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                                                                                                                                               Reset Form
Michigan Department of Treasury (Rev. 03-22) 

2022 MICHIGAN Schedule of Apportionment MI-1040H 
Issued under authority of Public Act 281 of 1967, as amended. 
Include with Form MI-1040, MI-1041, or Form 807. Type or print in blue or black ink.                                                           Attachment 09 
1. Owner’s Name                                                                                                      2. Identifying Number 

3. Name of Business Entity                                                                                           4. Federal Employer Identification No. (FEIN) 

5. Combined Unitary Apportionment 
     Check this box if you elect to combine the apportionment of business income (loss) from entities unitary with one another. If this box is 
     checked, write the word “Unitary” in box 3 and leave box 4 blank. 
     NOTE: If you elect to use combined apportionment, you must use combined apportionment for every unitary group from which you receive 
     income (loss). 


  6.  Michigan sales (see instructions regarding throwback sales)  .................                              6.                       00 

  7.  Total sales................................................................................................ 7.                       00 

  8. Apportionment Percentage. Divide line 6 by line 7.  ............................................................................  8.                          % 

  9. Check this box if you filed a U.S. Form 461 with a current year federal limitation on business losses and complete  
     Form MI-461. Important: See instructions before continuing to Part 2. 

10.  Business income included in adjusted gross income that is subject to apportionment 
     (include ordinary, portfolio, and all other business income from this business activity)..........................                    10.                     00 

11.  Multiply the amount on line 10 by the apportionment percentage on line 8.  ..........................................  11.                                    00 
12.  Income or loss attributable to another state(s). Subtract amount on line 11 from line 10.  
     Enter here and on Schedule 1, line 13 (income) or line 4 (loss).  Nonresidents and part-year 
     residents: Include this amount on the appropriate line in column C of Schedule NR  .............................  12.                                         00 

13.  If you checked box 5 above, list below the entities that are unitary with one another for which you are combining apportionment. 
     Include  a  separate  schedule  showing  your  computations.  If  more  than  eight  entities  will  be  listed,  include  additional 
     Form(s) MI-1040H with “Unitary” on line 3 and lines 6 through 12 left blank. 
                                   Entity Name                                                                       Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) 

+ 0000 2022 41 01 27 8 

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2022 MI-1040H, Page 2 
                   Instructions for Form MI-1040H, Schedule of Apportionment 
                                                                             of tangible personal property that originate in Michigan made to  
General Information 
                                                                             a purchaser in another state or country, and are “thrown back” 
Michigan defines business income as all income (loss) arising                to the numerator as Michigan sales because they are not taxable 
from transactions, activities, and sources in the regular course             by the other state.  Throwback sales follow federal P.L. 86-272 
of the taxpayer’s trade or business. Michigan business income                standards; the business must have physical presence in the other 
(loss)  includes  the  distributive  share  of  income  (loss)  from         state or activity beyond solicitation of sales in order to exclude 
a  flow-through  entity,  including  portfolio  income.  Portfolio           sales into another state or country from the numerator. There is 
income  includes  interest  income,  dividend  income,  royalty              no “water’s edge” for individual income tax purposes. 
income,  and  net  short-term  and  long-term  capital  gain  (loss)         Sales of other than tangible personal property (e.g., services) are 
reported on the federal   Schedule D. For more information see               in Michigan if: 
the MI-1040 booklet.                                                                                                                  
                                                                             1.  The business activity is performed in Michigan, or
Business  income  from  business  activity  that  is  taxable  both 
                                                                             2. The business activity is performed both in Michigan and in 
within  and  outside  Michigan     is  apportioned  to  Michigan  for 
                                                                             another  state(s),  but  based  on  cost  of  performance,  a  greater 
individual  income  tax  (IIT)  purposes  using  this  form.  This                                                                                 
                                                                             proportion of the business activity is performed in Michigan.
form is also used to apportion business income for fiduciary and 
composite filers.                                                            There  are  special  apportionment  formulas  for  transportation 
                                                                             companies and other authorized taxpayers. Those formulas are 
In order to determine if apportionment is required rather than 
                                                                             identified in Chapter 3 of the Michigan Income Tax Act. 
allocation,  a  taxpayer  must  determine  if  the  business  activity 
causes  the  taxpayer’s  income  to  be  subject  to  tax  in  both          Part 2: Computation of Income Attributable to 
Michigan  and  another  state.  The  Michigan  Income  Tax  Act              Another State(s)                                                       
definition of “state” includes a foreign country.                            If  you  filed  a  U.S.  Form 461  with  a  current  year  federal 
A taxpayer’s business income is taxable in another state if:                 limitation  on  business  losses,  complete         Michigan Excess                   
1.  In  that  state  the  taxpayer  is  subject  to  a  net  income  tax,  a Business Loss (Form MI-461) before completing Part 2. 
franchise tax measured by net income, a franchise tax for the                Michigan’s definition of business income differs from the federal 
privilege of doing business, a corporate stock tax, or                       definition  of  business  income.  Due  to  the  differences   in  the  
2.  That  state  has  jurisdiction  to  subject  the  taxpayer  to  a  net   business income reported for federal purposes, the federal business  
income tax regardless of whether the state does or does not.                 income and loss reported on Form MI-461 may not include all 
                                                                             business  income  or  loss  for  Michigan  purposes  (e.g.,  interest 
For  IIT  purposes,  Michigan  uses  the  standards  prescribed  by 
                                                                             and dividends). Therefore, line 10 of this form should exclude 
federal Public Law (P.L.) 86-272 to determine whether another 
                                                                             amounts  reported  and  apportioned  on  Form  MI-461.  However, 
state has jurisdiction to subject the taxpayer to a net income tax. 
                                                                             apportionable interest, dividends and other business income not 
Identification                                                               reported on Form MI-461 must be reported on line 10. 
For  individual  income  tax  filers,  enter  the  owner’s  name  and        If apportioned business capital gains (losses) are reported on line 3  
full  nine-digit  Social  Security  number  on  lines  1  and  2.  For       and/or line 8 of Form MI-1040D or Form MI-461, do not include 
fiduciary and composite filers, enter the name of the estate or              those amounts on line 10 of this form. 
trust, or the name of the company and the full Federal Employer              Guaranteed  payments  to  partners  are  not  considered  business 
Identification Number (FEIN).                                                income for Michigan purposes and should not be included on line  
Part 1: Computation of Sales Factor for                                      10 of this form. 
Apportionment Percentage                                                        A separate  Form  MI-1040H  should  be  used  for  each  business 
Business  income  subject  to  apportionment  is  sourced  to                activity that requires apportionment. If you have more than one 
Michigan  by  applying  a  sales  factor.  To  compute  the  sales           MI-1040H and are a Michigan resident, do not net income and 
factor, divide the total sales in Michigan during the tax year by            losses from multiple forms together. Instead, combine losses on 
the total sales everywhere during the tax year.                              line 12 with other losses on line 12 and enter the total losses from  
“Sales” includes gross receipts from sales of tangible property,             other states on Schedule 1, line  4; combine income on line 12 
rental of property, proceeds from the sale of property used in               with other income on line 12 and enter total income from other 
the business and providing of services that constitute business              states on Schedule 1, line 13. Nonresidents with more than one 
activity. Exclude all receipts of nonbusiness income.                        Form MI-1040H should net income and losses from line 12 of all   
Sales of tangible personal property are in Michigan if:                      MI-1040H  forms  before      entering  the total  on  Schedule  NR,                    
1.  The property is shipped or delivered to a purchaser (other               column C. 
than the United States government) within Michigan regardless                Part 3: Combined Apportionment Under the 
of  the  free  on  board  (F.O.B.)  point  or  other  conditions  of  the    Unitary Business Principle                                                           
sale, or                                                                     Michigan Supreme Court held that combined apportionment under  
2.   The  property  is  shipped  from  an  office,  store,  warehouse,       the unitary business principle may be used to calculate IIT taxable  
factory or other place of storage in Michigan and the purchaser              income at the election of the taxpayer,      Malpass v. Department 
is the United States government or the taxpayer is not taxable in            of Treasury, 494 Mich 237 (2013)   .    A  taxpayer has the option to 
the state of the purchaser.                                                  apportion each discrete legal  entity’s income (loss) separately or to  
NOTE:  The numerator of the sales factor for individual income               combine apportionment when entities are unitary with one another.  
tax may include “throwback sales.” Throwback sales are sales                 When a taxpayer elects to combine apportionment factors of the 

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2022 MI-1040H, Page 3 
unitary business the taxpayer must control the entities included in    sales may be eliminated. In addition, each company’s Michigan 
the combined apportionment filing and those entities must have a       sales and total sales are multiplied by the individual’s ownership 
flow of value between their various operations. A taxpayer with        interest percentage in the corresponding company. The business 
control may elect to combine apportionment when the business           income (or loss) from all the companies in the group, to the extent  
operations show:                                                       included in AGI, is combined to arrive at business income subject  
  • Economic realities                                                 to apportionment in Part 2 of the MI-1040H. 
  • Functional integration                                             Individual taxpayers who use the combined apportionment method  
  • Centralized management                                             must provide a statement identifying the members in the group. 
                                                                       The statement must show the combining calculations and include  
  • Economies of scale 
                                                                       a description detailing the unitary relationship between the entities  
  • Substantial mutual interdependence                                 included  in  the  combined  apportionment  filing.  The  statement 
These factors are not exhaustive or exclusive and the ability to       must  be  included  with  the  MI-1040H  filed  with  the  MI-1040 
elect combined apportionment will depend on the totality of the        return. An illustrative example of the statement that provides the 
circumstances.                                                         required information is below. 
       A unitary  business  may  include  non-Michigan  entities.  An  
individual taxpayer may only include entities that have business 
income or loss reported in the individual’s adjusted gross income.  
The election to use combined apportionment is made on an annual  
basis.  Generally,  to  compute  combined  apportionment,  all  the 
Michigan sales of every company in the group are combined to 
arrive at “Michigan sales” in Part 1 of the MI-1040H. Then the 
total sales of every company in the group are combined to arrive 
at “Total  sales” in Part 1 of the MI-1040H. When calculating the 
Michigan sales and the total sales of each company, intercompany  

                                          Combined Apportionment Example 
Robert is a shareholder in two companies. He has a 75% ownership interest in Ajax Company and a 60% ownership interest in Acme 
Company. The companies operate as a unitary business. Robert’s adjusted gross income includes distributive share income from both 
companies. Robert’s distributive  share income from the companies is subject to apportionment as one or more companies in the combined 
apportionment group has business activity within and outside of Michigan. Robert elects to combine apportionment factors of his unitary 
business and prepares the following worksheet to submit with his MI-1040H to be filed with his MI-1040 return. 
To support the election to use combined apportionment on the MI-1040H, Robert includes with his worksheet a written statement that 
includes all of the relevant facts and information supporting the unitary relationship between Ajax and Acme.  In this statement, Robert 
first demonstrates that he has control over each of the entities based upon his 75% controlling interest in Acme and his 60% controlling 
interest in Acme. Robert then provides a description of the business operations between Ajax and Acme sufficient to satisfy each  of the 
factors generally used to determine the existence of a unitary relationship — economic realities, functional integration, centralization 
of management, economies of scale, and substantial mutual interdependence.  As one example of the information included within this 
statement, Robert describes the centralization of management between the two companies by describing how overall and day-to-day 
management decisions of Ajax were centralized and directed by the managers of Acme. Robert provides in this statement a similar 
explanation for each of the other relevant factors considered in establishing a unitary relationship so that, based on the totality of the 
circumstances, Robert successfully demonstrates that a unitary relationship exists between Ajax and Acme.  
Taxpayer Name: Robert 
Social Security Number : 123-45-6789 
Tax Year: 2022 

                                                    Gross          Intercompany Michigan                    Ownership  Net Michigan Sales x 
Unitary Business Group - Everywhere Sales           Michigan Sales Sales Elimination     Net Michigan Sales Interest   Ownership Interest 
Ajax Company                                        19,000             (3,000)           16,000             75%        12,000 
Acme Company                                        26,225                               26,225             60%        15,735 
Total Michigan Sales, enter on line 6 of MI-1040H                                                                      27,735 
                                                  Gross Everywhere Everywhere Sales      Net                Ownership  Net Everywhere Sales x  
Unitary Business Group - Everywhere Sales           Sales          Elimination           Everywhere Sales   Interest   Ownership Interest  
Ajax Company                                        30,333             (10,000)          20,333             75%        15,250 
Acme Company                                        34,500                               34,500             60%        20,700 
Total Everywhere Sales, enter on line 7 of MI-1040H                                                                    35,950 

Robert describes the unitary relationship between Ajax Company and Acme Company. 

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