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Michigan Department of Treasury                                                                                                                                           Attachment 29 
4947 (Rev. 04-22) 

2022 MICHIGAN Schedule of Certificated Credits 
Issued under authority of Public Act 38 of 2011. 
Taxpayer Name (print or type)                                                              Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) 

 1.  This credit has expired. Leave this line blank and skip to line 2 ........................................................................      1.                   X X X X X X X X X 00 
 2.  Eligible Renaissance Zone Credit (see instructions) .........................................................................................   2.                                     00 
 3.  Historic Preservation Credit Net of Recapture from Form 4568, line 22  ...........................................................              3.                                     00 
 4.  MEGA Federal Contracts Credit from Form 4568, line 28 .................................................................................         4.                                     00 
 5.  Brownfield Redevelopment Credit from Form 4568, line 32 ..............................................................................          5.                                     00 
 6.  Film Infrastructure Credit from Form 4568, line 35 ............................................................................................ 6.                                     00 
 7.  MEGA Plug-In Traction Battery Manufacturing Credit from Form 4568, line 36 ................................................                     7.                                     00 
 8.  Anchor Company Payroll Credit from Form 4568, line 37 .................................................................................         8.                                     00 
 9.  Anchor Company Taxable Value Credit from Form 4568, line 38 ......................................................................              9.                                     00 
10.  MEGA Poly-Silicon Energy Cost Credit and Miscellaneous MEGA Battery Credits from Form 4568, line 39 ...  10.                                                                           00 
 11. Certificated Nonrefundable Credits for CIT. Add lines 2 through 10 and carry to Form 4946, line 30,  
     or Form 4975, line 8  .........................................................................................................................................  11.                   00 

PART 2: RECAPTURE OF CERTAIN BUSINESS TAX CREDITS    Amount may not be less than zero. See instructions. 
12.  Recapture of MBT Investment Tax Credit (see instructions)  .............................................................................  12.                                          00 
13.  Recapture of Single Business Tax (SBT) Investment Tax Credit from Form 4585, line 7  .................................  13.                                                            00 
14.  This recapture has expired. Leave this line blank and skip to line 15  ...............................................................  14.                          X X X X X X X X X 00 
15.  Recapture of MBT MEGA Employment Tax Credit from Form 4587, line 2a .....................................................  15.                                                         00 
16.  This recapture has expired. Leave this line blank and skip to line 19  ...............................................................  16.                          X X X X X X X X X 00 
17.  This recapture has expired. Leave this line blank and skip to line 19  ...............................................................  17.                          X X X X X X X X X 00 
18.  This recapture has expired. Leave this line blank and skip to line 19  ...............................................................  18.                          X X X X X X X X X 00 
19.  Recapture of MEGA Federal Contract Credit from Form 4587, line 4 ...............................................................  19.                                                  00 
20.  Recapture of MEGA Photovoltaic Technology Credit from Form 4587, line 5 ...................................................  20.                                                       00 
21.  This recapture has expired. Leave this line blank and skip to line 22  ...............................................................  21.                          X X X X X X X X X 00 
22.  Recapture of MBT Brownfield Redevelopment Credit from Form 4587, line 7 ..................................................  22.                                                        00 
23.  Recapture of Film Infrastructure Credit from Form 4587, line 8f  .......................................................................  23.                                          00 
24.  Recapture of Anchor Company Payroll Credit from Form 4587, line 9..............................................................  24.                                                   00 
25.  Recapture of Anchor Company Taxable Value Credit from Form 4587, line 10  ................................................  25.                                                        00 
26.  Recapture of Miscellaneous MEGA Battery Credits from Form 4587, line 12a .................................................  26.                                                        00 
27.  Recapture of Start-Up Business Credit from Form 4573, line 8  ........................................................................  27.                                            00 
28.  Total Recapture of Certain Business Tax Credits for CIT. Add lines 12, 13, 15, 19, 20 and 22 through 27, 
     and carry to Form 4946, line 32, or Form 4975, line 10  ....................................................................................  28.                                      00 

PART   3: CERTIFICATED          REFUNDABLE CREDITS    Amount may not be less than zero. See instructions. 
29.  MEGA Employment Tax Credit from Form 4574, line 12 ...................................................................................  29.                                            00 
30.  This credit is no longer available. Leave this line blank and skip to line 31  ......................................................  30.                           X X X X X X X X X 00 
31.  Farmland Preservation Credit from Form 4574, line 15  ....................................................................................  31.                                        00 
32.  MEGA Federal Contract Credit from Form 4574, line 16...................................................................................  32.                                           00 
33.  MEGA Photovoltaic Technology Credit from Form 4574, line 17 .......................................................................  33.                                               00 
34.  Film Production Credit from Form 4574, line 18 ................................................................................................  34.                                   00 
35.  This credit is no longer available. Leave this line blank and skip to line 36  ......................................................  35.                           X X X X X X X X X 00 
36.  Anchor Company Payroll Credit from Form 4574, line 20 .................................................................................  36.                                           00 
37.  Anchor Company Taxable Value Credit from Form 4574, line 21 ......................................................................  37.                                                00 
38.  MEGA Poly-Silicon Energy Cost Credit and Miscellaneous MEGA Battery Credits from Form 4574, line 22 ...  38.                                                                           00 
39.  Certificated Refundable Credits. Add lines 29, 31 through 34, and 36 through 38, and carry to Form 4946, 
     line 34, or Form 4975, line 12 ............................................................................................................................  39.                       00 

+ 0000 2022 58 01 27 3 

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                                                                    Instructions for Form 4947 
                                                          Schedule of Certificated Credits 

                                                                                                           determine  which  Renaissance Zone                   credits  are     certificated.                A
                                                                                                           certificated   Renaissance  Zone  credit will               be   identified      by     the      
To   allow  qualified taxpayers           that     elect  to file   Michigan                               checkbox   on     line           2 of Form  4595.      Only      a credit      of that  type  
Business Tax           (MBT)   for  tax   years        ending       after    2011           to identify    may  be  reported on    this       line.  Enter    credit  amount      from      Form            
their   certificated  credits  and recapture                    of certain  tax  credits.                  4595,  line  25b,  for  which  certificated  status      is properly  claimed  
These   amounts  will be       used      in  calculating           the pro        forma                    on  Form  4595,  line    2.
Corporate  Income  Tax (CIT)              liability       on  the           Schedule of CIT 
Liability for a MBT Filer               (Form  4946),  which                               is a required   If      a taxpayer has  activity      in more      than one   certificated                       
element      in calculating MBT           liability      for  tax    years         ending          after   Renaissance  Zone,      a separate  Form  4595  will  be  filed  for  each  
2011.                                                                                                      Zone.   In  that  case, report        here  the   combined       total               of credits  
                                                                                                           claimed   on  all Forms      4595,       line  25b,    for  which     certificated               
NOTE:  Only      a limited number                  of   credits     and     recaptures                     status      is properly  claimed  on  Form  4595,  line    2.
listed  on  this form      apply          to financial    institutions      or insurance  
companies.   Credits  and recaptures                    applicable        to financial                     DO NOT use  the  Renaissance  Zone  credit  amount  from  Form  
institutions  are  identified      in the  instructions      of the  forms  from                           4573      or Form  4596      to complete  this  form. 
which   figures  on this      form       originate.             A credit  or recapture                                 An Historic     Preservation           Credit   may    be classified                 
                                                                                                           Line 3: 
should  not      be reported  on  Form  4947              if it is  reportednot                   on  one  as  refundable      or nonrefundable,  depending upon                     an   election          
of  the  following  forms:                                                                                 made   by  the taxpayer.     Use      this  line only       to  report   an                      
  •  Nonrefundable Credits Summary (Form 4568)                                                             Historic   Preservation Credit              that  is properly    classified      as              
                                                                                                           nonrefundable.          If a refundable  historic preservation                   credit          
  •  Credits  for  Compensation,  Investment,  and  Research  and 
                                                                                                                  claimed as an    accelerated         credit     on the             
     Development (Form          4570)                                                                      was                                                                       Request for 
                                                                                                           Accelerated  Payment  for  the  Brownfield  RedevelopmentMiscellaneous Nonrefundable Credits (Form  4573)                                                      Credit  and  the  Historic  Preservation  Credit                         (Form 4889),            
  •  Refundable Credits (Form  4574)                                                                       that   credit  amount         is not  reported on          this  form.   Standard                
  •  Investment  Tax  Credit  Recapture  From  Sale  of  Assets                                            taxpayers   and   financial   institutions   use   the   Historic                                
     Acquired Under Single Business Tax (Form  4585)                                                       Preservation  Credit  Net                of Recapture      amount           as reported      on  
                                                                                                           Form  4568,  line  22. 
  •  Schedule of Recapture of Certain Business  Tax Credits  
     (Form  4587)                                                                                          Line 4:   A     MEGA Federal           Contracts      Credit   may          be classified   as   
  •  Renaissance Zone Credit Schedule  (Form  4595).                                                       refundable      or nonrefundable,  depending  upon      an election  made  
                                                                                                           by  the  taxpayer.  Use  this  line  only      to report      a MEGA  Federal  
NOTE            for           Insurance                 Companies:                      Insurance                         Credit  that       is properly      classified  as  nonrefundable,                
Companies   calculate  certificated credits                  separately           on the                          reported  on  Form  4568. 
Miscellaneous Credits for Insurance Companies                                                     (Form  
4596)   and  the          Schedule  of  Corporate  Income  Tax  Liability                                  Line 5:       A Brownfield         Redevelopment           Credit     may be                     
for a Michigan Business Tax Insurance Filer                          (Form 4974).                          classified      as refundable      or nonrefundable,            depending  upon  an              
                                                                                                           election   made  by  the taxpayer.          Use      this  line  only             to report      a
Line-by-Line Instructions                                                                                  Brownfield  Redevelopment  Credit  that      is properly  classified      as
Lines not      listed    are  explained    on  the       form.                                             nonrefundable.          If a refundable          Brownfield      credit     was   claimed  
                                                                                                           as   an   accelerated  credit on      Form     4889,     that   credit   amount                    is
Name and Account Number:                             Enter name             and   account                  not   reported  on this    form.      Standard       taxpayers     and   financial               
number      asreported on     page    1 of          the applicable  MBT           annual                   institutions  use  the Brownfield           Redevelopment             Credit    amount           
return  (either         MBT Annual Return                 (Form     4567)  for standard                    as  reported  on  Form  4568,  line    32
taxpayers,  MBT Annual Return for Financial Institutions (Form  
4590),  or      Insurance  Company            Annual  Return for Michigan                                  Line 6:  Standard  taxpayers  and financial                  institutions       use     the      
Business and Retaliatory Taxes  (Form  4588).                                                              amount  from  Form  4568,  line  35. 
UBGs:  Complete  one  form for                the       group.     Enter     designated                    Line 7:     For tax years ending after December 31, 2014, the 
member’s  name  and  account  number.  To  the  extent  that  credits                                      MEGA Plug-In Traction Battery  Manufacturing  Credit 
are  calculated  on      pro-forma,a           member  level  basis  on  the  4568,                        is no longer available.             However,  unused credit            carryforward              
4595, or      4574,  enter  the  total  credit  amount  for  the  group  on  this                          from  the  immediately  preceding  tax  year  may  still  be  claimed,  
form.                                                                                                         if available. 
PART 1: Certificated Nonrefundable Credits                                                                 Line 8:  An  Anchor  Company  Payroll  Credit  may  be  classified  
       If not  taking  any  credits in      Part 1,      skip to      Part    2.                           as                                                                                              
                                                                                                               refundable or nonrefundable, depending                    upon     an   election            
                                                                                                           made  by  the taxpayer.      Use      this  line   only            to report   an  Anchor        
Line 2:         Not  all Renaissance      Zone          credits    are  certificated                       Company   Payroll Credit              that  is properly    classified     as                     
credits to      be  reported  on  this  form.  See  special  instructions  on                              nonrefundable,  and  reported  on  Form  4568. 
the  MBT Renaissance Zone Credit Schedule                                   (Form         4595)      to
                                                                                                           Line 9:  An  Anchor  Company Taxable                       Value   Credit      may      be       


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classified   as  refundable or   nonrefundable,              depending     upon                Miscellaneous   MEGA  Battery Credits            may     be  classified  as      
an  election  made by     the  taxpayer.        Use    this  line   only          to report    refundable   or  nonrefundable, depending          upon  an election             
an   Anchor  Company Taxable             Value       Credit  that              is properly     made   by   the  taxpayer in      the year  the  credit  arises.  Use  this      
classified      as nonrefundable,  and  reported  on  Form  4568.                              line      toreport a      MEGA Poly-Silicon  Energy  Cost    Credit  and/       
                                                                                               or  any  Miscellaneous  MEGA  Battery  Credits  that  are  properly  
Line  10:   A     MEGA     Poly-Silicon  Energy Cost                Credit  may      be       
                                                                                               classified as      refundable  and  reported  on  Form  4574,  line  22. 
classified   as  refundable or   nonrefundable,              depending     upon               
an  election  made by     the  taxpayer.        Use    this  line   only          to report  
   a MEGA     Poly-Silicon     Energy  Cost Credit             that            is properly    
classified      as nonrefundable,  and  reported  on  Form  4568. 
PART 2: Recapture of Certain Business Tax Credits 
   If not  reporting  any  recaptures      in Part      2, skip      to Part    3.
Line 12:     See  the section    “Calculation          of    MBT    ITC    Credit             
Recapture  Amount”  later      in these  instructions. 
Line 13:   UBGs:        In a UBG,      a separate          copy      of Form       4585      is
filed  for  each  member  that  has  activity  reportable  on  that  form.  
   If the  return  includes  multiple  copies      of Form  4585,  report  here  
the   combined  total  of recapture           reported    on   all  Forms   4585,            
line    7.
PART 3: Certificated Refundable Credits 
Line 29: Standard  taxpayers and                financial    institutions    use    the       
MEGA  Employment  Tax  Credit amount                             as reported   on  Form      
4574,  line  12. 
Line  30:  This credit  cannot  be  claimed for  a  tax  period 
ending in 2016 or later. 
Line 32:    A     MEGA  Federal  Contracts  Credit  may  be  classified  
as   refundable  or  nonrefundable, depending                upon     an   election           
made   by  the  taxpayer. Use    this         line  only  to      report a MEGA              
Federal   Contracts Credit       that    is properly      classified     as                   
refundable,  and  reported  on  Form  4574,  line  16. 
Line 33: Standard  taxpayers and                financial    institutions   use     the       
MEGA  Photovoltaic  Technology  Credit  amount as      reported  on  
Form  4574,  line  17. 
Line 34: Standard  taxpayers and                financial    institutions    use    the       
Film  Production  Credit  amount as      reported  on  Form  4574,  line  
Line      35:      The  MEGA Plug-In Traction Battery 
Manufacturing Credit is no longer available as a newly 
arising credit.       Line          7 of this form  will  continue      to      be used       
to  claim  an unused  credit     carryforward          from    the  immediately              
preceding  tax  year. 
Line 36:     An Anchor       Company            Payroll   Credit    may be                    
classified      asrefundable or      nonrefundable, depending             upon     an         
election  made  by  the taxpayer.             Use  this  line  only  to      report an        
Anchor   Company      Payroll  Credit that           is      properly classified     as       
refundable,  and  reported  on  Form  4574,  line  20. 
Line 37:  An       Anchor  Company Taxable                Value     Credit  may      be       
classified   as  refundable or   nonrefundable,              depending     upon               
an  election  made by     the  taxpayer.        Use    this  line   only  to      report     
an   Anchor  Company Taxable             Value       Credit  that   is properly              
classified as      refundable,  and  reported  on  Form  4574,  line  21. 
Line 38:    A      MEGA     Poly-Silicon        Energy  Cost  Credit and             the     


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                                                     Calculation of MBT ITC Credit Recapture Amount 
Calculation of MBT ITC Credit Recapture Bases                                                          gain  reflected          in federal  taxable  income  (as defined                for   MBT         
For   each category      of  asset       disposed         (or moved    out of                          purposes)      is equal      to the gain       reported      for  federal     purposes.    
Michigan) that       triggers            an MBT ITC        credit  recapture,      enter     the       UBGs:  The  recapture of            capital        investments         for UBGs       is           
information requested           below.                                                                 calculated    on  combined assets               of  standard        members      of the            
In   each  category of     disposed/moved                 asset,  group     assets  by                 UBG.       Assets  transferred between                members        of  the  group    are         
taxable year          in which they       were    acquired.      All  events       that    have        not      a capital  investment in          qualifying          assets  for purposes                
varying     dates  must  be listed          separately.       Multiple      dispositions               of   calculating  this credit    or        its  recapture.      Disposing      of or               
(or   transfers)  may  be combined               as  one  entry,   subject    to the                   transferring      an  asset  outside of          the  UBG        triggers    recapture.            
following:    all  combined events               must     satisfy  the terms      of                   Also,  moving  an asset         outside               of Michigan      creates  recapture,         
the   table      in which  they  are entered.             “Taxable   Year              in which        even      if the  transfer              is to a member      of the  UBG. 
disposed  assets  were  acquired”  must  be  the  same  for  all  events  
                                                                                                       Worksheet 1a — Depreciable Tangible Assets 
combined  on      asingle    line. 
                                                                                                       Enter    all  dispositions of    depreciable             tangible      assets  located             
UBGs:   If    capital    asset  subject      to recapture      is from      a member                   in  Michigan  that were         acquired                 or moved      into  Michigan     after    
that   was  not  part          of the  group      in the      tax  year the   asset       was          acquisition          in a tax  year        beginning  after  2007 and           were     sold      
acquired,   make      a separate  line entry              for   the  tax  year  the                    or   otherwise  disposed of         during         the   current     filing  period.               
member      filed  outside of      the      group.     Take    care  to report      on                 Give  all  information required               for   each    disposition             in columns  
this  line  information requested                      in each  column  only  from the                     A through          F. In column A,      enter    the     taxable    year       in which the    
member’s single        filings,     not   the    group’s.                                              disposed      assets  were acquired.            Enter       combined     gross     sales           
NOTE:  A sale         of qualifying         property      reported     on the                          price                                                                                             
                                                                                                              (net   of costs   of sale)   in column   B, and   in column   C, enter 
installment     method  for federal             income    tax   purposes      causes                   total                                                                                             
                                                                                                             gain   or loss included   in calculating federal taxable income 
   a recapture      based  upon       the   entire     sale   price      in the  year      of the      (as                                              
                                                                                                            defined for MBT purposes).
sale.  The  recapture           is reduced       by  any  gain  reported               in federal      NOTE: Sales price             includes         any  benefit     derived   from    the    sale.   
taxable income       (as  defined       for  MBT        purposes)          in the year       of the  
sale. The   gain     attributable           to the installment     sale  that       is reported        Worksheet 1b Depreciable Mobile Tangible Assets 
in  subsequent  years  increases the               credit  base    (or  reduces     other              Enter  all  dispositions      of depreciable mobile                  tangible   assets   that      
sources      of recapture)        for  those     years,  and  must  be reported            on          were  acquired  after 2007       and          were    sold     or      otherwise disposed          
column          C of the  appropriate           Worksheet       based    on  the type            of    of during     the  current    filing        period.  Give       all  information       required    
asset.  For  property placed                 in service   prior      to January      1, 2008,          for each     disposition      incolumns A      through F.          Incolumn A,   enter             

Worksheet 1a — Depreciable Tangible Assets 
            A                                    B                                  C                             D                                  E                               F 
Taxable Year (End Date)                                                                                CIT Apportionment                Apportioned                         MBT ITC Recapture 
    In Which Disposed             Combined Sales Price                                                 Percentage from Form                Gain/Loss                            (Base 1) 
Assets Were Acquired              of Disposed Assets by                 Net Gain/Loss From             4891, line 9g, or Form          Multiply Column C                      Subtract Column E 
      (MM-DD-YYYY)                 Year of Acquisition                      Sale of Assets                  4908, line 9c               by Column D                           From Column B 

Worksheet 1b — Depreciable Mobile Tangible Assets 
            A                                    B                                  C                             D                                  E                               F 
Taxable Year (End Date)                                                                                                              CIT Apportionment                      MBT ITC Recapture 
    In Which Disposed          Combined Sales Price of                                                 Adjusted Proceeds            Percentage from Form                        (Base 2) 
Assets Were Acquired               Disposed Assets by                   Net Gain/Loss From               Subtract Column C          4891, line 9g, or Form                    Multiply Column D 
      (MM-DD-YYYY)                 Year of Acquisition                      Sale of Assets                  From Column B               4908, line 9c                           by Column E 

Worksheet 1c — Assets Transferred Outside Michigan 
            A                                                   B 
Taxable Year (End Date)                            MBT ITC Recapture 
    In Which Disposed                  Combined Adjusted Federal Basis of 
Assets Were Acquired                  Disposed Assets by Year of Acquisition
      (MM-DD-YYYY)                                        (Base 3) 


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the   taxable  year  in which        the    disposed         assets     were    acquired.              NOTE: Sales price             includes      any  benefit   derived     from      the   sale.     
Enter gross     sales      price   (net      ofcosts of      sale) in      column B,      and in      
column   enter   C,     total   gain   loss   or   included   calculating   in          federal        Worksheet 1c Assets Transferred Outside Michigan 
taxable income      (as    defined    for   MBT       purposes).                                       Enter all  depreciable        tangible       assets  other    than    mobile     tangible          
                                                                                                       assets acquired      after    2007      that  were     eligible    for  ITC      and      were      
For  property placed        in      service prior    to      January 1, 2008,          gain          
                                                                                                       transferred     outside  Michigan during              the  filing   period.     Give                
reflected   in  federal taxable         income       (as  defined          for MBT                   
                                                                                                       all information      required        for    each   disposition      incolumn A   and                
purposes)       is equal   the   to  gain   reported        for  federal      purposes.        
                                                                                                       column    B.  In  column A,         enter    the   taxable     year  in      which the              
For  property  placed in      service after          December           31,   2007,    gain            disposed assets      were     acquired,        and      incolumn B,   enter      adjusted          
reflected   in  federal taxable         income       (as  defined          for MBT                     basis    as  used  for federal      purposes.      Do     not  use  a recomputed                   
purposes)       is the    gain   reported      federally  except  that it      shall be                MBT basis      for   this  purpose.        
calculated           asif IRC   168(k)   § were      not   effect.   in     

Calculation of MBT ITC Recapture Rates                                                                     Multiply     column      J by column        K.    This   represents     the  total              
and Amounts                                                                                                amount of      ITC  credit  recapture  available to be          reported in      the  
Complete  Worksheet      2 (on the             following        page),      entering    each               tax  year.      
taxable   year  (End Date)          in  which      the     disposed        assets  that                  • Column   M:  MBT ITC               credit   recapture      amount   offset       by             
triggered MBT       ITC    credit     recapture         were     acquired.                                 credit.   Enter  the  lesser of        columns     H      and L. This    is the                 
                                                                                                           amount of      available  ITC  credit  recapture  that  was  offset  by  
NOTE:  Lines references on columns below are  based on 
                                                                                                           the  total  amount of      available  ITC  credit in      the  year.   
2010 MBT form 4570.  Lines for 2008 and 2009 MBT forms 
are different, so if copying information from a 2008 or 2009                                             • Column O:     SBT      credit    recapture      amount.         Enter  total  amount            
MBT form, choose the appropriate lines.                                                                    from  Form  4570,  line      19 for  each  taxable  year listed                on column  
Worksheet 2                                                                                              • Column   P:     SBT  ITC credit             recapture      amount     offset     by             
  • Column   A:  Enter in          chronological           order,    beginning         with                credit.     Enter  lesser           of the  amount  on column         O,    and      the        
    the  earliest,  the tax      year  end     date    of      each acquisition        year                amount      of column      H minus          column    M.  This           is the  amount  
    of  disposed  assets that        triggered       MBT        ITC     recapture      from                of   SBT  ITC  credit recapture             that  was  offset    by the     total               
    Worksheet   through   1a         1c.                                                                   amount      of available  ITC  credit      in the  taxable  year.  
UBGs:          If capital   asset    subject      to recapture      is from      a member                • Column Q:      Total      MBT       ITC     used.    Add     columns      D,  M,        and     
that   was  not  part of      the group        in      the tax  year    the asset    was                   P.  The   total  amount            of MBT ITC      used   equals         to the amount          
acquired,   make      a separate line          entry       for  the tax     year  the                      of   credit  that  offsets MBT          ITC    credit  recapture,     SBT     ITC               
member  filed  outside      of the group.            Take       care    to      report in      this        credit recapture,         and  the  MBT      liability.     
line   information  requested in            each     column        only     from  the                
                                                                                                         • Column       R: Extent used          rate.    Divide   amounts       on   column             Q   
member’s  single  filings,  not  the  group’s. 
                                                                                                           by  amounts  on  column        H.
  • Column   B:   Enter   allowable   MI   compensation  and                                             • Column   T:   MBT recapture              base.    Enter    total  amount    of                  
    ITC   credits  amount from            Form       4570,      line    26 with      the                   recapture capital         investment        from   Worksheet        1a,   column            F;   
    corresponding  acquisition  year      incolumn A.                                                      Worksheet 1b,       column            F and Worksheet       1c,  column         B.   
  • Column  C:  Enter  the            MI  compensation  credit  amount  from                             • Column      U:   MBT recapture           amount.      Multiply     amount                   in   
    Form  4570,  line      with3       the  corresponding  acquisition  year      in                       column          T by rates      in column      G, and      in column R.   
    column A.      
                                                                                                       Add up     figures        in each row        of column      U, and carry   that  amount             
  • Column   D:  Calculate net            ITC    credit      amount:        subtract                   to Form    4947,  line     12.   
    column   C  from column             B  for  each       taxable      year.                    If  
    difference       is less  than  zero  (is  negative),  enter  zero.   This is      
    the  amount of      ITC  credit  that  offsets  MBT  liability.    
  • Column   F:    MBT  capital investment                   amount.        Enter    total           
    amount of      capital  investment  reported  on  Form  4570,  line 8      
    for  each  taxable  year  listed  on  column    E.
  • Column   G:  ITC rate.                Enter  2.32%  for taxable              years    on         
    column       E that  end  with  2008,  otherwise  enter  2.9%.  
  • Column   H:  Calculate gross               IC    credit     amount:                multiply  
    column F by          column G      for  each  taxable  year.   
  • Column       J: MBT  recapture of      capital  investment.   Enter  total  
    amount of      recapture of      capital  investment  reported  on  form  
    4570,  line  16,  for  each  taxable  year  listed  on  column I.       
  • Column   L:  Gross MBT             ITC     credit      recapture        amount.                    


- 6 -
Worksheet 2 — Calculation of MBT ITC Recapture Rates and Amounts 
NOTE: Lines references on columns below are based on 2010 MBT form 4570. Lines for 2008 and 2009 MBT forms are 
different, so if copying information from a 2008 or 2009  MBT form, choose the appropriate lines.  
A                                 B                                C                          D 
                           Allowable Michigan                                       ITC that offsets MBT liability 
Taxable Year (End Date) in  compensation and ITC credit Michigan Compensation       Subtract column C  
which MBT ITC Disposed amount from Form 4570,           Credit Amount from                from column B  
Assets were acquired             line 26                Form 4570, line 3           (Enter 0 if less than 0) 

E                                 F                                G                          H 
                       MBT Capital Investment                  ITC rate             Gross ITC Credit Amount 
Taxable Year           Amount from Form 4570,           (2.32% for tax years ending Multiply column F 
(repeat from column A)            line 8                in 2008, or 2.9% otherwise)       by column G 

I                                 J                                K                          L                              M 
                       MBT Recapture of Capital                ITC rate             Gross MBT ITC Recapture        MBT ITC Recapture Amount 
Taxable Year           Investment Amount from           (2.32% for tax years ending Multiply column J              Offset by Credit Lesser  
(repeat from column A)     Form 4570, line 16           in 2008, or 2.9% otherwise)       by column K              of column L and H 

N                                 O                                P                          Q                              R 
                                                        SBT ITC Recapture Amount 
                       SBT ITC Credit Recapture         Offset by Credit Lesser  
Taxable Year           Amount from Form 4570,           of column O,                Total MBT ITC Credit Used      Extent Credit Used Rate 
(repeat from column A)           line 19                and column (H – M)          Add columns D, M, and P        Divide column Q by column H 

S                                 T                                U 
                           Recapture base. 
                           Enter total amount of 
                       recapture from Worksheet 
                       1a, column F; Worksheet 1 b,     Recapture Amount. 
Taxable Year           column F; and Worksheet 1c,      Multiply column T by 
(repeat from column A)        column B.                 column G and by column R 


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