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Michigan Department of Treasury (Rev. 11-21)
Issued under authority of Public Act 281 of 1967, as amended.
2022 MI-1040ES, Michigan Estimated Income Tax for Individuals
Important Information Payment Due Dates
If you are married and plan to file your annual return as “married You may pay in full with the first estimate voucher due
filing separately,” DO NOT use preprinted vouchers containing April 18, 2022. You may also pay in equal installments due
the Social Security numbers (SSN) or correspondence on or before April 18, 2022, June 15, 2022, September 15,
identification numbers (CID) for both you and your spouse; 2022, and January 17, 2023.
separate vouchers and payments must be submitted for each filer. NOTE: You will not receive reminder notices; save this
set of forms for all of your 2022 payments.
Failure to provide a complete Social Security number on Form
MI-1040ES will result in processing delays. How to Pay Estimated Tax
Who Must File Estimated Tax Payments
You may choose to make your estimated income tax
You must make estimated income tax payments if you payments electronically instead of mailing a payment with
expect to owe more than $500 when you file your 2022 the personalized form provided. Paying electronically
MI-1040 return. If you owe more than $500, you may not is easy, fast and secure. Payment options include direct
have to make estimated payments if you expect your 2022 debit (eCheck) from your checking or savings account, or
withholding to be at least: payment by credit or debit card. If you choose to make
• 90 percent of your total 2022 tax (qualified farmers, your payment electronically, you do not need to mail the
fishermen and seafarers use 66 and 2/3 percent), MI-1040ES form to Treasury. Visit www.michigan.gov/iit
• 100 percent of your 2021 tax, or for more information.
Mail Your Payment
• 110 percent of your total 2021 tax if your 2021 adjusted
If you choose to mail your payment, make your check
gross income is more than $150,000 ($75,000 for married
payable to “State of Michigan.” Print the last four digits of
filing separately). your SSN and “2022 MI-1040ES” on the check. If paying
Estimated tax payments are not needed if two-thirds of your on behalf of another filer, write the filer’s name and the
gross income is from farming, fishing or seafaring and you last four digits of the filer’s SSN on the check. For accurate
meet the qualifications. Estimate filing requirements apply processing of your payment, do not combine this payment
whether or not you are a Michigan resident. with any other payments. Send your check with the
Do not submit this form for any quarter that you do not MI-1040ES voucher for that installment. Do not staple your
have estimated tax due. check to the voucher.
Send your voucher and check to:
Michigan Department of Treasury
P.O. Box 30774
Lansing, MI 48909
Issued under authority of Public Due Date for Calendar Year Filers
2022 MICHIGAN Act 281 of 1967, as amended.
See instructions for filing
MI-1040ES Estimated Individual Income Tax Voucher guidelines.
Filer’s Name(s) Filer’s Full Social Security Number Spouse’s Full Social Security Number
Address (Street, City, State, ZIP Code)
MAIL TO: Enclose check payable to “State
Michigan Department of Treasury of Michigan.” Write last four
P.O. Box 30774 digits MI-1040ES”of filer’s on theSSNfront andof your“2022
Lansing, MI 48909 check. Do not fold or staple.