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2023 Form 5087, Page 2
Instructions for 2023 Purchaser’s Use Tax Return (Form 5087)
Do not fill out this form for aircraft purchases. If you would Purchase price includes “services necessary to complete the
like to report a purchase of an aircraft, see Tax Calculation sale,” “delivery charges,” and “installation charges” incurred
for Nonqualified Aircraft Transfer (Form 1989). or to be incurred before the completion of the transfer of
Michigan Department of Treasury also provides a use tax ownership of the property. See MCL 205.92(f)(iv)-(v).
line on the Michigan Individual Income Tax Return to report Delivery charges are defined in Sec. 2b (e) (MCL 205.92b)
and pay use tax. Report and pay the use tax using this form to mean “charges by the seller for preparation and delivery
or the use tax line on the MI-1040, NOT BOTH. to a location designated by the purchaser of tangible personal
property and services. Delivery charges include, but are
When a Michigan resident purchases items from out-of-state not limited to, transportation, shipping, postage, handling,
sellers through the internet, catalogs, newspapers, television crating, and packing.”
or magazines they may owe use tax. Some out-of-state
sellers collect the Michigan tax on sales; when they do, no If the out-of-state seller doesn’t collect Michigan sales or
additional tax is due and there is no need to file this form. use tax, you must pay Michigan 6% use tax due directly to
However, the burden of proving sales or use tax was paid to the Michigan Department of Treasury on the purchase price
the seller rests on the purchaser. as defined above. Examples of tangible personal property
subject to use tax include, but are not limited to, clothing,
The Michigan Use Tax Act, Sec. 3(1) (MCL 205.93), provides electronics, furniture, jewelry or books. Examples of tangible
in part that “There is levied upon and there shall be collected personal property not subject to use tax include, but are
from every person in this state a specific tax, including both not limited to, unprepared food items, prescription drugs,
the local community stabilization share and the state share, vitamins, certain newspapers and periodicals. An itemized
for the privilege of using, storing, or consuming tangible list of purchases is not required.
personal property in this state at a total combined rate equal
to 6% of the price of the property ...” Please be advised that tangible personal property purchased
while traveling abroad or from another state and brought into
As stated in Sec. 2(f) (MCL 205.92), “purchase price” or Michigan for storage, use or consumption is subject to 6%
“price” means the total amount of consideration paid by the Michigan use tax. However, credit is given for any sales or
consumer to the seller, including cash, credit, property, and use tax that had been legally due and paid in another state
services, for which tangible personal property or services are of the United States up to 6% at the time of acquisition of
sold, leased, or rented, valued in money, whether received the property. Credit is not given for any sales, use, or other
in money or otherwise, and applies to the measure subject excise tax paid to a foreign jurisdiction.
to use tax. “Tangible personal property” is defined in Sec.
2(k) to mean “personal property that can be seen, weighed, Tax Assistance
measured, felt, or touched or that is in any other manner For assistance, call 517-636-6925. Assistance is available
perceptible to the senses and includes electricity, water, gas, using TTY through the Michigan Relay Center by calling
steam, and prewritten computer software.” 711.