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Michigan Department of Treasury 
                                                                                                                                                                                   Attachment 04 
4570 (Rev. 04-22), Page 1 of 4 

2022 MICHIGAN Business Tax Credits for Compensation, 
Investment, and Research and Development 
Issued under authority of Public Act 36 of 2007. 

Taxpayer Name                                                                         Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or TR Number 

  1.  Tax liability before the Compensation and Investment Tax Credits from Form 4568, line 3 .............................                                                    1.  00 

PART 1:  COMPENSATION CREDIT.  If not claiming this credit, go to Part 2. 

  2.  Michigan Compensation ...................................................................................................................................                2.  00 

  3.  Multiply line 2 by 0.37% (0.0037).  ....................................................................................................................                 3.  00 

Read instructions to ensure eligibility before claiming this credit.  If not claiming this credit, carry amount from line 3 to line 21. 
Capital Investments 
  4.  Total eligible depreciable tangible assets located in Michigan that were acquired during the tax year  
     (from line 35).  ........................................................................................................................................................ 4.  00 
  5.  Total eligible depreciable tangible assets purchased or acquired for use outside of Michigan in a tax year 
     beginning after December 31, 2007, that were transferred into Michigan during the tax year (from line 36)  ....                                                           5.  00 

  6.  Total eligible depreciable mobile tangible assets that were acquired during the tax year (from line 37) ............                                                     6.  00 
  7. Mobile Tangible Assets.  If subject to apportionment, multiply line 6 by the percentage from Form 4567, 
     line 11c.  If not subject to apportionment, enter amount from line 6  .....................................................................                               7.  00 

  8. Total Capital Investments.  Add lines 4, 5 and 7 .................................................................................................                        8.  00 

  9.  Total cost paid or accrued of all depreciable real and personal property located everywhere that was acquired 
     during the tax year (authorized under MCL 208.1513(3))  ....................................................................................                              9.  00 

Recapture of Capital Investments Acquired or Transferred into Michigan During the Tax Year 
10.  Adjusted Proceeds from recapture of eligible depreciable tangible assets located in Michigan that were 
     acquired or transferred into Michigan during the tax year and were also sold or otherwise disposed of during 
     the tax year (from line 39)......................................................................................................................................         10. 00 

     If subject to apportionment, complete lines 11 and 12; otherwise, go to line 13. 

11.  Apportioned gains/losses. Multiply line 38, column F, by the percentage from Form 4567, line 11c .....................                                                    11. 00 
12.  Apportioned Adjusted Proceeds. If line 11 is a gain, subtract it from line 38, column E. If line 11 is a loss, add 
     its positive value to line 38, column E....................................................................................................................               12. 00 
13.  Adjusted Proceeds from recapture of eligible depreciable mobile tangible assets acquired during the tax year  
     that were sold or otherwise disposed of during the tax year (from line 41)  ..............................................................                                13. 00 

     If subject to apportionment, complete line 14; otherwise, go to line 15. 

14.  Apportioned Adjusted Proceeds.  Multiply line 13 by percentage from Form 4567, line 11c .................................                                                 14. 00 
15.  Adjusted Federal Basis of eligible depreciable tangible assets (other than mobile tangible assets) acquired 
     during the tax year that are eligible for the Investment Tax Credit and are transferred outside Michigan during 
     the tax year (from line 42)......................................................................................................................................         15. 00 
16.  Recapture of Capital Investments.   Add lines 10, 13, and 15.  Or, if taxable in another state, 
     add lines 12, 14, and 15 ........................................................................................................................................         16. 00 

+  0000 2022 23 01 27 6                                                                                                                                                            Continue on Page 2 

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2022 Form 4570, Page 2 of 4                                                          FEIN or TR Number 

Net Capital Investments 
17. Net MBT Capital Investment.  Subtract line 16 from line 8  .................................................................................                       17.                 00 
18.  Multiply line 17 by 2.9% (0.029)  ............................................................................................................................    18.                 00 
19.  Net Recapture Amount. Enter sum of amounts from Worksheet 2, total of column U, and Form 4585, line 7 ......                                                      19.                 00 
20.  Subtract line 19 from line 18.  If negative, carry amount to Form 4568, line 4b  ....................................................                             20.                 00 

21.  Add lines 3 and 20.  If line 20 is negative, enter amount from line 3 ......................................................................                      21.                 00 
22.  Enter amount from Form 4567, line 51, or Form 4590, line 22..............................................................................                         22.                 00 
23.  There is no amount to be entered on this line. Skip to line 24................................................................................                    23. X X X X X X X X 00 
24.  Enter amount from line 22  ...................................................................................................................................... 24.                 00 
25.  Multiply line 24 by 52% (0.52)  ................................................................................................................................  25.                 00 
26. Allowable Credit.  Enter lesser of line 21 or line 25. Carry amount to Form 4568, line 4a ...................................                                      26.                 00 
27.  If line 20 is negative, enter amount from line 20 as a positive number. If line 20 is positive, leave this line blank ...                                         27.                 00 
28.  Tax After Compensation and Investment Tax Credits. Subtract line 26 from line 1 and add line 27  ......................                                           28.                 00 

29.  Research and development expenses in Michigan   ................................................................................................                  29.                 00 
30.  Multiply line 29 by 1.9% (0.019)  .............................................................................................................................   30.                 00 
31.  Multiply line 24 by 65% (0.65)  ................................................................................................................................  31.                 00 
32.  Ceiling for Research and Development Credit.  Subtract line 26 from line 31  .......................................................                              32.                 00 
33. Research and Development Credit. Enter the lesser of line 30 or line 32. Carry amount to Form 4568, line 5  ........                                               33.                 00 
34.  Tax After Research and Development Credit.  Subtract line 33 from line 28. 
    (This line must be equal to Form 4568, line 6.)  ......................................................................................................            34.                 00 

+  0000 2022 23 02 27 4                                                                                                                                                    Continue on Page 3 

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2022 Form 4570, Page 3 of 4                                                 FEIN or TR Number 

Table 1 - Enter all eligible depreciable tangible assets located in Michigan that were acquired during the tax year. 
                             A                                              B                 C                                                             D 
                                                                                  Date Acquired                                                             Cost Paid or Accrued  
                             Description                                    City  (MM-DD-YYYY)                                                              During Tax Year 

35. Total of column D.  Carry amount to line 4, page 1 ................................................................................................ 35.                 00 

Table 2 - Enter all eligible depreciable tangible assets purchased or acquired for use outside of Michigan in a tax year beginning after 
December 31, 2007, that were transferred into Michigan during the tax year. 
                             A                                              B                 C                                                             D 
                                                                                  Date Physically  
                                                                                  Located in Michigan                                                       Federal Adjusted Basis  
                             Description                                    City  (MM-DD-YYYY)                                                              as of Date Transferred 

36. Total of column D.  Carry amount to line 5, page 1 ................................................................................................ 36.                 00 

Table 3 - Enter all eligible depreciable mobile tangible assets that were acquired during the tax year. 
                             A                                              B                 C                                                             D 
                                                                                  Date Acquired                                                             Cost Paid or Accrued  
                             Description                                    State (MM-DD-YYYY)                                                              During Tax Year 

37. Total of column D.  Carry amount to line 6, page 1 ................................................................................................ 37.                 00 

+  0000 2022 23 03 27 2                                                                                                                                     Continue on Page 4 

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2022 Form 4570, Page 4 of 4                                                            FEIN or TR Number 

Table 4 - Enter all eligible depreciable tangible assets located in Michigan that were acquired or transferred into Michigan during the tax 
year and were also sold or otherwise disposed of during the tax year. (Enter dates as MM-DD-YYYY.) 
               A                              B                      C                 D                    E                                  F 
            Description                       City            Date Acquired           Date Sold             Gross Sales Price                  Gain/Loss 

38.  Totals of columns E and F.  A loss in column F will increase recapture............................ 38.                                00            00
39.  Adjusted Proceeds. If line 38, column F, is a gain, subtract it from line 38, column E. If line 38, column F, is a 
     loss, add its positive value to line 38, column E. Carry amount to line 10, page 1.................................................   39.           00 

Table 5 - Enter all eligible depreciable mobile tangible assets acquired during the tax year that were also sold or otherwise disposed of 
during the tax year. (Enter dates as MM-DD-YYYY.) 
               A                              B                      C                 D                    E                                  F 
            Description                       State           Date Acquired           Date Sold             Gross Sales Price                  Gain/Loss 

40.  Totals of columns E and F.  A loss in column F will increase recapture............................ 40.                                00            00
41.  Adjusted Proceeds. If line 40, column F, is a gain, subtract it from line 40, column E. If line 40, column F, is a 
     loss, add its positive value to line 40, column E. Carry amount to line 13, page 1.................................................   41.           00 

Table 6 - Enter all eligible depreciable tangible assets (other than mobile tangible assets) acquired during the tax year that are eligible 
for the Investment Tax Credit and were transferred outside Michigan during the tax year. (Enter dates as MM-DD-YYYY.) 
                            A                                        B                 C                    D                                  E 
                   Description                                    City           Date Acquired              Date Transferred                   Federal Adjusted Basis 

42.  Adjusted Federal Basis. Total of column E. Carry amount to line 15, page 1  ......................................................... 42.           00 

+  0000 2022 23 04 27 0 

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                           Instructions for Form 4570, Michigan Business Tax (MBT) 
            Credits for Compensation, Investment, and Research and Development 
Purpose                                                                                              Line   2:  Enter  compensation,      as defined      in Michigan  Compiled  
                                                                                                     Laws  208.1107(3),          paid      in the  tax  year  on  behalf                 of or for  the  
To   claim  the Compensation               Credit,       Investment       Tax  Credit                benefit   of  employees,  officers, or         directors.        Generally,          under       
(ITC),   and  the Research             and     Development        Credit    calculated               this   definition,  compensation includes,                but          is not   limited  to,     
here and     carried         to the    MBT Nonrefundable Credits Summary                             payments  that  are  subject          to or specifically  exempt      or excepted  
(Form  4568).                                                                                        from  withholding  under Internal             Revenue         Code     (IRC)                § 3401  
NOTE:  This  form may                  be  used    by  standard    taxpayers        to               through      § 3406.  
claim   eligible  credits and          by      financial     institutions   to claim                 Compensation   also         includes  fringe benefits            and   any      earnings             
the   Compensation  Credit only.                 Insurance        companies      use  the            that  are  net earnings     from     self-employment,                    as defined        under  
Miscellaneous Credits for Insurance Companies                                 (Form     4596)        IRC      § 1402,  of the    taxpayer,     partner,      or Limited        Liability                  
to claim     credits  for  which        they     may           be eligible.                          Company   member  of the             taxpayer.     Wages,        salaries,      fees,                
The   Compensation         Credit and           ITC      together  are    limited   to               bonuses,   commissions,  and other             payments          made     in  the     tax            
52  percent      of the  total  tax  liability.  The  Research  and  Development                     year  on  behalf             of or for  the  benefit      of employees,         officers,      or
Credit,   combined      with  the Compensation                    Credit    and  ITC,   are          directors,      as well      as net  earnings  from         self-employment,  must  
limited          to 65 percent      of the  tax  liability.                                          be  reported  on      acash    basis. 
This form    will    also  determine                  an ITC recapture      that  potentially        Payments   made          to a pension         plan,    retirement      or profit       sharing  
could  increase  the  tax  liability.                                                                plan,  employee  insurance  plans,  and  payments  under  health  and  
                                                                                                     welfare  benefit  plans,      as well      as the  administration  fees  paid  for  
NOTE:  Beginning  January 1,                    2012,     only    those   taxpayers                  the   administration  of  the health          and   welfare      benefit        plan,  are       
with      a certificated   credit,  which                 is awarded      but  not  yet fully        compensation.   Compensation  also includes                      certain       payments          
claimed   or  utilized, may            elect    to  be   MBT      taxpayers.                     If amade  by  licensed  taxpayers  that  are  statutorily  identified.  These  
taxpayer  files  an  MBT return                and  claims              a certificated  credit,      compensation  payments  are  calculated          on a cash      or accrual  basis  
the  taxpayer  makes  the  election      to file  and  pay  under  the  MBT                          consistent  with  the  taxpayer’s  method                     of accounting         for  federal  
until  the  certificated  credit  and  any  carryforward      of that  credit                        income  taxes.  The statute          provides   for     certain    exclusions          from      
are   exhausted.      A taxpayer           making              a valid  certificated  credit         compensation,   including  employee  discounts on                         merchandise            
election  may  also  claim  the  credits  on  this  form.                                            and   services,  payments for           State  and     federal   unemployment                    
                                                                                                     compensation and          federal     insurance     contributions,         and   payments            
Special Instructions for Unitary Business Groups                                                     made      to most  independent  contractors.  
Credits  are  earned  and  calculated  on  either an      entity-specific or                                       incurred  for  the  benefit      of the  taxpayer  rather  than  for  
group  basis, as      determined  by  the  relevant  statutory  provisions                                benefit      of employees      of the  taxpayer  are  not  compensation.  
for   the  respective credits.         The      credits      on this    form   are                                               expenses  might  include payments                   reported         
calculated  on      groupa        basis.  Intercompany  transactions  are  not                               a Form  1099      to an  employee  for  the  rental          of a building      or
eliminated  for  the  calculation of      any  credits.  Assets  transferred                              interest  income.  
between   members  of the              group     are     not  considered       capital           
investments   in  qualifying assets                for   purposes       of  calculating              This  credit       is   calculated          on    the   taxpayer’s  Michigan                         
the   ITC   in  Part 2.      Credits are        generally      applied    against   the              compensation. 
tax   liability  of the   Unitary       Business         Group    (UBG),       unless                                         is “in  this  state”       if (a)  the  individual’s  service               
otherwise  specified      statute.by                                                                    is performed     entirely       within    Michigan,      or (b)     the      individual’s  
Complete  one  Form  4570  for  the  group.                                                          service   is performed       both      within  Michigan          and outside                         
                                                                                                     Michigan,      but  the services        performed       outside       Michigan        are            
Line-by-Line Instructions                                                                            incidental      to the individual’s       service    within       Michigan.          
Lines not listed are explained on the form.                                                          Example 1:  Sales  Co. employs                Salesperson          whose        territory            
Dates  must be      entered in      MM-DD-YYYY  format.                                              includes                                                                                            
                                                                                                                 both Detroit, Michigan, and Toledo, Ohio. Salesperson 
                                                                                                     calls   on  customers  located in         both  Michigan         and      Ohio.      The             
Name and Account Number:  Enter  name  and  account  number                                          compensation  paid      to Salesperson      is not  “compensation      in this  
as   reported  on page       1      of the  applicable         MBT      annual   return              state”   because  Salesperson’s  activity                     is not  limited  solely to             
(either   the   MBT Annual Return                       (Form  4567) for       standard              Michigan, and       calling      on   customers           in Ohio      is not incidental         to   
taxpayers or      the  MBT Annual Return for Financial Institutions                                  Salesperson’s  activity      in Michigan. 
(Form  4590)). 
                                                                                                     Example 2:  Manufacturer  employs  Engineer                                 at its  Michigan     
PART   1:COMPENSATION CREDIT                                                                         facility.  Several  times      ayear,      Engineer  travels  out      of state      to meet  
UBGs:          If the  taxpayer          is a UBG,       the     Compensation       Credit      is   with  suppliers.  Although  Engineer  performs  services  both  within  
calculated   on  the combined              Michigan          compensation        of the              Michigan  and  outside  Michigan,  Engineer’s  out-of-state  services  
UBG  members.  Intercompany transactions                          are     not  eliminated            are   incidental  to Engineer’s          services      within    Michigan.          The          
for  this  purpose.                                                                                  compensation  paid      to Engineer      is “compensation      in this  state.” 


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PART   2: INVESTMENT                        TAX      CREDIT                                           the  same  for      all events  combined          on a single  line. 
Use   Part      2 to  determine the            total  eligible  acquisitions       and                           includes  costs      of fabrication  and  installation. 
dispositions  for  the  filing  period.  Complete  Tables      1 through      6
(lines  35  through  42) before             completing      lines          4 through    16.      If   Table 1:  Enter      a short  description (for                 example,           equipment,                
more  space      is needed  for  any  assets  acquired,  sold,      or disposed                       building,  etc.),  city            or township      in which             the  asset          is located,  
of      in this  tax  year,  include  additional  copies      of page          3 or page              date   acquired, and         cost     paid     or accrued      of all eligible                              
   4 (as  applicable)      of the  form  identifying  the  name  and  account                         depreciable   tangible  assets located                  in  Michigan           that  were                   
number      at the  top  with only             the  additional    applicable    fields                acquired  during  the  filing  period. 
completed.  Financial  institutions and                    insurance   companies        do       
                                                                                                             If multiple  pages      of Form  4570,  Table      1, are  included,  carry  the  
not  qualify  for  this  credit.  
                                                                                                      grand  total      of all  Table      1, column      D, entries      to line      4.
For   tax  years  beginning after              2007,  taxpayers      may      claim   an         
ITC   for      a percentage      of the        net  costs  paid or   accrued                in the    Table 2:  Enter      a short  description (for                 example,           equipment,                
filing  period  for  qualifying  tangible  assets  physically  located      in                        automobile,  etc.),  city      or township      in which  the  asset      is located,  
Michigan.  The  assets  must              be of a type  that  are      or will  become                date   physically  located in            Michigan,       and     adjusted         basis      (as            
eligible   for    depreciation, amortization,               or  accelerated     capital               calculated   for       federal  purposes) as            of  the  date       moved       of all              
cost   recovery  for  federal income                tax.   Mobile    tangible   assets                eligible   depreciable  tangible assets                 purchased           or acquired                     
(defined      in the  instructions  for line          8),   wherever      located,      are           for   use  outside           of Michigan       after  2007  that were             moved         into        
subject      to apportionment      in the           same   manner          as the  tax  base.         Michigan   during  the  filing period                  for          a business       use.  Do  not          
Assets   purchased  or acquired                after  2007  for      use  outside   of                include  mobile  tangible  assets  (see  below). 
Michigan   and       moved  into Michigan                 during  the  filing   period,                      If multiple  pages      of Form  4570,  Table      2, are  included,  carry  the  
also   qualify  for ITC.       Disposition          of  an  asset,   or moving      an                grand  total      of all  Table      2, column      D, entries      to line    5.
asset  out      of Michigan,  creates  recapture  that  reduces  the  credit.  
   If recapture  exceeds  the  positive  credit  earned  by  acquisitions,                            Table 3:  Enter      a short          description  (for  example, construction                              
the  tax  liability      is increased.                                                                equipment,  aircraft,  etc.),  the  state      in which  the  asset  primarily  
                                                                                                      was   based  during the           tax  year,   date     acquired,          and    cost   paid               
NOTE:  Recapture  from  dispositions during                          the  filing  period         
                                                                                                      or  accrued  during the           filing  period       for  all  depreciable           mobile               
of   assets  acquired (or      moved           into  Michigan)       after    1999  and          
                                                                                                      tangible   assets  that were           acquired        during    the       filing    period,                
before   2008      is calculated            on  the   MBT  Investment  Tax  Credit                                                                                                       
                                                                                                      whether located   in Michigan   or outside Michigan.
Recapture from Sale of Assets Acquired Under Single Business 
Tax  (Form  4585).                                                                                    Mobile tangible assets  are  all      of the  following:  
If, during   the     filing    period,   a   taxpayer       acquired    depreciable      real           •    Motor   vehicles      that  have              a gross  vehicle  weight rating                of      
or  personal  property      or disposed      of depreciable  real      or personal                           10,000  pounds      or more  and  are  used      to transport  property      or
property  that  was  acquired          in a tax  year  beginning  after  1999,                               persons  for  compensation. 
complete  this  form  and  include          it as part      of the  annual  return.      If
                                                                                                        •    Rolling   stock   (railroad   freight   or   passenger   cars,  
property  disposed      of during  the  filing  period  was  acquired          in a
                                                                                                             locomotives,   or  other railcars),             aircraft,      and   watercraft                      
tax  year  beginning after        1999         and  before  2008,      also   complete           
                                                                                                             used   by  the owner       to  transport        property       or persons         for                
and  include  Form  4585. 
                                                                                                             compensation      or used  by  the  owner      to transport  the  owner’s  
UBGs:   If      the  taxpayer               is a UBG,      the  ITC        is calculated  on                 property  for  sale,  rental,      or further  processing. 
combined   assets  of standard                 members     of  the   UBG.     Assets                    •                     used  directly      in completion  of,          or in construction  
transferred       between  members of               the   group   are  not            a capital                             for, the    construction,        alteration,       repair,     or                     
investment      in qualifying  assets  for  purposes      of calculating  this                                                     of property. 
                                                                                                             If multiple pages       of Form  4570,  Table      3, are included,               carry       the    
The  following  instructions  for  the  Part      2 “Capital  Investments  
                                                                                                      grand  total      of all  Table      3, column      D, entries      to line    6.
(Acquisitions)”   and   “Recapture  of                        Capital       Investments          
(Dispositions)” sections         provide          information         on  completing      the         Recapture of Capital Investments (Dispositions) 
tables on   pages          3 and          4 of this form.  The  instructions     for   Part       4            this  section         to compute      credit  recapture  from disposition                          
follow  these  sections.                                                                                      moving     out  of Michigan)           of    tangible,   depreciable           real     or          
Capital Investments (Acquisitions)                                                                    personal   property  that  was acquired                               in a tax    year  beginning           
                                                                                                      after   2007.  Recapture from               the      disposition      of qualifying                         
NOTE: When completing tables 1 through 6,                                       leave   lines/        property that          was  acquired               in a tax year  beginning             after      1999     
boxes  blank      if they  do  not  apply          or if the  amount      is zero,  unless            but before      2008         is calculated on      Form      4585      and     reported          here.    
otherwise  instructed. 
                                                                                                      NOTE:  A sale          of    qualifying        property       reported        on the                        
NOTE: For Tables 1 through 3,                         all  events  that have      varying             installment        method  for federal         income         tax     purposes         causes               
dates  must      be listed  separately.  “Various”      is not      a valid  entry      in                 a recapture      based     upon  the  entire sale         price       in  the   year       of          
   a date  field.  Multiple  acquisitions  (or  transfers)  may      be combined                      the     sale.  The recapture                is reduced  by any           gain     reported        in        
as  one  entry,  subject      to the  following:  all  combined  events  must                         federal    taxable  income (as           defined        for   MBT        purposes)       in                 
satisfy  the  terms         of the   table      in which    they     are  entered.  “Date             the     year   of  the sale.    The   gain     attributable                    to the  installment          
Acquired”  (or  “Date  Physically  Located                        in Michigan”)     must       be     sale  that         is reported      in subsequent       years  increases the                 credit         


- 7 -
base   (or    reduces  other sources              of   recapture)       for    those     years.                  (for   example,  construction equipment,                   aircraft,     etc.).  Enter              
For  property  placed                 in service   prior          to January      1, 2008,         gain          gross   sales  price  (net of        costs  of  sale)  in  column        E, and       in            
reflected   in  federal taxable          income          (as  defined        for MBT                             column      F, enter  total  gain      or loss  included      in calculating  federal  
purposes)      is equal      to the gain        reported     for      federal      purposes.                     taxable  income  (as  defined  for  MBT  purposes). 
UBGs:            If the  taxpayer          is a UBG,        the  recapture of              capital               For   property  placed in          service  in  the  current     filing       period,               
investments   is  calculated on                combined           assets     of standard                         gain  reflected      in federal      taxable  income  (as defined                for     MBT        
members      of the  UBG.  Assets  transferred  between  members      of                                         purposes)      is the    gain      reported  federally except            that         it shall  be  
the  group  are not             a capital    investment      in qualifying                 assets  for           calculated          as if IRC      § 168(k)  were  not      in effect. 
purposes      of calculating             this  credit or    its     recapture.        However,              
                                                                                                                 NOTE:  Sales  price  includes  any  benefit  derived  from  the  sale. 
moving  an  asset  outside      of Michigan  creates  recapture,  even      if
the  transfer              is to a member      of the  UBG.                                                         If multiple  pages      of Form  4570,  Table      5, are  included,  carry  the  
                                                                                                                 grand  total      of all  line      41 entries      to line  13. 
Using the Correct Tables to Calculate Recapture 
Enter  information  on  Tables                  4, 5, 6 as explained  below                    ONLY              Table 6:  Enter  all  depreciable  tangible  assets  (other  than  mobile  
for assets     that  are  being        disposed                of in the current     filing     period,          tangible   assets)     acquired      in the     current  filing  period  that were                  
and   that    were  purchased, acquired,                          or moved        into  Michigan                 eligible  for  ITC  and were           ALSO transferred outside                   Michigan          
ALSO   in      the  current  filing  period.                                                                     during   the   current  filing  period. Give           all  information          required           
                                                                                                                 for  each  disposition      in columns      A through          E. In column      A, enter  
Information  for  assets disposed                           of in the   current       filing     period             a short  description       (e.g.,   equipment,          automobile,  etc.)  and in               
and  purchased,  acquired,                     or moved     into     Michigan      in tax          years         column      B, enter  the  Michigan  city      or township      in which  the  asset  
included   in       PREVIOUS  filing periods                        must     be   entered      on                was  located  before      its transfer.      In column      E, enter  adjusted  basis  
worksheets  1a,  1b,  and      1c provided      at the  end      of the  instructions                            as   used  for  federal  purposes. Do           not  use               a recomputed       MBT  
for  this  form. Recapture              for  assets    that  were     acquired                       in a tax    basis  for  this  purpose. 
year  beginning  before  2008  and  disposed      of during  the  current  
filing  period      is reported      on Form  4585.                                                                 If multiple  pages      of Form  4570,  Table      6, are  included,  carry  the  
                                                                                                                 grand  total      of all  Table      6, column      E, entries      to line  15. 
The   total  credit recapture            for   assets    reported         on  worksheets                    
1a,  1b,  and  1c         is calculated        on  Worksheet          2 at the           end      of this        PART   4: RESEARCH                   AND      DEVELOPMENT CREDIT 
instructions,  and  will      be reported  on  line      19 on  this  form.      If the                          Line  29:  As  used in        this   part,          research  and  development 
filer      is also  reporting  SBT  ITC recapture                    on    Form     4585,      add               expenses means  that  term      as defined      in IRC      § 41(b). 
both  the  total  sum  from  Worksheet      2, column      U, and  the  amount                                              If  the  taxpayer          is a UBG,  the  Research  and  Development  
from  Form  4585,  line      7 and  enter  the  sum  on  line  19  on  Form                                                   is calculated  on  the  combined  research  and  development  
4579  (this  form).                                                                                                            of  standard members            of  the  UBG.      Intercompany                       
NOTE: For Tables 4 through 6,                           all  events  that  have  varying                         transactions   are  not eliminated            for   this    purpose.     Qualified                  
dates   must  be listed         separately.                 “Various”  is not                    a valid         expenses  incurred  by  members          of a UBG  that  are  paid      to fellow  
entry   in      a date field.      Multiple       dispositions           (or transfers)                          members  are  included      in calculating  the  group’s  credit. 
may  be  combined               as one   entry,  subject                to the  following:   All                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                 Include completed Form 4570 as part of the tax return filing.
combined  events  must satisfy                    the  terms              of the  table      in which  
they   are    entered.    “Date Acquired”               must      be  the    same      for all              
                                                                                                                 IMPORTANT: Complete  the worksheets                              on      the  following           
events   combined         on          a single    line,  and  “Date Sold”             (or      “Date        
                                                                                                                 pages   for    assets disposed           (or  moved        out  of  Michigan)         in          
Transferred”)  also  must      be the  same. 
                                                                                                                 the  current  filing period          that   were    purchased,           acquired,              or
Table 4:  Enter  all  dispositions                      of depreciable          tangible  assets                 moved  into  Michigan          in a previous  tax  year  beginning  after  
located   in Michigan           that     were     acquired        or moved          into                         December  31,  2007. 
Michigan   in  the  current filing                period,   and      were             ALSO  sold  
or   otherwise  disposed of              during    the     current    filing      period.                   
Give  all  information required                for   each   disposition                     in columns  
   A through        F.  In   column  A, enter                     a short  description (for                 
example,   equipment,  building, etc.).                     Enter     gross     sales    price              
(net      of costs      of sale)      in column      E, and      in column      F, enter  total  
gain      or loss  included      in calculating  federal  taxable  income  (as  
defined  for  MBT  purposes). 
NOTE:  Sales  price  includes  any  benefit  derived  from  the  sale. 
   If multiple  pages      of Form  4570,  Table      4, are  included,  carry  the  
grand  total      of all  line      39 entries      to line  10. 
Table 5: Enter  all dispositions                        of depreciable         mobile       tangible        
assets  that  were  acquired      in the  current  filing  period  and  were  
ALSO sold      or otherwise              disposed      of during             the    current  filing         
period.   Give      all  information required               for     each     disposition                      in
columns      A through          F. In column               A,     enter      a short   description  

- 8 -
                                                         Calculation of MBT ITC Credit Recapture Amount 
Calculation of MBT ITC Credit Recapture Bases                                                        installment      method  for federal              income        tax   purposes       causes              
For     each category     of     asset      disposed     (or moved       out of                         a recapture     based      upon    the      entire      sale  price      in the      year      of the  
Michigan) that       triggers          an MBT ITC          credit  recapture,  enter the             sale.  The  recapture              is reduced        by    any  gain  reported                in federal  
information requested             below.                                                             taxable  income  (as defined                for   MBT      purposes)                 in the  year   of   
                                                                                                     the   sale.  The  gain attributable                     to the  installment  sale that                  is   
  • Use  the  worksheets below                        to report  information  ONLY  on               reported     in  subsequent years                increases      the   credit   base  (or                 
assets disposed      (or   moved           out        of Michigan)      in the current   filing      reduces  other  sources                of recapture)          for  those  years, and          must       
period that     were   purchased,            acquired,          or moved into     Michigan           be  reported  on column                         C of the   appropriate       Worksheet           based  
in      a PREVIOUS tax         year     beginning         after   December      31,    2007.         on   the  type         of asset.    For  property placed                    in service  prior         to   
  • Use tables             4, 5, and      6 on the  form       to report assets    that     were     January      1, 2008,      the   gain  reflected                 in federal    taxable  income              
disposed     of  or  moved out            of   Michigan       in  the  current  filing               (as defined    for     MBT     purposes)                is equal      to the gain  reported         for   
period    AND  were also         purchased,              acquired,   or  moved      into             federal purposes.          
Michigan      in the same         current       filing    period.                                    UBGs:  The  recapture of              capital        investments         for UBGs          is            
In   each  category of        disposed/moved             asset,    group    assets    by             calculated      on  combined assets               of   standard       members        of the              
taxable year         in which they           were    acquired.     All  events     that     have     UBG.       Assets  transferred between                  members          of  the  group       are        
varying     dates  must  be listed             separately.     Multiple     dispositions             not      a capital  investment in           qualifying          assets   for purposes                       
(or   transfers)  may  be combined                 as    one  entry,  subject   to the               of   calculating  this credit         or    its  recapture.         Disposing      of or                 
following:     all  combined events                must  satisfy     the terms    of                 transferring       an  asset  outside of             the   UBG      triggers   recapture.                
the  table       in which     they  are entered.         “Taxable      Year             in which     Also,  moving  an asset             outside             of Michigan      creates  recapture,                
disposed assets      were      acquired”          must    be    the   same   for  all  events        even      if the transfer                is to a member      of the UBG.      
combined  on   a   single      line.                                                                 Worksheet 1a Depreciable Tangible Assets 
UBGs:   If     an   asset     subject      to recapture      is from      a member             that  Enter    all  dispositions of         depreciable          tangible      assets    located                  
was not    part       of the group           in the tax   year  the   asset  was   acquired,         in  Michigan  that were          acquired                  or moved      into  Michigan  after           
make      a separate line        entry      for  the  tax year     the   member                      acquisition          in a tax    year       beginning         after  2007 and        were        sold    
filed     outside  of the     group.        Take   care  to report     in this  line                 or   otherwise  disposed of           during         the   current    filing   period.                      
information requested                  in each column      only       from   the  member’s           Give  all  information required                for   each     disposition               in columns  
single filings,      not  the  group’s.                                                                  A through          F. In column A,       enter    the      taxable    year       in which the        
                                                                                                     disposed      assets  were acquired.              Enter       combined         gross    sales            
NOTE:  A sale         of  qualifying           property   reported       on the                      price (net         of costs      of sale)      in column      B, and      in column      C, enter  

Worksheet 1a — Depreciable Tangible Assets 
            A                                      B                                  C                         D                                   E                                  F 
Taxable Year (End Date)                                                                              MBT Apportionment                     Apportioned                     MBT ITC Recapture 
    In Which Disposed            Combined Sales Price                                                Percentage from                       Gain/Loss                                (Base 1) 
Assets Were Acquired             of Disposed Assets by                   Net Gain/Loss From          Form 4567, line 11c,                Multiply Column C                    Subtract Column E 
        (MM-DD-YYYY)                Year of Acquisition                      Sale of Assets          or Form 4590, line 10c                by Column D                        From Column B 

Worksheet 1b — Depreciable Mobile Tangible Assets 
            A                                      B                                  C                         D                                   E                                  F 
Taxable Year (End Date)                                                                                                            MBT Apportionment                       MBT ITC Recapture 
    In Which Disposed            Combined Sales Price of                                             Adjusted Proceeds                Percentage from                               (Base 2) 
Assets Were Acquired             Disposed Assets by                      Net Gain/Loss From          Subtract Column C             Form 4567, line 11c,                       Multiply Column D 
        (MM-DD-YYYY)                Year of Acquisition                      Sale of Assets              From Column B             or Form 4590, line 10c                         by Column E 

Worksheet 1c — Assets Transferred Outside Michigan 
            A                                                    B 
Taxable Year (End Date)                               MBT ITC Recapture 
    In Which Disposed                     Combined Adjusted Federal Basis of 
Assets Were Acquired                   Disposed Assets by Year of Acquisition
        (MM-DD-YYYY)                                      (Base 3) 


- 9 -
total gain        or loss included             in calculating federal          taxable  income           For  property  placed                   in service      after  December 31,            2007,       gain        
(as  defined  for  MBT  purposes).                                                                       reflected     in  federal taxable              income       (as  defined       for MBT                         
                                                                                                         purposes)      is the      gain       reported  federally except               that           it shall   be  
NOTE: Sales price           includes         any   benefit     derived        from    the   sale.   
                                                                                                         calculated          as if IRC      § 168(k) were         not         in effect. 
Worksheet 1b — Depreciable Mobile Tangible Assets 
                                                                                                         NOTE: Sales price                 includes      any      benefit     derived    from       the      sale.   
Enter  all  dispositions             of depreciable         mobile     tangible      assets     that  
were  acquired  after 2007             and     were    sold         or otherwise        disposed         Worksheet 1c Assets Transferred Outside Michigan 
of during    the  current      filing     period.       Give   all  information          required        Enter  all  depreciable  tangible  assets  (other  than  mobile  tangible  
for each  disposition             in columns      A through          F. In column      A, enter          assets) acquired          after        2007  that  were  eligible  for ITC                  and were          
the   taxable  year  in which            the    disposed     assets    were     acquired.                transferred   outside  Michigan during                       the     filing   period.      Give               
Enter  gross  sales  price  (net      of costs      of sale)      in column      B, and      in          all  information  required  for  each  disposition      in column      A and  
column      C, enter total      gain      or loss included              in calculating  federal          B.      In column       A,  enter  the  taxable year                       in which    the   disposed  
taxable  income (as        defined        for   MBT      purposes).                                      assets  were  acquired,  and      in column      B, enter  adjusted  basis      as
                                                                                                         used  for  federal  purposes.  Do  not  use      a recomputed  MBT  basis  
For  property  placed               in service    prior        to January      1, 2008,         gain  
                                                                                                         for  this  purpose. 
reflected   in  federal taxable             income       (as  defined      for MBT                    
purposes)      is equal      to the gain        reported      for  federal       purposes.       

Calculation of MBT ITC Recapture Rates                                                                      • Column        H:   Calculate  gross ITC                credit   amount:        multiply                   
and Amounts                                                                                              column          F by column      G for  each taxable                  year.    
Complete  Worksheet      2 (on               the  following  page),  entering each                          • Column      J: MBT recapture                    of capital investment.              Enter      total     
taxable   year  (End Date)             in   which      the  disposed       assets    that                amount   of      recapture  of capital               investment         reported       on  Form                
triggered MBT         ITC    credit       recapture       were   acquired.                               4570, line      16,  for  each  taxable year                 listed on       column       I.
 NOTE:  Lines  references  on columns                         below     are     based   on                  • Column      L: Gross MBT             ITC      credit    recapture         amount.       Multiply         
 2010  MBT  form 4570.                Lines       for  MBT    forms      prior             to 2010       column      J by column                  K. This represents          the  total    amount             of ITC  
 are    different,  so          if copying  information  from MBT                     forms              credit recapture          available          to be reported      in the tax        year.         
 other than     2010,    choose         the   appropriate       lines.                                      • Column        M:   MBT  ITC credit                 recapture       amount      offset       by            
                                                                                                         credit. Enter       the   lesser            of columns      H and      L. This      is the amount             
Worksheet 2                                                                                              of   available     ITC  credit recapture                that   was      offset    by   the   total             
   • Column    A:    Enter  in chronological                order,     beginning        with             amount      of available  ITC  credit      in the  year.   
the   earliest,  the tax     year      end   date     of each    acquisition         year                   • Column O:      SBT      credit       recapture         amount.        Enter     total     amount         
of   disposed  assets that         triggered        MBT      ITC    recapture        from                from  Form  4570,  line      19 for  each  taxable  year  listed  on  column  
Worksheet      1a through 1c.                                                                            N.    
UBGs:          If  an asset     subject      to recapture      is from      a member             that       • Column       P: SBT ITC           credit      recapture      amount        offset     by     credit.        
was not  part        of the group            in the tax  year  the    asset      was  acquired,                   lesser      of the       amount  on  column O,                 and   the   amount                    of
make      a separate line       entry       for   the  tax year     the    member                                         H minus      column  M.  This                   is the  amount      of SBT           ITC  
filed   outside  of the     group.          Take  care   to report      in this      line                       recapture         that      was      offset    by    the  total    amount             of available  
information requested                    in each column       only    from       the  member’s                  credit      in the  taxable  year.  
single filings,    not   the   group’s.          
                                                                                                            • Column Q:        Total        MBT       ITC      used.    Add        columns        D,    M,   and       
   • Column      B: Enter allowable           MI     compensation           and  ITC     credits      
                                                                                                         P.  The     total   amount              of MBT  ITC  used equals                    to the amount              of
amount   from  Form 4570,                line     26  with   the corresponding                        
                                                                                                         credit  that  offsets  MBT ITC                 credit      recapture,         SBT   ITC      credit            
acquisition year           in column   A.   
                                                                                                         recapture, and          the  MBT         liability.        
   • Column    C:    Enter    the     MI  compensation  credit amount                      from       
                                                                                                            • Column R:        Extent          used   rate.        Divide     amounts       on    column             Q   
Form  4570,  line           3 with     the  corresponding acquisition                   year           in
                                                                                                         by  amounts  on  column        H.
column   A.   
                                                                                                            • Column        T:   MBT recapture                base.   Enter      total  amount        of                
   • Column D:  Calculate           net      ITC   credit    amount:        subtract     column       
    C from  column      B for      each      taxable  year.            If  difference      is less       recapture                                                                                                     
                                                                                                                         capital investment from                    Worksheet          1a, column           F;         
than  zero  (is  negative),  enter  zero.   This      is the  amount      of ITC                         Worksheet                                                                                 
                                                                                                                         1b, column   F and Worksheet 1c, column    B.
credit that  offsets     MBT        liability.                                                              • Column        U:   MBT recapture                amount.        Multiply      amount         in           
   • Column    F:    MBT  capital investment                  amount.                Enter  total        column          T by rates      in column      G, and      in column R.   
amount      of capital  investment  reported  on  Form  4570,  line      8, for                          Add up      figures           in each row            of column      U, and carry        that   amount          
each taxable    year     listed     on    column        E.                                               to line  19.        If filer      is also reporting      SBT      ITC     recapture,        add     both      
   • Column    G:    ITC  rate.             Enter  2.32% for         taxable    years        on          the total   sum      from      column                 U in this form,    and   the   amount         from       
column      E that  end  with  2008,  otherwise enter                     2.9%.                          Form 4585,        line        7 and enter       the   sum    on   line         19 on this  form.         


- 10 -
Worksheet 2 — Calculation of MBT ITC Recapture Rates and Amounts 
   A                     B                              C                           D 
                         Allowable Michigan                                         ITC that offsets MBT liability 
Taxable Year (End Date) in  compensation and ITC credit Michigan Compensation       Subtract column C  
which MBT ITC Disposed   amount from Form 4570,         Credit Amount from          from column B  
   Assets were acquired  line 26                        Form 4570, line 3           (Enter 0 if less than 0) 

   E                     F                              G                           H 
                         MBT Capital Investment         ITC rate                    Gross ITC Credit Amount 
   Taxable Year          Amount from Form 4570,         (2.32% for tax years ending Multiply column F  
  (repeat from column A) line 8                         in 2008, or 2.9% otherwise) by column G 

   I                     J                              K                           L                              M 
                         MBT Recapture of Capital       ITC rate                    Gross MBT ITC Recapture        MBT ITC Recapture Amount 
   Taxable Year          Investment Amount from         (2.32% for tax years ending Multiply column J              Offset by Credit Lesser  
  (repeat from column A) Form 4570, line 16             in 2008, or 2.9% otherwise) by column K                    of column L and H 

   N                     O                              P                           Q                              R 
                                                        SBT ITC Recapture Amount 
                         SBT ITC Credit Recapture       Offset by Credit Lesser  
   Taxable Year          Amount from Form 4570,         of column O,                Total MBT ITC Credit Used      Extent Credit Used Rate 
  (repeat from column A) line 19                        and column (H – M)          Add columns D, M, and P        Divide column Q by column H 

   S                     T                              U 
                         Recapture base.  
                         Enter total amount of 
                         recapture from Worksheet 
                         1a, column F; Worksheet 1b,    Recapture Amount.  
   Taxable Year          column F; and Worksheet 1c,    Multiply column T by  
  (repeat from column A) column B.                      column G and by column R 


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