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Michigan Department of Treasury                                                                                                                                     Attachment 9 
4902 (Rev. 03-22) 

2022 MICHIGAN Corporate Income Tax Schedule of Recapture
of Certain Business Tax Credits 
Issued under authority of Public Act 38 of 2011. 
Taxpayer Name                                              Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) 

Complete this schedule for any recapture in this tax year of previous tax credits listed on this schedule. Credits are Michigan Business Tax 
(MBT) credits except as noted. 

1.  Recapture of MBT Investment Tax Credit...............................................................................................................       1.  00 

2.  Recapture of Single Business Tax (SBT) Investment Tax Credit............................................................................                    2.  00 

3.  Recapture of MBT MEGA Employment Tax Credit.................................................................................................                3.  00 

4.  Recapture of MEGA Federal Contract Credit .........................................................................................................         4.  00 

5.  Recapture of MEGA Photovoltaic Technology Credit .............................................................................................              5.  00 

6.   Recapture of SBT “New” Brownfield Credit   ............................................................................................................    6.  00 

7.   Recapture of MBT Brownfield Redevelopment Credit   ...........................................................................................             7.  00 

8.  Recapture of Film Infrastructure Credit  .................................................................................................................. 8.  00 

9.  Recapture of Anchor Company Payroll Credit........................................................................................................          9.  00 

10.  Recapture of Anchor Company Taxable Value Credit  ............................................................................................  10.            00 

11.  Recapture of Start-Up Business Credit  ..................................................................................................................  11. 00 

12.  Recapture of SBT Historic Preservation Credit  ......................................................................................................  12.     00 

13.  Recapture of MBT Historic Preservation Credit......................................................................................................  13.       00 

14.  Recapture of MEGA Battery Manufacturing Facility Credit.....................................................................................  14.              00 

15.  Recapture of MEGA Large Scale Battery Credit  ....................................................................................................  15.        00 
16.  Total Recapture of Certain Business Tax Credits.  Add lines 1 through 15. Carry amount to Form 4891,  
     line 42; Form 4905, line 30; or Form 4908, line 23.................................................................................................        16. 00 

+  0000 2022 34 01 27 3 

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                                                                    Instructions for Form 4902 
                                         Corporate Income Tax Schedule of Recapture
                                                          of Certain Business Tax Credits 
                                                                                                      Line 2:  Enter        calculated  amount                     of total    SBT  ITC  recapture                 
                                                                                                      from  the  “Calculation      of SBT  ITC  Recapture  Amount”  section  
Complete   this  form for           any  recapture     in this      tax  year   of                    later      in these  instructions. 
previously   claimed  Single Business               Tax   (SBT)        or  Michigan            
Business  Tax  (MBT)  credits  listed  on  this  schedule.                                            MEGA Employment Tax Credits 
                                                                                                      If      a taxpayer  receives  an  MBT  MEGA  Employment  Tax  Credit  
Special Instructions for Unitary Business                                                             for      a previous  tax period          under        an  agreement         with     MEGA                    
Groups                                                                                                based   on    qualified  new jobs            and      then     removes         51    percent      or         
    A Unitary       Business   Group     (UBG)  filling this             form   should                more      of those    qualified         new  jobs  from Michigan                  within         three       
provide      a table  identifying each         member       whose        credits    are               years  after  the  first  year      in which  the  taxpayer  claimed  such      a
being   recaptured. The        table     should     contain    the member’s                           credit, the    taxpayer            must  recapture             an amount equal                to the total   
Federal  Employer  Identification  Number  (FEIN)      or TR  number,                                 of  all  such  credits  claimed  on  prior  returns. 
name/type   of  each credit             being  recaptured    by  the  member,                                     Enter  the  total  amount      of all  MBT  MEGA  Employment  
                                                                                                      Line  3: 
and  the  total  recapture  amount      of each  credit  by  member.  The                                     Credits  claimed on            previously        filed    forms        (Form       4574)             
UBG   sums  the total       recapture    amount         for  all members        by                                     to recapture. 
credit   type,  and  transfers the       sum   of    total  recapture         amount           
to   the  appropriate  credit recapture          line   on  this       form.  Submit                  MEGA Federal Contract Credit 
   a completed      Corporate Income Tax Schedule of Recapture                                        The   MEGA  Federal Contract                        Credit            is claimed  through an                 
of Certain Business Tax Credits                    (Form  4902) and             copy     of           agreement  with  MEGA.                           If a taxpayer    claimed         this     credit  and       
the   table  identifying the        members      whose    credits        are being                    subsequently   fails  to  meet requirements                       of     the   MBT      Act      or          
recaptured  when  filing  the  applicable  CIT  Annual  return.                                       conditions      of the  agreement,  the  taxpayer must                            recapture       the        
Part 1: Line-by-Line Instructions                                                                     entire  amount      of such  credit  previously  claimed. 
Lines  not  listed  are  explained  on  the  form.                                                    Line 4:  Enter  the  total  amount      of all  MEGA  Federal  Contract  
Taxpayer Name and Account Number:                                     Enter  name and                 Credits  claimed  on  previously  filed  MBT Election of Refund or 
account   number  as  reported on              page               1 of the  applicable     CIT        Carryforward of Credits (Form  4584)  subject      to recapture. 
Annual   return:  the         Corporate Income Tax Annual Return                                      MEGA Photovoltaic Technology Credit 
(Form  4891)  for  standard  taxpayers,  the              Corporate Income Tax 
Annual  Return  for Financial  Institutions                  (Form   4908),      or the               The  MEGA  Photovoltaic  Technology  Credit      is claimed  through  
Insurance Company Annual Return for Corporate Income and                                              an  agreement  with  MEGA.      A taxpayer      or assignee  that  claimed  
Retaliatory Taxes (Form  4905).                                                                          a credit      and  subsequently        fails  to meet          the     requirements            of         
                                                                                                      the   MBT  Act  or any            other   conditions           established        by  MEGA                   
UBGs:   A      UBG  reporting recapture              should    attach         only  one               in   the  agreement may,          as     determined          by MEGA,             have  its                  
copy      of this  form          to its annual  return,  even      if multiple  members               credit   reduced  or terminated                 or    have              a percentage of             the      
are  subject      to recapture.         Enter  the  Designated Member               (DM)              credit  previously  claimed  added  back      to the  tax  liability      of the  
name      in the  Taxpayer  Name  field  and  the  DM  account  number                                taxpayer      in the   tax        year  that the      taxpayer                 or assignee       fails      to
in  the  FEIN  field.                                                                                 comply. 
Investment Tax Credits                                                                                Line 5:  Enter        the  calculated recapture                 amount                  of all  MEGA         
Under   both    SBT  and MBT,            taxpayers      were   allowed                to claim        Photovoltaic   Technology                Credits  claimed on                previously          filed        
an   Investment  Tax  Credit (ITC)             for  costs  paid        or  accrued                 in 4574  forms,      as applicable. 
the   filing  period for    qualifying         tangible  asset(s)      physically              
located      in Michigan.  The  assets  must  have  been          of a type  that                     SBT “New” Brownfield Credit and MBT Brownfield 
were      or would   become         eligible  for  depreciation,  amortization,                       Redevelopment Credit 
or   accelerated  capital cost          recovery    for  federal       income   tax.                  Both   the SBT        “New”       Brownfield           Credit     and the         MBT                        
Mobile   tangible  assets, wherever            located,     were       subject  to                    Brownfield   Redevelopment  Credit provide                               that     the  disposal              
apportionment      in the  same  manner      as the  tax  base.   Disposition                         or   transfer  to another         location          of personal    property          used                    
of   an  asset, or  moving     an       asset  out  of Michigan,         creates                   a  to   calculate  each  credit will            result      in  an   addition                    to the  tax    
recapture      of the  credit.                                                                        liability      of the  qualified        taxpayer  that  was originally                     awarded           
For      a guide  on  how to        calculate  the   ITC  recapture           amount,                 the  credit      in the  year      in which  the  disposal      or transfer  occurs.  
see   the  “Calculation of          MBT  ITC     Recapture          Amount”     and                   This      is true   even      if the    credit  was  assigned                     to someone        else.    
“Calculation      of SBT  ITC  Recapture  Amount”  sections  later      in                            This  additional  liability,                 or recapture       amount,      is calculated               by  
these  instructions.                                                                                  multiplying  the  same percentage                            as was   used      to calculate           the  
                                                                                                      credit  (e.g.  10  percent)  times the                federal     basis              of the  property  
Line 1: Enter  calculated amount                     of total  MBT       ITC  recapture                        to  calculate gain       or  loss      (as calculated           for federal                         
from  the  “Calculation      of MBT  ITC  Recapture  Amount”  section                                                         as of the  date      of the  disposition      or transfer.   
later      in these  instructions.   


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Line  6:  Enter  the calculated                recapture        amount       of all    SBT                    Line 8:       Enter  the calculated                 recapture        amount           of all      Film              
“New”   Brownfield         Credits  claimed on                  previously        filed        forms          Infrastructure Credits                 claimed         on   previously         filed        4573    forms.      
                                                                                                              Anchor Company Credits 
Line 7:  Enter  the calculated                 recapture        amount       of  all MBT                      The Anchor        Company              Payroll        Credit      and     the    Anchor            Company          
Brownfield   Redevelopment  Credits claimed                            on  previously                         Taxable       Value  Credit are             claimed         through        an agreement                             
filed   4584  forms, or           Request  for Accelerated Payment  for                                       with  MEGA.                     If a taxpayer       claimed         one  of  these credits             and          
the  Brownfield  Redevelopment  Credit  and  the  Historic                                                    subsequently failed                      to meet    the    requirements                  of the   MBT      Act  
Preservation Credit (Form 4889),                            as applicable.                                    or conditions               of the agreement,            the   taxpayer        must         recapture      the    
                                                                                                              entire amount               of such credit       previously           claimed.          
Film Infrastructure Credit 
The Film    Infrastructure         Credit             is available through              an agreement          Line 9:                                                                                                            
                                                                                                                           Enter the total amount   of all Anchor Company Payroll 
between    the  taxpayer  and the               Michigan           Film  Office,       with        the        Credits                                                                                                            
                                                                                                                            claimed on previously                   filed    4584       forms       subject       to             
concurrence      of the    State     Treasurer.              The  credit  amount                  is equal    recapture. 
to 25  percent          of the base  investment               expenditures                  in a qualified    Line 10: Enter  the total                   amount               of Anchor      Company              Taxable  
film and    digital   media      infrastructure               project.       If the taxpayer          sells   Value Credits          claimed         on    previously         filed     4584      forms          subject      to   
or   otherwise    disposes                of a tangible         asset  that   was  paid  for    or            recapture. 
accrued after      December        31,  2007,          and       whose  cost       was    included           
in the   base  investment,       the  taxpayer                must     report  recapture          equal       Start-Up Business Credits 
to  25  percent         of the  gross  proceeds      or benefit                 from   the     sale   or             A company         that      claimed      the      Start-Up        Business  Credit under                     
disposition, adjusted            by the apportioned              gain        or loss.                         either  MBT            or SBT         must      pay  back              a portion      of the        credit   if   
                                                                                                              they  have  no  business activity                           in Michigan         and        have  business           
Follow the     worksheet        below              to calculate the     Film     Infrastructure               activity  outside              of Michigan            within  three years                after    the  last         
Credit recapture      amount.                                                                                 tax  year          in which        the  credit was          taken.       The    credit      recapture               
                                                                                                              amounts are         calculated               as follows: 
   Recapture of Film Infrastructure Credit Worksheet                                                            •  100 percent             of the total            of all credits     claimed                if the move      is   
The following calculation applies to all              eligible depreciable tangible assets                                                                                                                                     
located in Michigan that were acquired in a tax year beginning after Dec. 31,                                      within the first tax             year     after     the   last    tax   year     for      which             a
2007, and were sold or otherwise disposed of during the tax year.                                                  credit was        claimed;        
                                                                                                                •  67 percent             of the    total      of all    credits       claimed      if the          move   is   
    1.  Total gross sales price for all                                                                            within the        second         tax    year    after    the    last     tax   year        for  which       a   
        eligible depreciable tangible 
        assets ..........................................                                               00         credit was        claimed;        and      
    2.  Total gain/loss for all eligible                                                                        •  33 percent             of the    total      of all    credits       claimed      if the          move   is   
        depreciable tangible assets  .........                                                          00         within  the  third tax           year      after    the   last     tax   year       for     which           a   
                                                                                                                   credit was        claimed.        
    3.  Adjusted Proceeds. If line 2 is a 
        gain, subtract line 2 from line 1.                                                                    Line 11: Enter  the calculated                       recapture       amount                 of the   Start-Up  
        If line 2 is a loss, add line 1 and                                                                   Business Credit           claimed          previously             on 4573 forms.            
        line 2  ............................................                                            00 
If taxable in another state, complete line 4 and line 5; otherwise, skip to                                   SBT and MBT Historic Preservation Credits 
line 6.                                                                                                       Both SBT        and     MBT           Historic       Preservation             credits        provide       that   
                                                                                                              if      a recapture event           occurs,           in the year         of the  event   a   percentage          
    4.  Apportioned gains (losses).                                                                           of     the  credit  amount previously                    claimed         must      be    added      back          
        Multiply line 2 by the percentage                                                                     to     the  tax  liability            of the    qualified  taxpayer  that received                        the     
        from Form 4891, line 9g  ..............                                                         00 
                                                                                                              certificate      of completed rehabilitation                           or preapproved letter.              
    5.  Apportioned Adjusted Proceeds.                                                                                                                                                                                           
        If line 4 is a gain, subtract line 4                                                                        A recapture        event       occurs       if,   in less     than five years after                 the    
        from line 1. If line 4 is a loss, add                                                                 historic  resource                is placed      in service,  either                     of the   following  
        line 1 and line 4  ...........................                                                  00    happens: 
    6.  Recapture of Film Infrastructure                                                                        •        A certificate      of completed rehabilitation                          is revoked;   or   
        Credit. Multiply line 3 or line 5                                                                                                                                                                               
        by 25% (0.25) ..............................                                                    00      •       A preapproval letter for   an enhanced credit   is revoked;   or
                                                                                                                •        A historic resource              is sold      or disposed of.       
                                                                                                              The       percentage  of  credit recapture                    that   must       be  used          varies          
NOTE:  A sale        of    qualifying          property         reported     on the                           according      to the          number             of years     the  recapture event                 occurs        
installment      method  for federal               income       tax   purposes        causes                  after the    credit     was         claimed,            as follows:   
   a recapture    based    upon      the     entire  gross proceeds                       in the       year  
of   the  sale,  less any   gain     reflected                     in federal  taxable  income                  •  100 percent             of the total         of all credits      claimed               if the recapture      
(as   defined  for  MBT purposes)                  in    the  year    of the      sale.  The                       event occurs         less      than          1 year after       the   tax      year     for    which        a   
gain    attributable  to the      installment            sale   that               is reported  in                 credit was        claimed;        
subsequent years         decreases     the       recapture             base  (or   reduces          other       •  80 percent             of the total          of all credits     claimed                if the recapture      
sources      of recapture) for     those         years.                                                            event occurs              at least      1 year,       but   less    than            2 years    after  the  
                                                                                                                   tax year     for    which   a   credit         was      claimed;         

- 4 -
  • 60  percent      theof      total      allof  credits  claimed      theif         recapture            claimed      a credit  relocates its  advanced   lithium      ion  battery         
    event  occurs      at least 2      year, but    less     than  3 years         after    the            pack assembly     facility  that     produces  the  battery       pack  units  for   
    tax  year  for  which      credita      was  claimed;                                                  which  the  credit was   claimed     outside         of Michigan   during  the       
  • 40  percent      theof      total      allof  credits  claimed      theif         recapture            term      of the agreement       or subsequently fails        to meet the  capital   
    event  occurs      at least 3      year, but    less     than  4 years         after    the            investment      or new jobs  requirements           of the agreement     entered     
    tax  year  for  which      credita      was  claimed;                                                  with   MEGA,  the taxpayer       shall  have            a percentage of    the       
  • 20  percent of      the  total of      all  credits  claimed if      the  recapture                    amount                                                                              
                                                                                                                   previously claimed added back   to the tax liability   of the 
    event  occurs at      least 4      years,  but  less  than 5      years  after  the                    taxpayer                                                                            
                                                                                                                        in the tax year that the taxpayer fails   to comply with 
    tax  year  for  which a      credit  was  claimed.                                                     the                                                                                 
                                                                                                            agreement, and shall have its credit terminated   or reduced 
NOTE:            If the    credit  has    been     assigned,      the  recapture is      the           
responsibility   of  the qualified         taxpayer            that  received       the                    Include completed Form 4902 as part of the tax return filing.                    
certificate      completedof      rehabilitation, not            the   assignee.          
NOTE:            A recapture      is not   required      if the       qualified  taxpayer              
enters   into a      written agreement          with      the State      Historic                      
Preservation       Office       that  allows  for the        transfer      or      sale of      the    
historic resource.         
Line 12:   Enter  the calculated           recapture           amount         of  all  SBT             
Historic      Preservation Credit         claimed         on  previously           filed               
C-8000MC  forms,   Form   or              4889,   applicable.   as            
Line 13:  Enter  the  calculated recapture                     amount         of   all  MBT            
Historic  Preservation  Credit claimed                    on   previously        filed    4584         
forms   4889   or    forms,   applicable.   as       
MEGA Battery Manufacturing Facility Credit 
The   MEGA        Battery  Manufacturing Facility                    Credit              is claimed  
through   an   agreement  with  MEGA.                        A taxpayer       that     claimed      a
credit   that  subsequently  fails              to meet      the  requirements of             the      
agreement,      as determined      by MEGA,  may have                          its credit  reduced  
or   terminated  or have              a percentage  of the           credit    previously              
claimed  added  back      to the  tax  liability      of the  taxpayer      in the  tax  
year  that  the  taxpayer  fails      to comply  with  the  agreement. 
Line 14: Enter  the calculated             recapture         amount                 of all  MEGA  
Battery  Manufacturing Facility                 Credits      claimed         on  previously            
filed  4584  forms      or 4889  forms,      as applicable. 
MEGA Large Scale Battery Credit 
The   MEGA  Large Scale               Battery      Credit      is available        to                    a
qualified   taxpayer  that  enters into             an    agreement          with   MEGA               
to  construct  an eligible      facility   and      create               a minimum      of 750  
new   jobs.      A taxpayer     that  claimed                a credit    that  subsequently            
fails      to meet  the  requirements      of the  agreement,      as determined  
by  MEGA,  may  have      its credit  reduced      or terminated      or have      a
percentage      of the     credit     previously  claimed  added back                             to the  
tax   liability      of the   taxpayer          in the    tax  year  that the       taxpayer           
fails      to comply  with  the  agreement.      In addition,      if the  taxpayer  
fails      to create   750    new  jobs,  the  taxpayer shall              have     its  credit        
reduced   by  $65,000  for each           job      less   than    750    that    was     not           
created and,           if the taxpayer   fails         to create      at least 500   new       jobs,   
additional  recapture      of any         credit      or benefit         received        pursuant  
to  the  agreement  may      be recaptured.   
Line 15: Enter  the calculated             recapture           amount               of all  MEGA  
Large  Scale  Battery Credits             claimed      on    previously        filed     4584          
MEGA Advanced Lithium Ion Battery Pack Credit 
The   MEGA  Advanced Lithium                     Ion   Battery     Pack       Credit                     is
claimed through            an  agreement       with  MEGA.          If a taxpayer  that  


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                                                           Calculation of MBT ITC Recapture Amount 
Calculation of MBT ITC Recapture Bases                                                                   UBGs:  The  recapture of            capital        investments          for UBGs      is             
For   each  category of        assets     disposed         of (or   moved      out of                    calculated      on  combined assets               of  standard      members      of the              
Michigan)     that  triggers an           MBT     ITC      recapture,    enter   the                     UBG.       Assets  transferred between                members        of    the  group    are         
information requested              below.                                                                not      a capital  investment in           qualifying         assets   for purposes                 
                                                                                                         of   calculating  this credit       or      its  recapture.     Disposing       of or                
In  each  category             of disposed      of/moved        asset,  group assets         by          transferring   an  asset  outside of               the  UBG     triggers      recapture.             
taxable year          in which they        were    acquired.      All  events       that    have         Also,  moving  an asset             outside             of Michigan     creates  recapture,          
varying    dates  must  be listed            separately.        Multiple    dispositions                 even      if the  transfer              is to a member      of the  UBG. 
(or   transfers)  may  be combined                as  one  entry,    subject    to the              
following:    all  combined events                must     satisfy   the terms     of                    Worksheet 1a Depreciable Tangible Assets 
the   table      in which   they  are entered.             “Taxable   Year              in which         Enter   all  dispositions of        depreciable            tangible     assets  located              
disposed   of  assets  were acquired”                 must      be  the  same  for all                   in  Michigan  that were          acquired                or moved      into  Michigan  after         
events combined            on   a   single line.                                                         acquisition          in a tax    year      beginning        after  2007 and     were       sold      
                                                                                                         or   otherwise  disposed of         during         the     current   filing   period.                
UBGs:   If    capital      asset     subject          to recapture      is from      a member            Give  all  information required                for  each    disposition               in columns  
that   was  not  part            of the  group          in the  tax  year the  asset     was                A through          F. In column  A,  enter  the  taxable  year      in which  the  
acquired,   make      a separate  line entry               for  the  tax  year  the                      disposed      of assets     were    acquired.  Enter combined                   gross    sales       
member  filed  outside               of the  group.        Take  care       to report      in this       price (net         of costs      of sale)      in column      B, and      in column      C, enter  
line   information  requested in               each   column        only  from    the                    total gain         or loss included       in calculating federal            taxable     income       
member’s single        filings,       not  the   group’s.                                                (as defined   for      MBT     purposes).          
NOTE:  A sale         of   qualifying        property      reported      on the                          NOTE: Sales price            includes          any  benefit     derived     from   the    sale.    
installment     method  for  federal income                tax   purposes      causes              a   
                                                                                                         Worksheet 1b — Depreciable Mobile Tangible Assets 
recapture based       upon      the    entire gross proceeds                in the year        of the  
sale.  The  recapture             is reduced      by  any  gain  reported             in federal         Enter  all  dispositions      of depreciable mobile                  tangible   assets     that      
taxable income       (as    defined        for  MBT       purposes)         in the year        of the    were  acquired  after 2007          and        were   sold     or      otherwise disposed            
sale. The  gain      attributable            to the installment      sale  that       is reported        of during     the   current    filing       period.    Give     all  information     required        
in  subsequent  years  increases the                credit  base     (or  reduces     other              for each     disposition      incolumns A      through F.          Incolumn A,   enter               
sources      of recapture)          for  those    years,  and  must  be reported             on          the taxable    year   which   in     the         disposed   assets   of     were    acquired.        
column          C of the    appropriate         Worksheet        based  on  the type               of    Enter gross    sales      price    (net      ofcosts of      sale) in      column B,      and in      
asset.                                                                                                   column   enter   C,    total    gain   loss   or      included   calculating   in         federal    
                                                                                                         taxable income         (as  defined  for        MBT      purposes).      

Worksheet 1a — Depreciable Tangible Assets 
            A                                     B                                   C                             D                                  E                                 F 
Taxable Year (End Date)                                                                                  CIT Apportionment                   Apportioned                      MBT ITC Recapture 
  In Which Disposed                 Combined Sales Price                                                 Percentage from Form                Gain/Loss                              (Base 1) 
Assets Were Acquired                of Disposed Assets by                Net Gain/Loss From              4891, line 9g, or Form              Multiply Column C                  Subtract Column E 
      (MM-DD-YYYY)                   Year of Acquisition                    Sale of Assets                    4908, line 9c                  by Column D                         From Column B 

Worksheet 1b — Depreciable Mobile Tangible Assets 
            A                                     B                                   C                             D                                  E                                 F 
Taxable Year (End Date)                                                                                                                   CIT Apportionment                   MBT ITC Recapture 
  In Which Disposed               Combined Sales Price of                                                Adjusted Proceeds             Percentage from Form                         (Base 2) 
Assets Were Acquired                 Disposed Assets by                  Net Gain/Loss From              Subtract Column C             4891, line 9g, or Form                    Multiply Column D 
      (MM-DD-YYYY)                   Year of Acquisition                    Sale of Assets                   From Column B                   4908, line 9c                          by Column E 

Worksheet 1c — Assets Transferred Outside Michigan 
            A                                                   B 
Taxable Year (End Date)                             MBT ITC Recapture 
  In Which Disposed                    Combined Adjusted Federal Basis of 
Assets Were Acquired                 Disposed Assets by Year of Acquisition
      (MM-DD-YYYY)                                         (Base 3) 


- 6 -
For  property  placed                in service  after  December 31,            2007,       gain        assets acquired       after    2007   that     were  eligible       for   ITC     and  were      
reflected   in  federal taxable           income        (as  defined   for MBT                          transferred outside      Michigan        during      the       filing   period.    Give    all   
purposes)      is the   gain       reported  federally except            that          it shall  be     information  required  for each            disposition              in column      A and    B.  
calculated          as if IRC      § 168(k) were      not       in effect.                              In  column  A, enter     the       taxable    year         in which    the   disposed        of   
                                                                                                        assets were     acquired,        and       in column      B, enter adjusted        basis     as   
NOTE: Sales price             includes      any   benefit      derived     from   the        sale.   
                                                                                                        used for   federal    purposes.       Do    not  use       a recomputed MBT            basis     
Worksheet 1c Assets Transferred Outside Michigan                                                      for this  purpose.    
Enter all  depreciable          tangible       assets    other      than  mobile     tangible          

Calculation of MBT ITC Recapture Rates                                                                     • Column    H:    Calculate      gross     ITC   amount:  multiply  column                    F
and Amounts                                                                                             by  column      G for  each  tax  year.    
Complete  Worksheet                   2 (on the   following        page),    entering                      • Column      J: MBT  recapture      of capital  investment.   Enter  total  
each  tax  year (End       Date)              in which  the    disposed      of assets          that    amount   of    recapture  of capital          investment      reported      on    Form           
triggered MBT       ITC       recapture        were   acquired.                                         4570,  line  16,  for  each  tax  year  listed  on  column       I.
NOTE: Line references on columns below are based on the                                                    • Column    L:    Gross  MBT  ITC recapture                amount.             Multiply  
2010 and 2011 MBT  Form 4570. Lines for 2008 and 2009                                                   column      J by    column  K.    This represents             the  total    amount              of
MBT forms are different, so if copying information from a                                               ITC  recapture  available          to be reported      in the  tax  year.      
2008 and 2009 MBT form, choose the appropriate lines.  
                                                                                                           • Column    M:    MBT  ITC recapture             amount       offset     by   credit.      
Worksheet 2                                                                                             Enter   the  lesser        of columns      H and     L.  This            is the  amount         of
   • Column    A:  Enter  in chronological                order,   beginning        with                available  ITC  recapture that          was    offset    by   the   total   amount              of
the  earliest,  the tax      year    end   date            of each  acquisition  year              of   available  ITC      in the  year.   
disposed    of  assets that        triggered      MBT      ITC     recapture     from                  
Worksheet      1a through 1c.                                                                              • Column  O:  SBT  credit  recapture  amount.   Enter  total  amount  
                                                                                                        from  Form  4570,  line      19 for  each  tax  year  listed  on  column        N.
UBGs:          If capital      asset    subject      to recapture      is from      a member  
that   was  not  part           of the   group      in the    tax  year the     asset       was            • Column       P: SBT ITC        recapture   amount         offset   by   credit.   Enter     
acquired,   make      a separate  line entry              for    the  tax  year  the                    lesser      of the  amount  on  column      O, and  the  amount      of column      H
member  filed  outside               of the   group.    Take  care           to report      in this     minus  column  M.  This      is the  amount      of SBT  ITC  recapture  that                    
line   information  requested in              each   column        only   from  the                     was  offset      by the  total  amount      of available  ITC      in the  tax  year.  
member’s single         filings,      not  the    group’s.                                                 • Column Q:      Total  MBT        ITC      used.   Add     columns        D,   M,   and      
   • Column    B:  Enter allowable               MI  compensation           and  ITC                    P.   The  total  amount      of MBT  ITC  used  equals      to the  amount      of
amount    from  Form 4570,               line    26  with  the corresponding                            credit  that  offsets  MBT  ITC  recapture,  SBT  ITC  recapture,  and  
acquisition year           in column   A.                                                               the  MBT  liability.   
   • Column    C:  Enter       the   MI  compensation  credit amount                      from             • Column R:      Extent     used   rate.     Divide      amounts          on  column      Q   
Form  4570,  line            3 with     the  corresponding acquisition              year           in   by  amounts  on  column        H.
column   A.   
                                                                                                           • Column       T: MBT  recapture  base.  Enter  total  amount      of MBT  
   • Column    D:  Calculate            net  ITC amount:           subtract  column                C    ITC  recapture  base from           Worksheet       1a,    column              F; Worksheet  
from  column            B for  each  tax year.                If difference      is negative,           1b,  column      F and  Worksheet  1c,  column       B.
enter  zero.       This         is the  amount of       ITC      that  offsets   MBT                   
                                                                                                           • Column    U:    MBT recapture            amount.      Multiply      amount     in           
                                                                                                        column          T by rates      in column      G, and      in column    R.
   • Column    F:  MBT  capital investment                    amount.            Enter  total          
amount      of capital  investment  reported  on  Form  4570,  line      8, for                         Add                                                                                             
                                                                                                              up figures   in each row          of column   U, and          carry that amount 
each  tax  year  listed  on  column    E.                                                               to                                                                                           
                                                                                                           Form 4902, line     1. If the total           of all rows   in column     U is less          
                                                                                                        than  zero,  enter  zero  on  Form  4902,  line    1.
   • Column  G:  ITC  rate.   Enter  2.32%  for  tax  years  on  column      E
that  end  with  2008,  otherwise  enter  2.9%.  


- 7 -
Worksheet 2 — Calculation of MBT ITC Recapture Rates and Amounts 
   A                                B                              C                          D 
                             Allowable Michigan                                     ITC that offsets MBT liability 
Taxable Year (End Date) in  compensation and ITC credit Michigan Compensation       Subtract column C  
which MBT ITC Disposed   amount from Form 4570,         Credit Amount from                from column B  
   Assets were acquired            line 26              Form 4570, line 3           (Enter 0 if less than 0) 

   E                                F                              G                          H 
                         MBT Capital Investment                ITC rate             Gross ITC Credit Amount 
   Taxable Year          Amount from Form 4570,         (2.32% for tax years ending Multiply column F 
  (repeat from column A)            line 8              in 2008, or 2.9% otherwise)       by column G 

   I                                J                              K                          L                              M 
                         MBT Recapture of Capital              ITC rate             Gross MBT ITC Recapture        MBT ITC Recapture Amount 
   Taxable Year          Investment Amount from         (2.32% for tax years ending Multiply column J              Offset by Credit Lesser  
  (repeat from column A)     Form 4570, line 16         in 2008, or 2.9% otherwise)       by column K              of column L and H 

   N                                O                              P                          Q                              R 
                                                        SBT ITC Recapture Amount 
                         SBT ITC Credit Recapture       Offset by Credit Lesser  
   Taxable Year          Amount from Form 4570,         of column O,                Total MBT ITC Credit Used      Extent Credit Used Rate 
  (repeat from column A)           line 19              and column (H – M)          Add columns D, M, and P  Divide column Q by column H 

   S                                T                              U 
                             Recapture base. 
                             Enter total amount of 
                         recapture from Worksheet 
                         1a, column F; Worksheet 1 b,   Recapture Amount. 
   Taxable Year          column F; and Worksheet 1c,    Multiply column T by 
  (repeat from column A)        column B.               column G and by column R 


- 8 -
                                                          Calculation of SBT ITC Recapture Amount 

Calculation of SBT ITC Recapture Bases                                                                Worksheet 3a Depreciable Tangible Assets 
For   each  category of       asset       disposed   of (or    moved      out of                      For  depreciable  tangible assets                 located           in Michigan     that  were      
Michigan)     that  triggers an           SBT   ITC     recapture,   enter  the                       acquired     or  moved  into Michigan                 after   acquisition       in           a tax  
information requested             below.                                                              year beginning       after       1999        and   prior        to 2008, and     were   sold      or   
                                                                                                      otherwise disposed               of during the        tax  year,     enter  the  following:      
In  each  category            of disposed      of/moved    asset,  group assets            by    
taxable year         in which they         were    acquired.    All  events     that     have         Line 1, Column A:            Group  the  depreciable tangible                    assets   that      
varying    dates  must  be listed           separately.   Multiple        dispositions                were   disposed  of  during the              current   filing       period    by  the  tax          
(or   transfers)  may  be combined              as   one  entry,   subject   to the                   year      in which  they    were         acquired.  Use      a separate         row   for  each  
following:    all  combined events              must    satisfy    the terms    of                    acquisition       year.  Enter  the  tax years                   of acquisition    (end   dates     
the   table      in which    they  are entered.         “Taxable    Year             in which         only)   in  chronological  order, starting                 with     the  first  tax  year           
disposed  assets  were  acquired”  must  be  the  same  for  all  events                              beginning  after  1999.  An  acquisition  year for                     which     there  were        
combined  on      asingle       line.                                                                 no  dispositions         of depreciable           tangible      assets  during  the filing          
                                                                                                      period    may     be  omitted. However,               do   not     omit   the   acquisition         
NOTE:  A sale        of  qualifying           property    reported      on the                        year      of depreciable    tangible  assets  that have                been     sold  on  an        
installment    method        for  federal income          tax   purposes     causes               a   installment method               if gains attributable             to installment payments          
recapture      of the   entire    gross  proceeds               in the  year      of the   sale.      received during      the    current          filing  period   must           be reported. 
The   recapture  is reduced            by  any     gain  reported   in federal                       
taxable  income           in the  year          of the  sale.  The  gain attributable                 Line 1, Column B:                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                   Total gross proceeds from                     all  depreciable        
to   the  installment sale       that             is reported  in subsequent         years            tangible                                                                                           
                                                                                                                 assets that were acquired   in the same taxable year and 
increases    the  credit base          (or  reduces     SBT    ITC  recapture)                        disposed                                                                                           
                                                                                                                      of during   the filing period.                  If a qualifying       asset  was 
for   those  years, and      must      be   reported    on  column                   C of  the        sold                                                                                               
                                                                                                             on    an installment sale                  in a prior    filing    period,   the entire     
appropriate Worksheet             based      on  the  type       of asset.                            sale                                                                                              
                                                                                                           price was reported for                  recapture     purposes             in the year   of
                                                                                                      sale. Therefore,                if a payment      was  received        on    that  installment  
UBGs:  Fill  necessary Worksheets                    3a,  3b,  and  3c for   each                     sale      in the  current  filing  period, do          not    report     that   amount            as   
member      of the group       who      has    disposed         of assets that  triggered             gross  proceeds  for this            period.     See  instructions        for   column    C,        
an SBT     ITC  recapture              in the current  filing   period.                               however, with       respect              to the gain  from  that     installment     payment.      

Worksheet 3a — Depreciable Tangible Assets 
1.         A                                    B                                 C                                D                                  E                               F 
Taxable Year (End Date)                                                                                 Apportionment                       Apportioned                    SBT ITC Recapture 
   In Which Disposed             Combined Sales Price                                                 Percentage from Form                     Gain/Loss                           (Base 1) 
Assets Were Acquired             of Disposed Assets by                  Net Gain/Loss From            4891, line 9g, or Form               Multiply Column C                 Subtract Column E 
      (MM-DD-YYYY)                  Year of Acquisition                   Sale of Assets                 4908, line 9c                         by Column D                    From Column B 

Worksheet 3b — Depreciable Mobile Tangible Assets 
2.         A                                    B                                 C                                D                                  E                               F 
Taxable Year (End Date)                                                                                                                     Apportionment                  SBT ITC Recapture 
   In Which Disposed             Combined Sales Price of                                              Adjusted Proceeds           Percentage from Form                             (Base 2) 
Assets Were Acquired                Disposed Assets by                  Net Gain/Loss From            Subtract Column C           4891, line 9g, or Form                     Multiply Column D 
      (MM-DD-YYYY)                  Year of Acquisition                   Sale of Assets                 From Column B                      4908, line 9c                        by Column E 

Worksheet 3c —Assets Transferred Outside Michigan 
3.         A                                                 B 
Taxable Year (End Date)                              SBT ITC Recapture 
   In Which Disposed                   Combined Adjusted Federal Basis of 
Assets Were Acquired                Disposed Assets by Year of Acquisition
      (MM-DD-YYYY)                                       (Base 3) 


- 9 -
Line 1, Column C:               Net  total gains/losses            reflected             in federal    installment  payments  received  during  the  current  filing  period  
taxable  income  from all         depreciable              tangible  assets      that    were          must      reported.be      
acquired   in  the same         taxable       year     and  disposed        of during                
the  filing  period. Report       also                 in column      C any     gain  reflected        Line 2, Column B:                                                                                      
                                                                                                                                    Total gross proceeds from all depreciable 
                                                                                                       mobile  tangible  assets that       were     acquired             in      the same  taxable             
in   federal  taxable  income that                      is attributed      to an   installment       
                                                                                                       year  and  disposed of      during the      filing        period.    If a          qualifying           
payment   received        during  the current              CIT     filing   period,      from        
                                                                                                       asset  was  sold on       an  installment       sale  in          a prior filing    period,          
   a prior  installment        sale  of  an asset          that  was  of               a type  and   
                                                                                                       the   entire  sale price    was   reported          for  recapture          purposes      in            
acquisition   date  covered in               this  table.  For     property      placed              
                                                                                                       the  year      of sale. Therefore,    if          a payment was     received        on    that       
in   service  prior         to January      1, 2008,       gain  reflected               in federal  
                                                                                                       installment   sale  in the      current   filing     period,        do not      report                  
taxable   income  is equal        to  the  gain            reported  for federal                     
                                                                                                       that   amount  as gross       proceeds    for        this  period.      See  column                  
purposes.     Keep      in your  files      a separate  worksheet  with the                          
                                                                                                       C,   however,  with respect         to  the  gain     from        that  installment                     
appropriate   information  regarding each                       depreciable        tangible          
asset   located  in Michigan         that        was      acquired   or moved          into          
Michigan  after  acquisition                   in a tax    year    beginning       after  1999         Line 2, Column C:            Net  total gains/losses              reflected       in      federal       
and  prior      to 2008, and      was  sold      or otherwise disposed                   of during     taxable   income  from all        depreciable         mobile        tangible        assets              
the  tax  year.  Sum  the  total  gross  proceeds  and  gain      or loss  for                         that   were    acquired      in the same    taxable          year   and       disposed      of          
all  disposed      of assets  acquired      in the  same  taxable  year.  Enter                        during   the  filing  period. Report            also  in  column              C any      gain        
in  this  form  only  the  total  sum      of gross  proceeds  and  gain/loss                          reflected   in  federal taxable       income         that      is attributed      to an                 
grouped  by  taxable  year  the  assets  were  acquired.  Use  one  row                                installment   payment  received during                    the     current      CIT  filing           
per  group      of disposed      of assets           acquired            in the  same  taxable         period,  from      a prior installment      sale     of      an asset       that  was     of a          
year.  Start  from  the  earliest  acquisition  year.                                                  type   and  acquisition  date covered                in      this table.    For  property               
                                                                                                       placed       inservice prior  to      January 1, 2008,            gain    reflected      in             
Line 1, Column D:            Enter  the apportionment                   percentage         from      
                                                                                                       federal  taxable  income is      equal to      the  gain  reported  for  federal  
Form  4891,  line  9g,      or Form  4908,  line  9c.       If not  apportioning,  
                                                                                                       purposes.     Keep      in your files    a      separate worksheet               with     the           
enter  100  percent.  Enter  the  same  apportionment  percentage  for  
                                                                                                       appropriate   information  regarding each                      depreciable        mobile                
each  row  completed.  
                                                                                                       tangible  asset  acquired in a          tax  year  beginning  after  1999  and  
Line 1, Column F: Subtract  column      E from  column      B for  each                                prior       to2008, and   sold  or  otherwise        disposed       of during            the            
row.      If column              E is a loss,  add  its  positive  value      to column      B         tax  year.  Sum  the  total  gross  proceeds  and  gain or      loss  for  all  
for  each  appropriate  row.      A loss      in column      E will  increase  the                     disposed      ofassets acquired     in      the same      taxable      year.    Enter       in          
recapture  base.                                                                                       this  form  only  the  total  sum of      gross  proceeds  and  gain or      loss  
                                                                                                       grouped  by  taxable  year  the  assets  were  acquired.  Use  one  row  
Worksheet 3b — Depreciable Mobile Tangible Assets 
                                                                                                       per  group      of disposed of      assets acquired             in      the same  taxable               
Mobile  tangible  assets  are  all of      the  following:                                             year.  
  • Motor   vehicles      that  have a      gross vehicle           weight         rating   of         Line 2, Column D:                 Subtract  figures in            column        C from                  
10,000  pounds      or more and              are  used     to      transport property       or         amounts      incolumn B      for  each  row.      Ifcolumn C              loss,is a              add  
persons  for  compensation;                                                                            its  positive  value to      column B      for  each  appropriate  row. A      loss  
  • Rolling   stock   (railroad   freight   or   passenger   cars,                                     in  column C      will  increase  the  recapture. 
locomotives      otheror         railcars),  aircraft,  and  watercraft  used  by                      Line 2, Column E:            Enter  the apportionment                  percentage           from        
the  owner      transportto       property      personsor            for  compensation      or         Form 4891,       line   9g,   Form   or 4908,         line     9c.    not   If  apportioning,        
used  by  the owner     to      transport the          owner’s     property        for   sale,         enter 100      percent.    Enter  the  same          apportionment              percentage        for   
rental,      furtheror  processing;                                                                    each row       completed    
  • Equipment  used  directly in      completion  of, or in          construction  
contracts   for,   the   construction,   alteration,   repair,   or                                    Line 2, Column F:                                                                                      
                                                                                                                                   Multiply amounts in   column D   by column 
                                                                                                          E for each   row.  
improvement of      property. 
For   depreciable     mobile  tangible assets                that  were       acquired      in         Worksheet 3c Assets Transferred Outside Michigan 
   a tax  year    beginning       after       1999  and  prior to      2008, and           were        For   depreciable  tangible assets          other      than       mobile       tangible                 
sold   or  otherwise disposed                of  during    the  tax  year,      enter    the           assets  acquired      in tax years    beginning           after    1999        and  prior     to        
following:                                                                                             2008, that      were   eligible  for  the   ITC   tax   in         years       beginning       after    
Line 2, Column A:                 Group  the depreciable                mobile     tangible            1999                                                                                                
                                                                                                              and prior to   2008, and were transferred outside Michigan 
assets   that  were  disposed of              during       the  filing  period     by the              during                                                          
                                                                                                                the tax year, enter the following:
tax  year      in which they    were          acquired.    Use     a separate      row      for        Line 3, Column A:               Group  the depreciable                 tangible          assets      
each   acquisition  year.  Enter the               tax     years   of      acquisition (end            other  than  mobile tangible        assets          that  were    transferred            out  of        
dates   only)      in chronological order,                starting  with      the  first   tax         Michigan       during  the filing     period        by    the   tax  year      in which                 
year  beginning  after  1999.  An  acquisition  year  for  which  there                                they   were     acquired.  Use a      separate row             for  each       acquisition              
were   no  dispositions of        depreciable              mobile   tangible       assets              year.   Enter  the tax     years  of  acquisition            (end   dates       only)    in             
during  the  filing  period  may  be  omitted.  However,  do  not  omit                                chronological  order,  starting with                the  first    tax  year     beginning            
the  acquisition  year of      depreciable mobile                  tangible      assets     that       after   1999.  An acquisition         year  for      which        there       were no                
have  been  sold  on      installmentan              method      gainsif        attributable      to   transfers   depreciable   of     tangible        assets        out   Michigan   of         during    


- 10 -
the  filing  period  may be      omitted.                                                        after  1999  and  prior to      2008,  that  were  eligible  for  the  ITC in      
                                                                                                 tax   years  beginning after          1999     and   prior  to      2008, and  were          
Line 3, Column B:          Total  sum of      adjusted federal       basis     from              transferred outside          Michigan    during       the   tax  year.   Sum    the   total   
all   depreciable  tangible assets           acquired    in  the  same  taxable                  adjusted   federal        basis  for  all such       transferred   assets    acquired        
year  and  transferred out      of      Michigan during       the  filing  period.               in  the  same  taxable  year.  Enter      thisin          form  only  the  total  sum  
Keep       inyour files  a      separate worksheet     with   the  appropriate                   of  adjusted  federal  basis  grouped  by  the  taxable  year  the  assets  
information   regarding  each depreciable                 tangible   asset  other                were   acquired.  Use one          row  per    group     of such     transferred             
than   mobile  tangible  assets acquired             in  tax  years  beginning                   assets  acquired      thein       same  taxable  year.  Start  from  the  earliest  
                                                                                                 taxable  year. 

Calculation of SBT ITC Recapture Rates                                                                • Filers(**) who have         filed   MBT   an   Form      4583     for  either  2008   
Recapture    rates  can be      calculated   using        any  of 3  methods                     or 2009        tax  year;  or   
described   the   in “Method     Summary              Table”    below.    The      Table              • Filers(**) who  have NOT         filed        2008  or      2009 MBT    return,       
highlights   the    methods’  pros and       cons.     Choose     your  method,                  and have       filed     MBT  return(s)  for    tax   year(s)   after    2009.  
and follow    the    appropriate    instructions   calculate   to      the   rates     on   
                                                                                                 (*)    For UBGs, the condition applies only for groups where all 
Worksheet  4a,  line 4,      column E.       
                                                                                                 members were included in every 2008 and 2009 MBT return 
NOTE:  Whichever  method is      used, the                calculated  effective                  filed by the group. 
recapture  rate      of SBT ITC  by          year  cannot  be  higher   than   the        
                                                                                                 (**)  Filers refers to single filers (non-UBGs) or UBG members 
figure  calculated  under  Method A      for  any  year. 
                                                                                                 in the current tax year who were not part of a group in 2008 or 
NOTE ON USING THE SIMPLEST METHOD:   When                                                        2009 and were single-filers then. Not filing a Form 4567 does 
the  amount      of SBT ITC     used         equals  the  amount   of      SBT ITC               not allow a taxpayer to preserve SBT credit carryforward from 
created,  the  three  methods  yield  the  same  result.  This  occurs in                        one year to the next. 
either of      the  following  situations: 
                                                                                                 The simplest         method      that  can      be   used   Method   is  A.    Taxpayers     
Calendar year filer       (*):  2009  MBT Form             4569,    lines  2      and 3,         that  meet  either of      the situations      above     should    use    Method     A.        
are  equal  for  the  latest  2009  tax  year  return  filed;                                           It provides correct   results   using    the   least    amount   data   of    input   
                                                                                                 from the       taxpayer.     
Fiscal year filer(*):  2008  MBT  Form  4569,  line 4,      equals  zero  
for  the  latest  2009  tax  year  return  filed; 

                                                                  METHOD SUMMARY TABLE 
TYPE OF METHOD                      PROS                                                                            CONS 
Method A                                   • Easy to      calculate.                                                   • Method  does  not  take  into  account  the  extent to      
                                           • Works  for  all  types of      taxpayers,  including  any              which  the  ITC  credit  was  used. 
                                    type of      UBG  groups. 
                                           • Taxpayer   or  UBG member            disposing    of       ITC      
                                    asset  only  need to      enter  information  on  Worksheet  
                                    4a  for  years      in which assets     that      trigger  recapture         
                                    were  acquired. 

Method B                                   • Takes  into  account  the  extent      whichto           the  ITC         • Taxpayers   must  fill Worksheets            4a,  4b,  and         
                                    was  used.                                                                      4c   and  enter necessary         information     in  Treasury          
                                                                                                                       • Information   on       Worksheet  4a must         be  entered      
                                                                                                                    for  all  years in      which  assets  were  bought  and  ITC  
                                                                                                                    was   claimed,  whether or        not   those     assets   were         
                                                                                                                    disposed of in          the  current  tax  year. 

Method C                                   • Taxpayers   fill only   Worksheet          4a,   line  4,                 • Taxpayer   needs  to develop          own    calculation           
                                    column      E.                                                                  procedure   that  reflects the       MBT        statute.  Retain        
                                                                                                                    records to      substantiate  calculation.  


- 11 -
UBGs:  Fill  necessary Worksheets                   3a,    3b,   and   3c for       each                     from the      latest  return       filed   for    that    tax     year.      
member      of the  group  who  has  disposed      of assets  outside      of the  
                                                                                                             UBGs: Fill set               of Worksheets 4a,             4b   ,   and    4c    for  each       member         
group,   which  triggered  an SBT              ITC      recapture                in the  current           
                                                                                                             of   the  group  who disposed                      of assets        that  triggered SBT            ITC          
filing  period. 
                                                                                                             recapture      in the current         tax   year.      
  •    Method A: Worksheet 4b, line 5, columns A and B:   Starting  
       ○  Worksheet 4a, line 4, columns A through D:                                          Enter                       with    Form  4569  for the           earliest         2008      and  latest       2009            
          in   the  tax year      end    date  of  each    acquisition        year        of                              applicable       MBT  filing period,                enter      the  information                    
          disposed   assets  that triggered                SBT     ITC  recapture.                                        requested on         table.        If more than         one     return     was      filed   for    
          (Those  dates  should      be the  same      as appear      in column      A                                    the same     tax     year  (that          is, the taxpayer          filed       an amended  
          of  Worksheet      3a through  3c.)                                                                             return),  use  only  the information                   from       the  latest      return          
          For   each  year displayed           in   column       A, enter     Form                                        filed for   that    tax  year.     
          C-8000ITC   information  required in                     the  appropriate                          NOTE: For  MBT tax                years      that     the     taxpayer         filed   Form       4567          
          column,  using  return  data  specific  from  each  applicable                                     and  no  Form  4569,  enter on               line     5A      the   taxable        year  end      date,         
          tax   year.      If  the  amount of           column                   C is zero    for      a     and     enter  zero for       line  5B.               Do  not enter           any  information                  
          particular   year,  and the          amount        on    C-8000ITC,            line                on   lines  5A and         5B    for  MBT        years      in which          the taxpayer                      
          10  for  that year            is larger  than    zero,  taxpayers may                 not          filed     nothing  or  filed            a Form  4583.  See                  Note on Using the                  
          enter   zero    on  column                  E if the  taxpayers     fall      in either            Simplest Method               under the         heading          Calculation of SBT ITC 
          of  the  two  categories  explained  below,  and  must  do  the                                    Recapture Rates               in these     instructions.             Not      filing        a Form 4567         
          appropriate  calculations      as follows:                                                         does not      allow        a taxpayer      to preserve SBT                   credit   carryforward              
          1)              Taxpayers   who  used the                straight   method                         from one      year         to the next.  
          to   calculate  the SBT           liability     for  that    taxable     year:                     UBGs: During tax               years   ending               in 2008 and       2009,     UBG        groups       
          calculate   the  credit  rate as         instructed       on  C-8000ITC,                           were allowed               to offset the   group       liability      by     claiming         member’s          
          line   26  for  that taxable      year,       and    enter   the  result        on                 SBT       ITC  carryforward.  When completing                            Worksheet            4b,  line         
          column        E; or                                                                                   5, column         B,  enter    the   portion  of  the total               group     SBT        ITC           
          2)              Taxpayer  who  used the                excess    compensation                      carryforward  used  by the                group       for   each    year       that  pertains                 to   
          reduction  method      to calculate  the  SBT  liability  for  that                                the  specific  member  that                   is disposing      of SBT             ITC   asset      in the  
          taxable   year:  calculate  the credit               rate    on  C-8000ITC,                        current      tax  year,  as calculated             in  the     example          below.                  If the  
          line   26,   for  that taxable       year;       subtract    the  percentage                       member       completing          Worksheet  4b  was not                     part             of a UBG   in   
          found  on  C-8000S,  line      6, from  100%,  and  multiply  the                                  2008 and/or         2009    tax    years,    and       filed             as a stand alone     filer,  take      
          result      of that  subtraction  by  the  calculated  credit  rate  on                            care      to report    on  Worksheet  4b,  lines 5A                     and     5B   information                
          C-8000ITC, line          26.       Enter   the  result  on  column    E.                           from the      member’s         singly    filed      returns.      
       ○  Worksheet 4b, line 5, columns A and B:                                Leave  lines                 Example:  In 2008,               group    ABC         files    MBT          return   claiming                   
          blank.                                                                                             $1,000,000         in  SBT ITC        carryforward.              The        group   consisted                   
       ○  Worksheet 4a, line 4, Column E: Divide the                                 amount            in    of   Company  1, Company                  2,   Company           3, and        Company          4.              
          column      C by the     amount              in column      B, for each         taxable            Company         4’s  tax      year  ended after            the   tax    year             of the   group’s  
          year      in column      A, and enter               as a percentage.                               Designated           Member,  so  Company 4’s                    data       was    not   included               
                                                                                                             in   group  ABC’s 2008            MBT          return,        even   though        Company                      
       ○  Worksheet 4c, lines 6, 7, and 8:                           leave    all  columns                      4 was     part    of  the  UBG. The             total    $1,000,000          in SBT          ITC             
          blank.                                                                                             carryforward         resulted      from  the sum                     of $200,000      in SBT           ITC  
  •    Method B:                                                                                             carryforward         from  Company                     1, $300,000  from  Company 2,                            
                                                                                                             and $500,000          from     Company                     3. In the current     year,    companies             
       ○  Worksheet 4a, line 4, columns A through D:  Gather  
                                                                                                             2,      3 and      4 dispose      of capital       investment            outside      of the      group,  
          all   C-8000ITC  forms  filed for                tax   years  beginning             on       
                                                                                                             which      triggers  SBT ITC            recapture.          Therefore,          Group        ABC                
          or   after  January           1, 2000.    (If  an amended         C-8000ITC                  
                                                                                                             fills      a Form  4902  to report          the    sum        of SBT         ITC  recapture                     
          was  filed,  use the     figures       from      the   amended      form,         not           
                                                                                                             from  Company                 2, Company      3, and           Company      4. When                filling  
          the original.)     Sort    all     the  returns           in chronological order             
                                                                                                             the   Worksheet         4b,  line           5, column      B for            Company  2, report                  
          of   taxable  year  end date,          from      earliest    to  latest     date.              
                                                                                                             $200,000      – which           represents       the     portion             of the  total    SBT     ITC  
          Starting     with  the Form       C-8000ITC              for  the  earliest                  
                                                                                                             carryforward           claimed  by  the group                        in 2008    that  corresponds               
          applicable      SBT  filing period,              enter   the  information                    
                                                                                                             only      to Company          2’s  SBT  ITC carryforward                              in 2008.    When          
          requested       on   the  table for     each     taxable      year  (use         one            
                                                                                                             filling  Worksheet  4b,  line                   5, column      B for          Company      3, report  
          row for     each   return).       
                                                                                                             $500,000      – which           represents       Company  3’s  portion                         of the  total  
NOTE: For  SBT  tax years                when    the    taxpayer       filed              a C-8000           SBT       ITC  carryforward  claimed by                     the  group                in 2008.    When  
with no    C-8000ITC,                 or a C-8030, enter      on    line  4A   the        taxable            filling  Worksheet  4b,  line                   5, column      B for          Company      4, report  
year end    date,     and  enter   zero      for   lines    4B,     4C,  and   4D.         Do    not         $0      – which represents         Company          4’s     portion             of the total   SBT    ITC       
enter     any  information on       lines   4A      through        4D   for  SBT         tax                 carryforward claimed                    by the group             in 2008. 
years      in which    the  taxpayer  filed  nothing OR                filed             a C-8044.  
       If more than  one  return   was      filed  for   the     same    tax   year       (that      is,           ○      Worksheet 4a, Column E: For each                                 taxable     year,     enter       
the taxpayer     filed         an amended return),          use   only   the   information                                the rates   calculated         on    Worksheet           4c,     line       8, column M.        


- 12 -
Worksheet 4c        (lines and  columns  not   listed  are                                 Capital   Investment       amount  reported on         Worksheet            
      explained  on  the  table):                                                                4a,   line 4,  column    B. Divide     amounts        from                  
        • Line 6, column A:          Enter  only taxable     years   in                          Worksheet   4a,        line      4, column      C by  amounts  from         
          which   SBT  ITC disposed       assets  were    acquired.                              worksheet   4a,  line            4, column      B for  each  taxable        
          Dates  should  match  those listed   on    Worksheets      3a,                         year  and  enter results      here.        If the  quotient          of that  
          3b,  and  3c,  columns       A. List  each  date  only  once.                          division for         a particular tax  year    on   line       6, column  
                                                                                                    A equals    zero,    and   the   amount    on  Worksheet 4c,           
        • Line 6, column C:         For  each  taxable  year  on  line      6,
          column  A,  find  the  corresponding  SBT  ITC  amount                                 line                                                                       
                                                                                                        6, column     B is positive,        instead   of zero,      enter 
          reported  on  worksheet  4a,  line      4, column      C, and  Net                     the                                                                   
                                                                                                     following on line   6, column     C as appropriate:  

Worksheet 4a 
4.        A                             B                                        C                                        D                               E 
                                                                                                                                                       Maximum or  
                                                                                                                                                   Actual Calculated  
   Return For                                                                                                                                           Effective  
   Taxable Year                                                                                                                                         Recapture  
      Ending              Net Capital Investment                               SBT ITC                            SBT ITC Used                      Percentage Rate  
   (MM-DD-YYYY)            (C-8000ITC, Line 24)                         (C-8000ITC, Line 33)                  (C-8000ITC, Line 36)                 of SBT ITC by Year 

Worksheet 4b 
5.        A                                    B 
   Return For 
   Taxable Year 
      Ending                       SBT ITC Carryforward Used 
   (MM-DD-YYYY)                         (Form 4569, line 3) 

Worksheet 4c 
6.        A                             B                                        C                                        D 
   Taxable Year  
   (End Date)                                                           SBT ITC Credit Rate 
In Which Disposed                  SBT Capital                         Divide line 4, column C,         Gross SBT ITC Credit Amount 
Asset Were Acquired        Investment Amount                             by line 4, column B                    Multiply column B 
   (MM-DD-YYY)             (C-8000ITC, line 10)                      (See Instructions if zero)                       by column C 

7.        E                             F                                        G                                        H 
   Taxable Year           SBT Recapture Capital                                                         SBT Recapture Amount Offset 
   (repeat from            Investment Amount                     Gross SBT ITC Credit Recapture                         by Credit 
    column A)              (C-8000ITC, line 23)                  Multiply column F by column C           Lesser of columns D and G 

8.        I                             J                                        K                                      L                               M 
                                                                                                                                        SBT ITC Recapture Rate 
                                                                                                        Extent Credit Used Rate              Multiply columns C 
   Taxable Year           SBT ITC Credit Amount                                                            Divide column K by            and L. Carry amount to 
   (repeat from           That offsets SBT liability            Total SBT ITC Credit Amount Used        column D (cannot be                 Worksheet 4a, line 4, 
    column A)                    (from webtool)                         Add columns J and H                     more than 1)                        column E 


- 13 -
         1)  Taxpayer       used  the straight     method                to calculate   the                • Line  8,  column M:  For                 each  taxable  year on           line       
             SBT    liability  for  that taxable      year:     calculated        the                        8,  column          I, multiply      line      6, column      C by        line   8,   
             credit   rate  on  C-8000ITC, line           26  for     that    taxable                        column       L.  Enter results        here.    Match      the  taxable              
             year, and     enter  the   result   here;                                                       year  on  line          8, column       I with     the  taxable  year on            
         2)   Taxpayer         used     the           excess          compensation                           Worksheet 4a,           line       4, column A,       and  carry    amount          
             reduction      method  to calculate         the  SBT        liability                           from  line          8, column  M to         Worksheet        4a,  line            4,   
             for   that  taxable year:      calculate     the   credit      rate  on                         column      E for each      appropriated            tax   year  line.  
             C-8000ITC,  line  26, for          that  taxable      year;    subtract              • Method C:  
             the   percentage  found on         C-8000S,        line     6, from                         Worksheet 4a, columns A through D:                             Fill column          A,   
             100%, and       multiply    the   result       of that subtraction          by                   leave  all   others    blank.       
             the   calculated  credit rate      on    C-8000ITC,            line  26.          
             Enter  the  result  here.                                                               ○   Worksheet 4b, columns A and B: Leave lines                              blank.        
           • Line 8, column J:                Enter  amount of           ITC     used                ○   Worksheet 4a, Column E:                        Enter  results from            the       
             provided       by the  webtool     that  corresponds              to                        taxpayer’s   own  software of             choice       (that  is,            a non-
             each   taxable  year displayed           on  line              8, column      I.            Treasury    Web    tool)  or the         taxpayer’s      own     calculation            
             Access     the Michigan        Department        of Treasury                                that   reflects the   MBT      statute.      Retain      records    to                  
             (Treasury)      Web    tool  by  going             to the  Treasury  site                   substantiate figures        entered             in the filed  return.  
             (www.michigan.gov/mbt4585tool                            ), and   enter    the  
             necessary information                 as instructed. 

Calculation of SBT ITC Recapture Amounts                                                        column    A,  enter the   corresponding            SBT      ITC   effective     rate             
To complete      Worksheet   follow   5,   the  instructions  below:                            from    Worksheet    4a,  column  E. Match               the    acquisition    year      in      
                                                                                                Worksheet       5, column     A,  with the         corresponding          acquisition            
Line 9, Column A:           Enter  in  chronological order,                 beginning           year   Worksheet   in 4a,   column       A.   
with   the  earliest, the   tax  year  end   date     of each    acquisition                 
year   disposed   of assets   that  triggered       SBT    ITC      recapture        from       Line 9, Column D:  Multiply  column   by   B                      column   for   C      each       
Worksheets   through   3a     3c.                                                               acquisition year.   
Line  9,  Column B:           Separately  for each         acquisition         year             Add   up  figures      in each row      of      Worksheet 5,      column D,  and                  
listed   in  column A,   combine       the  corresponding          amounts                      carry  that  amount      Formto       4902,  line    2.
in   Worksheet  3a, column       F,  Worksheet        3b,  column           F, and             
                                                                                                UBGs:  Add  up  figures in          each   row     of  Worksheet          5, line      9,         
Worksheet  3c,     column   for   B     all  disposed      assets      that     triggered      
                                                                                                column       D from  every     group    member  that  has disposed               assets          
SBT ITC       recapture.  
                                                                                                that triggered    SBT  ITC       recapture.  Carry            the   sum      allof      years,   
Line 9, Column C:              For  each acquisition         year     listed     in             for  all  group  members,      formto       4902,  line    2.

Worksheet 5 — Calculation of SBT ITC Recapture Amounts 
9.           A                                             B                                                 C                                                  D 
                                        Total SBT ITC Recapture Base
Taxable Year (End Date)                        by Year of Acquisition 
   In Which Disposed             Add amounts from Worksheet 3a, column F;                       Year-Specified Recapture 
Assets Were Acquired           Worksheet 3b, column F; and Worksheet  3c,                       Percentage Rate from                               Recapture Amount 
     (MM-DD-YYYY)                                     column B                                      Line 4, Column E                    Multiply Column B by Column C 

10.  TOTAL.  Enter total of line 9, column D.  Carry total to Form 4902, line 2. If less than zero, enter zero. .......                                                                     00 


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