Michigan Department of Treasury 4285 (Rev. 03-21) Questions and Answers About Paying Your Withholding Tax on an Accelerated Schedule Key Factors About Filing Your Withholding Tax on an Accelerated Schedule Required for withholding tax liability that averages $40,000 or more each month of the previous calendar year (total liability of more than $480,000) Payment schedule is changed to match your payment schedule for Federal Withholding tax You are required to file returns on a monthly basis on or before the 20th day of the subsequent month Payments must be made via an electronic payment method i.e. ACH Credit payment, EFT Debit payment through Michigan Treasury Online (MTO) 1. What is Accelerated Withholding Tax? 5. When am I required to begin Accelerated a. Acceleratedwithholdingtaxisamodifiedpayment Withholding Tax payments? schedule for remitting Michigan withholding a. TheMichiganDepartmentofTreasurywillnotify tax. Public Acts 82 and 83 of 1991 require you in writing of your change to accelerated taxpayers to make their payments in the same withholding.Acceleratedwithholdingtaxpayments manner and according to the same schedule as must continue unless you are notified in writing their federal withholding tax payments, when of a change to your filing status. These written they paid a monthly average of $40,000 or more notificationsaregenerallymailedinApril,andthe incometaxwithholdingintheprecedingcalendar changesareeffectivefortheJulytaxperiod. year. For more information, see MCL 205.19 at 6. What are the payment requirements and schedule www.legislature.mi.gov. for Accelerated Withholding ? 2. A division of a corporation does not have as a. Accelerated withholding tax payments must be great a liability as the corporation itself. Is the made according to the same schedule as your division required to file its withholding tax on an Federal withholding tax payments. Accelerated accelerated basis? withholding tax payments must be made by a. Yes.Thecorporationisconsideredonelegalentity, ElectronicFundsTransfer(EFT)throughMichigan whichincludesalldivisions. TreasuryOnline(MTO)website,byACHCredit,or 3. I am required to file on an accelerated basis for byusingapprovedproprietarythird-partysoftware. Withholding tax, but my Sales and Use tax liability Paymentbywiretransferwillnotbeaccepted. is quite small. How shall I file my other taxes? 7. Can I send a check with my return? a. Once any Sales, Use or Withholding (SUW) tax a. No. Accelerated tax payments must be made by hasbeendeterminedan Acceleratedfiler, allother EFT.AcceleratedpaymentsnotmadebyEFTare SUWtaxesmustbefiledonamonthlyfrequency. subjecttopenaltyandinterest. Additionally, anAnnual Reconciliation Return is 8. When do I have to initiate a payment for it to be requiredFebruary28ofeachyear. timely? 4. Are Accelerated Withholding accounts required to a. FortimelyreceiptofpaymentthroughMTO,filers file a monthly return? must complete their payment transaction by 8 a. Yes. A return for each month must be filed by p.m. EST one business day prior to the due date. the 20th of the subsequent month. Accelerated ACH Credit and approved proprietary third-party withholdingaccountscanfileanelectronicreturn software filers will need to contact their financial via MTO or through approved proprietary third- institutionforpaymenttransactionrequirements. party software. If neither option is available, 9. What if the pre-payment or return due date falls visit www.michigan.gov/taxes for forms that are on a weekend or holiday? availableforpaperfiling. a. If the 20th day of the month falls on a weekend, stateholidayorbankingholiday,theduedateisthe nextbusinessday. |
b. NOTE:Foralistingofspecificstateholidays,refer 13. Will registering to pay other business taxes to Sales, Use and Withholding Tax Due Dates for electronically eliminate the return requirement? Holidays and Weekends(Form3149.) a. No. Although payments can be remitted 10. What notification is needed if I change banks? electronically, you will still be required to file a a. EFT Credit Filers need to provide their new returnonamonthlybasis. financialinstitutionwith Instructions for Payments 14. What if I pay more than one type of tax? of Michigan Sales, Use, Withholding, and Other a. A separate transmission must be made for each Michigan Business Taxes Using Electronic Funds taxtype.YoumaynotcombineSalesandUsetax Transfer (EFT) Credit(Form2329.) payments into one lump sum transmission. The b. EFT Debit filers have the capability of adding, followingfive-charactertaxcodesshouldbeused changing,ordeletingbankaccountand/orrouting tocompleteyourtransmission(s): number information through their bank account i. 01100 Withholding - Employer and accessedthroughMTO.Thisisdonebyselecting Retirement the“OtherPaymentOptions”tablocatedinMTO, 04200Sales Tax thenclicking“ManagePayments,”Fromthere,you 04400Use TaxonSalesandRentals will be redirected to JP Morgan Chase’s website iv 04500Use TaxonPurchases whereyoucanaccessthesefunctionsbyclicking “ManageAccounts.” v 02355MichiganBusiness TaxExtensions 11. How far in advance may I complete my payment 02655MichiganBusiness TaxAnnual data? 02670CorporateIncome TaxAnnual a. TaxpayersmakingpaymentsviaMTOcaninitiate 02170CorporateIncome TaxEstimate paymentsupto90daysinadvanceofthesettlement 02370CorporateIncome TaxExtensions date. 07020MarihuanaRetailExcise Tax b. TaxpayersmakingACHcreditpaymentsorusing 15. What if I hire or change a payroll service? approvedproprietarythird-partysoftwaretofileand a. A taxpayer can add a payroll service provider remit payments are advised to consult with their for their account by completing the “Manage financialinstitutionforfurtherinformation. Representatives” option under the Registration 12. Can other business taxes be paid by EFT? functioninMTO,orbycompletingandsubmitting a. Yes. EFT Credit filers should refer to Form 2329 the Authorized Representative Declaration (Power for a listing of the tax type codes to use in the ofAttorneyForm151.) transmissionofthenewtaxtype. 16. What if I still have questions? b. YoucanmakepaymentsforSales,Use,Withholding, a. If you have questions concerning your account Michigan Business, Corporate Income, and or the accelerated process, call (517) 636-6925, Marihuana Retail Excise taxes through Michigan visit www.michigan.gov/AskSUW, or send TreasuryOnline. correspondence c. Additional information regarding EFT payments MichiganDepartmentof Treasury can be found at www.michigan.gov/treasury P.O.Box30427 by clicking the link for Michigan Treasury Lansing,Michigan48909 Online under “Popular Services,” or at www.michigan.gov/biztaxpayments. |