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2020 Form 5253, Page 2 of 2
City of Detroit Withholding Tax Continuation Schedule Filer’s Full Social Security Number
Part 3 applies only to Nonresidents computing wages earned in Detroit. Do not complete Part 3 if all of your work is performed in Detroit.
See instructions for additional information and definition of “days worked”. Residents do not complete Part 3 because all wages are
subject to tax.
A separate computation must be made for each W-2. If both filer and spouse have income subject to allocation, figure them separately.
Include only wages allocated to Detroit in column H below on Form 5119, line 9 or Form 5120, line 10, column B. If you need additional
space, include another Form 5253.
Number of Number of Actual number
days paid vacation days, of days worked Actual Percentage of
(5 day week x holidays, and everywhere. number of days worked in Total wages shown on W-2 Wages earned in Detroit.
Enter “X” for: 52 weeks other days not Subtract days worked in Detroit. (City Schedule W) Multiply G by percentage
Filer orSpouse = 260 days) worked. C from B. Detroit Divide E by D. (see instructions) in F.
% 00 00
If column B is not 260 days, enter explanation.
% 00 00
If column B is not 260 days, enter explanation.
% 00 00
If column B is not 260 days, enter explanation.
% 00 00
If column B is not 260 days, enter explanation.
% 00 00
If column B is not 260 days, enter explanation.
% 00 00
If column B is not 260 days, enter explanation.
% 00 00
If column B is not 260 days, enter explanation.
% 00 00
If column B is not 260 days, enter explanation.
% 00 00
If column B is not 260 days, enter explanation.
% 00 00
If column B is not 260 days, enter explanation.
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