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Michigan Department of Treasury 
4752 (Rev. 04-22), Page 1 of 4                                                                                     Attachment 25 

2022 MICHIGAN Business Tax Unitary Business Group  
Combined Filing Schedule for Financial Institutions 
Issued under authority of Public Act 36 of 2007. 
IMPORTANT:    Read the instructions before completing this form 
Designated Member Name                                                                         Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or TR Number 

PART          1: UNITARY BUSINESS           GROUP           (UBG)  MEMBERS 
List the UBG members whose activity is included on the combined return supported by this form, beginning with the Designated Member (DM). Include all 
UBG members (with or without nexus), except those excluded in Part 3. If more than one page is needed, repeat the DM’s name and FEIN or TR Number 
in the field at the top of the page, but not on line 1. 
1.                                               A                                                          B 
                                           Member Name                                           FEIN or TR Number 

If more than one page is needed to complete Part 1, duplicate answers on lines 2 and 3 on all copies of this page. 

                                                                           A                   B                   C 
                                                                           Combined Total                          Combined Total 
                                                                           Before Eliminations Eliminations        After Eliminations 

    2.  Michigan Gross Business. Carry 2C to Form 4590, line 10a   ....... 

    3.  Total Gross Business. Carry 3C to Form 4590, line 10b  ........... 

+  0000 2022 85 01 27 6                                                                                            Continue on Page 2. 

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2022 Form 4752, Page 2 of 4                                        Designated Member FEIN or TR Number 

Complete a separate copy of Part 2B for each UBG member listed in Part 1. Add the amount on line 24 for all members and carry the total to  
Form 4590, line 19. See instructions for additional guidance on completing Form 4752 and Form 4590. 

4. Member Name                                                                           7. Organization Type 

5. Member FEIN or TR Number                                                                    Fiduciary                                                         S Corporation /  
                                                                                                                                                                 LLC S Corporation 
6. Member Address (Street)                                                                     C Corporation /                                                   Partnership /  
                                                                                               LLC C Corporation                                                 LLC Partnership
City                                                         State     ZIP/Postal Code 

                                                   Beginning                 Ending 
8. Federal Tax Period Included in                                                        12.        Check if Nexus with Michigan 
   Return (MM-DD-YYYY) ........................ 
9. If part year member, enter                                                            13.        Check if Registered for MBT 
   membership dates (MM-DD-YYYY)  ..... 
10. NAICS Code                                     11. If discontinued, effective date   14.        Check if New Member 

15. Nature of business activities or operations resulting in a flow of value between members, or integration, dependence or contribution to other members 

FRANCHISE TAX        BASE         Lines 16 and 18-20: If less than zero, enter zero. 
                                                   A                   B                 C                    D                                                  E 
                                                   2018                2019              2020                 2021                                               2022 

16.  Equity Capital  ......................  16. 
17.  Eliminations (enter as a 
   positive number) ..................  17. 

18.  Goodwill ...............................  18. 
19.  Average daily book value 
   of Michigan obligations ........  19. 
20.  Average daily book value 
   of U.S. obligations  ...............  20. 
21.  Subtract lines 17, 18, 19, 
   and 20 from line 16 ..............  21. 
22.  a.  Authorized insurance co. 
     subsidiary: enter actual  
     capital fund amount ........  22a. 
   b.  Minimum regulatory 
     amount required  ............  22b. 
   c.  Multiply line 22b by 
     125% (1.25) ...................  22c. 
   d.  Subtract line 22c from 
     22a.  If less than zero, 
     enter zero  ......................  22d. 

23.  Add lines 21 and 22d ..........  23. 

24.  Add lines 23A, 23B, 23C, 23D and 23E  ................................................................................................................. 24.                   00 

25.  Net Capital for Current Taxable Year. Divide line 24 by number of tax years reported above ................................                             25.                   00 

+  0000 2022 85 02 27 4                                                                                                                                          Continue on Page 3. 

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2022 Form 4752, Page 3 of 4                                  Designated Member FEIN or TR Number 
                                                                   Member FEIN or TR Number 

CREDIT CARRYFORWARDS AND                 PAYMENTS.        See instructions 

26.  There is no amount to be entered on this line. Skip to line 28................................................................................                   26. X X X X X X X X 00 

27.  There is no amount to be entered on this line. Skip to line 28................................................................................                   27. X X X X X X X X 00 

28.  Unused MBT Basic/Enhanced Historic Preservation Credit carryforward..............................................................                                28.                 00 

29.  Unused MBT Special Consideration Historic Preservation Credit carryforward.....................................................                                  29.                 00 

30.  Unused MBT Individual or Family Development Credit carryforward.....................................................................                             30.                 00 

31.  Unused MBT Brownfield Redevelopment Credit carryforward   ...............................................................................                        31.                 00 

32.  Unused MBT Film Infrastructure Credit carryforward .............................................................................................                 32.                 00 

33.  Overpayment credited from prior MBT return.........................................................................................................              33.                 00 

34.  Estimated tax payments ......................................................................................................................................... 34.                 00 

35.  There is no amount to be entered on this line. Skip to line 36................................................................................                   35. X X X X X X X X 00 

36.  Tax paid with request for extension ........................................................................................................................     36.                 00 

+  0000 2022 85 03 27 2                                                                                                                                                   Continue on Page 4. 

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2022 Form 4752, Page 4 of 4                                        Designated Member FEIN or TR Number 

List every person (with or without nexus) for which the “greater than 50 percent” ownership test of a Michigan Unitary Business Group is satisfied, which is 
not included on the combined return of financial institutions that is supported by this form. Using the codes below, identify in column D why each person is 
not included in the combined return. If any persons listed here are part of a federal consolidated group, attach a copy of federal Form 851. 
1. Lacks business activities resulting in a flow of value or integration,  6. Other. 
     dependence or contribution to group.                                  7. Insurance company. (Insurance companies generally file separately.) 
2. Foreign operating entity.                                               9. Standard taxpayers not owned by a financial institution. (Financial 
4. Foreign entity.                                                         institutions and standard taxpayers generally are not included on 
5. Member has no MBT tax year (as a member of this UBG) ending             the same combined return.)
     with or within this filing period. 

37.  A                                    B                                           C                   D               E                  F 
     Number From                                                                                          Reason   Check (X) if 
Federal Form 851                                                                                      Code for     Nexus with 
     (if applicable)                      Name                             FEIN or TR Number          Exclusion       Michigan              NAICS Code 

List persons included in the immediately preceding combined return of this Designated Member that are not included on the return supported by this form. 
Persons that satisfy the criteria of Part 3 and Part 4 should be listed in each part. See column C instructions for a list of reason codes. 
38.                          A                                                        B                                     C 
                             Name                                          FEIN or TR Number              Reason This Person Is Not on Current Return 

+  0000 2022 85 04 27 0 

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                                                                             Instructions for Form 4752 
                                  Michigan Business Tax (MBT) Unitary Business Group 
                                     Combined Filing Schedule for Financial Institutions 
                                                                                                                    functional       integration  include common                        programs        or   systems            
                                                                                                                    and   shared  information  or property.                     Examples            of  centralized             
The  purpose      of this form                is to:                                                                management          include      common           management              or  directors, shared             
  • Identify  all  members          of a Unitary  Business  Group  (UBG)                                            staff                                                                                                      
                                                                                                                           functions, and business decisions made for the UBG rather                                             
                                                                                                                    than separately       by   each     member.           Examples               of economies      of scale  
  • Gather   tax  return data           for      each     member         included           in the                  include    centralized         business  functions and                    pooled       benefits    or       
financial    institution’s  combined return                      on                a separate  basis,               insurance. Groups          that     commonly             exhibit          a flow      of value include      
make appropriate          eliminations,              and      determine          combined            UBG            vertically    or  horizontally  integrated businesses,                           conglomerates,             
data  for the   tax   return.                                                                                       parent    companies       with their           wholly       owned         subsidiaries,       and           
NOTE:This      is not  the  primary return.                               It is designed      to support            entities      in the same  general         line        of business. Flow              of value must       be   
the  MBT Annual Return for Financial Institutions                                          (Form      4590)         more than    the     mere  flow          of funds arising         out        of passive  investment. 
submitted      on  behalf            of the   UBG  by  the Designated                         Member                Businesses       are integrated           with,      are  dependent           upon,  or                     
(DM).  Even          if there      is only       one  financial  institution member                                 contribute      to each  other  under  many      of the  same  circumstances  
represented  on  the return             for   the      tax   year,   that    member           must                  that  establish  flow      of value.  However,  this  alternate  relationship  
file this  form       in support          of its Form 4590.                                                         test   is  also commonly           satisfied       when        one  entity       finances                   
NOTE: Beginning January                             1, 2012, only     those         taxpayers           with        the   operations  of another              or   when      there      exist     intercompany                  
    a certificated credit,   which               is awarded but        not    yet     fully     claimed             transactions, including             financing.           
or utilized,    may      elect          to be MBT        taxpayers.                    If a taxpayer files          For   more  information on                the    control      and    relationship          tests              
an   MBT  return  and claims                        a certificated       credit,  the taxpayer                      for   UBGs, see        Revenue         Administrative               Bulletin        (RAB)                   
makes     the  election           to file     and  pay under          the    MBT            until   the             2010-1,    MBT—Unitary  Business Group                              Control         Test,    and            
certificated   credit  and any             carryforward          of that          credit      are                   RAB    2010-2,  MBT—Unitary Business                                Group       Relationship                
exhausted.          If a member          of a UBG               holds      a certificated              credit       Tests,    on  the  Department                   of Treasury         (Treasury)  Web  site                 at   
and  wishes          to remain      taxable  under the             MBT,           the     group     and                                                                 and  select “Reports                &   Legal           
not the    member     must      make        the   election.        The        election         should          be   Resources.” 
made      by the DM;      however,          the   Department              will       treat   a   filing        by   
one member           of the group         claiming   a   certificated                 credit             as if the  
election was    made           by the entire         group.                                                         Filing Procedures for UBGs 
Fiscal Year Filers:  See  “Supplemental Instructions                                        for  Fiscal             By  definition,              a UBG can         include        standard        taxpayers,                    
MBT  Filers  — Financial                Institutions”                 in the    MBT Forms and                       insurance  companies, and                   financial      institutions.         Note      that  an         
Instructions for Financial Institutions                          (Form        4599).                                entity  that  would        otherwise            be    standard          but         is owned by       and   
                                                                                                                    unitary  with   a   financial        institution                 is defined by       statute                to be a
General Information About UBGs in MBT                                                                               financial institution.                In some cases,           however,        not      all  members        
                                                                                                                    of   the  UBG  will be          included         on  the    same       return.      Financial               
Unitary  Business  Group                      means      a group of             United        States                institution      members  file                 a combined  return on                Form     4590,          
persons, other     than           a foreign operating             entity,        that      satisfies      the       with Form      4752        filed       in support. 
control test    and   relationship          test.       
                                                                                                                    Form  4752             is used  to gather        and     combine          data   from      each               
United States person                 is defined      in Internal Revenue                   Code      (IRC)          financial institution           member               of the UBG            to support the     group’s         
    § 7701(a)(30).   A   foreign operating entity                      is defined by           statute         in   Form     4590    and  related forms.              This     form      must       be  completed               
Michigan  Compiled Laws                  (MCL)           208.1109(5).                                               before the     group’s     Form       4590        and     related       forms     are     completed.        
Control Test.        The   control  test                     is satisfied    when  one person                          If this  UBG        also    includes        standard        and/or       insurance        company  
owns      or controls,      directly      or indirectly,             more         than  50  percent                 members, those             members         will    not    report      tax    data       on  this  form,     
of  the  ownership interest             with     voting               or comparable            rights      of       but will         be listed      as excluded affiliates                 in Part 3.   
the  other  person             or persons.      A person         owns      or controls                 more         Standard members           will     combine          and     report     their     data    using     MBT  
than   50  percent  of the        ownership             interest     with       voting        rights                Unitary Business Group Combined Filing Schedule for Standard  
or   ownership  interest  that confer                   comparable           rights                 to voting       Members  (Form 4580)                and     MBT Annual Return (Form                       4567).      
rights      of another person              if that person        owns          or controls: 
                                                                                                                    Financial institutions           include        any           of the following:         
  • More than      50    percent           of the total       combined           voting        power           of   
all ownership      interests       with     voting         (or   comparable)               rights,        or              ○          A bank      holding        company,      a national  bank,                        a state  
                                                                                                                          chartered        bank,  an office           of    thrift   supervision           chartered            
  • More    than  50  percent of              the    total      value  of all        ownership                   
                                                                                                                          bank    or  thrift institution,            or            a savings  and  loan holding                 
interests with     voting       (or   comparable)                rights  . 
                                                                                                                          company other             than         a diversified savings             and      loan  holding       
Relationship Tests.         Flow of value      is established                        when        members                  company        as  defined in          12    United        States     Code       (USC)                
of   the  group  demonstrate            one      or more      of functional                   integration,                1467a(a)(1)(F),          or a federally chartered                    Farm      Credit   System        
centralized    management,              and  economies  of  scale. Examples                              of               institution. 


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       ○ Any        person,  other than                 a person  subject to            the   tax           institution   member  that  owns or               controls   the  other   financial             
       imposed   under  Chapter 2A                of  the   MBT        Act   (Insurance                     institution  members  has  nexus  with  Michigan,  that  controlling  
       Companies),  that              is directly  or indirectly          owned         by    an            member  must  serve      as DM. 
       entity  described  above  and          is a member      of the  UBG. 
                                                                                                                 If that  controlling  member  does  not  have  nexus  with  Michigan,  
       ○         A UBG      of entities   described              in either   or  both               of the     it may      appoint     any   financial      institution  member           of the   UBG      
       preceding  two  bullets.                                                                             with  nexus      to serve      as DM.         That   DM  must  continue                to serve  
Each   insurance  company member                      will     file  separately,        using               as  such  every  year,  unless      it ceases              to be a UBG  member      or the  
Insurance Company Annual Return for Michigan Business and                                                   controlling  member  attains  Michigan  nexus. 
Retaliatory Taxes         (Form  4588).  Because insurance                       companies                          a UBG      is comprised      of both      standard  members  (not  owned                
always  file  separately,  rather  than  on      a combined  return,  there                                       and  unitary with                a financial  institution  in the   UBG)     and          
  is MBTno      insurance form that serves   afunction                        similar   to that             financial  institutions,  the  UBG  will  have  two  DMs  (one  for  the  
of  Forms  4580  and  4752.                                                                                                 members  completing  Form 4567               and      related   forms,          
                                                                                                            and  one  for  the  financial  institution  members  completing  Form  
  Example A:  UBG          A is composed      of the  following:                                            4590  and  related  forms). 
     •   Four  standard  members                                                                                                                                The DM    files    the   MBT    return      
                                                                                                            Role of the Designated Member: 
     •   Three  financial  institutions  (all  with  nexus      in Michigan)                                on   behalf      of the    UBG  for  MBT purposes.           Only      the  DM    may           
     •   Two  insurance  companies.                                                                         file      a valid  extension     request      for  the  UBG.  Treasury maintains                
                                                                                                            the   UBG’s     MBT  tax data            (e.g.,  prior  MBT   returns,      business            
  All  members      of UBG      A are  owned  by  and  unitary  with  one                                           carryforward,  tax credit           carryforward,    overpayment         credit         
  of the    standard    members                of the UBG.      UBG          A will need            to                     under  the  DM’s  name  and  account  number. 
  file Form       4580  and     Form      4567     containing         the   four     standard            
  members   and  Form  4752 and                   Form      4590     containing         the              
  three   financial     institutions.  In Part                   1 of  each  form, only                     Line-by-Line Instructions 
  the  members  that  are  included  on  that  form  (either  the  four                                     Lines not listed are explained on the form. 
  standard   members,      or the           three  financial  institutions)  will                        
  be   listed.    Form  4580  with  standard members                       will  be     filed               Dates  must      beentered in      MM-DD-YYYY  format.  
  under  the  name  and  Federal  Employer  Identification  Number                                          For  additional  guidance,  see  the  “Supplemental  Instructions  for  
  (FEIN)      of the    group’s        standard  DM.  One                    of the   financial             Standard  Members      inUBGs” in      Form  4599. 
  institutions  will  serve           as DM       for    those     three  members             and        
  file  Form  4752  and  Form  4590.  On  Part          3 of Form  4580,  list                              Part 1: Unitary Business Group Members 
  all   financial   and  insurance members.                    On    Part             3 of  Form            In   Part  1, list    only      those    members    of the  UBG    that     are                 
  4752,   list  all  standard and         insurance         members.         The        two                 included  on  the annual             return   that  is      supported by  this  copy            
  insurance  companies  each  will  file      astand-alone                     Form  4588.                  of   this  form. If      more than       16  members,       include   additional                
                                                                                                            4752   forms  as  needed, repeating               the  DM’s  name      and  FEIN                
  Example B: UBG          B is composed      of the following:                                              or   Michigan  Treasury (TR)                assigned    number     in  the  field  at               
     •   Four    members  that would              be  standard       (see    below)                         the   top  of  each page.        All     excluded    UBG    members       will  be              
         unless owned               by a financial institution                                              identified      Partin         3.
     •   Three financial      institutions         (all   with    nexus          in Michigan)               Lines  1A and 1B:                Beginning   with  the DM,            list  the  UBG            
     •   Two  insurance  companies.                                                                         financial  institution  members  and  their  corresponding  FEIN or      
                                                                                                            TR  Number. 
  All  members            of UBG      B are       owned  by  and unitary                with             
  one      of the   financial  institutions                 in the  UBG.  Due                 to this       NOTE:    A         taxpayer  that          UBGis a    must  file      combineda     return  
  ownership by            a financial institution,           the    four   members             that         using  the  tax  year      theof         DM.  The  combined  return      theof       UBG  
  otherwise         would   be  standard  are defined                by  statute              to be         must   include  each  tax year              of  each  member     whose      tax  year           
  financial institutions.        (See      definition             of financial institution                  ends  with      withinor          the  tax  year      theof  DM.  For 
  earlier     in  these instructions.)            Therefore,        this  UBG         will                  example,  Taxpayer  ABC          UBGis a              comprised      threeof      financial  
  not   file      a Form  4580      or 4567.          Seven      members  will  file                   a    institutions:  Member  A,  the  DM  with      calendara                  tax  year,  and  
  combined   return  on  Form 4590                 and      4752,      listing   the        two             Members       B and      withC         fiscal  years  ending  March  31,  2019, 
  insurance  members      as excluded  affiliates  on  Part          3 of Form  
  4752.  The  two  insurance companies                     each      will  file             a stand-        and   September  30, 2019,               respectively.      Taxpayer   ABC’s      tax           
  alone  Form  4588.                                                                                        year       is that      of its  DM.  Thus, Taxpayer         ABC’s     tax   year  ends          
                                                                                                            December  31,  2019,  and its      annual  return is      due  April  30,  2020. 
To  complete  this  form  and  prepare      acombined                      return,  the  UBG                That  annual  return must              include   the  tax   years  of      Members B                
must  select      a DM.  For  purposes          of a combined  return  filed  by                            and       C ending  March  31,  2019,  and  September  30,  2019. 
financial  institution  members                       of a UBG,      Designated  Member  
                                                                                                            If, in      the  previous  example,  Member  A,  the  DM,  instead  had a      
means      a financial  institution member                  that     has  nexus         with               
                                                                                                            fiscal  year  ending  July  31,  2020,  the  UBG’s  tax  year  would  end  
Michigan  and  that  will  file  the  combined  MBT  return  on  behalf  
                                                                                                            July  31,  2020,  and its      annual  return  would be      due  November  30,  
of  all  financial  institution  members      of the  UBG.      If the  financial  


- 7 -
2020.  The combined                  return        for    the     UBG       would        include                          federal tax       year      during        which      both  tests      were     satisfied.        These        
                                                                                                                          dates  constitute                a short  tax  period for          MBT        purposes,       even            
Member A’s             tax     year        of August      1, 2019 through                      July  31,    2020,     
                                                                                                                             if there      is no  corresponding short               federal       tax    period.      This              
Member            B’s    tax year      of   April        1, 2019        through         March        31,                 
                                                                                                                          member must              prepare   a   pro      forma     federal       return      calculation           for   
2020      and  Member  C’s tax                  year       of    October                    1, 2018     through       
                                                                                                                          the portion                of its federal year       during   which           it was      a member   of   
September  30,  2019. 
                                                                                                                          this  UBG,  and use             that   pro     forma     calculation                  as the  basis  for  
Part 2A: Apportionment Data for Combined Return                                                                           reporting the           tax   data     required           by Part 2B.   
When   completing  Part                              1, if multiple       copies        of    this  page are             
required,  provide  the  same answers                                     to Part     2A,     lines      2 and      3,    Line                                                                                                            
                                                                                                                                  10:  Enter the taxpayer’s six-digit North American Industry 
on each          copy      of this page      that             is submitted.                                               Classification                                                                                    
                                                                                                                                                  System (NAICS) code. For   a complete list   of six-
                                                                                                                          digit   NAICS          codes,  see the          U.S.    Census       Bureau        Web     site              at   
Line  2:  Gross  business is                    defined            in the    instructions           to                    www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/                             , or     enter   the same        NAICS              
Form  4590,  line  10a. On                        a combined            return,  gross  business                     is   code    used  when filing             U.S.      Form             1120S        , U.S.     Form         1065  , 
calculated   after  eliminating transactions                               between            financial                   Schedule C      of U.S. Form               1040,   or   Schedule K      of U.S. Form                1120. 
institution   members of                   the    UBG.           Enter    combined             gross                  
                                                                                                                          Line  11: Enter  the date,                       if applicable,      on  which  this  member                  
business   in  Michigan of                  all    financial           institution         members                       
                                                                                                                          went out            of existence. Examples             include      dissolution                    of an entity  
on  line  2A, show            eliminations               on   line      2B,   and     show       net    after         
                                                                                                                          and      a merger  in which              this   member       was     not    the  surviving                    
eliminations  on  line  2C. 
                                                                                                                          entity. Include           any    event           in which the      FEIN      ceases            to be used     
Carry  amount  from  line  2C      to line  10a  on  Form  4590.                                                          by   this  entity.              If this  member continues              to  exist,      DO   NOT               
                                                                                                                          use  this  column                to report     that  this  member  has stopped                 doing          
Line  3:  Enter             all  gross  business  everywhere  on line                              3A,  show                                  in Michigan. 
eliminations      on line  3B,  and  show  net  after  eliminations      on line  3C. 
                                                                                                                          Line 12:                  If this    member has          nexus     with     Michigan,                         
Carry  amount  from  line  3C      to line  10b  on  Form  4590.                                                                     this box.       Guidance         in determining           nexus       can be                       
Part 2B: Member Data for Combined Return                                                                                  found      in RABs         2007-6        and    2008-4,      available        online  at                      
                                                                                                                          www.michigan.gov/taxes                          . (Click     on    the  “Reference  Library”                  
In   all  cases  with  one                 or more         financial         institutions          in a UBG,                         at left side         of that Web     page.)    
complete one             copy          of Part 2B       for    each      financial       institution             in the  
UBG  whose  net  capital                        is reported         on  this      return.  Note  that  an                 Line  14: This line                 does  not    apply          to the first   MBT        return       filed   
entity  that  would  otherwise          be a standard  member  but      is owned                                          by this   UBG.          For   subsequent           tax   periods,       check     this     box          if this  
by  and  unitary  with      afinancial                    institution      is defined      by statute      to             member was           not    included             in the UBG’s       preceding         MBT       return.     
be      a financial  institution.          If a financial  institution  member  (other  
                                                                                                                          Line  15:  Enter      a concise description                        of  the    activities      or              
than the        DM)      has   two         or more federal              tax   periods          ending    with        or   
                                                                                                                          operations         of  this member             that   result     in              a flow  of value             
within the         filing      period          of this return,          use   a   separate        copy        of Part  
                                                                                                                          between       this  member  and others                         in the  UBG,            or integration,  
2B  for each             of that member’s           federal         periods.       
                                                                                                                          dependence,            or contribution            to  other     members.         This is                      
Line  7: Identify the                organization              type           of this member:                             not   limited  to transactions                 that  are  recognized          for tax      or                 
  • Fiduciary      (a decedent’s                   estate,  and               a Trust         taxed  federally            accounting                                                                                                      
                                                                                                                                             purposes. It          may      include       sharing     of assets,                       
as      a Trust    under  Subchapter                             J of the  IRC.      A grantor          Trust   or        employees,                                                                                                      
                                                                                                                                              data, business opportunities,                    or other      resources.                
“revocable            living  Trust” established                      by  an    Individual                    is not      (See                             
                                                                                                                                 RAB 2010-2.)
taxed  as             a separate  entity, and                       is not  within this           Fiduciary               Line 16:  Enter  equity  capital as                            of the  last  day           of the     filing  
category.);                                                                                                               period,       as  computed in            accordance          with    generally         accepted               
  •       C Corporation             (including             an    LLC,  Trust, or              other  entity               accounting  principles.                     If the  member does            not   maintain         its         
taxed     federally  as                a Corporation  under Subchapter                                    C of  the       books      and  records in            accordance         with     generally      accepted                     
IRC).                                                                                                                     accounting          principles, net          capital     must      be computed            in                  
  •      S Corporation (including                        an LLC, Trust,               or other entity        taxed        accordance with             the      books    and    records        used    by    the   member,              so   
federally          as a Corporation under                   Subchapter                      S of the IRC).                long      as the    method          fairly  reflects  the  member’s net                  capital      for     
                                                                                                                          purposes      of this tax.           
  • Partnership (including                   an     LP,        LLP,      LLC,      Trust,            or any other     
entity taxed           federally               as a Partnership).                                                         NOTE:  In  completing the                      combined         return,              a member  of             a   
                                                                                                                          unitary       business  group                  of financial     institutions  eliminates its                  
NOTE:   A             person     that               is a disregarded          entity          for  federal  tax       
                                                                                                                          investment          in  the positive         Equity      Capital     of  other       members                  
purposes, including                      a single member                 LLC            or Q-Sub, must         file   
                                                                                                                          of   the  same group.              Eliminations         occur      to  Equity      Capital                   at   
as          if it were      a sole proprietorship                   if owned by        an      individual,           or   
                                                                                                                          the   member  level.  Because each                      member       of    the   group      must              
    a branch      or division      if owned      by another business                           entity.    
                                                                                                                          compute  the  Net Capital                tax      base          in accordance          with  GAAP,            
Line  8:  List  the  member’s tax                          year,      for  federal         income       tax               each member             should        represent   a   positive             or zero Equity       Capital       
purposes,          from       which  business activity                             is being  reported  on                 before     Eliminations.  Thus, the                 resulting      unitary       return     for               
this copy             of Part 2B.                                                                                         MBT  may  not exactly                 correlate              to the  group’s       federal  returns           
Line  9:   If         the     control     test  and  relationship test                     were     not    both           or                                                                                                              
                                                                                                                              consolidated GAAP                    equity     but   will comply          with the                      
satisfied         for   this  member’s entire                    federal     tax   year,       enter    the               requirements                                 
                                                                                                                                                    of the MBT.
beginning and                ending     dates            of the period        within           this  member’s             Line 17:  In  completing  the combined                            return,            a member         of   a   


- 8 -
unitary   business       group  of financial               institutions           eliminates         its              See   the  “Supplemental Instructions                         for   Standard          Members                  
investment      in the positive          Equity       Capital               of other members             of the       in   UBGs”  in Form                4599     for   information          on the      effects        of           
same group.     Eliminations             occur             to Equity Capital               at the member              members leaving                  or joining   a   UBG         on  credit        carryforwards.            
level. Enter    on   this    line    the   member’s                investment              in the positive       
Equity Capital           of other members                  of the same         group.    
                                                                                                                            TOTALING  MEMBER INFORMATION 
Line  19:  Under MCL                208.1261(k),                          Michigan  obligations                  
means      a bond,   note,       or other        obligation           issued by         a                             Member information for lines 26-32 from Form 4752 are 
governmental unit           described                  in Section          3 of the Shared          Credit            totaled and carried to other forms in the MBT return. The 
Rating Act,     PA    227          of 1985, MCL            141.1053.                                                  table below matches the lines of Form 4752 on the left 
                                                                                                                      with the corresponding lines on the right. 
Line  20:  Under  MCL  208.1261(s),                               United  States  obligations 
means all     obligations              of the United        States          exempt       from  taxation                                                                          Sum of Amounts 
under      31  USC 3124(a)          or    exempt          under         the  United      States                  
constitution       or  any  federal statute,               including           the   obligations                             Lines from                                     Reported Hwere for All 
of  any  instrumentality                  or agency      of the            United       States  that  are                    Form 4752                                  Members are Carried To 
exempt     from  state or         local   taxation         under           the  United       States                               Line 28                                         Form 4584, line 4 
constitution      or any statute                of the United          States.     
Line  22a:  If the         UBG      member           reporting             on this      page                                      Line 29                                         Form 4584, line 7 

owns      a subsidiary  that                is an  authorized insurance                    company,                               Line 30                                        Form 4573, line 45 
enter      actual  amount of        capital        fund       maintained          within      that               
subsidiary.                                                                                                                       Line 31                                        Form 4584, line 40 

Line 22b: Enter the             minimum             capital        fund        amount     required            by                  Line 32                                        Form 4573, line 70 
regulations for      that     insurance           subsidiary.              
Line 24:  UBGs:              Add  the amount                  on    on     this  line  for all                   
members        and  carry that         total     to  Form         4590,        line  19.               If that        Line 33: Enter  overpayment credited                             from        prior  MBT           return.           
combined number                  is less than     zero,     enter          zero.                                      When  membership          of a UBG changes                        from          one  filing      period         to   
Line 25:       Do   not    carry  this line                   to Form         4590.  Skip  lines 11                   the next,    carryforward                          of an overpayment from           the       prior  return         
through          19 on Form 4590.                                                                                     remains with          the   DM’s          account.        
Lines 26-32:         These  lines are              for    reporting           each   member’s                         Line 34:        All  MBT estimated                    payments         for               a UBG  should           
credit     carryforwards  remaining from                                  a previous  year.              If the       be   made  by the          DM.        Enter    estimates        paid      by the      DM       on                   
group created            a credit carryforward                          in a preceding tax        period,             this  line        of the   DM’s          copy           of Part  2B.      If any      other  member            
Treasury will       have       maintained  that carryforward                            on  the  DM’s                 paid   estimates  attributable to                     this  group      return,     enter       those           
account. Enter       unused          carryforwards                      of this type     on    the  DM’s              estimates      on  that member’s                  copy      of  Part   2B. Include             all             
copy      of Part 2B.                                                                                                 payments  made  by that                  member          for  any   portion                  of its  federal  
                                                                                                                      filing period        that        is included on        this    group       return.      
If      a member  created               a credit  carryforward prior                    to    joining            
the   UBG,  Treasury will              maintain           that    carryforward           on that                      For example,                    if a non-DM member             has           a 12-month fiscal            year   
member’s account,             subject           to use by        the       group,     until             it is fully   beginning April                  1, 2012,     and          is a member          of a calendar              year  
consumed      or that member               leaves        the   group.          Enter     unused     credit            UBG    throughout  that  period, its                       business    activity        from       April        
carryforwards      of this type            on     the      copy            of Part 2B    filed     for      the          1, 2012,      through           March       31,    2013,  will be           reported        on  the         
member that     brought         the     carryforward                    to the group.                                 group’s December                    31,  2013,     return.          If that member            pays     MBT     
Available      credit  carryforwards, regardless                            of  whether       they                    quarterly  estimates  based on                    its    federal    tax      year,             it will   make  
arose      within  the group        or    outside         of  it, are         applied   against                       two estimates          during          2012,    before       the  DM’s          (and   group’s)        filing   
the   UBG’s    tax  liability on          the      basis      of    age     (oldest     first).                 If    period   begins.  Because those                       estimates     are  attributable             to           
two  members  each created                         a carryforward      of the              same    credit             activity that        will        be reported on           the  group’s        December             31,  2013,   
and     the  same age,       and    together         they     exceed          the amount                              return, they      should                 be included on      the  paying         member’s          copy         of   
allowable      in  this filing      period,         those       members’          respective                          Part 2B  for     the    December             31,       2013,  group     return.        
credit     carryforwards  are used               in     proportion            to the    amount                        Line 36: Only the           DM           may     request   a   filing      extension           for   a   UBG.  
they  contributed              to the  group.                  If a member        that   generated                a      If any   other      member            submits         an  extension         request,      it will       not  
carryforward          in a prior          period        leaves        the     group,  that  member                    create      a valid extension             for  the     UBG,      but    any      payment           included    
will    take  with        it an   amount  equal to                the      group’s      remaining                     with such           a request can              be credited      to the UBG          by      entering      that   
carryforward        from  that  period multiplied                          by  the   amount        that               payment      on this line                in that member’s       copy            of Part 2B.     
member contributed              relative             to the total      amount         contributed             by   
all group     members        for     the   same       credit            in that same     period.                      Part 3: Affiliates Excluded From the Combined 
                                                                                                                      Return of Financial Institutions 
NOTE:   It     is  important to           review                        a carryforward for         the           
possibility that     some            or all          of it has expired,              or that some        or all       The                                                                                                           
                                                                                                                            statutory test for membership     in a UBG     is a group   of U.S. 
of      it was withdrawn        from     the      group              by a departing member.                 


- 9 -
persons  (other  than   a   foreign             operating  entity):                                                    UBG for            a given   tax   year,  that  member  must file                   this      form             in
                                                                                                                       support      of its      Form    4752      and  list  all excluded               members         using        
  •    One      of which  owns      or controls,  directly      or indirectly,  more  
                                                                                                                       the reason       codes    below.    
       than 50    percent         of the ownership              interest    with    voting            rights      
       or   ownership  interests that            confer        comparable          rights       to                     Part 4: Persons Included in the Prior Combined 
       voting  rights      of the  other  U.S.  persons;  and                                                          Return, but Excluded From Current Return 
  •    That   has   business  activities               or operations             which    result                  in a The      purpose  of Part                4 is to   assist   Treasury             in tracking                  
       flow      of value between            or among persons        included               in the UBG                 membership changes                         of a UBG from     year             to year.      If the reason     
       or   has  business  activities or           operations       that         are  integrated                       the person            is not on  this  return            is because      it did not       satisfy       the   
       with,  are  dependent  upon,                    or contribute      to each         other.        Flow           flow      of value, etc.,     test       at any time      during         the   filing   period,         list   
       of  value      is determined  by  reviewing  the  totality      of facts  and                                   the person       on   line    36,  and  do       not   enter         it here. 
       circumstances      of business  activities  and  operations. 
                                                                                                                       Line 38C:          Reason        codes        for      a person      being  included                 in last  
       A person     that  would  be                 a standard taxpayer            if  viewed                          year’s     return  but not       on   the     combined         return      for financial                      
separately      is defined        as      a financial          institution                     if it is owned,         institutions  supported      by this  form: 
directly      or indirectly,  by      a financial  institution  and              is in a UBG  
with      its owner.                                                                                                    10  The        member  no  longer meets                    the  control         test  but     the          
The   purpose  of Part                      3 is to   identify  entities for          which          the                        ownership  interest      is still  greater  than  zero. 
ownership   test         described  above                   is satisfied   but     which  are not                       12 The         member  no  longer meets                    the  control         test  and     the          
included   on       this  combined return,                either    because        the    flow                    of            ownership  interest      is zero. 
value/integration/dependence/contribution   test      is not  satisfied                                                 14  Before          the  beginning      of the  filing  period  for  this  return,  
or   because  the member                     is excluded  by statute.              A   member                                   the  person  ceased      to exist  due      to dissolution. 
whose  net  capital      is not  included      in this  return  because  its  tax  
year   ends      after  the filing     period         of  the  UBG         also    should            be                 16  Before          the  beginning      of the  filing  period  for  this  return,  
listed  here.                                                                                                                   the   person  ceased               to exist     due            to a merger      or    similar      
Line  37A:  If a          person     being       listed   here is   listed  on                                          
U.S.   Form         851   , enter     the  identifying  number  for that                     person                        If the  reason      is not   listed       among  these  reason codes,                   describe          
that      is called  “Corp.  No.”      at the  left  edge      of pages          1, 2, and          3 of               the  reason          in 21 characters      or less      in the  space  provided. 
U.S.  Form  851. 
Line  37D:  Reason  codes for                    affiliate     being      excluded        from                         Other Supporting Forms and Schedules 
the  combined  return      of financial  institutions  supported  by  this  
                                                                                                                       For   each  member  that files                a      separate federal         return,    attach               
                                                                                                                       copies of      the  same  pages of      that  member’s  federal  return as      are  
    1     Lacks business           activities      resulting                  in a flow      of value   or             required  for      a separate filer           in      similar circumstances.             See     the          
          integration, dependence,                     or contribution      to group.                                  “Attachments”  section      Formof                     4590  instructions  for  guidance  
                                                                                                                       on  required  pages of      federal  returns. 
    2     Foreign operating           entity.     
    4     Foreign entity.                                                                                                  If some     or    all  members         reporting on        the      current     combined                  
                                                                                                                       return  are  also  members of a          federal  consolidated  group,  each  
    5     Member         has  no MBT          tax     year     (as        a member  of  this                  
                                                                                                                       member  will  prepare  its  portion of      this  Form  4752  on  the  basis  
          UBG) ending        with            or within this     filing    period.      
                                                                                                                       of       a pro  forma    federal  return. In             this  case,    attach      a copy       of           
    6     Other.                                                                                                       the   applicable         pro  forma form           and    schedules         as   listed     in the            
    7     Insurance company.             (Insurance             companies           generally            file          “Attachments”  section      Formof                   4590  instructions. 
                                                                                                                       NOTE:  A qualified               federally       disregarded            entity   that is                      
    9     “Standard”       taxpayers not              owned    by a  financial                                         eligible       toand does    file  its   MBT          return   as a  separate          entity                 
          institution.  (Financial                 institutions       and            “standard”                        from  its  owner will         prepare         its  MBT      return      on    the   basis      of a          
          taxpayers are      not    included   the   on         same      combined            return.)                 pro   forma  federal return           or      equivalent       schedule,         using         the            
       If you  have    questions,  call the            Michigan     Department                  of                     same   federal  return type            as     its  owner.      The  owner           of the                    
Treasury         Technical  Services Section                   at 517-636-4230,              to                        federally  disregarded  entity also                   will  use      a      pro forma    federal              
discuss   appropriate   an         entry.                                                                              return   (with  activity of        the        disregarded        entity       removed)         to             
                                                                                                                       prepare   its      portion      of this form.         In  each    case,       attach     a copy               
Line 37E:              If this  person  has  nexus  with  Michigan,  check  this  box.                                 of   the  applicable  pro forma               return     and   schedules         as  listed        in         
Line  37F:  Enter  this person’s                   six-digit        NAICS          code.  For                  a       the   “Attachments”  section of                  Form       4590     instructions.          For               
complete   list  of  six-digit NAICS                   codes,       see  the     U.S.     Census                       additional  information,  see  “Changes  for  Disregarded  Entities”  
Bureau  Web  site      at www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/,      or enter                                                 in  the  “Important  Information”  section of      the                           MBT Forms and 
the  same  NAICS  code  used  when  filing  U.S.  Form                                 1120S              , U.S.       Instructions for Financial Institutions                         (Form  4599). 
Form        1065  , Schedule C        of U.S.          Form    1040,      or       Schedule K        of                Include completed Form 4752 as part of the tax return filing.                                              
U.S. Form          1120. 
NOTE:   If          there      is only  one      financial  institution member                                    in a


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