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2022 Form 4642, Page 2
Instructions for Form 4642, Voluntary Contributions Schedule
Michigan taxpayers can contribute $5, $10, or more to any of the following funds on the Voluntary Contributions Schedule (Form
4642). Contributions to these funds will increase your tax liability or reduce your refund.
American Red Cross Michigan Fund Military Family Relief Fund
The American Red Cross is always there for you and your The Military Family Relief Fund provides grants to
community, helping to alleviate suffering caused by disasters qualifying families of military members in either the
big and small. The Red Cross shelters, and provides emotional Michigan National Guard or Reserves who are called
support to Michigan residents and beyond; supplies about 40 to active duty as a result of the national response to the
percent of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
provides international humanitarian aid; and supports military
members and their families. By mobilizing the power of United Way Fund
volunteers and the generosity of donors, the Red Cross responds United Way fights for the health, education, and financial
to more than 60,000 disasters annually. In Michigan, last year stability of every person in every community. By
more than 6,000 volunteers logged more than 200,000 hours contributing to the United Way Fund, you’re insuring that
assisting others. On average 91 cents of every dollar the Red your dollars stay local and work to improve the lives of
Cross spends is invested in humanitarian services. individuals and families in your community by providing
for basic needs, including, but not limited to, food, clothing,
Animal Welfare Fund and shelter. United Way’s greatest strength is understanding
The outside world can be a harsh, scary place for homeless pets. the needs of local communities – but we’re more than just a
And throughout Michigan, small towns and big cities alike fundraiser. We mobilize thousands of volunteers, donors, and
struggle to find the resources they need to provide medical care advocates across your community and the state of Michigan
to the animals they rescue. Through the Animal Welfare Fund, to help change lives through service, collaboration, and
the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development impact. Come join us and help Michigan Live United.
provides grants to Michigan’s registered animal shelters for
spay/neuter and care programs for shelter dogs and cats up for
adoption. Grants also help support many local anti-cruelty and
animal care programs around the state. Shelters also use grant
monies from your generous donations to help care for animals
seized as part of animal cruelty and hoarding cases.
Children’s Trust Fund - Prevent Child Abuse
The Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) supports services throughout
Michigan to prevent child abuse and neglect. CTF funds home
visitation services; respite care; services for families with
incarcerated family members; and parenting education and
support. CTF supports a statewide network of local Child Abuse
and Neglect Prevention Councils. Examples of local Council
work are teaching professionals about mandated reporting;
teaching parents and caregivers about infant head trauma
prevention and infant safe sleep practices; and establishing baby
pantries to provide diapers, formula, and clothing. In the coming
year, CTF and its local Councils will lead statewide efforts to
build local responses to the opioid crisis.