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Michigan Department of Treasury                                                                                               TE-SOURCE
3828 (Rev. 12-20)
Application for Air Pollution Control Tax Exemption Certificate
Issued under authority of P.A. 451 of 1994, as amended, Part 59. Filing is mandatory.
General Information. Complete All Boxes.
   New               Amend                  Transfer Certificate #1
PART 1   SOURCE IDENTIFICATION.  This section pertains to the facility where the air pollution control equipment is located.
1. Company Name (Applicant must be owner of facility)                                             2.AQD Source ID (SRN)

Address (equipment location)                                                                      3.Primary SIC Code

   City, State, ZIP Code                                                                           4. County

 5. Name of Taxing Authority.  Select one only.         City of
                                                          Township of
                                                          Village of
6.Describe the major process or processes of the pollution control equipment at the facility.

  7. Enter the total value of requested tax exemption.  Indicate whether value is "Estimated" or "Final" by checking the appropriate box.  
     (If cost is estimated, you must supply the final cost within 90 days of completion of construction.) May apply with estimated costs only if project is 
      not completed.                                           Estimated               Final

 PART 2: TECHNICAL CONTACT/PREPARER.  Technical contact should be able to respond to technical questions 
 concerning this application.  Enter Preparer information, if different than Technical Contact.
  8.Technical Contact Name                                                            Position/Title

   E-mail Address                                                                     Telephone Number              Fax Number

 9.Preparer Name                                                                      Position/Title

      Company Name                                                                    Telephone Number              Fax Number

      Company Mailing Address                                                         E-Mail Address

 PART 3:  COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE.  COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE INFORMATION.  Name and address for Tax Exemption ResponseName and address for Tax Exemption response. Complete all boxes.
 10. Company Official Name                                                           Position/Title

 Street Address                                                                     City, State, ZIP Code

   E-mail Address                            Telephone Number                                               Fax Number

I certify that all the information contained in this tax exemption application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
     Signature of Company Official (No authorized agents)                                                           Date

 Application Number                    Reviewed By                                   Date Received/Date Reviewed  LUCI Code

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3828, Page 2                                                                                                      TE-EQUIPMENT

Application for Air Pollution Control Tax Exemption Certificate
Air Pollution Control Equipment Description. May attach multiple TE-Equipment pages to one TE-Source.
13. AQD Source ID (SRN)                                                          14. Emission Unit

15. Describe the air pollution control equipment, the operational procedure, how it will minimize or control air pollution, and any function the equipment 
serves that is other than for ambient air pollution control.  Include non-air pollution control uses.

16. Permit Number/Permit Exemption Rule (must  17. Beginning Date of Construction                    18. Projected/Completion Date of Construction
be provided)

 PART 5:  EQUIPMENT AND COST DETAILS.  For the equipment associated with the air pollution control that is claimed to be 
 exempt, provide a description, total cost, and the portion of the total cost being claimed as exempt for each of the items listed.  If an 
 item does not exist, indicate "N/A." Provide plans and specifications for the facility, as an additional attachment, per Section 5902 
 (1). Provide an itemized list of equipment totaling the amount requested in box #7. 
19. Describe the air pollution control equipment (attach additional pages if necessary.    Total Cost of 19 
Costs must be separated into appropriate categories in 20-24).                             $
                                                                                           Portion Claiming Tax Exempt (provide itemized list)
20. Describe the stack and specify other process/processes equipment associated with       Total Cost of 20
this stack.                                                                                $
                                                                                           Portion Claiming Tax Exempt (provide itemized list)
21. Describe the ancillary equipment (foundations, enclosures, electrical equipment, etc.). Total Cost of 21      
                                                                                           Portion Claiming Tax Exempt (provide itemized list)
22. Describe the fans and motors.  Distinguish between static pressure needed for the      Total Cost of 22 
plant's HVAC and process applications, and that needed for air pollution control 
equipment.                                                                                 $
                                                                                           Portion Claiming Tax Exempt (provide itemized list)
23. Describe the ductwork and hoods including the percentage of ductwork necessary for  Total Cost of 23
air pollution control purposes. (Do not include the percentage which is for the benefit of 
personnel).                                                                                $
                                                                                           Portion Claiming Tax Exempt (provide itemized list)
24. Describe miscellaneous costs (engineering costs, administrative fees, feasibility study  Total Cost of 24
costs, etc.).
                                                                                           Portion Claiming Tax Exempt (provide itemized list)

 25. Value of recovered product (must provide per Sec. 5902(2))                           Total of 19-24 
$                                                                                                        $
26. Is equipment replacing an existing piece of equipment already exempt?                                    Yes  No
                                                                               If Yes, enter the Tax Exemption Certificate number ____________________________________

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3828, Page 3                                                                                                             TE-PROCESS

Application for Air Pollution Control Tax Exemption Certificate
Process Change Description - Complete only if changing a current process to a new improved process
 27. AQD Source ID (SRN)                                                       28. Emission Unit

 29. Describe the original process and the operational procedure of this emission unit, with specific attention paid to the portion(s) of the process being 
changed. (A detailed narrative is critical.)

 30. Describe or list the air pollution control devices employed by the original process.

 31. Describe the type and magnitude of pollutants associated with this emission unit.                               32. Permit Number/ Permit 
                                                                                                                     Exemption Rule (must provide 

33. Describe a control device that could have been employed to reduce emissions to the same extent as the process    33a. Estimated cost of 
change.  Give details concerning whether or not it could (physically) have been done, and whether or not it would be theoretical/conventional control
as effective as the process change at controlling pollution. (See Example 1 in instructions). (33 and 33a must be 

 PART 7:  NEW PROCESS - The shaded area in items 43 and 44 are for Office Use Only.
34. Describe the process and the operational procedure of this emission unit, with specific attention being paid to the portion(s) of the process that       
were/are being changed. Provide plans, specifications and drawings showing position of equipment relative to outer shell of building.

35. Describe the air pollution control devices employed by the new process.  IMPORTANT:  A TE-EQUIPMENT form should be submitted for  
equipment that is solely used for air pollution control.

36. Describe the type and magnitude of pollutants associated with this new emission unit.  

37. Emission Unit                           38. Permit Number/ Permit          39. Beginning Date of    40. Projected/Actual Completion
                                             Exemption Rule (if different from Construction              
                                            item 28)

41. Total Cost of Process Change            42. Portion Claiming Tax Exempt    43. Exemption Factor     44. Exemption Value
$                                           $                                        25% or __________% $
45. Gross Value of Recovered Product

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3828, Page 4

                              Instructions for Completing Form 3828,
              Application for Air Pollution Control Tax Exemption Certificate
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS                                                       Classification (SIC) code that best describes the major product or 
One TE-SOURCE is required for each submittal; and one or both              service produced. This code must be a four digit numeric code not 
TE-EQUIPMENT or TE-PROCESS is also required. Complete                      ending in zero based upon the Standard Industrial Classification 
the number of forms appropriate for your situation. Multiple               Manual (1987), or a six-digit code based upon the North American 
TE-Equipment and TE-Process forms may be filed under one                   Industry Classification System (1997).
TE-Source [IMPORTANT: Forms must be fully completed.                       Part 2: Technical Contact/Preparer Information
An incomplete application will be returned to the preparer                 Enter the information in #8 of the person who can respond to 
unprocessed.]                                                              technical questions about the application. If the Preparer is different 
For full consideration in the year in which the material is                than Technical Contact Person, enter the Preparer information in 
submitted, a complete application must be received by June 15.             #9.
For faster service, email the completed application and                    Part 3: Company Official
additional required documentation to PTE@michigan.gov. An                  The Company Official is required to be an employee of the 
additional submission option is to mail the completed application          company that is seeking the tax exemption. The application 
and required documents to:Michigan Department of Treasury, State           response will be sent to the Company Official. By signing and 
Tax Commission, P.O. Box 30471, Lansing, MI 48909                          dating  this  application,  the  Company  Official  authorizes  the 
Refer to the following Department of Environmental Quality                 Michigan Department of Treasury and the DEQ to discuss this 
(DEQ) Web site documents for assistance in completing an air               project with the technical contact person named in Part 2.
pollution control tax exemption application:                               TE-EQUIPMENT
DEQ Air Quality Web site                                                   The TE-EQUIPMENT provides information about air pollution 
www.michigan.gov/deq/0,1607,7-135,3310---,00.html                          control equipment that may be eligible for tax exemption. If a tax 
DEQ Air Pollution Guidance Document                                        exemption is being sought for equipment from multiple emission 
                                                                           units, complete a separate form for each emission unit. A separate 
w w w. d e q . s t a t e . m i . u s / d o c u m e n t s / D E Q - A Q D -      should be attached for each additional explanation. Each page 
Tax_exemption_application_guidance_document.pdf                            must be identified as TE-Equipment or TE-Process along with the 
DEQ Permit Guide Book                                                      corresponding Emission Unit name from box 14. Applications with 
                                                                           more than one explanation per page will not be accepted. Items 19
permitspermitguidebook.pdf                                                 thru 24 may require additional space for explanation.
DEQ Operational Memorandum #6 – Emissions Units                            Part 4: General Information
www.deq.state.mi.us/documents/deq-aqd-opmemo6.pdf                          Line 13: AQD Source ID (SRN). Enter the state registration 
                                                                           number for your facility issued by the DEQ.
DEQ Environmental Permits,Licenses & Certifications
                                                                           Line 14: Emission Unit. If the equipment is part of a Renewable 
http://www.michigan.gov/deq/1,1607,7-135-6132_6830---,00.                  Operating Permit, Permit to Install, or is reported in the Michigan 
html                                                                       Air Emission Reporting System (MAERS), it may have an 
LINE-BY-LINE INSTRUCTIONS                                                  emission unit associated with it. If so, enter thename of the 
Lines not listed are explained on the form. Complete all boxes or          emission unit to which it belongs. If not, the Michigan Department 
indicate N/A.                                                              of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division (DEQ/AQD), 
                                                                           “Operational Memorandum No. 6” will assist you in defining 
TE-SOURCE                                                                  one for your facility. A separate TE-EQUIPMENT should be 
The TE-SOURCE provides general information about the facility              submitted for each emission unit. Multiple TE-Process and TE-
including contact person and preparer identification. Complete a           Equipment forms may be filed under one TE-Source.
TE-SOURCE for each submittal. If additional space is required                       Permit Number/Exemption Rule. Enter the permit number 
                                                                           Line 16:
to complete an answer, attach additional pages.                            or permit exemption rule that covers the process equipment. One 
                                                                           must be provided.
Part 1: Source Identification                                              Part 5: Equipment and Cost Details
This section pertains to the facility where the air pollution control      Provide a description of the equipment associated with the air 
equipment is located.                                                      pollution control that is claimed to be exempt. Provide one set of 
Line 2: AQD Source ID (SRN). Enter the state registration                  plans and provide an itemized list of equipment and costs. Consider 
number for your facility issued by the DEQ.                                incremental costs when providing the value to be considered for 
                                                                           tax exemption. If a building is constructed solely for the purpose 
Line 3: Primary SIC Code. Enter the Standard Industrial 

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3828, Page 5

of protecting an air pollution control device, the entire cost of the Line 45: Value of Recovered Product. Enter the gross commercial 
building may be tax exempt. If, however, the size of the building     or productive value derived from any materials captured or 
is increased to allow for additional warehouse space, the entire      recovered by the air pollution control equipment, calculated 
cost of the building would not be tax exempt. (See Example 1)         on a yearly basis. Include any financial benefit from increased 
Line 25: Value of Recovered Product. Enter the gross commercial       production capabilities as a result of a change in the process. This 
or productive value derived from any materials captured or            is required per Sec. 5902(2).
recovered by the air pollution control equipment calculated on a 
yearly basis. This is required per Sec. 5902(2).
The TE-PROCESS provides detailed cost information about a 
process change that has contributed to an improvement in air 
emission. A tax exemption of up to 25% is awarded for eligible 
equipment. If a tax exemption is being sought for equipment 
from multiple emission units, complete a separate form for 
each emission unit. If additional space is required to complete 
an answer, attach additional pages. A separate page should 
be attached for each additional explanation. Each page must 
be identified as TE-Equipment or TE-Process along with the            Example 1
corresponding Emission Unit name from box 14. Applications            A building is constructed to protect an air 
with more than one explanation per page will not be accepted.         pollutioncontrol device and serve as a warehouse. 
Items 29 thru 36 may require additional space for explanation.        To calculate the tax exempt portion, the applicant 
                                                                      must determine the total cost of the building, less 
Part 6: Original Process and Alternative
                                                                      the cost of the portion of the building serving as a 
(Theoretical) Conventional Control                                    warehouse.
Line 27: AQD Source ID (SRN). Enter the state registration            Total Cost of Building                      $100,000 
number for your facility issued by the DEQ.
                                                                      Less Cost of Warehouse Portion              (80,000)
Line 28: Emission Unit. If the equipment is part of a Renewable       Tax Exempt Portion                  $20,000.
Operating Permit, Permit to Install, or is reported in the 
Michigan Air Emission Reporting System (MAERS), it may 
have an emission unit associated with it. If so, enter the name 
of the emission unit to which it belongs. If not, the Michigan 
Department of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division,            Example 1
“Operational Memorandum No. 6” will assist you in defining an         Case 1: A $200,000 process change to a coating line
emission unit for your facility. A separate TE-PROCESS should         results in lower VOC emission. Theoretically, a 
be submitted for each emission unit. Multiple TE-Process and          thermal oxidizer and capture equipment could have 
TE-Equipment forms may be filed under one application.                had the same net decrease in emission, but would’ve 
                                                                      cost $100,000. In this case, a 25% tax exemption for 
Part 7: New Process
                                                                      the process change would be appropriate, thereby 
Line 37: Emission Unit. If the new equipment is part of a             making $50,000 eligible for tax exemption.
Renewable Operating Permit, Permit to Install, or is reported in 
                                                                      Case 2: A $500,000 process change to a coating line
the Michigan Air Emission Reporting System (MAERS), it may 
                                                                      results in lower VOC emission. Theoretically, a 
have an emission unit associated with it. If so, enter the name of 
                                                                      thermal oxidizer and capture equipment could have 
the emission unit to which it belongs. It is possible that it will 
                                                                      had the same net decrease in emission, but would’ve 
have the same name as that listed on line 28. 
                                                                      cost $100,000. In this case, the $100,000 control 
Line 41: Total Cost of Process Change. Enter the total cost of        equipment addition would’ve had the same net 
the process change, not including costs of air pollution control      effect, and is less than 25% of $500,000 ($125,000). 
devices listed in TE-EQUIPMENT.                                       Therefore, in this case, a tax exemption of $100,000 
Line 42: Portion Claiming Tax Exempt. A standard 25% of costs         would be issued, even though the $500,000 process 
associated with process changes is tax exempt. Enter the portion      change was the actual action taken.
of the total cost for which you are claiming a tax exemption. (See 
example 2)

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