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Michigan Department of Treasury 
5095 (Rev. 04-22), Page 1 of 1 
                                                                                                                                   DO NOT FILE 
2023 Sales, Use and Withholding Taxes Monthly/Quarterly  
                                                                                                                                                                        Reset Form
and Amended Monthly/Quarterly Worksheet 
Business Account Number (FEIN or TR Number)                                                                           Return Period (MM-YYYY) 

PART  1:  SALES  AND  USE  TAX                                                                                        A. Sales                                          B. Use: Sales & Rentals 
1.  Gross sales for tax period being reported. Carry amount from line 1A to 
   line 4A ...................................................................................................... 1. 

2.  Rentals of tangible property and accommodations  .................................                            2. 
3.  Telecommunications services ..................................................................                3. 
4. Total gross sales, rentals, accommodations and telecommunications                                                  XXXXXXX 
   services: Carry amount from line 4A to line 1a on Form 5080 or Form 5092. 
   Add lines 1B-3B and enter total on line 4B of this worksheet. Carry this 
   amount to line 1b on Form 5080 or Form 5092 ................................................                   4. 

5. ALLOWABLE  DEDUCTIONS                                                                                              A. Sales Tax                                      B. Use Tax 

   a.  Resale, sublease or subrent .............................................................  5a. 

   b.  Industrial processing exemption .......................................................  5b. 

   c.  Agricultural production exemption  ....................................................  5c. 

   d.  Interstate commerce .........................................................................  5d. 

   e.  Separately itemized nontaxable service charges .............................  5e.  

   f.  Bad debts  .........................................................................................       5f. 

   g.  Food for human/home consumption .................................................                          5g. 

   h.  Government exemption  ....................................................................  5h. 

   i.  Michigan motor fuel tax  ....................................................................              5i. 
   j.  Direct payment deduction .................................................................                 5j. 

   k.  Other exemptions and/or deductions (see instructions)  ...................  5k. 

   l.  Tax included in gross sales...............................................................                 5l. 
   m.  Total allowable deductions. Add lines 5a - 5l ....................................  5m. 

6.  Taxable balance. Subtract line 5m from line 4 .........................................                       6. 
7. Gross tax due: Multiply line 6 by 6% (0.06) and carry amount to lines 
   2a and 2b on Form 5080 or Form 5092...................................................                         7. 


8.  Purchases for which no tax was paid or inventory purchased or withdrawn for business or personal use ....                                                        8. 
9. Use tax on purchases due: Multiply line 8 by 6% (0.06) and carry to line 7 of Form 5080 or  
   Form 5092  ...................................................................................................................................................... 9. 

IMPORTANT: Record the account number and return period at the top of the form. DO NOT FILE. Retain this worksheet in the business  
records. This worksheet may be subject to audit. 

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2023 Form 5095, Page 2 

     Instructions for 2023 Sales, Use and Withholding Taxes Monthly/Quarterly  
                       and Amended Monthly/Quarterly Worksheet (Form 5095) 

PART 1: SALES AND USE TAX                                         transactions, of tangible personal property. However, 
Lines  1 through  4:   Nexus  and Reporting Requirements:         marketplace  sellers should  not  report  sales made  through  a 
For  information  about  determining  whether a  person           marketplace facilitator. 
has nexus with Michigan, see Revenue Administrative               Line 2B: USE TAX - Rentals of Tangible Personal 
Bulletins (RAB) 2021-21 and 2021-22. Also visit                   Property and Accommodations. 
www.michigan.gov/remotesellers   for  guidance  for  remote 
                                                                      Marketplace sellers: Do not report sales made through a 
sellers and marketplace sellers, including FAQs. 
                                                                        marketplace facilitator. 
Tax Included in Gross Sales  Method (“TIGS  method”): 
                                                                     •  L  essors of tangible personal property:  Lessors  that 
Michigan sales tax (and use tax reported in this section, 
                                                                        have made a valid election under MCL 205.95(4) and 
if applicable) is imposed on the  seller. However, a seller 
                                                                        MAC R 205.132(1) should report receipts from rentals of 
is authorized to collect the tax at the point of sale from the 
                                                                        that tangible personal property under the election. 
customers. Sellers that separately state the tax (for example, 
on a receipt) and track their sales and tax separately in their       • P  ersons providing accommodations:This includes but 
books and records should report sales in this section  without          is not limited to total hotel, motel, and vacation home 
tax included and should leave line 5l blank. Other taxpayers            rentals, and assessments imposed under the Convention 
prefer to charge their customers  one amount that includes              and Tourism  Act, the  Convention Facility Development 
tax (they do not separately state the tax) yet still account            Act, the  Regional  Tourism  Marketing Act, and the 
for the tax in their books and records. These taxpayers are             Community Convention or Tourism Marketing Act. 
allowed, but are not required, to use the TIGS method. The        Line 3B: USE TAX - Telecommunications Services.           Enter 
TIGS method means that the taxpayer reports its gross sales       gross income from telecommunications service. 
on lines 1 through 4 with the tax included and uses line 5l to    Line 5a-5l: Allowable Exemptions and/or Deductions. Use  
calculate and deduct the tax that was included. See line 5l for   lines 5a - 5l to deduct from gross sales the nontaxable sales 
further instruction. A seller that did not collect the tax at the included in line 4. Deductions taken for tax exempt sales 
point of sale from its customers is not permitted to use the      must be substantiated in business records. A completed copy 
TIGS method.                                                      of    Michigan Sales and Use  Tax  Certificate  of Exemption 
Line 1A: Total Gross Sales for Tax Year.      This line should    (Form  3372)  or  the  same  information  in  another  format 
be used by sellers with nexus to report sales of tangible         must be obtained from the purchaser. For more information 
personal property where ownership transfers in Michigan.          on exemption documentation, see  Revenue  Administrative 
This includes sellers with nexus through physical presence or     Bulletin (RAB) 2016-14. 
economic presence (remote sales).                                 Line 5a: Resale, Sublease or Subrent.  Enter resale, sublease 
Enter total sales, including cash and installment transactions,   or subrent exemption claims. 
of tangible personal property.                                    Line 5b: Industrial Processing Exemption. The sale 
Include:                                                          or lease of tangible personal property ultimately used in 
•  Any costs incurred before ownership of the property is         industrial processing by an industrial processor is exempt. 
   transferred to the buyer, including installation, shipping,    “Industrial processing” is the  activity of converting or 
   handling, and delivery charges.                                conditioning tangible personal  property by changing its 
                                                                  form, composition, quality, combination, or character. In 
•  Trade-in allowances if you are a vehicle dealer.               general, all of the following must be met: 
Do not report:                                                    •     Property  must be  used in producing a  product  for 
•  Nontaxable services that do not involve the sale or lease            ultimate sale at retail, 
   of tangible personal property.                                 •     Property must be sold or leased to an “industrial 
•  Sales made through a marketplace facilitator, if you are a           processor,”  including  a  person  that  performs industrial 
   marketplace seller.                                                  processing on behalf of another industrial processor or 
                                                           This         performs industrial processing on property that will be 
Line 1B: USE TAX - Total Sales for the Tax Year: 
line should be used by:                                                 incorporated into a product for ultimate sale at retail, and 
Sellers with nexus to report sales of tangible personal        •     Activity starts when property begins moving from raw 
   property sourced to Michigan, for which ownership                    materials storage to begin industrial processing and ends 
   transfers outside Michigan, or                                       when finished goods first come to rest in finished goods 
Remote  sellers without nexus who voluntarily  collect 
   Michigan tax.                                                  If property is used for both an exempt and a taxable purpose, 
                                                                  the property is only exempt to the extent that it is used for 
Enter total sales, including cash, credit, and installment        an exempt purpose. In such cases, the exemption is limited 

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2023 Form 5095, Page 3 

to the percentage of exempt use to total use determined by a         the completion of transfer of ownership of the property.  
reasonable formula or method approved (but not required to           Line 5f:  Bad Debts. Bad debts may be eligible for a 
be pre-approved) by Treasury. For exceptions and exclusions,         deduction if the following criteria are met: 
see MCL 205.54t and 205.94o. 
                                                                     •     The debts are charged off as uncollectible on business 
Line 5c: Agricultural Production Exemption. Property                 books and records at the time the debts become worthless 
must be directly or indirectly used in agricultural production. 
Generally, the following non-exhaustive list may be exempt:          •    The debts are deducted on the return for the period during 
                                                                     which the bad debts are written off as uncollectible 
(i) Tangible personal property sold or leased to a person 
engaged in a business enterprise that uses or consumes the           •    The debts are  or would be  eligible  to be  deducted for 
property for either:                                                 federal income tax purposes. 
•   Tilling, planting, draining, caring for, maintaining, or         A bad debt deduction may be claimed by a third-party lender 
    harvesting things of the soil, or                                if the retailer who reported the tax and the lender financing 
                                                                     the sale timely execute and maintain a separate written 
•   Breeding, raising,  or caring  for livestock,  poultry,  or      election designating which party may claim the deduction. 
    horticultural products.                                          Certain additional conditions must be met. See MCL 205.54i, 
(ii) To the  extent that  the  property is affixed to and made       205.99a. and RAB 2019-3. 
a structural part of real estate for others and used for an          Line 5g: Food for Human/Home Consumption. Enter the 
exempt  purpose  in (i), tangible  personal  property sold to a      total of retail sales of grocery-type food, excluding tobacco, 
contractor that is one of the following:                             marihuana products, and alcoholic beverages. Prepared food 
•   Agricultural land tile                                           is subject to tax. See MCL 205.54g and MCL 205.94d for 
•   Subsurface irrigation pipe                                       more information. 
•   Portable grain bins                                              Line  5h: Government Exemption. Direct  sales to the 
                                                                     United States government or the state of Michigan or its 
•   Grain drying equipment and its fuel or energy source             political subdivisions are exempt. 
However, the following sales from (i) or (ii) are not exempt:        Line 5i: Michigan Motor Fuel Tax. Motor fuel retailers 
•   Food, fuel, clothing, or similar property  for  personal         may deduct the Michigan motor fuel taxes that were included 
    living or human consumption, or                                  in gross sales on line 1 and paid to the State or the distributor. 
•   Property permanently affixed to and becoming a                   Line 5j: Direct Payment Deduction.  Enter sales made to 
    structural part of real estate unless it is agricultural land    purchasers that claimed direct pay exemption from sales 
    tile, subsurface  irrigation  pipe,  a  portable  grain bin,  or and use taxes. With the exemption claim, the purchaser must 
    grain drying equipment. Certain property that can be             include the following statement: “Authorized to pay use tax 
    disassembled and reassembled may be exempt.                      on purchases of tangible personal  property directly to the 
Some specific types of exempt property and exempt uses of            State of Michigan under Account Number [listing either the 
property are clarified in the statute.  If property is used for      Federal Employer Identification Number or the Michigan 
both an exempt and a taxable purpose, the property is only           Treasury Registration Number]”. If using Michigan Sales and 
exempt to the extent that it is used for an exempt purpose.          Use Tax Certificate of Exemption (Form 3372), check the box 
In such cases, the exemption is limited to the percentage of         in Section 3 for “Other” and include the above statement as 
exempt use to total use determined by a reasonable formula           the explanation. MCL 205.98. 
or method approved (but not required to be pre-approved)             Line 5k: Other Exemptions and/or Deductions:     Identify  
by Treasury.  For more information, see MCL 205.54a and              exemptions or deductions not covered in items 5a through 5j 
205.94.                                                              on this line. Examples of exemptions or deductions are: 
Line 5d: Interstate Commerce.         Enter sales  made in           •       When the trade-in value of a motor vehicle is less than the 
interstate commerce. To claim such a deduction, the                  MI trade-in allowance, use the trade-in value for the 
property must be delivered by the business to the out-of-state       allowable deduction. When the trade-in value of a motor 
purchaser. Property transported out-of-state by the purchaser        vehicle is equal to or greater than the MI trade-in 
does not qualify as interstate commerce. Documentation of            allowance, use the MI trade-in allowance amount for the 
out-of-state shipments must be retained in business records to       allowable deduction. Trade-ins of RVs and watercraft are 
support this deduction.                                              not subject to limitation. See FAQs for trade-in limits.   
Line 5e: Separately Itemized Nontaxable Service                      Taxes paid to Secretary of State are not reported here.  
Charges. Enter separately itemized labor or service                  Instead, they are reported on the            Vehicle Dealer  
charges involved in maintenance  and repair  work on                 Supplemental Schedule (Form 5086, e-file only). 
property owned by others if these charges were included              •     Credit for the core charge attributable to a recycling fee, 
in gross sales on line 1. Do not subtract any other service          deposit, or disposal fee for a motor vehicle or recreational 
necessary to complete the sale of taxable property or any            vehicle part or battery if the recycling fee, deposit, or 
delivery or installation charges that were incurred before           disposal fee is separately stated on the invoice, bill of sale, 

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2023 Form 5095, Page 4 

or similar document given to the purchaser.                        •    V   ehicle sales to non-reciprocal states for which no tax was 
•   D  irect sales, not for resale, to certain nonprofit agencies, paid to Secretary of State. 
churches,  schools,  hospitals,  and  homes for  the  care  of     •    Q   ualified nonprofit organizations with aggregate sales in 
children and the aged, to the extent the property is used to       the calendar year of less than $25,000 may exempt the 
carry out the nonprofit purpose of the organization. For           first $10,000 of sales for fundraising purposes. Separately, 
sales to certain nonprofit agencies, the exemption is              veterans organizations exempt under IRC 501(c)(19) may 
limited based on the sales price of property used to raise         exempt  sales for  the  purpose  of  raising  funds for the 
funds or  obtain resources. All  sales must  be  paid  for         benefit of an active duty service member or veteran, up to 
directly from the funds of the exempt organization to              $25,000 per event. 
qualify.                                                           Line 5l: Tax Included in Gross Sales. Complete this line 
•    A   ssessments imposed under the Convention and Tourism       only if you reported sales on lines 1 through 4 with the 
Act, the Convention Facility Development  Act, the                 tax included  and you collected tax that was not separately 
Regional Tourism Marketing Act, or the Community                   stated from your customers (you used the Tax in Gross Sales 
Convention or Tourism Marketing Act. Hotels and motels             Method—see above line 1). If these conditions apply, all tax 
may deduct the assessments included in gross sales and             will be deducted on this line so that line 7, “Gross tax due”, 
rentals provided use  tax on the  assessments was not              calculates correctly. Subtract lines 5a through 5k from line 4, 
charged to the customers.                                          then divide the difference by 17.6667.  Enter the result on line 
•    C   redits allowed to customers for sales tax originally paid 5l. 
on merchandise voluntarily returned, provided the return           PART 2: USE TAX ON ITEMS PURCHASED FOR 
is made  within  the  time  period  for  returns stated  in  the   BUSINESS OR PERSONAL USE 
taxpayer’s refund policy or 180 days after the initial sale, 
                                                                   Line 8: Unless a specific exemption applies enter purchases 
whichever is earlier. Repossessions  are not allowable 
                                                                   for which no sales or use  tax was paid, including property 
                                                                   withdrawn for business or personal use. See Michigan 
•    S   ales to contractors of materials which will become part   Use Tax Act, 1937 PA 94, for information on various 
of a finished structure for a qualified exempt nonprofit           exemptions. For questions contact  Michigan  Department  of 
hospital, qualified exempt nonprofit housing entity or             Treasury  at  517-636-4357.  For  Manufacturer/Contractors, 
church sanctuary, or materials to be affixed to and made a         alternative measures of the use tax base should be reported 
structural part of real estate located in another state. The       (see MCL 205.93a(1)(f) and (g) and RAB 2016-24 for more 
purchaser will  provide  a Michigan Sales and Use  Tax             information). For all other taxpayers, report the “purchase 
Contractor Eligibility Statement (Form 3520). See RAB              price” as defined in MCL 205.92(f). 

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