
value. On a weekly payroll for a wage earner with three (3)                 residence; and
exemptions, the adjustment is 3 times $11.54, or $34.62.                    •  This greater percentage constitutes 25% or more of the 
                                                                            nonresident employee’s total compensation from the employer.
The following is a description of the most commonly used 
method to compute income tax withholding:                                   Payment of Tax Withheld
•  Multiply gross earnings by the percent earned in the City of             Payment of tax withheld may be made in the following ways:
Detroit for nonresidents or use gross earnings for residents.               • Paper check via U.S. mail or courier with the filing of a 
•  Multiply number of exemptions by the appropriate                         paper return.
exemption value (from the prior table).                                     • Paper check via U.S. mail or courier with the City of Detroit 
•  Subtract the result of Step 2 from the result of Step 1.                 Income Tax Withholding E-file Payment Voucher (Form 5322), 
•  Multiply the result from Step 3 by:                                      when the return was previously e-filed.
 ○  2.4% (0.024) for residents; or                                          • Electronically via ACH debit when e-filing the return.
 ○  1.2% (0.012) for nonresidents.                                          • Electronically via ACH debit when using Treasury’s online 
EXAMPLE: Gross pay is $200.00 per week and the wage                         payment system at www.michigan.gov/biztaxpayments. 
earner lives in the City of Detroit and has 3 exemptions. The               The City of Detroit Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Debit 
amount taxed is $165.38 ($200.00 - $34.62). Apply the 2.4%                  Application, Account Update (Form 5473) must be submitted to 
resident rate ($165.38 x 0.024), and withhold $3.97 from the                Treasury for approval before payments can be made using the 
employee for the week.                                                      online payment system.


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• Electronically  through  your  financial  institution  via  ACH www.michigan.gov/businesstaxes    for information on 
credit with an addendum file. The Instructions for Payment of     obtaining an FEIN and to register a new business (located 
Michigan Sales, Use, Withholding and Other Michigan Business      under “New Business Registration”). Returns received without 
Taxes Using Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Credit (Form          a registered account number will not be processed until such 
2329) lists the requirements for making ACH credit payments.      time as a number is provided.
Forms are available on the Michigan Department of Treasury’s      Changes to Account: Changes to your account such as address 
Web site at www.michigan.gov/citytax.                             and adding City of Detroit corporate income tax or City of 
                                                                  Detroit income tax withholding (if already registered with 
Due Dates                                                         Treasury) can be made by completing the City of Detroit Notice 
Monthly returns: The City of Detroit Income Tax Withholding       of Change (Form 5439).
Monthly/Quarterly Return (Form 5323) and payments (if             NOTE: Changes requested on Form 5439 will ONLY update 
applicable) are due on the 15th day of the month following the    your City of Detroit income tax withholding accounts. To 
month in which the tax was withheld.                              make changes to State of Michigan Business Taxes please visit 
Quarterly returns: Form 5323 and payments (if applicable)         www.michigan.gov/businesstaxes.
are due on the 15th day of the month following each quarter.      Sale or Discontinuance: An employer who sells, goes out 
For the 2020 tax year, these due dates are April 15, July 15      of business or permanently ceases to be an employer must 
and October 15, 2020, and January 15, 2021.                       file W-2s and a Form 5321 by the date the final withholding 
                                                                  payment is due. You must indicate within Form 5321 the Date 
NOTE: Form 5323 must  be  filed even if there is no tax 
                                                                  and Reason Code for Discontinuance. Do not use Form 5439 to 
liability for the period.
                                                                  report a sale or discontinuance.
NOTE: If a due date falls on a holiday or weekend, the due 
date shifts to the first business day following the holiday or    Annual Reports
                                                                  Employers doing business within the city designated on the 
Annual Reconciliation: The     City of Detroit Income Tax         City of Detroit Income Tax Withholding Annual Reconciliation 
Withholding Annual Reconciliation (Form 5321) and payments        (Form 5321), and are reporting local withholding for a city on a 
(if applicable) for tax year 2020 are due February 28, 2021.      1099-R, must also report 1099-R information to the Michigan 
                                                                  Department of Treasury on or before the last day of February. 
Correction of Errors                                              When submitting W-2 forms by paper, they must be included 
Employer’s  errors  of  over  or  under  withholding  should  be  with Form 5321. Form 5321 is available on the Michigan 
corrected as follows:                                             Department of Treasury’s Web site.
•  If an error is discovered in the same period (month or         A copy of Form W-2 issued to each employee subject to the 
quarter) in which it was made, the employer shall make the        City of  Detroit income tax must be filed whether the tax was 
necessary  adjustment  in  a  subsequent  payment.  Only  the     withheld or not. The Form W-2 must provide the following 
corrected amount should be included in the return to the city;    information:
•  If an error is discovered in a subsequent period of the        • The name, address and federal identification number of the 
same calendar year, the employer shall make the necessary         employer.
adjustment on a subsequent payment and report it as an            •  The name, home address and social security number of the 
adjustment on the next return;                                    employee.
•  If an error is discovered in the following calendar year,      •  The total gross wages paid the employee for the year even 
the employer shall notify the City Income Tax Division of the     if the total wages did not have City of Detroit income tax 
Michigan Department of Treasury of the error by filing an         withheld.
amended Form 5321 including corrected W-2 forms (W-2C), if        •  The total City of Detroit income tax withheld for the year. 
applicable, and:                                                  The amount of tax withheld must be clearly labeled as being 
  ○  Pay any additional tax due; or                               City of Detroit income tax withheld, and the label must be in 
  ○ Make a written request for refund of an overpayment           the appropriate box on Form W-2. Failure to properly and 
  including a specific explanation of the error.                  clearly label the City of Detroit income tax withheld in the 
                                                                  locality  box  of  Form  W-2  makes  the  form  unacceptable. 
NOTE:  Overpayments  of  withholding  will  not  be  credited 
                                                                  Improperly labeled W-2 forms do not satisfy the withholding 
toward tax due in future years.
                                                                  tax reporting requirements of the Detroit Income Tax 
Registration, Changes to Account, and Sale 
or Discontinuance                                                 Employers wishing to purchase one of the commercially 
                                                                  available W-2 forms in order to combine the city, state and 
Registration:  Taxpayers  must  first  be  registered  for  State 
                                                                  federal reporting in one operation are permitted to do so, 
of Michigan withholding taxes before filing a City of Detroit 
                                                                  providing one copy is submitted to the City of Detroit by the 
Income Tax Withholding Annual Reconciliation (Form 5321). 
If the taxpayer does not have a Federal Employer Identification   employer.
Number (FEIN), the taxpayer must obtain an FEIN before            Employers may file W-2 forms via CD-ROM in lieu of paper 
filing a City of Detroit income tax withholding return. Visit     W-2s. Information and specifications for filing via CD-ROM 


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are available on the Michigan Department of Treasury’s Web 
                                                                Electronic Filing
site at michigan.gov/taxes; see the Transmittal for Magnetic 
Media Reporting of W-2, W-2G & 1099s (Form 447).                Filing of tax returns electronically is accurate, convenient, 
                                                                and secure. The City of Detroit Withholding e-file program 
Some computer software programs allow the electronic filing 
                                                                provides Michigan taxpayers the opportunity to e-file City of 
of W-2 data in the Social Security Administrations EFW2 
                                                                Detroit income tax withholding returns, including amended 
format, when Form 5321 is e-filed. Check with your software 
                                                                returns, that were prepared using a computer software 
provider for more details.
                                                                program. Some computer software programs also allow 
Forms, Instructions and Information                             taxpayers to make an electronic payment via EFT Debit when 
                                                                e-filing their return. If an error occurs on a return, the e-file 
Income tax forms, instructions and additional                   software sends an error message and allows the tax preparer 
information are available on the Treasury Web site at           to  immediately  correct  the  mistake  before  the  return  is 
www.michigan.gov/citytax.                                       transmitted.
Additional  information  is  available  at  517-636-5829.       There is no e-file mandate for City of Detroit income tax 
Assistance is available using TTY through the Michigan Relay    withholding returns. However, e-file returns have significantly 
Service by calling 1-800-649-3777 or 711. Customer service      less chance of error and are processed faster than paper returns. 
representatives are available from 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., Monday  When e-filing, do not mail a paper copy of your return, unless 
through Friday. Call 517-636-5829 for printed material in an    requested by Treasury to do so. For more information on 
alternate format.                                               Treasury’s E-file Programs, visit  www.MIfastfile.org.
Self-Service Options. Visit our secure Web site at www.
michigan.gov/citytax to check the status of your return. This 
service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
•  IMPORTANT: To obtain information about your account 
using the Internet, you will need the following information 
from your City of Detroit return:
 ○ Federal  Employer Identification Number (FEIN).
 ○  City (Detroit).
 ○ Form number of return filed (Form 5321 or 5323).
 ○  Tax year of return.
 ○  Whether the item in question is a monthly/quarterly or 
 annual return.

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Debit and Credit 
EFT Debit: Your existing Treasury user ID and password can 
be used to access both the online payment process and the 
existing touch-tone phone system once you have added City 
of Detroit Withholding Tax. If you do not have a user ID and 
password and/or have not added City of Detroit Withholding 
Tax, you must complete and submit the City of Detroit 
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Debit Application, Account 
Update (Form 5473). (See www.michigan.gov/citytax      for more 
If submitting an EFT Debit payment using a computer software 
program, an EFT Debit Application is not required.
EFT  Credit: Follow instructions on the Instructions for 
Payments  of  Michigan  Sales,  Use,  Withholding,  and  Other 
Michigan Business Taxes Using Electronic Funds Transfer 
(EFT) Credit (Form 2329) to submit an EFT Credit payment.


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