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                                                                                                                                       Reset Form
Michigan Department of Treasury 
3174 (Rev. 03-22) 

2022 MICHIGAN Direct Deposit of Refund
Issued under authority of Public Act 281 of 1967, as amended 
Only use this form if filing an MI-1040CR-7 and not receiving an energy draft. Include with your Form MI-1040CR-7. 

Type or print in blue or black ink.                                                                                                    Attachment 11 
1. Filer’s First Name                     M.I.    Last Name                                    2. Filer’s Full Social Security No. (Example: 123-45-6789) 

If a Joint Return, Spouse’s First Name    M.I.    Last Name 
                                                                                               3. Spouse’s Full Social Security No. (Example: 123-45-6789) 
4. Name of Financial Institution 

                                                                                      The first two numbers of the 
5.  Routing Transit                                                                   RTN must be 01 through 12           7.  Type of Account 
     Number (RTN)                                                                     or 21 through 32. 
                                                                                                                                       (1) Checking 
6.  Account 
     Number                                                                                                                            (2) Savings 

Why Use Direct Deposit?                            Direct  Deposit  requests  associated  with           a   •  You file electronically. Give your RTN 
                                                   foreign financial institution account are               and  financial institution  account number to 
Convenient: Your refund is deposited directly      classified as International ACH Transactions            your tax preparer. This information will 
into your account at the financial institution of  (IAT).  If your income tax refund or credit claim       become part of the electronic file. 
your choice.                                       Direct Deposit is forwarded or transferred to a      
                                                   bank account in a foreign country your Direct             •  You completed the Direct Deposit 
Safe: Direct Deposit eliminates lost or stolen 
                                                   Deposit will be returned to the Michigan                information on the MI-1040, MI-1040CR 
refund checks.                                     Department of Treasury (Treasury). If this              or MI-1040CR-2. 
Reliable: Direct Deposit is done electronically.   occurs, your refund will be converted to a check     
Your refund is deposited timely, even if you       and mailed to the address on your tax return.           Line-by-Line Instructions 
are on vacation or traveling on business.          Contact your financial institution for questions     
                                                   regarding the status of your account.                   Line   4:  Enter the name  of the financial 
                                                                                                           institution where the Direct Deposit will 
General Instructions                               You may also use Direct Deposit if you file             be made. 
                                                   an  MI-1040,  MI-1040CR  or  MI-1040CR-2. 
If  you  file  an  MI-1040CR-7  and  are  not                                                              Line   5:  Enter the 9-digit RTN. The 
                                                   The request  for Direct Deposit  information is 
receiving an energy draft, complete this form      contained on these forms. A separate        Direct      RTN is usually found between the  
to have your check directly deposited into your    Deposit of Refund (Form 3174), is not required.         symbols |:  and  |:  on  the  bottom  of  your 
financial institution account.                                                                             check (see check sample). The first two 
Check with your financial institution to (1)       You should NOT file this form if:                       digits must be 01 through 12 or 21 through 
make sure it will accept Direct Deposit,             •  You file an MI-1040CR-7 and an  energy             32.  
(2) obtain the correct RTN and account             draft will be issued or a credit will be sent to        Line   6:  Enter your financial institution 
number, and (3) if applicable, verify   that your  your heat provider.                                     account number up to 17 characters (both 
financial institution will allow a joint refund      •  You  are  a personal  representative  filing a     numbers and letters). The account number 
to be deposited into an individual account.        return on behalf of a deceased taxpayer.                is usually found immediately to the right 
                                                                                                           of the RTN on the bottom of your check 
Richard and Cindy Jones                                                                                    (see check sample). Include hyphens but 
123 Main Street                                                                           1800 
                                                                   Date:                                   omit  spaces and special  symbols. Do not 
Anytown, MI  49111 
                                                                                                           include the check number. 
                                                                                                           Line 7:  Type of Account. Check the box for 
                      DO NOT ATTACH A CHECK OR                                     $                       checking or savings. 
                       CHECK COPY TO THIS FORM 

FINANCIAL INSTITUTION                                                         Do not include 
Anytown, MI 49111                                                                             
                                                                              check number
Routing Transit Number                   Account Number                                                    The  Routing Transit  Number and 
                                                                                                           Account Number may appear in a 
:      270000065             :           300000915            “ ‘  1800 
                                                                                                           different location on your check. 

+ 0000 2022 49 01 27 2 

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2022 3174, Page 2 
                                        Instructions for Form 3174 
                                        Direct Deposit of Refund 
What If There Is a Problem                                   Internet Options 
With My Direct Deposit Request 
If we are unable to honor your request for Direct Deposit,   Find the following information on this website: 
we  will  send    you   a  check. Your  request  for  Direct    •  Current year tax forms and instructions 
Deposit may be affected by any of the following:                •  Answers to many tax preparation questions 
  • Your financial institution account is closed.               •  Most commonly used tax forms 
                                                                •  Free assistance in preparing your return 
  • Your financial institution rejects the Direct Deposit    •     E-file resources 
    because you entered an incorrect RTN or account             •  Other tax resources. 
    number, or you did not check the correct box for      
                                                             Select  “eServices Individual Income Tax” where you can:   
    line 7. 
                                                                •  Select “Guest Services” to: 
  •  You requested that your refund be deposited into a        •  Check  the status of your return 
    foreign financial institution or a foreign branch of a     •   Check  estimated  payments  you  made  during  the 
    U.S. financial institution. The State of Michigan can          year  
    only make Direct Deposits to financial institutions         •  Select “Account Services” to: 
                                                               •  Change your address 
    located in the United States. 
                                                               •  Access letters sent by Treasury 
You may contact your financial institution or check your       •  Check  responses to letters you have sent to            
monthly statement to find out if your Direct Deposit has 
                                                               •  Submit specific account requests    
been made. Allow at least eight weeks for the processing             • You have the option to ask a question by choosing 
of your refund before calling your financial institution.          “Create a service request” 
                                                                     • You must provide a valid email address to submit 
Tax Assistance                                                     a question. 
Treasury offers a variety of services designed to assist     Telephone Options 
you and most are available 24 hours a day, seven days        517-636-4486 
a week.                                                      Automated Information Service 
NOTE:    To obtain information about your account            With Treasury’s automated phone system, you can:  
using the Internet and Telephone Options listed, you            •  Request the status of your refund 
will need the following information from your return: 
                                                                •  Check the status of letters you have sent to Treasury 
  • Social Security number of the primary filer (the filer      •  Request information on estimated payments 
    listed first on the return)                                 •  Order current tax year forms. 
  •  Year of the return                                      While most questions can be answered by the 
                                                             Automated Information Service, customer service 
  •  Adjusted gross income (AGI) or total household          representatives are available from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., 
    resources                                                Monday through Friday. 
  • Filing status (single, married filing jointly, married   Assistance  is available  using  TTY through  the 
    filing separately)                                       Michigan Relay Service by calling 711. 

+ 0000 2022 49 02 27 0 

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