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Michigan Department of Treasury                                                                                                                         Attachment 16 
4582 (Rev. 11-22), Page 1 of 2 

2022 MICHIGAN Business Tax Penalty and Interest Computation 
for Underpaid Estimated Tax
Issued under authority of Public Act 36 of 2007. 
Taxpayer Name                                                                                                 Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or TR Number 

  1.  Annual tax from Form 4567, line 59; or Form 4588, line 47; or Form 4590, line 32 ..............................................                1.   00 
  2.  Required estimate amount. Enter 85% (0.85) of line 1.......................................................................................... 2.   00 
See MBT instruction booklet for exceptions to penalty and
interest computation.                                                                           A             B                                      C  D
  3. ENTER THE PAYMENT DUE DATES (MM-DD-YYYY)  ....                                    3. 
  4.  Divide amount on line 2 by 4, or by the number of 
     quarterly returns required. If annualizing, enter the 
     amount from Annualization Worksheet, line 70, page 2  ....                        4. 
CAUTION:   Complete lines 5 - 13 one column at a time 
  5.  Prior year overpayment  .....................................................    5.                     X  X  X  X  X X  X  X  X  X               X  X  X  X  X
  6. Estimated payments and refundable credits (see instr.).....                       6. 
  7.  Enter amount, if any, from line 13 of the previous column .                      7.       X  X  X  X  X 
  8.  Add lines 5, 6 and 7 ........................................................... 8. 
  9.  Add amounts on lines 11 and 12 of the previous column 
     and enter the result here  ...................................................    9.       X  X  X  X  X 
10.  Subtract line 9 from line 8. If less than zero, enter zero.
     For column A only, enter the amount from line 8  ...............  10. 
11.  Remaining underpayment from previous period.  If 
     amount on line 10 is zero, subtract line 8 from line 9 and 
     enter result here. Otherwise, enter zero  ............................  11.                X  X  X  X  X 
12.  If line 4 is greater than or equal to line 10, subtract line 10 
     from line 4 and enter it here. Then go to line 6 of the next 
     column. Otherwise, go to line 13 .......................................  12. 
13.  If line 10 is larger than line 4, subtract line 4 from line 10
     and enter it here. Then go to line 6 of next column ...........  13. 

PART 2:   FIGURING INTEREST                                                                     A             B                                      C  D 
14.  TOTAL UNDERPAYMENT. Add lines 11 and 12.................                          14. 
15.  Enter due date for the next quarter or date tax was paid,  
     whichever is earlier. In column D, enter the due date for the  
     annual return or date tax was paid, whichever is earlier  ......  15. 
16.  Number of days from the due date of the quarter to the
     date on line 15  ....................................................................  16. 
17.  No. of days on line 16 after 04-15-22 and before 07-01-22..                       17. 
18.  No. of days on line 16 after 06-30-22 and before 01-01-23..                       18. 
19.  No. of days on line 16 after 12-31-22 and before 07-01-23..                       19. 
20.  No. of days on line 16 after 06-30-23  ...................................        20. 
21.  Number of days on line 17 x 4.25% (0.0425) x line 14 .......  21. 
22.  Number of days on line 18 x 4.27% (0.0427) x line 14.......                       22. 
23.  Number of days on line 19 x 5.65% (0.0565) x line 14.......                       23. 
24.  Number of days on line 20 x *% x  line 14..........................               24. 
25.  Interest on underpayment. Add lines 21 through 24...........                      25. 
26.  Interest Due.  Add line 25 columns A through D and enter the result here....................................................... 26.                  00 
* Interest rate will be set at 1% above the adjusted prime rate for this period. 

+  0000 2022 63 01 27 2                                                                                                                                 Continue on Page 2. 

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2022 Form 4582, Page 2 of 2                                                                                 FEIN or TR Number 
                                                                                             A              B                 C                                                    D 
27. Enter the amount from line 12  ........................................              27. 
28. Payment due dates from line 3 (MM-DD-YYYY)  ............                             28. 
29. Annual return due date or the date payment was made,
    whichever is earlier .........................................................       29. 
30. Number of days from date on line 28 to date on line 29 .                             30. 
31. If line 30 is greater than 0 but less than 61, multiply line 27 by 5% (0.05)  ..     31. 
32. If line 30 is greater than 60, but less than 91, multiply line 27 by 10% (0.10)..    32. 
33. If line 30 is greater than 90, but less than 121, multiply line 27 by 15% (0.15)..   33. 
34. If line 30 is greater than 120, but less than 151, multiply line 27 by 20% (0.20)..  34. 
35. If line 30 is greater than 150, multiply line 27 by 25% (0.25) ......                35. 
36. Add lines 31 through 35..................................................            36. 
37. Total Penalty. Add line 36, columns A through D  ......................................................................................................  37.                       00 
38. Total Penalty and Interest. Add lines 26 and 37. Enter here and on Form 4567, line 68; or Form 4588, line 56;  
    or Form 4590, line 41  ................................................................................................................................................  38.       00 
(If filing Form 4588 or Form 4590, see instructions.)                                        A              B                 C                                                    D
Complete worksheet if liability is not evenly distributed throughout year.                   First 3 Months First 6 Months    First 9 Months                                       Full 12 Months 
39. Gross receipts (GR) .........................................................        39. 
40. Subtractions.....................................................................    40. 
41. Modified GR. Subtract line 40 from line 39 ......................                    41. 
42. Apportionment percentage from Form 4567, line 11c  .....                             42.        %             %                                                              %     % 
43. Apportioned GR Tax Base. Multiply line 41 by line 42 .....                           43. 
44. Multiply line 43 by 0.8% (0.008)  ......................................             44. 
45. Enrichment Prohibition for dealers of boats/new motor vehicles ...                   45. 
46. GR Tax Before Credits. Enter the greater of lines 44 or 45                           46. 
47. Business Income (BI)  ......................................................         47. 
48. Additions .......................................................................... 48. 
49. Add lines 47 and 48 .........................................................        49. 
50. Subtractions.....................................................................    50. 
51. BI Tax Base. Subtract line 50 from line 49 .......................                   51. 
52. Apportioned BI Tax Base. Multiply line 51 by line 42 .......                         52. 
53. MBT business loss carryforward  .....................................                53. 
54. Qualified Affordable Housing Deduction ..........................                    54. 
55. Subtract line 54 and line 53 from line 52.  
    If less than zero, enter zero   ..............................................       55. 
56. BI Tax Before Credits. Multiply line 55 by 4.95% (0.0495)                            56. 
57. Total MBT Before Credits. Add lines 46 and 56 ...............                        57. 
58. The annual surcharge is no longer applicable.  
    There is no amount to be entered on this line  .................                     58. X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X     X  X  X  X  X                                        X  X  X  X  X 
59. Enter amount from line 57  ...............................................           59. 
60. Nonrefundable Credits.....................................................           60. 
61. Subtract line 60 from line 59. If less than zero, enter zero                         61. 
62. Recapture of certain MBT credits and deductions ...........                          62. 
63. Corporate Income Tax adjustment (see instructions)  ......                           63. 
64. Net Tax Liability. Add lines 61, 62 and 63  ........................                 64. 
65. Annualization ratios  .........................................................      65. 4              2                 1.3333                                               1 
66. Annualized tax. Multiply line 64 by line 65 .......................                  66. 
67. Applicable percentage .....................................................          67. 21.25%         42.5%             63.75%                                               85% 
68. Multiply line 66 by line 67  ................................................        68. 
69. Combined amounts of line 70 from all preceding columns                               69. X  X  X  X  X 
    Subtract line 69 from line 68. If less than zero, enter zero.  
    Enter here and on page 1, line 4 ........................................            70. 
    NOTE:   Totals on line 70 must equal 85% of the current year tax liability on page 1, line 1. 

+  0000 2022 63 02 27 0 

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                              Instructions for Form 4582, Michigan Business Tax (MBT) 
                          Penalty and Interest Computation for Underpaid Estimated Tax 
Purpose                                                                                                                     less   than  $350,000.      In addition,      if your             business      was  not              in
                                                                                                                            existence      in the  preceding  year,  no  safe  harbor  exists.      In such  
To     compute           penalty  and interest        for    underpaying,             late    filing,                           a case,  estimates         must     be  based   on     the    MBT    liability         for  the  
or   late    payment  of quarterly            estimates.                        If a taxpayer         prefers               current  year. 
not      to file   this  form, the        Department           of     Treasury        (Treasury)                       •          taxpayer              is a farmer, fisherman,             or seafarer and          files  the     
will   compute  any  applicable  penalty and                          interest        and     bill    the                                                     (Form 4567)         by March                       1, or a tentative  
                                                                                                                            MBT Annual Return 
taxpayer.   Part      4 of     this  form also                     is used  to  determine and                                          return  with payment              by   January         15,  and  the  final                  
report  the  amount      of estimates  due  when  income      is not  evenly                                                         on       or before April        15.   
distributed  through  the  tax  year. 
NOTE: Penalty and                  interest      for    late    filing        or late payment               on   
the annual          return        is computed separately.              See          the  “Computing                  To annualize         for        a period      of less than     12  months,       multiply            each      
Penalty  and  Interest” section                       of the   “General  Information  for                            applicable  amount  by 12                 and     divide   the   result   by   the     number                  
Standard  Taxpayers”                    in the  MBT Forms and  Instructions for                                      of  months  the business              operated               or the  person  was             a partner.  
Standard Taxpayers (Form 4600).                                                                                      Generally,      a business      is considered      in business for                one     month           if   
                                                                                                                     the business        operated           for    more  than    half   the     days       of the month.            
Estimated   returns and              payments          are  required          from any                                      If the  business     was       in  operation  for less          than          a month          it is
taxpayer   that  expects an               annual      MBT      liability           (including                        considered      to have been                   in business for         1 month. 
Corporate   Income Tax               adjustment)             of more       than $800.                            
Exceptions   are  listed below.                 If           a taxpayer  owes estimated                              NOTE:  For      a taxpayer that                   calculates      and     pays  estimated                       
tax  and  the estimated           return      with     full    payment                     is not   filed      or    payments       for    federal  income  tax purposes                    pursuant              to section  
       is filed    late,  penalty      is added          at 5 percent      of tax        due,       for  the         6655(e)      of the Internal           Revenue      Code,      that     taxpayer    may         use   the      
first  two  months.  Penalty increases                    by   an     additional                    5 percent        same methodology                    as used      to calculate       the   annualized  income                   
per   month,  or  fraction thereof,                 after    the   second          month,                       to a installment       or  the  adjusted seasonal               installment,        whichever                  is   
maximum      of 25  percent.      If the  taxpayer  made  no  estimated  tax                                         used      as the basis     for     the    federal    estimated          payment,           to calculate  
payments  and  none      of the  exceptions  below  apply,  compute  the                                             the estimated         payments         required        each   quarter      under    this        section.       
interest  due  (Part      2) and  the  penalty  for  non-filing  (Part  3).                                          Retain the      calculation         for    your    records.      

Exceptions                                                                                                           Line-by-Line Instructions 
       If any of      the  conditions  listed  below  apply,  do  not  pay  penalty                                  Lines not listed are explained on the form. 
and  interest.          businessIf a         operated  less  than  12  months      thein                             Do not       enter   data   boxes   in         filled  with   Xs.    
current      orpreceding year,            annualize       figures     (as  applicable)                to         
                                                                                                                     Dates  must      beentered in   MM-DD-YYYY                              format.  
determine       if the  exceptions  apply.  See  Form  4600  for  complete  
annualizing instructions.                                                                                            Name and Account Number:                           Enter name           and    account          number         
                                                                                                                     as     reported  on page           1      of the  applicable     MBT      annual       return                  
  •    The  annual  tax  on  the  current  annual  return      is$800 or      less.                                                Form  4567, the                 MBT  Annual Return for  Financial 
  •    The  return      isfor a      taxable  period      lessof             than  four  calendar                    Institutions  (Form  4590),  or the                      Insurance Company Annual                             
       months.                                                                                                       Return for Michigan Business and Retaliatory Taxes   (Form  
  •    The   estimated  quarterly payments                     reasonably            approximate                     4588)).  
       the  tax  liability  incurred  for  each  quarter  and  the  total of      all                                PART 1:    ESTIMATED TAX REQUIRED 
       payments  equals      at least 85         percent        of      the annual         liability.                           2: Enter      85percent of   the          annual       tax   amount     from          line      1.
       Complete   the  Annualization Worksheet                        (Part          4) if    the                
       liability       is not  evenly  distributed  through  the  tax  year.                                         Line  3:  Enter the           due     date     for  each   quarterly      return.      For                      
                                                                                                                     calendar  year  filers  these dates                are   April    15,     July  15,    October                 
  •    The sum           of estimated payments             equals      the     annual          tax   on    the   
                                                                                                                     15,     and  January  15. For             fiscal  year    filers,   these     dates    are      the            
                                                                                                                              day   of the 4            , 7 , 10 and 13        months         after the   start        of      
       preceding  year’s       return,  provided  these  payments  were  made                                        15th                        th        th      th           th                                             
       in four   timely      equal    payments         and    the   preceding          tax     year’s      tax   
                                                                                                                     the  fiscal  year.  For  any tax              year  that   includes       an  estimated           tax          
       under the    MBT      Act      was   $20,000             or less.      If the prior     year’s      tax   
                                                                                                                     payment  period      of less than              three       months,  the  quarterly  return  
       liability   was      reported  for           a period    less  than  12  months,  this                 
                                                                                                                     for that       period   due   is    on     the  15th     day   the   of   month    immediately                 
       amount  must  be  annualized  for  purposes      of both  the  $20,000  
                                                                                                                     following the          final  month      theof       estimated  tax  payment  period. 
       ceiling and         calculating     the   quarterly       payments             due      under     this   
       method.  See  “Filing      if Tax  Year      Is Less Than                       12 Months”                in  Line  4:  Divide          the  amount of      the estimated               tax  required           for          
       the   “General       Information”  section of                  Form    4600         for  more                 the  year  on line       4      by four      and  enter   this   as      estimated tax  for                    
       information.   Reliance            on  the prior        year’s      tax     liability        as           a   each   quarter.      If the business              operated      less   than   12 months,                       
       means      to avoid     interest       and     penalty  charges      is only                 allowed          divide   by    the  number of      quarterly returns                   required    and         enter           
          if you had      business    activity         in Michigan      in that prior            year.        A      this      theas  estimated  tax  for  each  quarter.  
       return      must   have    been  filed             to establish     the       tax  liability  for      
       that  prior  year,  even            if gross    receipts      in the          prior    year  were             Actual Quarterly Tax                     .     If                                                             
                                                                                                                                                                     a taxpayer computes             quarterly           tax       


- 4 -
due    based  on  the actual         tax   base     for    each      quarter,     complete                      As      a result, Form   4913           is the only     form      that     supports             an  MBT        
Part      4 first, then    bring  the  tax from          line       70      of the  Annualization               estimated payment.           
Worksheet      to line      4. See  Part      4 instructions  for  taxpayers  filing  
     a return other    than  Form  4567.  The  total      of the four                     computed              Estimated                                                                                                     
                                                                                                                               returns and payments                  for   calendar         year      taxpayers               
amounts cannot               be less than   line    2.                                                          are                                                                                                           
                                                                                                                     due to Treasury         by   April        15,   July     15, October             15, and                 
                                                                                                                January 15           of the following        year.     Fiscal     year       taxpayers           should        
Line  5:  Complete           column              A only.    Enter       the  amount  of prior                   make returns        and  payments            by   the   appropriate                due    date    which        
year overpayment             credited         to the  current  tax  year  estimates.                               is fifteen days     after  the     end         of each fiscal       quarter.        The       sum          of   
Line  6: Amount  Paid.                                                                                          estimated                                                                                                     
                                                                                                                               payments       for each quarter                must    always          reasonably              
                                                                                                                approximate the          liability      for  the   quarter.       
  •    Column  A: Enter  estimated  payments  made by                                the   due     date  
       for   the  first  quarterly return.         Also              in column  A,  enter the                   NOTE:                                                                                                         
                                                                                                                            Your debit transaction                will     be ineligible            for EFT                   
                                                                                                                   if the  bank       account   used     for     the   electronic  debit                    is funded   or   
       total refundable      credits     from       line   23      of the   MBT Refundable 
                                                                                                                otherwise  associated  with                    a foreign      account      to the           extent     that  
       Credits (Form  4574)             or line          5 of the  Miscellaneous Credits 
       for Insurance Companies (Form 4596).                                                                     the                                                                                                           
                                                                                                                    payment transaction would qualify     as an International ACH 
                                                                                                                Transaction (IAT)          under        NACHA          Rules.      Contact            your      financial      
  •    Column  B:  Enter  payments made                        after    the    due   date      in               institution     for  questions about             the   status     of your           account.                   
       column      A and      by the  due  date      in column      B.                                          Contact     the  Michigan Department                   of     Treasury’s            (Treasury)                 
  •    Column  C:  Enter  payments made                        after    the    due   date      in               EFT Unit           at 517-636-6925 for          alternate        payment           methods..          
       column      B and      by the  due  date      in column      C.
  •    Column  D:  Enter  payments made                        after    the    due   date      in               PART   4: ANNUALIZATION WORKSHEET FOR 
       column      C and      by the  due  date      in column    D.                                            MODIFIED GROSS RECEIPTS AND BUSINESS                                                              
                                                                                                                INCOME  TAXES 
       If quarterly payments      are  made         after    the    due      date,    penalty       and      
                                                                                                                Standard     taxpayers  may  use the               Annualization               Worksheet                    to   
interest     will   apply  until the       payment                   is received.      If less     than      
                                                                                                                calculate and       report    the     amount             of estimates due             when       income           
full payment             is made with            a late filing,     the  taxpayer        will     need       
                                                                                                                   is not evenly    distributed         throughout        the     tax  year.         
to  compute  multiple  penalty and                  interest       calculations         for    each       
column.  Attach   a   separate           schedule              if necessary.                                       If filing Form      4588,       or Form 4590,        submit              a schedule showing                 
                                                                                                                the   entity’s  computations for               each    quarter.       Enter         the total                  
PART   2: FIGURING                    INTEREST                                                                  amounts      on  line  64 and          follow     the  instructions            for  lines       65             
Compute the         interest     due   for     both     non-filing       and    underpayment                    through 70.       
of     the  required estimated        tax     in this      section.     Follow         the                
instructions        for  each  line, as       interest               is calculated  separately                  Each column          represents   a   quarterly         three-month                 filing      period.     
for each      quarter     and    the  interest       rate   might        not         be the same       for      The   Annualization  Worksheet  essentially leads                                 filers    through            
each  quarter.                                                                                                  the   steps  required to       calculate         the  actual      MBT          due  for the                    
Line 15:      Enter the        due date             of the next     quarter          or the date    the         tax  year       to date.  The  net  tax liability                     is then     annualized  and              
tax was       paid,  whichever             is earlier.      In column      D, enter the         earlier         multiplied      by  the percentage             of  estimates        required          for that                 
of  the due   date     for   the  annual       return          or the  date the     tax  was paid.              quarter. 
An     approved  extension  does not                change         the  due    date     of the                  Line  42:   If     not subject          to apportionment, enter                 100     percent.        
annual return        (column       D)  for  this  computation. 
                                                                                                                Line 53:      Deduct        any  available  MBT business                          loss   incurred              
PART   3: FIGURING                    PENALTY                                                                   after December          31,  2007.       Enter             as a positive number.           
Compute the         penalty      due   for     both     non-filing       and     underpayment  
                                                                                                                Business loss means   a   negative                 business        income            tax   base,     after     
of     the  required estimated        tax     in this    section.       Follow         the                
                                                                                                                apportionment,      if applicable. 
instructions       for  each line,      as  the  penalty           and interest         is                
calculated separately            for  each     quarter      and     the   penalty        percentage             NOTE:  MBT             business  loss carryforward                             is not  the  same  as           
and interest       rate   might    not      be the  same  for  each  quarter.                                   the  federal  net operating            loss    carryforward                    or carryback.          It is
                                                                                                                also  not  the same                 as a Corporate         Income        Tax        (CIT)  business            
Avoiding Penalty and Interest Under MBT                                                                         loss carryforward.         CIT     business           loss     carryforward             may      not      be   
       If estimated   liability   for      the     year        is reasonably  expected to                       entered on     this    line       or applied against           the  MBT         tax    base.     
exceed  $800,   a   taxpayer          must     file     estimated        returns.            A taxpayer  
may   remit  quarterly estimated                   payments        by  check        with                      a Line 63: Enter      in Column      A the entire                amount             of CIT adjustment            
Corporate  Income  Tax Quarterly                       Return      (Form       4913)               or may       from    Form    4567,   Line      58;  Form  4590,  Line 31;                             or Form     4588,  
remit   monthly      or quarterly             estimated  payments electronically                                Line 28.     Only   a   positive      amount       may           be entered      on this line.         
by  Electronic  Funds  Transfer  (EFT).  When  payments  are  made                                              Line 70:     The  totals  for  line 70,           columns         A,     B,    C,    and     D,  must          
by  EFT,  Form  4913      is not  required.                                                                     equal      85 percent      of the current       year   tax     liability           on page      1, line  1. 
Formerly,  taxpayers  could make                    payments            on        a monthly        basis        Include completed Form 4582 as part of the tax return filing.                                                
by   remitting      a check       with           a Combined Return for Michigan 
Tax  (Form  160). Form            160      was      replaced       effective        Janaury                  
2015.  The  new  form  no  longer  accommodates  MBT  payments.  


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