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                                                                                                 Reset Form
                                                                                                               This form must be completed
Michigan Department of Treasury                                             Parcel No.                         and returned to the assessor by 
632  (Rev. 12-22)                                                                                              February 21, 2023. 
 Issued under authority of Public Act 206 of 1893. 
Approved by the State Tax Commission August 23, 2022. 
                                                                                                                                     L-4175         2023
2023 Personal Property Statement  (As of 12-31-22)                                                     Location(s) of Personal Property Reported on This Statement. 
FROM:  (Name and Address of Assessor)                                                                  LIST ALL LOCATIONS.  Attach additional sheets if necessary.   

                                                                                                       Date of Organization  Date Business Began at Square Feet 
                                                                                                               above location                       Occupied 

                                                                                                       Assumed Names Used by Legal Entity, if any 

TO:  (Name and Address of Taxpayer)                                                                    Names of Owner(s) or Partners
                                                                                                       (If sole proprietorship or partnership) 

                                                                                                       If Sole Proprietorship, Taxpayer's Residential Address 

                                                                                                       Legal Name of Taxpayer 

Preparer's Name, Address, Telephone Number and E-mail address               Check One Only:            Address Where Personal Property Records are Kept 
                                                                                 Sole Proprietorship 
                                                                                 Partnership           Name of Person in Charge of             Taxpayer Telephone No. 
                                                                                 Limited Liability Co. 
                                                                                 Corporation           Description of Taxpayer's Business Activity and NAICS Code 
                                                                            MI ID# ______________ 
MCL 211.9m AND MCL 211.9n. To claim an exemption for EMPP, file Form 5278 with the local assessor where the personal property is located
no later than February 21, 2023. Leasing companies are not eligible to file Form 5278 and must complete this form. Pursuant to MCL 211.9o, if
the true cash value of the assessable personal property you or a related party  own, lease or possess in this local assessing unit is less than
$80,000, then you do not need to file this form if the property is classified as commercial or industrial personal property and you timely claim
the exemption. Instead, file Form 5076 with the local unit where the property is located no later than February 21, 2023. See the instructions on 
Page 6.
SUMMARY AND CERTIFICATION.   Complete ALL questions.                                                                                If Yes, state total original cost 
1.  Have you excluded any exempt "Special Tools" from this statement?                                   Yes    No                   excluded _________________
2.  Have you excluded any air and water pollution control facilities and/or wind or water 
  energy conversion devices for which an exemption certificate has been issued?                         Yes    No                   If Yes, attach itemized list. 
3.  Have you, to the best of your knowledge, reported all of your assessable tangible                                                
  personal property located in Michigan including fully depreciated and/or expensed 
  assets, to the appropriate assessment jurisdiction?                                                   Yes    No                   If No, attach explanation. 
4.  Did you hold a legal or equitable interest in personal property assessable in this                                               
  jurisdiction which you have not reported on this statement (see instructions)?                        Yes    No                   If Yes, attach itemized list. 
5.  Are you a party (as either a landlord or a tenant) to a rental or lease agreement relating 
  to real property in this jurisdiction?                                                                Yes    No                   If Yes, complete Section O. 
6.  Have any of your assets been subjected to "rebooking" of costs for accounting                                                    
  purposes or been purchased used (see instructions)?                                                   Yes    No                   If Yes, attach itemized list. 
7.  Is any of your property "daily rental property," per P.A. 537 of 1998?                              Yes    No                   If Yes, attach Form 3595. 
8.  Are other businesses operated at your location(s)?                                                  Yes    No                   If Yes, attach itemized list. 
Enter zero if appropriate.                                                                                                            Assessor Calculations 
9.  Grand total from page 2                                                                 9a.                                       9b. 
10. Grand total from page 3                                                                 10a.                                      10b. 
11. Grand total from pages 4-5                                                              11a.                                      11b. 
12. Total cost of Idle Equipment from Form 2698                                             12a.                                      12b. 
13. Total cost of Personal Property Construction in Progress                                13a.               X .50                  13b. 
14. Total Cost of Cable TV, Utility, Wind and Solar Energy Assets 
  from Forms 633, 3589, 4565, and 5762                                                      14a.                                      14b. 
15. Total cost of cellular site equipment from Form(s) 4452                                 15a.                                      15b. 
The undersigned  certifies that   he/she is  an owner,  officer and/or the  duly authorized  ASSESSOR'S ADJUSTMENT(S) 
agent for the above named taxpayer and that the above summary, with its supporting 
documents, provides a full and true statement of all tangible personal property owned                   EXEMPTION(S) 
or held by the taxpayer at the locations listed above on December 31, 2022. 
                                                                                                       TRUE CASH VALUE 
Signature of Certifier                                          Date 
                                                                                            ASSESSED VALUE (50% of TCV) 

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632, Page 2 
INSTRUCTIONS.  Read carefully to obtain directions for the allocation of your personal property to Sections A - N. 
All Tangible Personal Property in your possession at this location, including fully depreciated and expensed assets, must be reported in one of the 
Sections A through N. If you had "Move-Ins" of used property, you must also complete Form 3966,       2023 Taxpayer Report of Personal Property 
"Move-Ins" of Used Equipment   Occurring During 2022. "Move-Ins" are items of assessable personal property (hereafter referred to as "property") that 
were not assessed in this city or township in 2022, including (1) purchases of used property, (2) used property you moved in from a location outside this 
city or township, (3) property  that was exempt in 2022 (such as exempt Industrial Facilities Tax property), and (4) property that you mistakenly omitted 
from your statement in 2022. "Move-Ins" DO NOT include property that has been moved from   another location WITHIN this city or township or that was 
assessed to another taxpayer within this city or township in 2022 (i.e., property reported by a previous owner or previously leased property reported by 
the lessor in 2022). All "Move-Ins" must be reported on Page 2 of  this form and on Form 3966. Do not report 2022 acquisitions of new property on Form 
Did you have "move-ins"?                     Yes        No 
SECTION A:                                           Assessor 
Including Furniture and Fixtures                 Calculations                    SECTION D:  Including Office, Electronic,        Assessor 
                                                                                 Video and Testing Equipment                      Calculations 
2022                                     .91 
                                                                                    2022                                  .84 
2021                                     .80 
                                                                                    2021                                  .64 
2020                                     .69 
                                                                                    2020                                  .55 
2019                                     .61 
                                                                                    2019                                  .49 
2018                                     .53 
                                                                                    2018                                  .44 
2017                                     .47 
                                                                                    2017                                  .41 
2016                                     .42 
                                                                                    2016                                  .38 
2015                                     .37 
                                                                                    2015                                  .35 
2014                                     .33 
                                                                                    2014                                  .33 
2013                                     .29 
                                                                                    2013                                  .31 
2012                                     .27 
                                                                                    2012                                  .29 
2011                                     .24 
                                                                                    2011                                  .28 
2010                                     .22 
                                                                                    2010                                  .26 
2009                                     .19 
                                                                                    2009                                  .25 
2008                                     .12 
                                                                                    2008                                  .17 
Prior                                    .12 
                                                                                    Prior                                 .17 
TOTALS     A1                                A2 
                                                                                 TOTALS D1                                    D2 
SECTION B:                                           Assessor 
Including Machinery and Equipment                Calculations                    SECTION E:  Including Consumer                   Assessor 
                                                                                 Coin Operated Equipment                          Calculations 
2022                                     .89 
2021                                     .76                                        2022                                  .92 
2020                                     .67                                        2021                                  .85 
2019                                     .60                                        2020                                  .77 
2018                                     .54                                        2019                                  .69 
2017                                     .49                                        2018                                  .61 
2016                                     .45                                        2017                                  .54 
2015                                     .42                                        2016                                  .46 
2014                                     .38                                        2015                                  .38 
2013                                     .36                                        2014                                  .30 
2012                                     .33                                        2013                                  .23 
2011                                     .31                                        2012                                  .15 
2010                                     .29                                        Prior                                 .15 
2009                                     .28                                     TOTALS E1                                    E2 
2008                                     .23 
Prior                                    .23                                     SECTION F:                                       Assessor 
                                                                                 Including Computer Equipment                     Calculations 
TOTALS B1                                    B2                                     2022                                  .60 
SECTION C:                                           Assessor                       2021                                  .44 
Including Rental Videotapes and Games            Calculations                       2020                                  .32 
2022                                     .76                                        2019                                  .24 
2021                                     .53                                        2018                                  .19 
2020                                     .29                                        2017                                  .15 
2019                                     .05                                        2016                                  .08 
Prior                                    .05                                        Prior                                 .08 
TOTALS C1                                    C2                                  TOTALS   F1                                  F2 
COST GRAND TOTAL (for page 2)                                                    TRUE CASH VALUE GRAND TOTAL (for page 2) 
TAXPAYER: Add totals from cost columns                                           ASSESSOR: Add True Cash Value totals 
of Sections A-F (A1-F1).  Enter grand total                                      from Sections A-F (A2-F2).  Enter grand 
here and carry to line 9a, page 1.           $                                   total here and carry to line 9b, page 1.     $

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632, Page 3                                                  Parcel No. 
SECTION G - Other Assessable Personal Property Which You Own 
Assessable Tangible Personal Property in your possession that is not entitled to depreciation under Generally Accepted Accounting
Principals (GAAP) (e.g.  fine art) or that  the assessor has told you  to report in this Section  or that is otherwise  described in the 
instructions should be reported under this section. Any Personal Property reported in this Section should NOT be reported elsewhere on 
Form 632 (L-4175). See instructions. Attach additional sheets, if necessary. 
                                                                                                       Acquisition Acquisition     True Cash Value 
                                     Description of Property                                           Cost New            Year    Assessor's Calculations 

                                                             Total Acquisition Cost New          G1                                G2 

SECTION H - Standard Tooling 
You must  report your standard  tooling in this  Section. Complete both               Acquisition              Acquisition            GAAP 
                                                                                                 Year          Cost New            Net Book Value 
columns. Notice that GAAP net book value, as reported in this Section, 
must implement accounting "changes in estimate", even if not otherwise 
material. Any Personal Property reported in this Section should         NOT be                   2021 
reported elsewhere on Form 632 (L-4175). See Instructions.                                       2020 

                                                                           Total Acquisition Cost      H1                        H2
SECTION I - Qualified Personal Property 
INCLUDE ONLY  "Qualified Personal Property"  as defined by Michigan        Compiled Laws  211.8a(6)(c). See instructions.  If necessary, 
attach  extra schedules using the same format indicated below. Any  Personal Property reported in this Section should NOT be reported 
elsewhere on Form 632 (L-4175). 
   Description of Equipment               Owner Name and     Original Cost Date of    Lease Term       Year of Total Average     % TCV to be Completed
and Model or Serial Number      Complete Mailing Address     Installed     Installation  In Months  Manufacture  Monthly Rental       by Assessor 

                            Total Installed Cost         I1                                                                        I2 

SECTION J - Leased Property in Your Possession Which Is Not Qualified Personal Property 
Property you are leasing from another person or entity  should be reported under this Section. "Qualified" Personal Property should be 
reported under Section l. See instructions. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Any Personal Property reported in this Section should 
NOT be reported elsewhere on Form 632 (L-4175). 
                                                                                      Lease Term       Monthly     1st Year      Selling Price New
Lease No.            Name & Address of Lessor                Description of Equipment (in months)      Rental      in Service    (estimate, if necessary) 

                                                                                                 Total Selling Price New  J1 

SECTION K - Other Personal Property in Your Possession Which You Do Not Own 
Property not owned by you but in your possession on December 31, 2022, under arrangements other than a lease agreement should 
be reported under this Section. See instructions. Any Personal Property reported in this Section should NOT be reported elsewhere on 
Form 632 (L-4175). Attach additional sheets if necessary. 
                                                                                                               Age (estimate if  Selling Price New
             Name & Address of Owner                                    Description of Equipment               necessary)        (estimate, if necessary) 

                                                                                                 Total Selling Price New  K1 

COST GRAND TOTAL (for page 3)                                              TRUE CASH VALUE GRAND TOTAL (for page 3) 
TAXPAYER:    Add Total Costs and 
Selling Prices  from Sections G-K                                          ASSESSOR: Add True Cash Value totals 
                                                                           from Sections G-I (G2-I2).  Enter grand 
(G1-K1). Enter grand total here and carry $                                total here and carry to line 10b, page 1.            $
to line 10a, page 1. 

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632, Page 4 
SECTION L - Detail of Leases (This Section is Completed by Leasing Companies) 
Equipment that you lease to others should be reported under this Section. Note: You must also complete Sections A - F on Page 2. See instructions. 
You may use attachments in lieu of completing this Section only if the attachments use the same format and contain all the information as indicated 
below, and the Tables on Page 2 are completed. If you are leasing Eligible Manufacturing Personal Property (EMPP) to another company, you 
must report it in this section unless an election has been made, using Form 5467, that it be reported on the lessee's Form 5278. See the
detailed notice at the beginning of the Instructions, at the top of the first column, Page 6. Attach additional sheets, if necessary. 
Are you a manufacturer of equipment?               Yes     No 
                                                   Location of         Type of         Lease        Monthly       1st Year        Manufacturer Original
Lease No.      Name & Address of Lessee            Equipment           Equipment       Period (Mo.) Rental        in Service      Cost         Selling Price 

                                                                                                    Total Original Selling Price 
SECTION M - Leasehold Improvements 
All Leasehold Improvements (LHI) made at your  place of business should be reported under this Section, even if you believe that the improvements are 
not subject to assessment as Personal Property. Report trade fixtures, foundation costs and equipment installation costs, including wiring and utility 
connections in the appropriate Section A through F, on Page 2, not as LHI. See instructions. To prevent a duplicate assessment, provide as much detail 
as possible. You may  attach additional explanations and/or copies of "fixed asset" records, if the attachment provides ALL of the information requested 
below and if you insert the total original cost in "Total Cost Incurred" below. Personal Property reported here should NOT be reported elsewhere on Form 
632 (L-4175). Assessor: Do NOT assess 2016 or later installations as personal property except where the lease is pre-1984. 
NOTICE: The State Tax Commission has directed that all leasehold improvement installations in 2016 or later must be valued as improvements to 
the leased real property. Report all 2016 -2022 leasehold improvements in the section immediately below. 
                                                                                                                       STC        True Cash Value 
Year Installed                       Description (Describe in detail)                               Original Cost      Multiplier  Assessor's Calculation 

SECTION N - Buildings and Other Structures on Leased or Public Land and All Freestanding Signs and Billboards 
Costs of Freestanding Communications Towers and Equipment Buildings at Tower sites (unless reported on Form 4452), and Costs of Freestanding 
Signs and Billboards must also be reported under this Section. Any Personal Property  reported in this Section should NOT be reported elsewhere on 
Form 632 (L-4175). Attach additional sheets, if necessary. 
Check this box if you believe that these structures are already assessed as part of the real property. 
                                                                       Year Originally        Total Capitalized                   True Cash Value 
               Address or Location of Building                         Built                        Cost                          Assessor's Calculation * 

                                                           Total Capitalized Cost  N1                                     N2 

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632, Page 5 
SECTION O - Rental Information.                See Instructions. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary.) 
Name and address of landlord __________________________________________________________________________________ 
Is your landlord the owner of the property?      Yes    No  If you are a sublessee, enter the name and address of the owner 
of the property _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 
Name and address of tenant ___________________________________________________________________________________ 
Are you the owner of the property?               Yes    No  If you are a sublessor, enter the name and address of the owner of 
the property ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 
Address of property rented or leased  ____________________________________________________________________________ 
Date that current rental arrangement began:_________.  Square feet occupied:_________  Monthly rental $____________________ 
Date current lease expires:________________.  Are there options to renew the lease?  Yes                   No 
Expenses (e.g. taxes, electric, gas, etc.) paid by the tenant ___________________________________________________________ 
                                                                                                              Assessor Value 

COST GRAND TOTAL (for page 4)                           TRUE CASH VALUE GRAND TOTAL (for page 4) 
TAXPAYER: Add Total Cost Incurred from 
Section M and Total Capitalized Cost from               ASSESSOR: Add True Cash Value totals 
Section N  (M1 and  N1). Enter  grand total             from Sections M-O (M2-O2).  Enter grand 
here and carry to line 11a, page 1.            $        total here and carry to line 11b, page 1.             $ 
* NOTE TO ASSESSOR: Certain buildings and structures on leased land (but not including freestanding signs and billboards) must be assessed on the
   real property roll. See Bulletin 1 of 2003. 

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632, Page 6

   Instructions for Completing Form 632 (L-4175), 2023 Personal Property Statement
NOTICE:    Do  NOT  report  Eligible  Manufacturing  Personal         a fine not less than $100, nor more than $1,000; or both fine and 
Property (EMPP), as defined in MCL 211.9m and MCL 211.9n,             imprisonment at the discretion of the court. See MCL 211.21.
using this form. Instead, use the Eligible Manufacturing Personal     CAUTION:  Read these instructions carefully before completing 
Property Tax Exemption Claim and Report of Fair Market Value          the form. Complete all Sections. Because this form has been 
of  Qualified  New  and  Previously  Existing  Personal  Property     coded,  it  is  imperative  that  it  be  returned  to  assure  proper 
(Combined Document),  Form  5278.  For  a  full  definition  of       processing.  If  all  of  the  personal  property  formerly  in  your 
EMPP, see the instructions on Form 5278. Generally, personal          possession has been removed from this assessing unit before 
property is EMPP if the predominant use of all personal property      December 31, 2022, you must notify the assessor at once in 
on an occupied real parcel is predominantly used for industrial       order  to  change  the  records  accordingly. This  statement  is 
processing  or  direct  integrated  support.  Form  5278  must  be    subject to audit by the State Tax Commission, the Equalization 
fully completed and delivered to the assessor of the local unit       Department or the Assessor. Failure to file this form by its 
in which the personal property is located no later than February      due date will jeopardize your right to file an MCL 211.154 
21, 2023. Delivery by the United States Postal Service is timely      appeal with the State Tax Commission. You are advised to 
if postmarked on or before February 21, 2023. Late application        make a copy of the completed statement for your records. This 
may be filed directly with the March Board of Review before its       form must be filed in the city or township where the personal 
final adjournment by submitting a fully completed Form 5278.          property is located on December 31, 2022. Do not file this form 
Form 5278 can be accessed at www.michigan.gov/esa. A lessor           with the State Tax Commission unless you have been specifically 
of personal property is not eligible to file Form 5278 under any      instructed to do so by the Commission’s staff.
circumstance and must report EMPP on this form.  However, the         Although you must complete all Sections of this form, you are 
lessor and lessee may elect to have the lessee report the leased      not required to file pages that do not contain any reported cost. 
property by executing the Election of Lessee Report of Eligible       You must, however, insert a zero entry in the appropriate line(s) 
Manufacturing Personal Property, Form 5467, and the lessee            10, 11 and/or 12 of the “Summary and Certification” on page 1 to 
including the Form 5467 when filing Form 5278.                        indicate that you have no costs to report for that page; you must 
NOTICE: If the true cash value of assessable personal property        complete and file Section O if you are a landlord, a lessee or a 
that you or a related party own, lease, or possess in this            sublessee. In completing this form, you may not use attachments 
(“city”  or  “township”)  is  under  $80,000,  you  may  be  eligible in lieu of completing a Section, unless the instructions specifically 
for  an  exemption  for  2023  by  filing  Form  5076  by  February   authorize the use of attachments for completing the Section.
21, 2023, or by an application thereafter directly to the March                             This form must be signed at the 
                                                                      FACSIMILE SIGNATURES:
Board of Review. IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE FOR THE SMALL                    bottom of page 1. A facsimile signature may be used (P.A. 267 
BUSINESS TAXPAYER EXEMPTION (MCL 211.9o), timely file                 of 2002), provided that the person using the facsimile signature 
for the exemption using Form 5076, and if the true cash value         has filed with the Property Services Division of the Department 
of the assessable personal property you or a related party own,       of Treasury a signed declaration, under oath, using Form 3980. 
lease or possess in this local assessing unit is less than $80,000,   A facsimile signature is a copy or a reproduction of an original 
you do not have to complete this personal property statement.         signature.
For personal property valued at $80,000 or more but less than 
$180,000, Small Business Taxpayer exemption claimants must            GENERAL EXPLANATION: The Michigan Constitution provides 
                                                                      for the assessment of all real and tangible personal property 
file Form 5076 and Form 632 Personal Property Statement with 
                                                                      not exempted by law. Tangible personal property is defined as 
the local unit (City or Township) where the personal property 
                                                                      tangible property that is not real estate. Form 632 (L-4175) is used 
is  located  no  later  than  by  February  21,  2023  (postmark  is 
                                                                      for the purpose of obtaining a statement of assessable personal 
acceptable). Late filed forms may be filed directly with the local 
                                                                      property  for  use  in  making  a  personal  property  assessment. 
unit March Board of Review prior to the closure of the March 
                                                                      Michigan law provides that the assessor must send Form 632 
Board of Review. Form 5076 and instructions can be accessed 
                                                                      (L -4175) to any person or entity that may possess assessable 
at www.michigan.gov/taxes or from the assessor.
                                                                      personal property. Michigan law also provides that a person or 
NOTICE:  Public Act  46  of  2022,  MCL  211.9p,  provides  an        entity receiving Form 632 (L-4175) must complete it and return 
exemption for certain qualified heavy equipment rental personal       it to the assessor by the statutory due date, even if they have no 
property. The exemption is not mandatory and may be claimed           assessable property to report. If you had assessable personal 
at the option of the qualified renter by annually filing Form 5819    property in your possession on December 31, 2022, you must 
and a statement of all qualified rental personal property located     submit a completed Form 632 (L-4175) to the assessor of the 
at and/or rented from the qualified renter business location. The     community where the property is located by the statutory due 
statement must provide the addresses of the qualified renter          date, even if the assessor does not send you a form to complete.
and must identify each item of qualified heavy equipment rental 
personal property located at and/or rented from the qualified 
renter business location. Form 5819 and accompanying separate         COMPLETION OF FORM 632 (L-4175)
statement are to be filed with the assessor of the local unit where   PAGE 1 — STATISTICAL INFORMATION:
the qualified renter business is located by February 20 (postmark     FROM: Insert name and address of the assessor if you are using a 
is  acceptable)  each  year.  If  the  form  and  statement  are  not form not provided by the assessor. Often this form must be filed at 
delivered to the assessor by February 20, a late application can      an address different than the assessor’s mailing address for other 
be filed directly with the March Board of Review.                     purposes. It is your responsibility to assure that this form is sent to 
This form is issued under authority of the General Property Tax       the correct address. If you are unsure of the mailing address, call 
Act. Filing is mandatory. Failure to file may result in imprisonment  your local assessor or county equalization department.
for a period not less than thirty days, nor more than six months;     TO: If you are not using a preprinted form, insert your name and 

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632, Page 7
address. Use the address at which you wish to receive future             pursuant to MCL 211.9b. If you are excluding “special tools” from 
forms and tax billings. If your form is preprinted with an incorrect     your statement, you must check “Yes” and insert the amount 
address, line out the incorrect portions and insert the corrections.     of  original  cost  excluded.  “Special  tool”  means  a  finished  or 
Parcel No.: Unless this is an initial filing, you have already been      unfinished device such as a die, jig, fixture, mold, pattern, special 
assigned a parcel number. If you are using a form not provided           gauge,  or  similar  device,  that  is  used,  or  is  being  prepared 
by  the  assessor,  you  must  insert  the  correct  parcel  number.     for  use,  to  manufacture  a  product  and  that  cannot  be  used 
Failure to insert your parcel number may result in a duplicate           to manufacture another product without substantial modification 
assessment.                                                              of the device. As used herein, a “product” can be a part, a special 
Preparer’s  Name  and Address:  Insert  the  name,  address,             tool, a component, a subassembly or completed goods. “Special 
telephone number and e-mail address of the person who has                tools” do not include devices that differ in character from dies, 
prepared this statement.                                                 jigs, fixtures, molds, patterns, or special gauges. Machinery or 
                                                                         equipment, even if customized, and even if used in conjunction 
(Check One): Check the appropriate box indicating the form 
                                                                         with special tools is not a “special tool.” A die, jig, fixture, mold, 
of  legal  organization  used  by  the  taxpayer  in  conducting 
                                                                         pattern, gauge, or similar tool that is not a “special tool” is a 
its  business.  If  the  taxpayer  is  organized  as  a  corporation 
                                                                         “standard tool” and must be reported in Section H. Machinery or 
or  a  limited  liability  company,  insert  the  Michigan  corporate 
                                                                         equipment, even if specialized, and even if used in conjunction 
identification  number  of  the  business  or,  if  not  authorized  to 
                                                                         with special tools or standard tools is not reported in Section 
do business in Michigan, the name of the state in which it is 
                                                                         H and must, instead, be reported in Section B. Only industrial 
                                                                         tools in the nature of dies, jigs, fixtures, molds, patterns and 
Location(s) of Personal Property: List the street addresses of           special gauges can qualify for this exemption. Personal property 
all locations that are being reported on this statement. Locations       not directly used to carry out a manufacturing process is not a 
in  different  school  districts  or  lying  within  the  boundaries  of “special tool.” Dies, jigs, fixtures, molds, patterns, special gauges, 
designated authorities or districts must be reported separately.         or similar devices that are not “special tools” should be reported 
All personal property at a given location in the same authority or       at full acquisition cost new under Section H of this form.
district must be reported under one account, unless the assessor 
has directed otherwise. You must file a separate statement for           Page 1, Line 2: Air and water pollution control facilities and/
                                                                         or  wind  or  water  energy  conversion  devices  may  qualify  for 
property on which the tax is abated pursuant to P.A. 198 of 1974 
                                                                         exemption from taxation, only if an exemption certificate has been 
(I.F.T.) or P.A. 328 of 1998 (certain new personal property).
                                                                         issued by the State Tax Commission on or before December 31, 
Date of Organization:  Insert  the  date  that  the  taxpayer’s          2022. If you claim such an exemption, check “Yes” and attach 
business was first organized or commenced.                               an itemized listing of the certificate numbers, dates of issuance 
Date Business Began at Above Location: Insert the date that              and amounts.
the taxpayer first commenced business at a location reported on                       You must file a completed Form 632 (L-4175) 
                                                                         Page 1, Line 3:
this statement.                                                          with the assessor of every Michigan assessment jurisdiction in 
Square Feet Occupied: Insert the number of square feet of                which you had assessable personal property on December 31, 
space occupied by the taxpayer at the location(s) reported.              2022. If you have fulfilled this obligation, check “Yes.” If you have 
Assumed Names:  State  any  assumed  names  used  by  the                not filed in every required jurisdiction, attach an explanation. 
taxpayer in conducting its business at the location(s) reported.         You are required to report all tangible personal property in your 
Names of Owner(s) or Partners:  If  the  taxpayer  is  a  sole           possession in this location even if the property has been fully 
proprietorship or a partnership, list the name(s) of the proprietor      expensed or depreciated for federal income tax or financial 
or partners.                                                             accounting purposes. If you answer “No,” attach a detailed 
If Sole Proprietorship, Taxpayer’s Residential Address: Insert           explanation.
sole proprietor’s actual residence address. Do not use mailing           Page 1, Line 4: The purpose of this question is to determine 
address, if different than residence address.                            whether  you  are  a  party  to  a  contract  relative  to  personal 
Legal  Name  of  Taxpayer:  Insert  the  taxpayer’s  exact  legal        property located in this jurisdiction on December 31, 2022, that 
name.                                                                    you have not reported on this statement, perhaps because of 
Address Where Personal Property Records Are Kept: Insert                 your belief that another party to the contract is the proper party 
                                                                         to report. This includes situations where you believe you hold 
the address where the records used to complete this statement 
are kept. Only insert the address of an agent if that agent has          only a security interest in personal property, in spite of the fact 
                                                                         that the contract is labeled a “lease.” If you answered “yes” to 
actual possession of all documents necessary to conduct an 
                                                                         this question, attach a rider that includes the name(s) of the 
                                                                         interest holder(s), the nature of your interest, a description of 
Name of Person in Charge of Records: Insert the name of the              the equipment, the year the equipment was originally placed in 
person at the address where the records are kept who has actual          service, its original selling price when new and the address where 
control of the documents necessary to conduct an audit.                  the property was located on December 31, 2022. “Conditional 
Telephone Number: Insert the telephone number of the person              sale” leased equipment must be reported by the lessor.
having charge of the records used for filing.                            Page 1, Line 5: Check “Yes” if you are a lessor (landlord), a 
Description  of  Taxpayer’s  Business  activity:  Insert  a              lessee (tenant) or a sublessee (subtenant) in a rental contract 
descriptive  phrase  indicating  the  nature  of  the  taxpayer’s        relating  to  the  real  property  at  this  location.  MCL  211.8(i) 
business activity and NAICS Code.                                        provides that, under some circumstances, the value, if any, of 
                                                                         a sub-leasehold estate shall be assessed to the lessee. If you 
PAGE 1 — SUMMARY AND CERTIFICATION:                                      check  “Yes,”  complete  Section  O. Your  rental  arrangement 
Page 1, Line 1: “Special Tools”  are  exempt  from  taxation,            will be analyzed by the assessor. If you check “Yes” and have 
                                                                         made leasehold improvements to the real estate, you must also 

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632, Page 8
complete Section M. Your completion of Sections M and O will            rebuilding firm on December 31, 2022, OR is being disposed of 
not necessarily result in an increased assessment.                      by means of an advertised sale because it has been declared 
Page 1, Line 6: The valuation multipliers contained in Sections A       as surplus by an owner who has abandoned a process or plant. 
through F on page 2 are intended to be applied to the acquisition       Property  that  is  part  of  a  process  that  has  been  temporarily 
cost  of  new,  not  used,  personal  property.  If  the  acquisition   suspended  from  operation  or  which  is  being  offered  for  sale 
cost  new  of  an  asset  is  known  to  you  or  can  be  reasonably   with the expectation that the process will be continued at the 
ascertained through investigation, you must report that cost in         same location, does not qualify for idle or obsolete and surplus 
the year it was new when you complete Sections A through F,             reporting treatment. Only property which would otherwise be 
even if you have adjusted the cost in your accounting records to        reported in Sections A through F on Page 2 of Form 632 (L-
reflect revaluation of the asset using a “purchase,” “fresh start,”     4175) qualifies to be reported as idle or obsolete and surplus 
“push-down” or similar accounting methodology, or even if your          equipment. For more information, see instructions to Form 2698. 
booked cost reflects a “used” purchase, lease “buy-out” price or        Do not include these assets elsewhere on this form.
a “trade-in” credit. If you were unable to report the acquisition       Page 1, Line 13: Report the total cost incurred for Construction 
cost new for one or more of your assets, you should check “Yes”         in Progress, as calculated on an accrual basis, based on the 
and attach a list of all such assets. On the list, provide a detailed   extent  of  physical  presence  of  the  Construction  in  Progress 
description of each asset, the year or approximate year that the        in  the  assessment  jurisdiction.  Construction  in  Progress 
asset was new, and the Section, the amount and acquisition year         is  property  of  a  personal  property  nature  that  has  never 
at which you have reported the asset. You must also provide a           been  in  service  and  was  in  the  process  of  being  installed 
written explanation of the reason(s) that the original acquisition      on  December  31,  2022.  Do  not  report  partially  constructed 
cost information is not available.                                      electric  generating  facilities  as  Construction  in  Progress.  
Page 1, Line 7: “Daily rental property” is tangible personal            Such facilities must be reported on the Real Property Statement 
property, having a cost new of $10,000 or less, that is exclusively     (Form 3991 - Gas Turbine and Diesel; Form 4070 - Hydroelectric; 
offered  for  rental,  pursuant  to  a  written  agreement,  on  an     Form 4094 - Steam). 
hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis for a term of 6 months           Page 1, Line 14: If you had cable television or utility assets 
or less (including all permitted or required extensions). If you        on December 31, 2022, complete and file Form 3589,          Cable 
acquired the property “used” you must determine the cost new            Television and Utility Personal Property Report, or Form 633, 
for purposes of determining whether the property qualifies for          Electric Distribution Cooperative Personal Property Statement, 
“daily rental property” treatment. If you believe that you have         and carry the Total Original Cost from Form 3589 or Form 633 
such property, see Form 3595, Itemized Listing of Daily Rental          to line 15a. See the instructions to Form 3589. If  you had wind 
Property,  for  additional  information.  If  you  qualify,  you  must  energy system assets as defined in MCL 211.8(i), on December 
complete Form 3595 and comply with the requirements set forth           31, 2022, complete Form 4565, Wind Energy System Personal 
therein.                                                                Property Report, and carry the total original cost from Form 4565 
Page 1, Line 8: This question requires you to disclose other            to line 14a. See the instructions to Form 4565. If you had solar 
businesses that share space with you at the location(s) of your         energy system assets on December 31, 2022, complete Form 
business. If you answer “Yes” attach a list of all other businesses     5762 Solar Energy System Report and carry the total original cost 
operating at your location(s). If you are located in a shopping         from Form 5762 to line 14a. See the instructions for Form 5762.
center, office building or other multi-tenant facility, you are not     Page 1, Line 15: If you had cellular (wireless) site assets on 
required to list businesses having a different legal address.           December  31,  2022,  complete  and  file  Form  4452,  Cellular 
Page 1, Line 9: Complete Sections A through F, page 2, and add          (Wireless) Site Equipment Personal Property Report, and carry 
the totals from Sections A through F to arrive at a Cost Grand          the Total Original Cost from Form 4452 to line 15a. See the 
Total. Insert the Cost Grand Total in the box indicated at the          instructions to Form 4452. 
bottom of page 2 and carry that amount to page 1, line 9a. 
Page 1, Line 10: Complete Sections G through K, page 3, and             PAGE 2 — GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SECTIONS A 
add the totals from Sections G through K to arrive at a Cost            THROUGH F:
Grand Total. Insert the Cost Grand Total in the box indicated at        You must report in these Sections the full acquisition cost new, in 
the bottom of page 3 and carry the amount to page 1, line 10a.          the year of its acquisition new, of all machinery and equipment, 
                                                                        computer equipment, furniture and fixtures, signs, coin operated 
Page 1, Line 11: Complete Sections L through O, page 4, and 
                                                                        equipment,  office  equipment,  electronic,  video  and  testing 
add the totals from Sections M and N to arrive at a Cost Grand 
                                                                        equipment, rental video tapes and games and other tangible 
Total, as directed by the instruction at the bottom of the page. 
                                                                        personal property owned by you and located in this assessment 
Insert the Cost Grand Total in the box indicated at the bottom of 
page 4 and carry the amount to page 1, line 11a.                                      even if you have fully depreciated the asset or 
                                                                        have expensed the asset under Section 179 of the Internal 
Page 1, Line 12:  If  you  had  assets  that  qualified  as  “idle 
                                                                        Revenue Code or under your accounting policies. All costs 
equipment” or as “obsolete or surplus equipment” on December 
                                                                        reported must include freight, sales tax and installation 
31,  2022,  complete  Form  2698,  Idle  Equipment,  Obsolete           costs, even in cases where the cost was actually incurred by 
Equipment and Surplus Equipment Report, and carry the Total             another. Imputed sales tax, freight and installation costs must 
Original Cost from Form 2698 to line 12a.                               be reported by equipment leasing companies in cases where 
“Idle  equipment”  is  equipment  that  is  part  of  a  discontinued   the lessee has paid or will pay such costs, or will provide the 
process and that has been disconnected and is stored in a               equivalent benefit in kind. Sales/Use tax must be imputed and 
separate location. Assets are not  “idle” if they are present as        reported by equipment leasing companies in cases where the 
standby equipment, are used intermittently or are used on a             lessee is paying sales or use tax on installment lease payments. 
seasonal basis. “Obsolete or surplus equipment” is equipment            The costs reported must include all costs (except capitalized 
that  either  requires  rebuilding  and  is  in  the  possession  of  a interest)  that  would  be  capitalized  by  an  end-user/owner  of 

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632, Page 9
the property under generally accepted accounting principles,         exempt. Special mobile equipment, as defined by MCL 257.62, 
including  overheads  and  “indirect  costs”  associated  with  the  and  nonregistered  motor  vehicles  are  assessable.  Computer 
process  of  constructing,  acquiring  or  making  the  property     software, if the purchase was evidenced by a separate invoice 
available for use. Capitalized expenditures made to a piece of       amount, and asset number, and if the software is commonly 
machinery or equipment after the initial acquisition year must be    sold separately, is exempt.
reported in the year the expenditure is booked as a fixed asset.     If you have had “Move Ins” of used property during calendar year 
These costs must be reported the same as they are shown on           2022, you must complete Form 3966, in addition to completing 
your  financial  accounting  fixed  asset  records,  assuming  that  Form 632 (L-4175). You can obtain Form 3966 from the Michigan 
you  account  using  generally  accepted  accounting  principles.    Department of Treasury Web Site at www.michigan.gov/taxes 
You  must  also  report  in  these  Sections  any  other  tangible   or from your local assessor. “Move-Ins” are items of assessable 
personal property in your possession or under your control in this   personal property that were not assessed in this city or township 
jurisdiction that is not reported under Sections G through N. If you in  2022,  including:  acquisitions  of  previously  used  personal 
purchased an asset used, and do not know and cannot ascertain        property (which should be reported in the year it was new and 
the acquisition cost new, attach the list and explanation required   at the cost when new); used personal property you have moved 
by the Page 1, Line 6 instructions. The acquisition costs for the    in from outside this city or township; personal property that was 
assets reported under each Section must be totaled for each          exempt in 2022 (such as exempt industrial facilities tax property); 
acquisition year. Place the yearly total on the line of the Section  and personal property that you mistakenly omitted from your 
corresponding to the year that the property was acquired. You        statement in 2022. “Move-Ins” do not include property moved 
must report the original acquisition cost, not your estimation       from another location within this city or township or assessed 
of the value of the property. Equipment not fully installed on       to another taxpayer within this city or township in 2022 (i.e. 
December 31, 2022, should be reported on      Page 1, Line 13        property  reported  by  a  previous  owner  or  previously  leased 
and should not be reported in these Sections. Property that was      property reported by the lessor to this city or township last year). 
reported as construction in progress last  year but which was        All “Move-Ins” must be reported in the appropriate Section of 
placed in service on or before December 31, 2022, should be          Form 632 (L-4175), in addition to being reported on Form 3966. 
entirely reported on the 2022 acquisition line of the appropriate    Do not report 2022 acquisitions of new property on Form 3966.
table, not the 2021 line. Similarly, the cost of all assets must be 
                                                                     You  must  report  the  cost  of  business  trade  fixtures  in  the 
reported as acquired in the year that they were placed in service, 
                                                                     appropriate Section, A through F, rather than in Section M where 
rather than the year of purchase, if those years differ.
                                                                     you report leasehold improvements. You must also report the 
Leased assets and “daily rental property” must be reported by        costs of installing personal property in the appropriate Section, A 
the Owner on Sections A through H in the same manner as other        through F. Trade fixtures and installation costs of machinery and 
property, using a cost which represents the price that would be      equipment must not be reported in Section M, even if you have 
paid by an end-user to acquire ownership of the property if it       booked them as leasehold improvements for financial accounting 
were to purchase rather than lease or rent. An itemized listing of   purposes. Trade fixtures are items of property that have been 
the property must also be made in Section L (for leased assets)      attached to real estate by a tenant to facilitate the tenant’s use of 
or pursuant to the requirements of the instructions for Page 1,      the property for business purposes and which are both capable of 
Line 7 (for daily rental assets). Lessors do not report Eligible     being removed and are removable by the tenant under the terms 
Manufacturing Personal Property (EMPP), which may be reported        of the lease. Examples of trade fixtures are certain costs related 
by the lessee on Form 5278 if the lessor and lessee make the         to telephone and security systems and most signs. Examples 
election and include Form 5467 when filing Form 5278.                of installation costs are the costs of machine foundations and 
All leased and daily rental assets must be reported by, and must     electric, water, gas and pneumatic connections for individual 
be assessed to, the owner (the lessor or daily rental company),      manufacturing machines.
in spite of any agreement to the contrary between the parties to     The costs of an electrical generating facility, including the costs 
the lease or rental agreement, unless the property is EMPP, is       of  all  attached  equipment  that  is  integrated  as  a  component 
“qualified personal property” or is owned by a bank. Leased and      in accomplishing the generating process, such as boilers, gas 
rental property must be reported at selling price new, even if the   turbines  and  generators,  are  not  reported  on  this  form. An 
owner is the manufacturer of the asset or acquired the asset in      exception is a small, movable generating unit that has a fixed 
the wholesale market for an amount less than the price that the      undercarriage  designed  to  allow  easy  movement  of  the  unit 
end-user would have incurred to purchase the asset. If the asset     from place to place to provide temporary electric power. Other 
is of a type that it is never sold to an end-user or if you have     exceptions  are  wind  energy  systems  and  solar  farms.  See 
constructed the asset for your own use, report the price at which    instructions to Page 1, Line 14.
the asset would sell if a market sale did occur. See STC Bulletin    The costs associated with a generating facility that does not have 
8 of 2007.                                                           a fixed undercarriage must be reported to the assessor on the 
The cost reported in each of the Sections of this form and on the    appropriate Real Property Statement (Form 3991 - Gas Turbine 
forms used with this form should include the full invoiced cost,     and Diesel; Form 4070 - Hydroelectric; Form 4094 - Steam). 
without deduction for the value of certain inducements such as       The costs associated with small, movable electrical generation 
service agreements and warranties when these inducements are         units that have a fixed undercarriage and the costs associated 
regularly provided without additional charge.                        with other unattached, movable machinery and equipment used 
Inventory  is  exempt  from  assessment.  Inventory  does  not       at generating facilities, such as front loaders, forklifts, etc. are 
include personal property under lease or principally intended        reported in Section B of this form.
for  lease  or  rental,  rather  than  sale.  Property  allowed  a   A  summary  of  the  items  that  should  be  reported  in  each 
cost  recovery  allowance  or  depreciation  under  the  Internal    Section is contained in STC Bulletin 12 of 1999, its later annual 
Revenue Code is not inventory. Motor vehicles registered with        supplement(s) and in these instructions. These bulletins, along 
the  Michigan  Secretary  of  State  on  December  31,  2022  are    with forms and other bulletins can be accessed via our Web 

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632, Page 10
site at www.michigan.gov/taxes.  MCL  211.19  requires  that            video  equipment  [used  for  receiving,  transmitting,  recording, 
you  complete  this  form  in  accordance  with  the  directions  on    producing and broadcasting], amplifiers, CD, cassette and disc 
the form and in these instructions. You may, however, attach            players, speakers, cable television local origination equipment, 
supplementary material for the assessor to consider in making his       electronic scales, surveillance equipment, electronic diagnostic 
or her valuation decisions. If you have questions regarding proper      and testing equipment (for automotive shops, medical offices, 
categorization of property, contact the State Tax Commission for        hospitals and dental offices), ophthalmology testing equipment, 
clarification.                                                          satellite dishes, video-screen arcade games, electronic testing 
Completion of Section A, Page 2: The assets to be reported              equipment, electronic laboratory equipment, cellular telephones, 
in this Section include decorations, seating, furniture (for offices,   medical  laser  equipment,  reverse  osmosis  and  hemodialysis 
apartments, restaurants, stores and gaming establishments),             systems, movable dynamometer, spectrum analyzer, security 
shelving and racks, animal cages and tanks, lockers, modular            systems, 2-way and mobile land radio equipment, pay-per-view 
office components, cabinets, counters, rent-to-own furnishings,         systems, wooden and plastic pallets and shipping containers, 
medical exam room furnishings, therapeutic medical beds and             rental musical instruments and distributive control systems (see 
bedding, bookcases, displays, mobile office trailers, special use       STC Bulletin 3 of 2000). Office machines which are not capable 
sinks (such as those found in medical offices, beauty shops and         of  being  integrated  into  a  local  area  or  wide  area  computer 
restaurants), tables, nonelectronic recreational equipment, filing      network, office machines that are only capable of being used as 
systems, slat walls, non-freestanding signs, window treatments,         a facsimile transmitting/receiving machine and/or as a copier, 
uniforms and linens, cooking, baking and eating implements,             and office machines that are multifunctional but are not capable 
shopping carts, booths and bars. Other assets may be included           of being used as a computer peripheral, are reported in this 
at a later time.                                                        Section. A copier is a freestanding or desktop piece of office 
                                                                        equipment, which is most commonly used in an office setting, 
Completion of Section B, Page 2: The assets to be reported 
in  this  Section  include  all  assets  that  are  not  designated     and which is primarily designed to print, or to make copies of 
for  disclosure  in  another  Section.  Specifically,  such  assets     short-run text material produced in that office. Copiers generally 
include  the  following  types  of  machinery  and  equipment:  air     use commercially available 81/2” by 11” bond or copy paper and 
compressors,  airport  ground,  non-coin  operated  amusement           produce duplicate originals of text documents in such a way that 
rides and devices, auto repair & maintenance, beauty and barber         the use of carbon paper or other duplicating processes can be 
shop, boiler, furnace, bottling & canning, crane and hoist, car         avoided. Printing presses are not copiers and must be reported 
wash, chemical processing, construction, unlicensed vehicular,          in Section B of this form even if the operation of the printing press 
conveyor, non-coin operated dry cleaning and laundry, air makeup        is regulated or controlled digitally, is controlled by a computer, 
and  exhaust  systems,  manufacturing  and  fabricating,  food          or is automated. A printing press is a device designed primarily 
processing, gym & exercise, heat treating, landscaping, sawmill,        to produce commercial runs of printed material, such as books, 
incinerators, maintenance and janitorial, nonelectronic medical         pamphlets,  forms,  magazines,  newspapers,  or  advertising 
and dental and laboratory and veterinary equipment, mining and          circulars,  for  commercial  sale,  regardless  of  the  technology 
quarrying, mortuary & cemetery, painting, hydrocarbon refining          employed in such production and regardless of the type of paper 
and production and distribution, plastics, pottery & ceramics,          which  is  used. The  definition  of  a  printing  press  specifically 
printing and newspaper, rubber manufacturing, scales, ski lifts,        includes any machine that employs an offset or other non-impact 
smelting, stone & clay processing, supermarket, textile, tanning,       printing process, if the machine otherwise meets the definition of 
vehicle mounted, waste containers, wire product manufacturing,          a printing press. Cellular site equipment, specifically including 
woodworking,  automated  tellers  (ATM),  computer  controlled          communication towers and land improvements must be reported 
lighting,  CNC  controlled  manufacturing,  theater  equipment,         on Form 4452, rather than in this Section. If you are not required 
                                                                        to  report  communication  tower  and  land  improvement  costs 
restaurant  food  preparation  and  dispensing  and  storing  and 
serving equipment, soft drink fountains, coin counters, beverage        on Form 4452, you must report such costs in Section N of this 
container  return  machines,  storage  tanks,  hand  tools  of          form. See the instructions for Form 4452. Other assets may be 
mechanics and trades, nonregistered motor vehicles, freestanding        included at a later time. 
and other safes not assessed as real property, oil and gas field        Completion of Section E, Page 2: The assets to be reported 
equipment  and  gathering  lines  prior  to  commingling  product       in this Section include consumer coin-operated equipment such 
with  other  wells  (other  lines  are  reported  in  Section  J,  Form as bill & change machines, juke boxes, pin ball machines, coin-
3589), portable toilets, metal shipping pallets and containers,         operated pool tables and other non-video arcade games, snack 
portable saw mills, LP tanks under 2,000 gallons, fuel dispensing       & beverage machines, other vending machines, news boxes, 
control consoles, computer-controlled printing presses, stereo          laundry equipment, coin operated telephones and slot machines. 
lithography apparatus, forklift trucks, non-coin operated gaming        Other assets may be included at a later time.
apparatus and computerized and mechanical handling equipment,           Completion of Section F, Page 2: The assets to be reported in 
commercial mail sorting operation equipment, pill counters, pram        this Section include assessable software, personal and midrange 
robotics. Other assets may be included at a later time.                 and mainframe computer and peripheral equipment, including 
Completion of Section C, Page 2: Report the acquisition cost            servers,  data  storage  devices,  CPUs,  input  devices  such  as 
new and the year of acquisition of rental videotapes, rental video      scanners and keyboards, output devices such as printers and 
games, rental DVD’s and rental laser disks owned by you at this         plotters, monitors, networking equipment, computerized point 
location. Other assets may be included at a later time.                 of sale terminals, global positioning system equipment, lottery 
Completion of Section D, Page 2: The assets to be reported              ticket terminals, gambling tote equipment, pager instruments, 
in this Section include office machines, non-computerized cash          cable television converters and receivers for home satellite dish 
registers, faxes, mailing and binding equipment, photography            television systems. 
and  developing  equipment,  shredders,  projectors,  telephone         A programmable logic control device for a machine should be 
and  switchboard  systems  (even  if  computerized),  audio  and        reported in Section B with the machine it serves. Office machines 

- 11 -
632, Page 11
which are capable of being integrated into a local area or wide           year and is required to have made a written agreement with you 
area  computer  network  and  office  machines  that  are  single         in which it is specifically agreed that you will report the property 
function, or multifunction, and which are capable of being used           to the assessor as “qualified personal property.” See MCL 211.8a.
as a computer peripheral, including copiers that can be used as           Section J, Page 3:    Report  all  business  machines,  postage 
a computer peripheral, are reported in this Section. Other assets         meters, machinery, equipment, furniture, fixtures, tools, burglar 
may be included at a later time.                                          alarms, signs and advertising devices and other tangible personal 
Cost Grand Total, Page 2: After you have completed Sections A             property that you are renting or leasing from another person or 
through F, add together the totals of cells A1 through F1 to arrive       entity. Provide all of the information requested for each lease. 
at a Cost Grand Total. Insert the Cost Grand Total in the box             You must provide the actual or estimated selling price new of the 
indicated at the bottom of page 2 and carry to page 1, line 10a.          asset so control totals can be generated for use on the Summary 
Section G , Page 3: Report all nonexempt tangible personal                and Certification portion of page 1. MCL 211.13 provides that 
property owned by you at this location that is not entitled to            all tangible personal property shall be assessed to the owner 
depreciation/cost  recovery  under  the  United  States  Internal         thereof,  unless  the  owner  is  not  known. A  personal  property 
                                                                          statement will be sent to the owner. Property reported in this 
Revenue Code or that the assessor has told you to report in this 
Section or that otherwise presents special valuation problems. An         Section should not be reported elsewhere on this form.
example of property not entitled to depreciation/cost recovery is         Section K, Page 3:    Report all machines, meters, machinery, 
fine art. Examples of properties that represent special valuation         equipment, furniture, fixtures, tools, signs and advertising devices 
problems are: locally-assessed copper and fiber optic cable not           that are in your possession but are not owned, leased or rented 
reportable in Section M, frequently supplemented professional             by you. Examples include equipment left with you by vendors, 
books, feature motion picture films, audio and video productions          such as display racks, coolers or fountain equipment, property 
not  sold  to  the  public  at  large,  musical  instruments  used  for   loaned to you by another, property left with you for storage or 
professional performance, LP tanks of 2,000 gallons or more that          rebuilding, consigned equipment not held for resale and assets 
have not been assessed as real property, nuclear fuel and toll            sold but not yet picked up by the purchaser. Provide all of the 
bridge company structures. Provide all requested information. An          information  requested  for  each  asset. You must provide  the 
inspection of the property may be necessary. Property reported            actual or estimated selling price new of the asset so that control 
in this Section should not be reported elsewhere on this form.            totals can be generated for use on the Summary and Certification 
Section H, Page 3: Standard tools, dies, jigs, fixtures, molds,           portion of page 1. MCL 211.13 provides that all tangible personal 
patterns and gauges and other manufacturing requisites of a               property shall be assessed to the owner thereof, unless the 
similar nature (commonly referred to as “tooling”) will be valued         owner is not known. A personal property statement will be sent 
at an amount equal to the net book value of the asset. Report             to the owner.
both Acquisition Cost New and GAAP net book value by year                 Cost Grand Total, Page 3: After you have completed Sections G 
of  acquisition  in  this  Section.  See  the  instructions  for  line  1 through K, add together the totals of cells G1 through K1 to arrive 
for  information  regarding  the  tooling  that  is  assessable.  For     at a Cost Grand Total. Insert the Cost Grand Total in the box 
purposes of personal property reporting, net book value shall be          indicated at the bottom of page 3 and carry to line 11a on page 1.
as determined using generally accepted accounting principles, in          Section L, Page 4: This Section is to be completed by leasing 
a manner consistent with the taxpayer’s established methods of            companies and others who lease personal property to others. In 
depreciation. The net book value for federal income tax purposes          addition to completing this Section, you must complete Sections 
shall not be used for purposes of personal property tax reporting.        A through F and any other Sections that are applicable. You may 
If an accounting change in estimate is indicated relating to a            use attachments rather than completing this Section, but only if 
particular asset, the net book value of that asset, as reported           your attachment provides all the information requested on this 
for personal property assessment purposes, shall be the value             Section and if you insert the total original selling price where 
that would have existed for that asset on December 31, 2022, if           required on the form.
a correct estimate had originally been made. Your obligation to           Section M, Page 4: This Section is to be completed by tenants 
implement the change in estimate for personal property reporting          who  are  renting  or  leasing  real  property. All  improvements 
purposes  shall  not  be  affected  by  a  determination  that  no        (leasehold improvements) you have made to the real property 
financial accounting change in estimate is necessary due to lack          should be reported, even if you believe that the improvements are 
of materiality. In no event shall assessable tooling be reported          not subject to assessment as personal property. Provide as much 
at an amount less than is indicated by its expected remaining             detail as possible so that the assessor can determine whether 
useful life plus salvage value (if applicable under the depreciation      a  personal  property  assessment  should  be  made.  Coaxial 
method used).                                                             and/or fiber-optic wiring costs and associated infrastructure of 
Section I, Page 3: Report “qualified personal property” in this           audio and/or visual systems serving subscribers of one or more 
Section. Do not report “qualified personal property” in Sections          multiple unit dwellings or temporary habitations under common 
A through F. “Qualified personal property” is property that was           ownership, and which do not use public rights-of-way shall be 
made available to you by a “qualified business” (usually a leasing        reported in this Section and be clearly identified as such. You 
company or a finance company) and which is not assessable to              may use attachments, but only if your attachment provides all the 
the “qualified business.” Such property is assessable to you as           information requested in this Section and if you insert the Total 
the user. The requirements for “qualified business” treatment             Cost Incurred where required on the form. See the instructions 
are strict and many leasing and financing companies do not                for page 1, line 5 for additional explanation.
qualify. Further, such treatment only applies to property subject         Section N, Page 4: Report the total capitalized cost and year of 
to  an  agreement  (usually  labeled  a  lease)  entered  into  after     construction of buildings and other structures you have placed 
December  31,  1993  that  qualifies  for  treatment  as  “qualified      on land not owned by you, such as leased or public lands or 
personal property.” The “qualified business” is required to have          on public rights-of-way. Costs of freestanding communications 
filed a statement with the assessor by February 1st of the current        towers and associated equipment buildings (unless such costs 

- 12 -
632, Page 12

have been reported on Form 4452) and costs of freestanding 
billboards  are  examples  of  other  structures  that  are  to  be 
reported. The reported cost must include all costs capitalized on 
your records. See STC Bulletin 8 of 2007.
Section O, Page 5: Landlords and tenants must provide rental 
information relating to lease arrangements to which they are 
a party. Do not report lease or rental arrangements relating to 
property occupied for residential purposes. If you are a landlord 
with  multiple  properties,  contact  the  assessor  to  arrange  an 
acceptable  alternative  reporting  method.  See  instructions  for 
page 1, line 5.
Cost Grand Total, Page 4: After you have completed Sections 
M and N, add together the totals of cells M1 and N1 to arrive at a 
Cost Grand Total. Insert the Cost Grand Total in the box indicated 
at the bottom of page 4 and carry to line 12a on page 1.

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