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                                                                                                                                                     Reset Form
Michigan Department of Treasury (Rev. 07-22), Page 1 of 2 
2022 MICHIGAN Adjustments of Capital Gains and Losses
Issued under authority of Public Act 281 of 1967, as amended. 
Include this form with the fiduciary income tax return MI-1041. Type or print in blue or black ink. 

For 2022 or taxable year beginning                                   - 2022  , and ending                                                        . 
                                                          MM-DD-2022                                                         MM-DD-YYYY 
Name of Estate or Trust                                                                                                 Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) 

PART 1: SHORT-TERM CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES                                                                                D                       E 
           (ASSETS HELD ONE YEAR OR LESS)                                                                         Federal Gain (Loss)       Michigan Gain (Loss) 
1.  Combine short-term totals from MI-8949, line 2 and U.S. Form 1041 
    Schedule D, line 1a, column h............................................................             1. 
                                                                                                                  Federal Gain (Loss)            Gain (Loss) 
                                                                                                                  from  Column h of         from  Column D Subject to 
                                                                                                                  U.S. 1041 Schedule D      Michigan Income Tax 
2.  Short-term capital gain or (loss) from U.S. Forms 4684, 6252, 6781, 
    and 8824............................................................................................. 2. 
3.  Enter net short-term gain or (loss) from partnerships, S corporations 
    and other estates or trusts..................................................................         3. 

4. Short-term capital loss carryover from 2021                .......................................     4.  (                        )  (                           ) 
5.  Net short-term gain or (loss). Combine lines 1 through 4. Enter here 
    and on line 13, column A  ....................................................................        5. 

PART 2: LONG-TERM CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES                                                                                 D                       E 
           (ASSETS HELD MORE THAN ONE YEAR)                                                                       Federal Gain (Loss)       Michigan Gain (Loss) 
6.  Combine long-term totals from MI-8949, line 4 and U.S. Form 1041 
    Schedule D line 8a, column h.............................................................             6. 
                                                                                                                  Federal Gain (Loss)            Gain (Loss) 
                                                                                                                  from  Column h of         from Column D Subject to 
                                                                                                                  U.S. 1041 Schedule D      Michigan Income Tax 
7.  Long-term capital gain or (loss) from U.S. Forms 2439, 4684, 6252, 
    6781, and 8824...................................................................................     7. 
8.  Enter net long-term gain or (loss) from partnerships, S corporations 
    and other estates or trusts..................................................................         8. 

9.  Capital gain distributions  ....................................................................      9. 

10. Enter gain, if applicable, from U.S. Form 4797...................................                     10. 

11.  Long-term capital loss carryover from 2021  .......................................                  11. (                        )  (                           ) 
12.  Net long-term gain or (loss). Combine lines 6 through 11. 
    Enter here and on line 14, column A...................................................                12. 

                                                              A                                                   B                              C 
                                                 Total Gain or (Loss)                                         Fiduciary                     Beneficiary 
                                                 Federal        Michigan                                  Federal      Michigan        Federal     Michigan 
13.  Net short-term gain or (loss) 
    from line 5................................. 
14. Net long-term gain or (loss) 
    from line 12.............................. 
15.  Total net gain or (loss). 
    Combine lines 13 and 14  .......... 
For resident estates and trusts if line 15, column A is a net loss continue to Part 4. If line 15, column A is a net gain, continue to Part 5. 
For nonresident estates and trusts carry line 15, column B, Michigan column to Form MI-1041, Schedule NR, line 24 and then continue 
to Part 4. 
                                                                                                                                            Continued on Page 2. 

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2022 MI-1041D, Page 2 of 2                                                                                                             Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) 

PART 4: COMPUTATION OF CAPITAL LOSS LIMITATION                                                                                           D            E 
                                                                                                                                         Federal      Michigan 
16.  If line 15 column A, shows a net loss, enter the smaller of:
       (a)  the fiduciary’s share of net loss on line 15, column B; or
       (b)  $3,000 .........................................................................................................  16.  (             )  (                                ) 
     Note: When determining whether 16a or 16b is smaller, treat both numbers as if they were positive. 
     Resident estates and trusts complete Part 5. Nonresident estates and trusts carry line 16, Michigan column E to Form MI-1041 
     Schedule NR, line 27. 
     If the net loss on line 15, column A, is more than $3,000, or if the taxable income on U.S. Form 1041, page 1, line 23, is zero or 
     less, complete Part 6 to determine the loss carryover. 

17.  Enter the fiduciary’s share of net gain from line 15, column B, federal column, as 
     a negative number; if a loss, enter “0”  ....................................................................  17.                (                                             ) 
18.  Enter the fiduciary’s share of net gain from line 15, column B, Michigan column, 
     as a positive number; if a loss, enter “0”.................................................................  18. 
19.  Enter loss from line 16, federal column, as a positive number.  
     If no loss shows, enter “0”.  .....................................................................................  19. 
20.  Enter loss from line 16, Michigan column, as a negative number.  
     If no loss shows, enter “0”  ......................................................................................  20. 
21.  Combine lines 17 through 20.  Enter the total here and on MI-1041, line 11  .......  21. 
CARRYOVERS FROM 2022 TO 2023                                                                                                             D            E 
Carryover Limit                                                                                                                          Federal      Michigan 
22.  Enter taxable income/loss from 2022 U.S. Form 1041, line 23, or U.S. Form 990-T, 
     Part I, line 11 in column D and MI-1041, line 12 in column E  ......................................  22. 
23.  Enter the loss from line 16 as a positive amount...................................................  23. 
24. Enter the amount from U.S. Form   1041, line 21, or U.S. Form990-T, Part I, line 8..                                      24. 
25.  Adjusted taxable income. Combine lines 22, 23 and 24. If less than zero, 
     enter “0”.  ................................................................................................................  25. 
26.  Enter the smaller of line 23 or 25...........................................................................  26. 

NOTE: Complete this section only if there is a loss shown on line 5 and line 15, column A. 
Short-Term Capital Loss Carryover 
27.  Enter the loss shown on Part 1, line 5 as a positive amount.  ................................  27. 
28.  Enter the gain, if any, from line 12. If that line is blank or shows a loss, 
     enter “0”.  ................................................................................................................  28. 
29.  Enter the amount from line 26, above.  ..................................................................  29. 
30.  Add lines 28 and 29...............................................................................................  30. 
31.  Short-term capital loss carryover to 2023.  Subtract line 30 from line 27. If less 
     than zero, enter “0”.  ...............................................................................................  31. 

NOTE: Complete this section only if there is a loss shown on line 12 and line 15, column A. 
Long-Term Capital Loss Carryover 
32.  Enter the loss shown on Part 2, line 12 as a positive amount .....................................  32. 
33.  Enter the gain, if any, from line 5. If that line is blank or shows a loss, 
     enter “0”.  ................................................................................................................  33. 
34.  Enter the amount from line 26. ..............................................................................            34. 
35.  Enter the amount, if any, shown on line 27............................................................              35. 
36.  Subract line 35 from line 34. If less than zero, enter “0”.  .......................................  36. 
37.  Add lines 33 and 36...............................................................................................  37. 
38.  Long-term capital loss carryover to 2023. Subtract line 37 from line 32. If less 
     than zero, enter “0”.  ...............................................................................................  38. 

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2022 MI-1041D, Page 3 
                                        Instructions for Form MI-1041D  
                               Adjustments of Capital Gains and Losses 
When To File                                                          

Use this form to adjust Michigan taxable income if the  estate              Corresponding lines on MI-1041D and 
or trust has capital gains or losses that are attributable to:                       U.S. 1041 Schedule D 
  1.  Gains or losses from the sale of certain types of           MI-1041D         2  3  4  5  7      8     9  10  11  12 
   properties located in other states and/or subject to           U.S. 1041 
                                                                                   4  5  6  7  11  12  13  14  15  16 
   Michigan’s allocation provisions. Gains or losses subject      Schedule D 
   to Michigan’s apportionment provisions, refer to the           
   MI-1040H.                                                      Line 6:  Combine     the amount from MI-8949, line 4, and the 
2.  Periods before October 1, 1967 (Section 271 adjustment).      amount from U.S. Form 1041 Schedule D, line 8a, column h. 
   If U.S. Forms 1041 Schedule D or 4797     were filed, and      Michigan Information 
   an election to adjust under Section 271 of the Michigan        Enter the portion of federal gain and loss subject to Michigan 
   Income Tax Act was made, file the equivalent Michigan          tax in column E on lines 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. 
   forms (MI-1041D or MI-4797). All items of gain or loss 
   realized during the tax year must be included.                 Section 271 of the Michigan Income Tax Act.        To apportion 
                                                                  under Section 271 multiply the gain (loss) in column E by the 
  3.  Gains or losses from the sale or exchange of U.S.         
                                                                  number of months the property was held after September 30, 
   obligations that cannot be taxed by Michigan. 
                                                                  1967. Divide the result by the total number of months held. 
Form MI-1041D must be included with the            Michigan       Enter the result in Michigan column E. For the purpose of this 
Fiduciary Income Tax Return (MI-1041).                            computation,  the  first  month  is  excluded  if  acquisition  took 
General Information                                               place after the 15th, and the last month is excluded if disposal 
                                                                  took place on or before the 15th. 
Page  1  of  Form  MI-1041D  follows  the  pattern  of  page  1 
of the U.S. Form 1041 Schedule D and all the information          Gains  from  installment  sales  made  before  October  1,  1967, 
necessary for completing it should be taken from the U.S.         must show the federal gain in federal column D and zero in 
Form 1041 Schedule D.                                             Michigan column E. Gains or losses from installment sales 
                                                                  made after October 1, 1967, are subject to Michigan tax but 
Rounding Dollar Amounts                                           may be apportioned under Section 271. 
Round down amounts of 49 cents or less. Round up amounts          Distributions from employee’s pension, stock bonus or profit-
of 50 cents or more. If cents are entered on the form, they       sharing trust plans that are considered to be long-term capital 
will be treated as whole dollar amounts.                          gains (under IRC 402) and capital gains distributions are not 
Identification                                                    eligible for Section 271 treatment. Enter the total gain in both 
Enter the name of the estate or trust and the Federal Employer    the federal and state columns. 
Identification Number (FEIN) at the top of the MI-1041D.          U.S. Obligations. Gains from the sale or exchange of some 
                                                                  U.S. obligations are not subject to tax and losses are not    
Parts 1 and 2 
                                                                  deductible. Enter a zero in the Michigan column for gains 
If U.S. Form 8949 Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital         or losses realized from the sale of these non-taxable U.S.    
Assets  was  filed,  complete  Form  MI-8949  in  the  same       obligations. 
manner.  Transfer the information to MI-1041D, following                Any interest expense and other expenses incurred in the 
the instructions on Form MI-1041D. If the U.S. Form     8949      production of income from U.S. obligations should be entered 
discloses capital assets reported under Internal Revenue   Code   on MI-1041, line 32. (See MI-1041 instruction booklet for     
(IRC) Sections 1245 and 1250, these assets must be reported       line 32 on page 5.) 
on MI-8949. Also, if capital assets are allocated to another 
state, they are excluded from the portion subject to Michigan     Capital gains or losses from the sale or exchange of municipal 
income tax. A capital loss carryover from preceding years is      bonds are taxable for Michigan residents. 
entered as a short-term loss on line 4 or as a long-term loss     Out-of-State Property. Gains from  the sale of property located  
on line 11.                                                       in another state are not subject to Michigan tax, and losses 
                                                                  are not deductible. Enter in the Michigan column the gain or 
Federal Information 
                                                                  loss from the sale or exchange of (1) real property located in 
Line 1: Combine the amount from MI-8949, line 2, and the          Michigan, or (2) tangible personal  property located   in Michigan 
amount from U.S. Form 1041 Schedule D, line 1a, column h.         at the time of the sale or if the taxpayer was a Michigan resident  
For lines 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11  and 12 column D, enter     estate or trust, or (3) intangible personal property sold by a 
the amounts from U.S. Form        1041 Schedule D    , for the    Michigan resident estate or trust. 
corresponding line numbers listed on the top of the next 

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2022 MI-1041D, Page 4 

Part 3: Lines 13, 14, and 15 
Column A:   Enter the corresponding  net  short-term  or    
long-term gain (loss) from column D (federal) and column E  
(Michigan) in the appropriate boxes. Combine lines 13 and 
14 and enter the result on line 15. 
Column B: Enter the share of short-term and long-term gains  
and losses retained by the fiduciary. Follow the instructions  
on the form for resident and nonresident estates and 
Column C: Enter the share   of short-term and long-term gains 
(losses)  distributed  to  the  beneficiaries.  Totals  on  line  15 
should equal the totals on Form MI-1041, Schedule 4, line 44. 
Part 6 
If the net loss on line 15, column A, is more than $3,000, 
or if the taxable income on U.S. Form  1041,  line 23 or  
U.S. Form 990-T, Unrelated Business  Taxable Income  is 
zero or less, complete this section to determine the capital 
loss carryover. 

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