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CSCL/CD-274 (10/21 )
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs FOR BUREAU USE ONLY
Corporations, Securities &Commercial Licensing Bureau F HC Completed By Order Number
Corporation sDivision
Business Services Section - (517) 241-6470
(Authorized by P.A. 284 of 1972, P.A. 162 of 1982, P.A. 213 of 1982, P.A. 23 of 1993, as amended)
Identification Number Entity Name
For orders submitted at the counter, add 25% surcharge.
COPIES: CERTIFIED - minimum fee is $16.00; seven pages or more $1.00 additional per page.
U UNCERTIFIED - minimum fee is $6.00; seven pages or more $1.00 additional per page.
Original Documents ONLY - NO Amendments
Original Documents and ALL Amendments
Annual Report(s)/Statement(s) Specify year(s)
Other: filed
CERTIFICATE(S): Good Standing (Corporation and LLC) - $10.00 Status (LLC) - $10.00
Not Cancelled (Limited Partnership) - $10.00
Certificate of Fact - Listing ALL documents filed - $50.00
Other Certificate of Fact - $20.00 - stating
Certificate of Fact - No Record - $20.00
Return by: Mail Em ail
Billing Address: Shipping Address: (MAIL ONLY, if different than Billing)
Name Name
Attention Attention
Street Address Street Address
Apt/Suite/Other Apt/Suite/Other
City State ZIP Code City State ZIP Code
Telephone Number Email Telephone Number
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**Orders totaling $100 or more require 50% deposit before order can be released.**