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Michigan Department of Treasury                                                                                                                                       Attachment 28 
4975 (Rev. 04-22) 

2022 MICHIGAN Schedule of Corporate Income Tax Liability 
for a Michigan Business Tax Financial Filer 
Issued under authority of Public Act 36 of 2007 and PA 39 of 2011. 
Taxpayer Name (print or type)                                                       Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) 

PART   1: CIT TAX BEFORE CREDITS                      Unitary Business Groups, see instructions. 

There is no amount to be entered on lines 1 through 4. Skip to line 5. 

 1.  There is no amount 
     to be entered  ........    1. X X X X X X X X  X X X X X X X X  X X X X X X X X  X X X X X X X X  X X X X X X X X 
 2.  There is no 
     amount to be 
     entered  ................. 2. X X X X X X X X  X X X X X X X X  X X X X X X X X  X X X X X X X X  X X X X X X X X 
 3.  There is no amount 
     to be entered  ........    3. X X X X X X X X  X X X X X X X X  X X X X X X X X  X X X X X X X X  X X X X X X X X 

 4.  There is no amount to be entered on this line. Skip to line 5..............................................................................                  4.  X X X X X X X X 00 

 5.  Tax Base (Net Capital for Current Taxable Year) as detailed in instructions  ......................................................                          5.                  00 

 6.  Apportioned Tax base. Multiply line 5 by percentage on Form 4590, line 10c  ...................................................                              6.                  00 

 7.  Tax Liability. Multiply line 6 by 0.29% (0.0029) ...................................................................................................         7.                  00 


 8.  Certificated Nonrefundable Credits from Form 4947, line 11  .............................................................................                    8.                  00 

 9.  Subtract line 8 from line 7. If less than zero, enter zero  .....................................................................................            9.                  00 

10.  Recapture from Form 4947, line 28 ....................................................................................................................       10.                 00 

 11. CIT Liability before Certificated Refundable credits. Add lines 9 and 10 ............................................................                        11.                 00 

12.  Certificated Refundable credits from Form 4947, line 39  ...................................................................................                 12.                 00 
13.  Subtract line 12 from line 11. If less than zero, enter as a negative number.  
     (A negative number here represents an overpayment.)  .....................................................................................                   13.                 00 

PART      3: MBT CALCULATION        TO  COMPARE         AGAINST     CIT       FOR    FINANCIAL  FILERS                     

14.  Total MBT liability from Form 4590, line 30  ........................................................................................................        14.                 00 

15.  Refundable credits from Form 4590, line 37  ......................................................................................................           15.                 00 
16.  MBT liability after refundable credits. Subtract line 15 from line 14. If less than zero, enter as a negative 
     number. (A negative number here represents an overpayment)  ........................................................................                         16.                 00 
17.  If line 13 is greater than line 16 enter the difference. If line 16 is greater than or equal to line 13, enter zero. 
     Carry to Form 4590, line 31 ................................................................................................................................ 17.                 00 

+ 0000 2022 64 01 27 0 

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                                                                               Instructions for Form 4975 
                                           Schedule of Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Liability  
                                           for a Michigan Business Tax (MBT) Financial Filer 
                                                                                                               Part 1: CIT Before Credits 
Restrictions for MBT Filers 
Beginning           January 1,        2012,    only      those      taxpayers         with                   a IF  THE  EQUITY CAPITAL  OF  AN MBT  FILER  
certificated  credit,  which                   is awarded           but  not  yet  fully  claimed              REPORTED ON FORM 4590,                                     LINE         11, IS     THE      SAME           
or  utilized,  may  elect          to be MBT  taxpayers.                                                       AS WHAT THE TAXPAYER REPORTED ON THE                                                                 
                                                                                                               FFIEC  FILING 
Purpose                                                                                                        Line 1-4: There      is no amount                              to be entered on     these    lines.    Skip    
To   calculate      the  CIT liability             for            a financial     institution  filing          to  line  5.Carry the            amounts      from          Form         4590,    line  18,  columns         A   
under  MBT  and  compare  that  calculation      to the  MBT  liability                                        though          E, to Form 4975,          line          1, columns      A through E.   
as   calculated on         the           MBT  Annual  Return  for  Financial                                   Line 2: Enter  the  amount taken                                     as a subtraction    for     Goodwill  
Institutions  (Form  4590)                     to determine  the  greater                    of the  two       from  Form  4590,  line 12,                 columns                  A through      E. This         amount  
calculated  tax  liabilities.                                                                                  must  be  added back                   to Net       Capital      to determine            CIT  liability        
                                                                                                               because the       Goodwill           deduction                 is not permitted        under   that     tax.  
Effect of Public Act 460 of 2018
Effective   with  tax  years beginning                      in    2019,      PA   460  of 2018                 Line 3: Add                                                                  
                                                                                                                                 lines   1 and     2 in each column.
alters  the  definition               of equity    capital          for      a financial    institution        Line 4: Add lines                3A,    3B,   3C,        3D,    3E.           If less than  zero,      enter   
for      a Corporate Income               Tax  (CIT)         filer.  As         a result,      a Michigan      zero here   and       on      line       7, skip      to line 7.   
Business  Tax  filer  may need                           to complete      worksheets            attached      
to these    instructions         before       completing             Form       4975.                          Line 5:    Divide                                                                                            
                                                                                                                                       line   4 by the number   of tax periods reported   in
                                                                                                               the table   and     enter        here.    
In the    CIT,      total equity capital    is                 the  amount  reported  by  the  
financial  instituion,          or in the  case          of a Unitary  Business  Group                         IF  THE EQUITY CAPITAL  REPORTED IN MBT  IS 
(UBG)    of    financial  instituions, the                  top-tiered         parent  entity,     on          DIFFERENT  THAN THE AMOUNT  REPORTED ON 
certain   regulatory  forms designated                         by   the   Federal     Financial                THE FFIEC FILING:                         
Institutions        Examination Council                     (FFIEC)       and     filed  with                  First,   complete the            “Michigan              Business          Tax Financial                        
the office          of the  comptroller      of currency,                 the  Federal  Deposit                Institution Worksheet                A”         in these instructions             and     include                it in
Insurance Corporation                  (FDIC),           or the Federal          Reserve        System.        the return.      
The definition               of equity capital              in MBT      is not affected           by  PA       Line 1:    Carry the           amounts          from        Worksheet             A,  line       7, columns  
460      of 2018.                                                                                                     A through          E, to Form 4975,      line          1, columns      A through E.   
These instructions            provide       guidance            for  the   following:                          Line 2:        Enter     zero  on line            2,    columns         A through        E, and                
  •      If the equity   capital                of an MBT filer      reported      on   Form      4590,        continue      to line 3.   
line 11,         is the same          as what the   taxpayer          reported       on  the      FFIEC        Line 3: Line      3: Add lines                    1 and          2 in each column.       
  •      If the     equity   capital     reported      in MBT      is different                  than  the     Line 4:                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                           Add lines 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E.   If less than zero, enter 
amount report           on  the     FFIEC      filing.                                                         zero                                                             
                                                                                                                       here and on line   7, skip   to line 7.
  • For      a UBG:      If the equity        capital                 of an MBT filer  reported         on     Line 5:    Divide line                 4 by the    number                of tax periods   reported           in   
Form 4590,           line  11,        is the same           as what the         taxpayer        reported       the table   and     enter        here.    
on the    FFIEC      filing.     
  • For      a UBG:  If the        equity      capital         reported        in MBT         is               UBGs:          IF THE EQUITY CAPITAL OF AN MBT FILER 
different than       the    amount        report       on    the     FFIEC       filing.                       REPORTED ON FORM                              4590,          LINE 11,            IS    THE SAME             
                                                                                                               AS WHAT            THE TAXPAYER REPORTED ON THE                                                       
The  following  section provides                      guidance        for    all  four  types             of   FFIEC FILING:                   
taxpayers when           completing           line          1 through line       5.                            Leave lines            1 through      3 blank. 
Line-by-Line Instructions                                                                                      Line 4:      Complete with                  combined           data       from   the                   UBG 
Lines not      listed    are     explained          on  the    form.                                           Combined  Filing  Schedule  for  Financial  Institutions                                           (Form       
                                                                                                               4752)      as  follows (retain                  a copy  of all          calculations       for   your           
Enter the      taxpayer’s        name       and     Federal          Employer          Identification          records): 
Number  (FEIN)   the   in           appropriate              fields.   
                                                                                                                 • For each      member,         using      amounts             reported         on   Form    4752:      
UBGs:  In  the Name                field,  enter       the     name      of the   DM     for                
                                                                                                                      ○ Add       back  Goodwill  from  line  18,  columns  A-E,      to line  
the   financial  institutions. Enter                  the   FEIN         for   the  DM   of the             
                                                                                                                      23, columns            A-E.   
financial group.         
                                                                                                                      ○ Add       the  sums  from  each  column. 
                                                                                                                 • Add  the  totals      of each  member  and  carry      to Form 4975,                             line  4.   


- 3 -
Line      5: Divide  line      4 by  the  number      of tax periods            reported  by  
the  number      of tax  periods  reported      in the  table  and  enter  here. 

MBT BY A UBG FILER IS DIFFERENT THAN                                           THE 
AMOUNT REPORT ON THE FFIEC                                   FILING. 
First,  complete      a “Michigan  Business  Tax  Financial  Institution  
Worksheet   B”     for  each  member whose                   equity       is included in 
the FFIEC report    . The  totals  from  each  member  will  be  used  
to  complete  the “Michigan            Business       Tax    Financial       Institution         
Worksheet  A.”  See  the  worksheet  instructions  for  guidance. 
Line 1:  Carry  the  amounts  from  Worksheet  A,  line      7, columns  
   A through          E, to Form  4975,  line      1. columns  A-E. 
Line 2:      Enter   zero  on line      2,     columns       A through       E, and              
continue      to line    3.
Line      3: Add  lines      1 and          2 in each  column. 
Line 4:  Add  lines  3A,  3B,  3C,  3D,  3E.      If less  than  zero,  enter  
zero  here  and  on  line      7, skip      to line    7.
Line 5:   Divide  line      4 by  the  number      of tax  periods  reported      in
the  table  and  enter  here. 
Part 2: Credits 
Line 8:     Enter  certificated nonrefundable                    credit  from   Form             
4947,  line  11. 
Line 10:  Enter  total  recapture      of Certain  Business  Tax  Credits  
from  Form  4947,  line  28. 
Line 12:  Enter  certificated  refundable  credits  from  Form  4947,  
line  39. 
Line 13:  Subtract  line  12  from  line  11.      If less  than  zero,  enter  
as      a negative  number.  This      is the  CIT  liability  after  certificated  
refundable   credits.  A negative              number        here  represents   an               
overpayment.  Carry  this  amount      to line          17 of this  form. 
Part 3: MBT Calculation to Compare Against CIT for 
Financial Filers 
Line 14: Enter  the  total  MBT  liability  from  Form  4590,  line  30. 
Line 15:  Enter      the  total refundable            credits      from   Form  4590,            
line  37. 
Line 16:  Subtract  line  15  from  line  14.      If less  than  zero,  enter  
as      a negative  number.  This      is the  MBT  liability  after  refundable  
credits.      A negative  number  here  represents      an overpayment.  
Line 17:        If line          13 is greater  than  line      16 enter  the  difference.      If
line          16 is greater  than      or equal      to line  13,  enter  zero.  Carry  this  
amount      to form  4590,  line  31.  This  amount  will      be added      to the  
MBT  Liability      to determine  Total  Tax  Liability  on  Form  4590.  
Include completed Form 4975 as part of the tax return filing. 


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Michigan Department of Treasury 
MBT Financial Worksheet A (Rev. 04-22) 

2022 Michigan Business Tax Financial Institution Worksheet A 

Include a copy of Worksheet A with your MBT Return. If the taxpayer is a Unitary Business Group, also complete and 
include the “Michigan Business Tax Financial Institution Worksheet B.” 
Taxpayer Name or Designated Member (DM) if a UBG                                                      Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) 

Top-tiered parent entity filing the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) report Top-tiered parent entity FEIN 

NOTE for lines 1-3: If less than zero, enter zero. 

1.  Total Equity Capital. If less than zero, enter zero  ..............................................................................................           1.  00 

2.  Average daily book value of Michigan obligations. If less than zero, enter zero  ...............................................                              2.  00 

3.  Average daily book value   of U.S. obligations.........................................................................................................       3.  00 

4.  Subtotal. Add lines 2 and 3 ................................................................................................................................  4.  00 

5.  (Net Capital) Subtract line 4 from line 1.............................................................................................................        5.  00 

6.  a.  Authorized insurance company subsidiary: enter actual capital fund amount ................................................                                6a. 00 

b.  Minimum regulatory amount required .............................................................................................................              6b. 00 

c.  Multiply line 6b by 125% (1.25)  ......................................................................................................................       6c. 00 

d.  Enter the lesser of line 6a or line 6c  ...............................................................................................................       6d. 00 

7.  Subtract line 6d from line 5 ................................................................................................................................ 7.  00 

Carry the amount from line 7 to the “Schedule of Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Liability for a Michigan Business Tax 
(MBT) Financial Filer” (Form 4975), line 1. 


- 5 -
     Instructions for the Michigan Business Tax Financial Institution Worksheet A 
Purpose                                                                                                                 Lines 1 through 3:   If                   less than      zero,     enter  zero.    
                                                                                                                        Line 1:      For the         purpose               of this worksheet,      total equity capital 
To  help  calculate  equity capital                      for    the  purpose                  of completing  
                                                                                                                               is defined          as the  amount          reported       by  the  financial institution                
the  “Schedule             of Corporate               Income  Tax  (CIT) Liability                     for         a   
                                                                                                                        or,    in  the case         of             a unitary business          group      of financial                  
Michigan Business                Tax      (MBT)           Financial         Filer”       (Form      4975).       
                                                                                                                        institutions          the     top-tiered  parent entity,              on  certain        regulatory             
Effects of Public Act 460 of 2018                                                                                       forms      designated  by the                FFIEC         and    filed  with     the  office       of          
                                                                                                                        the comptroller                   of currency,          the   FDIC,      or the   Federal         Reserve  
Effective      with  tax years             beginning            in  2019,        PA     460  of 2018                                    The  appropriate regulatory                      form    from     which        total            
alters    the  definition of             total     equity       capital      for                  a financial                      capital             is reported depends             on  the  size    and       nature          of the  
institution  filing                a CIT return.          PA      460     did  not alter       the                                       entity.        The    forms        currently        designated        by    the   FFIEC        
definition     of  equity capital                  for   an  MBT          filer.   However,         to                          required               by the CIT   are:      
complete       Form  4975, an               MBT          taxpayer         must     calculate        it’s            
equity capital                     as if it was   a   CIT filer.                                                          •    The consolidated               financial        statement       for  holding       companies,           
                                                                                                                        FR Y-9C. 
For the purposes of Worksheet A, line 1, total equity capital  
   is the amount      reported            by   the     financial         instituion,                or in the case        •    The   parent  company only                     financial      statements       for      small           
of   a   Unitary Business Group (UBG)                                     of  financial  instituions,                   holding companies,                  FR     Y-9SP. 
the     top-tiered parenty            entity,         on  certain         regulatory        forms                         •    To the    extent        that   FR      Y-9C            or FR Y-9SP    are   not    filed    for     the  
designated      by  the  Federal Financial                        Institutions          Examination                     tax year,      the     consolidated           reports             of condition and        income,       call   
Council (FFIEC)               and      filed     with      the     office          of the comptroller              of   reports, FFIEC               031,   041,           or 051.
currency,      the   Federal  Deposit Insurance                           Corporation          (FDIC),              
                                                                                                                               If any      of these    reports          is no   longer    designated  by FFIEC                 for      
or the     Federal    Reserve          System.            
                                                                                                                        filing,      a financial  institution  will report                    that  amount          of  total           
     A financial institution           will      use   the       FFIEC        regulatory          report       for      equity capital            reported         on         a successor form                or a report similar       
the period      ending        with        the  financial           institution’s         fiscal   year       end.       in content          and     designated             by the FFIEC.       
Likewise, for              a unitary business              group              of financial institutions,           
                                                                                                                        Line 2: Michigan obligations                              means      a bond,          note,  or other           
the     taxpayer     uses  the FFIEC                  regulatory          report   for    the    period            
                                                                                                                        obligation issued                by   a   governmental            unit  described              in Section   3   
ending with      the        top-tiered-parent                    entity’s   fiscal       year  end.          If the  
                                                                                                                        of the     Shared         Credit      Rating        Act,     Public    Act   227            of 1985, MCL        
financial institution                 or top-tiered parent                 entity      does   not       submit        
   a report for  the     period        ending          that      coincides          with        its fiscal year     
end,  the  taxpayer should                  use     the   last    FFIEC          regulatory        report               UBGs: For each                  column,       sum        the   entries         of all UBG       members         
issued during              its fiscal year.                                                                             from  the  corresponding columns                            on   Worksheet        B,     line             1, and  
                                                                                                                        enter the      totals        here.    
If      a UBG, the    taxpayer            must       complete            the   “Michigan          Business         
Tax      Financial  Instituion Worksheet                          B”    before     completing                           Line  3:        United States obligations                           means  all obligations                of    
Worksheet A.                                                                                                            the United           States       exempt      from       taxation      under       31     USC      3124(a)          
                                                                                                                        or  exempt  under the                United        States     constitution              or any      federal  
Line-by-Line Instructions                                                                                               statute,     including  the obligations                       of  any  instrumentality            or            
Lines not listed are explained on the form.                                                                             agency      of the United              States       that    are   exempt     from      state           or local  
                                                                                                                        taxation under               the    United       States      Constitution            or any statute             of   
Enter  the  name  and Federal                      Employment              Identification             Number                    United      States.        
(FEIN)      of the      taxpayer  listed  on the                   “Michigan            Business       Tax         
Annual Return           for   Financial             Institutions”          (Form       4590),      line   2   and       UBGs: For each                  column,       sum        the   entries         of all UBG       members         
line 7.                                                                                                                 from  the  corresponding columns                            on   Worksheet        B,     line           2, and  
                                                                                                                        enter the      totals        here.    
Also  enter  the name                      of the     top-tiered        parenty  entity  filing the                
FFIEC   report,  and  that entity’s                       FEIN.      This       may     be  different                   Line  6a:  Enter  the equity                    capital       included    in the        financial               
from      the  entity  named                   in the     previous  field                if the  top-tiered             institution           equity capital         (and       included      in line     1)  of an                         
entity does     not     have     nexus         with       Michigan.                                                     insurance  company  owned by                            the   taxpayer,           to the    extent  that         
                                                                                                                        the   equity  capital (the                financial     institution’s       investment)             is          
The      following      calculation  involves                           a five-year     average      of net                             in  line 1.        Consider           only    insurance     companies            as              
capital.  Enter  data from               the       current        year    and      four  most      recent                             in      MCL  206.607 and                  subject   to  the   Michigan’s            CIT            
tax years        to complete             the    five-year  table.  For  purposes                             of this                          tax,  which does          not     include      captive      insurance                         
table, treat         a partial year                   as a full year.           If the current      and      four                                For   purposes of            this  deduction,      equity       capital                is   
preceding tax         years      include            any    short     periods,       the    years        printed                                  in accordance with              Generally      Accepted          Accounting                
in column       headings         for      this      part    will      not   apply        accurately.         For                            
example,      a financial             institution  has                  a fiscal   year-end  of  June               
30   and  its  current tax            year                   is a short   year     ending      September                UBGs: For each                  column,       sum        the   entries         of all UBG       members             
30,  2019.  That  financial institution                         reports       the  periods       ending                 from the         corresponding               columns on            Worksheet            B, line 3a,     and         
September       30,     2019,  June  30, 2019,                    June       30,   2018,     June      30,              enter  the  totals  here. 
2017, and   June        30,   2016.                                                                                                       Enter the          minimum            regulatory     capitalization                               
                                                                                                                        Line   6b: 


- 6 -
requirements   of  the insurance  company,       which      are fixed       
statutory  minimums  set  forth      in Michigan’s  Insurance  Code      of
UBGs:  For  each  column,  sum  the  entries      of all  UBG  members  
from  the  corresponding  columns  on  Worksheet      B, line  3b,  and  
enter  the  totals  here. 
Line 6d:  Enter  the  lesser      of line  15a      or line  15c. 
UBGs:  For  each  column,  sum  the  entries      of all  UBG  members  
from  the  corresponding  columns  on  Worksheet      B, line  3d,  and  
enter  the  totals  here. 
Line 7: Carry  the  amounts  from  line      7, columns      A though          E, to
the  corresponding  columns  on  Form  4975,  line    1.

- 7 -
Michigan Department of Treasury 
MBT Financial Worksheet B (Rev. 04-22) 

2022 Michigan Business Tax Financial Institution Worksheet B 
Complete a copy of Worksheet B for each member of the Unitary Business Group with equity capital included in the 
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) report. Members with equity capital                                                                                      not included in the 
FFIEC report do not complete Worksheet B. 
Include all copies of Worksheet B with your MBT Return. 
Designated Member                                                               Designated Member FEIN 

Unitary Business Group Member Name                                              Member FEIN 

NOTE for line 1 and line 2: If less than zero, enter zero. 

1.  Average daily book value of MI obligations  .......................................................................................................                            1.                   00 

2. Average daily book value of U.S. obligations  ...........................................................................................................                       2.                   00 

3.  a. Authorized insurance company subsidiary: enter actual capital fund amount ...................................................................                               3a.                  00 

   b.  Minimum regulatory amount required  ..............................................................................................................................          3b.                  00 

   c.  Multiply line 3b by 125% (1.25) ........................................................................................................................................... 3c.                  00 

   d.  Enter the lesser of line 3a or line 3c .................................................................................................................................... 3d.                  00 


- 8 -
     Instructions for the Michigan Business Tax Financial Institution Worksheet B 
                                                                                                            Line 3b: Enter  the  minimum  capital fund                 amount   required   by  
                                                                                                            regulations for  that    insurance   subsidiary.       
For      a Unitary    Business  Group, the              “Michigan          Business       Tax               For each   column,    sum      the  entries       of all UBG  members  on  line    
Financial    Institution Worksheet                  B”   helps     provide     member                       3b   and  carry      to the  corresponding  column on         Worksheet   A,       
information      to complete the             “Michigan          Business       Tax    Financial             line 6b.  
Institution  Worksheet  A.” 
                                                                                                            Line  3c: For     each  column, sum         the   entries  of all  UBG             
Line-by-Line Instructions                                                                                   members on   line       3c and carry       to the corresponding     column    on   
Lines not listed are explained on the form.                                                                 Worksheet      A, line 6c.    
In   all  cases  with  one               or more  financial        institutions          in a UBG,          Line 3d:   For                                                                    
                                                                                                                              each column, sum          the   entries  of all  UBG          
                                                                                                            members on   line  3d    and   carry       to the corresponding     column    on   
complete one        copy           of Worksheet      B for each       financial       institution        
                                                                                                            Worksheet      A, line 3d.    
in   the  UBG.  Note that            an     entity  that  would      otherwise       be                a   
standard  member  but                    is owned   by  and    unitary  with            a financial  
institution      is defined          by  statute      to be      a financial      institution.   If   
   a financial     institution        member        (other     than   the  DM)       has  two          or   
more federal      tax     periods       ending     with         or within the      filing  period        
of  this  return, use              a separate    copy      of Part    2B    for  each           of that  
member’s federal           periods.       
Enter the   name       and    Federal        Employment             Identification      Number           
(FEIN)      of the Designated                Member      listed    on  Worksheet                  A in the  
appropriate field         on  each        copy       of Worksheet B.   
Enter  the name       and  FEIN  
Enter  the  name  and Federal               Employment             Identification        Number          
(FEIN)      of the  member  whose  information      is reported  on  lines      1
through          3 of Worksheet    B.
Line  1: Under  MCL 206.651(k),                       Michigan obligations means  
   a bond, note,         or other  obligation issued            by       a governmental  unit  
described      in Section          3 of the Shared         Credit     Rating       Act,   PA   227       
of 1985,    MCL     141.1053.          
For each    column,        sum        the    entries        of all UBG    members          on  line        
   1 and carry        to the  corresponding column                  on  Worksheet          A,  line        
Line 2:  United States obligations                          means        all  obligations of               
the United    States       exempt            from  taxation     under       31  USC       3124(a)          
or  exempt  under the           United      States    constitution                or any  federal  
statute,   including  the obligations                of  any      instrumentality         or               
agency      of the United           States   that    are  exempt       from     state         or local  
taxation  under  the United                 States  constitution               or any  statute   of   
the United    States.        
For each    column,        sum        the    entries        of all UBG    members          on  line        
   2 and carry        to the  corresponding column                  on  Worksheet          A,  line        
Line 3a:   Enter  the equity                capital   of  an   insurance       company                     
owned      by  the  taxpayer, to            the  extent   that     the  equity    capital                
(this   UBG  member’s investment)                     is  included       in the   Total                    
Equity Capital            of Worksheet A,          line        1. Consider only       insurance            
companies       as  defined in           MCL     206.607       and    subject     to the                   
Michigan’s CIT          premiums             tax,  which     does     not   include       captive          
insurance   companies.  For  purposes of                       this  deduction,      equity                
capital      is calculated  in accordance               with      Generally       Accepted                 
Accounting  Principles. 
For each    column,        sum        the    entries        of all UBG    members          on  line        
3a and     carry       to the corresponding            column       on  Worksheet               A, line  


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