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Michigan Department of Treasury                                                                                                                                    Attachment 09 
4575 (Rev. 04-22) 

2022 MICHIGAN Business Tax Loss Adjustment  
for the Small Business Alternative Credit 
Issued under authority of Public Act 36 of 2007. 
 Taxpayer Name (If Unitary Business Group, Name of Designated Member)                        Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or TR Number 

 Unitary Business Groups Only:  Name of Unitary Business Group Member Reporting on This Form Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or TR Number 

INSTRUCTIONS:  Use this worksheet to qualify for an otherwise disallowed Small Business Alternative Credit by adjusting current year 
adjusted business income. This is available only if a taxpayer had a negative adjusted business income in any of the five tax years 
immediately preceding this tax year and received an MBT Small Business Alternative Credit in the loss year. Partnerships and members of 
Unitary Business Groups, see instructions before completing. 

Use this section to determine amount of loss adjustment to business income needed to qualify for the Small Business Alternative Credit. 

Adjusted Business Income Disqualifier 

  1.    Adjusted Business Income from Form 4571, line 8 ...................................................................................                     1. 00 
  2.    Business Income Disqualifier. 
        Enter $180,000 for individuals, or $1,609,400 for all other organization types  .........................................                               2. 00 

  3.    Loss adjustment required. Subtract line 2 from line 1. If less than zero, enter zero ..................................                                 3. 00 

Shareholder Income Disqualifier:  $180,000 

  4.  Enter the amount from Form 4571, line 5 ..................................................................................................                4. 00 

  5.    Shareholder Income Disqualifier (See chart in instructions)......................................................................                       5. 00 
  6.  Enter compensation and director fees from Form 4577, column L, of the shareholder creating the 
        disqualifier or reduction* ............................................................................................................................ 6. 00 

  7.  Subtract line 6 from line 5. If less than zero, see instructions  ...................................................................                     7. 00 

  8.  Divide line 7 by the percent of ownership from Form 4577, column G, for the shareholder on line 6 .......                                                 8. 00 

  9.    Loss adjustment required. Subtract line 8 from line 4  ...............................................................................                  9. 00 
* Note: If compensation exceeds $180,000 for any C Corporation shareholder or officer,  a Small Business Alternative Credit cannot be claimed nor can a 
loss adjustment be used to reduce compensation from Form 4577, column L. 
Read instructions before completing Part 2.   Use Part 2 to determine the loss available from the five preceding periods. Do not enter a  
negative sign in front of the loss amounts in lines 11 through 16. 
Complete line 10 for the five immediately preceding tax years (oldest to the left). Then complete lines 11 through 16, one column at a time 
beginning with the oldest, but completing only those columns representing periods that reported a loss (either generated or used) AND 
received a Small Business Alternative Credit. 
  10.  Tax year end date (MM-DD-YYYY)            .......... 
  11.  Adjusted business income ....................... 
  12.  Loss used on prior returns ....................... 
  13.  Loss available for current return .............. 
  14.  Loss adjustment required  ........................ 
  15.  Remaining loss adjustment required  ....... 
  16.  Loss adjustment carryforward  ................. 

+  0000 2022 43 01 27 4 

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        Instructions for Form 4575, Michigan Business Tax (MBT) Loss Adjustment 
                                                     for the Small Business Alternative Credit 
                                                                                                           Department      of Treasury  (TR)  assigned  number.      In the  Unitary  
                                                                                                           Business  Groups  Only  field,  enter  “GROUP  COPY  FOR  ABI,”  
To  reduce  the adjusted         business      income        (ABI)              or shareholder             and  leave  FEIN      or TR  Number  field  blank.  On  this  group  copy  
allocated income              to qualify for    the   Small       Business     Alternative                 of   Form  4575,  enter groupwide                   data     for   lines                1 through          3.
Credit (SBAC)              or minimize the      reduction       percentage          required.              Leave  lines      4 through      9 blank.            Complete  lines  10  through 16                        
   If the  ABI      was  less than       zero  in  any  of the        five  years                          following                                                  
                                                                                                                         line-specific instructions.
immediately  preceding  the  tax  year  for  which      a credit      is being                             To   reduce    the  UBG’s  ABI disqualifier,                       the  group     will    use   its     
claimed,   and       the  taxpayer received          an    SBAC       under     MBT        for             available  loss  from      a prior  tax  period  when  the  UBG  received  
that   same  year,  the taxpayer            may      adjust  for    the  loss   before                     the   SBAC,     as  well as              a member’s          available  loss from                   a tax  
figuring   eligibility        for  the SBAC.         Business       income    for     credit               year  when      it received  the  SBAC  and  was  not  part      of the  UBG  
purposes      is adjusted        by  using  available loss            from   prior     years               (member’s   separate  year). However,                        the   group    may      not   use              
on      a first-in, first-out   basis     until    those    losses     are  extinguished.                     a member’s        separately      calculated           available         loss  for      a tax  year  
   A loss  adjustment          will   not  affect          a reduction  to the        SBAC                 when  the  member was              part           of the  UBG      to reduce            the  group’s  
based  on  gross receipts          that  exceed      $19,000,000.          Also,               it will     ABI disqualifier.        
not  change  the amount                  of compensation      in column      L for          a C
Corporation on        the    MBT Schedule of Shareholders and Officers                                     For                                                                                                    
                                                                                                                 the purposes   of completing Part       2, if a member’s separate 
(Form  4577).                                                                                              year                                                                                                     
                                                                                                                 does not share               a common          year     end with the UBG,               use        a
                                                                                                           separate  column  for that           member.                    If some     members’  separate          
NOTE:  Although  this  form                       is formatted      for  Corporations,                  it years  share          a common  year end,                 total    the  amount      of those                
can  be  used  by  other  types      of entities  with  minor  adjustments.                                members’       available  loss  in                a single  column. Arrange                all  of          
See  instructions  for  further  details.                                                                  the columns            in chronological           order.      If additional          columns  are           
                                                                                                           needed      to accommodate the                five    preceding           periods,       create    and   
Special Instructions for Unitary Business                                                                  attach      a table comparable                 to that found             in lines 10  through      16.      
Groups (UBGs)                                                                                              Apply      to that    custom  table the           calculations           described        in  the       
                                                                                                           form text    and   instructions           for   lines           10 through 16.      
The   ABI  disqualifier must             be  calculated      by the       UBG        by                
combining   the  ABIs of           its   members.         Likewise,       to reduce                        Lines   14    through  16  on the           Group         Copy     for      ABI   will    reflect       
an   ABI  disqualifier of        the     UBG,        loss  adjustment      must      be                    the   usage  of  loss adjustment             to   resolve          the  ABI   disqualifier              
calculated  on      a group        level    and  used  against  the group’s                ABI.            and   the  maintenance of            loss    adjustment            available      for     future        
Generally,      a UBG         will  file only        one  copy   of  this  form,       the                 years  (within  the five          year     statutory      period).          Loss  adjustment            
“Group  Copy  for  ABI.”                                                                                   used   for  the  ABI disqualifier                    is not     recorded  on  the member                
                                                                                                           copy      of Form 4575.       However,          loss       adjustment        used     for  the   ABI    
Members Not Included in UBG for Entire Lookback                                                            disqualifier from               a member’s        separately  filed  years  should be                   
Period                                                                                                     tracked     in  the taxpayer’s       records.             Any      ABI   loss  adjustment               
For  years      in which      amember         was  not  part      of the  UBG,  the  UBG                   remaining  from               a member’s  separately filed                  years       will  be        
will  use  that  member’s  available  loss  from  those  separate  years                                   available      to that    member      in the            event  the  member leaves               the      
on      a first-in,  first-out   basis   until  those  losses  are extinguished.                           UBG prior            to complete     usage      of the          loss    adjustment  available               
These  amounts  are calculated               initially           at the  member       level       but      by  the  UBG.  See the            “Supplemental           Instructions         for    Standard              
used  and  maintained  for  use      in future  years  on  the  Group  Copy                                Members      in UBGs” section                    in the   MBT Forms and Instructions 
for  ABI.  Supporting  4575  forms  must  be  filed  by  each  member                                      for Standard Taxpayers (Form 4600)                            for   details.   
that   has      a loss  available  from  the separate               years  that             is used  
against  the  UBG’s  ABI  disqualifier  (member forms).                            Only     Part           NOTE:   If      the  UBG  still has                     a disqualification  on  this basis                  
   2, lines      10 through  13,      of Form  4575  need          to be completed      on the             (greater   than  $1,609,400)  after completing                           the  group’s      Form             
member  form.                                                                                              4575   as  described above,          the       UBG                 is disqualified  from the            
                                                                                                           SBAC.  Do  not  proceed  with  these  instructions. 
Adjusted Business Income Disqualifier 
                                                                                                           Line-by-Line Instructions 
This   disqualifier      is calculated      at the         group  level.           If the   UBG        
has  ABI      in excess      of $1,609,400,  the  UBG  must  complete  one,                                Lines not listed are explained on the form. 
group  Form  4575.  The  groupwide  Form  4575  will  calculate  loss                                      Dates  must be      entered in      MM-DD-YYYY  format. 
available  from  the UBG’s            prior    tax   years             as well      as organize  
the   members’  available loss              that     may   be  used   against        this                  Name and Account Number: Enter  name  and  account  number  
disqualifier.   These  member amounts                     are  calculated     initially                    as  reported  on  page          the1 of      MBT Annual Return (Form  4567). 
   at the  member  level  but  used  and  maintained  for  use      in future                              UBGs: Generally,  only one                  form        will  be   filed    per   UBG.       See         
years  on  the  Group  Copy  for  ABI.                                                                     “Special   Instructions  for UBGs”                      above      for   exceptions.       Enter            
In   the  Taxpayer  Name field                    at the  top      of the  page,  enter  the               the   DM’s     name      in the Taxpayer             Name          field    and  FEIN     in      the   
Designated   Member’s  (DM’s)  name followed                             by  the   DM’s                    first  identification  line,  and  “GROUP  COPY  FOR  ABI”  and  no  
Federal   Employer         Identification  Number  (FEIN) or                    Michigan                   FEIN      thein   second  identification  line. 


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Part 1: Current Year Amounts                                                                                          annualized  member  figures  (when  applicable)      to get  the  group’s  
                                                                                                                      total  annualized  figure. 
Use  Part                1 to determine          the  amount         of loss   adjustment                          
necessary      to qualify  for  the  SBAC.                                                                            Line 5:    Form  4575  should  always  be  calculated  initially  using  
                                                                                                                      $160,000.   This  calculation will                     establish    taxpayer        eligibility             
       If the     taxpayer      is not     eligible  for  the credit           because        the    ABI           
                                                                                                                      without   the  need                   to reduce  the  SBAC. However,                        if the  total   
exceeds $1,609,400                   ($180,000         for     individuals),           complete       lines     1   
                                                                                                                      loss  available  for  the  current  year  on  line  13  does  not  equal      or
through 3.   
                                                                                                                      exceed  the  loss  adjustment  required  on  line      9, the  taxpayer  may  
       If the     taxpayer  is not           eligible    because        a shareholder’s                               still  calculate      alesser     loss  adjustment      to claim      areduced                   credit. 
allocated  income  exceeds $180,000,                                      or a partner’s      distributive  
income  exceeds  $180,000,  complete lines                                         4 through      9 for     the                          Line 5                                     Eligible % of Credit 
shareholder(s)   or              partner(s)  creating the               disqualifier.        The       loss                            $ 160,000                                    100% - no reduction 
adjustment  required      is the                  largest       amount  needed                   to eliminate                          $164,999                                                   80% 
all allocated          income           disqualifiers.                                                                                 $169,999                                                   60% 
Partnerships: Form  4575      is formatted  for  Corporations. To                                         use                          $174,999                                                   40% 
     it for   a   Partnership, make              these    changes:                                                                     $180,000                                                   20% 
  •    Enter       on  line            6 any  guaranteed payments                     made   to the                
                                                                                                                      Line 7:      If       a negative          number      is reached, some            reduction         of      
partner  creating   a   $180,000                  disqualifier.          
                                                                                                                      credit       is necessary.      Return to             line  5 and      enter    the higher                  
  •    On      line  8, divide         by    the  percentage          of ownership           from                     disqualifier       amount  from the               chart.    Continue        this  process                   
column          C of the  MBT Schedule of Partners (Form  4578).                                                      until   line          7 is greater than     or      equal to      zero. This      calculation               
Reduced SBAC:   A  reduction of                               the    SBAC      is required                     if     establishes the          maximum allowable                    SBAC. 
an  Individual,                  a partner  in              a Partnership,           a shareholder  of             
     a Corporation,      or an             officer              of a C Corporation           has    allocated         Part 2: Available Loss 
income   after  loss adjustment                       of    more     than    $160,000.        This                    Use  Part          2to determine           the  loss  available  from  the  five  preceding  
reduction      is based  on  the  Individual/partner/officer/shareholder                                              periods.  Do  not  enter      anegative                sign      in front      of the  loss  amount. 
with the           largest  allocated            income.        
                                                                                                                      Complete        lines  11 through              16,     one  column      at                a time.  For      
Complete  lines                  4 through             9 for  the shareholder             or  partner                 those   lines,  complete  only columns                      for  years      that  reported                      a
creating the           need            to reduce  the SBAC.                                                           loss   (either     generated      or used)             and  received            an  SBAC.              If the  
                                                                                                                      taxpayer  did  not  report      a loss      or did  not  receive  an  SBAC  for      a
Form  4575  should  always      be calculated  initially  using  $160,000  
                                                                                                                      tax  year,  leave  that  column,  lines      11 through  16,  blank. 
on   line      5. This  calculation  will establish                          taxpayer      eligibility           
without           the  need            to reduce      the  SBAC. However,                        if the  total        Line 10: Enter  the five                 most  recent       tax  years,      beginning         with         
loss available              for   the   current        year    on     line    13  does      not   equal        or     the   oldest  year  in the            left  column,    including          years     in which                
exceed  the  loss  adjustment  required  on  line      9, the  taxpayer  may                                          there  was  no  loss      or no  SBAC  credit  taken.  Then  complete  lines  
still  calculate      alesser               loss  adjustment      to claim      areduced               credit.        11  through  16,  one  column          at at time,  for  each  year      in which      a
                                                                                                                      loss  was  generated      or used  and      an SBAC  was  claimed. 
Try   the  calculation more                      than  once.    Substitute            the  numbers               
shown   on         the  chart                in the  instructions  for line                      5, in order      to  Line 11: Enter  (as                   a positive      number)       the  negative  ABI from                 
maximize  the  claimed  SBAC.          If a negative  number      is reached                                          Form  4571,  line      8, for  tax  years  where      an SBAC  was  received. 
on   line          7, a greater            disqualifier  amount                    is needed  from the                           When  completing                          a member’s  form (see              “Special            
disqualifier  chart  here  on  line    5.                                                                                                for     UBGs”  so circumstances                           in which      a member  
Tax Year Less Than 12 Months:                                           Business  income and                          form      is needed),           this  line        is calculated     using  member  specific                 
shareholder  disqualifiers  must be                           calculated      on      an  annualized                  (pro  forma)  data. Note,                however,      the   member         cannot         enter   an       
basis.  Enter  annualized  numbers  on  lines          1, 4, and      6. Part-year                                    ABI  amount  for      a tax  year  that      it was  part      of the  UBG  and  the  
shareholders  also  must  annualize  compensation  and  report  that                                                  UBG   did     not  receive the            SBAC.        The    member           may,     however,            
figure  on line             6.                                                                                        enter      an ABI  amount  for      atax               year  that      it was  not    a member      of
                                                                                                                      the  UBG  and                it received    the   SBAC,       regardless                of whether     the  
Annualizing                                                                                                           UBG  received  the  credit      in that  same  year. 
To   annualize, multiply                   each      applicable       amount,         ABI,  or                                  completing  the  Group  Copy  for  ABI,  enter  the  sum      of the  
shareholder   compensation,  by  12  and divide                                the    result     by    the                                1) UBG’s             negative     ABI   for  tax   years            it received       the  
number      of months the                   business      operated.           Generally,           a business                    plus,          2) a member’s  negative  ABI  for      a tax  year  when      it
      is considered   in business for one month   if the business operated                                            received  the  SBAC  and  was                  not  part      of the  UBG.  These  member  
for more            than  half  the  days      of the  month.                                                                     are  calculated  initially      at the  member  level  but  used  and  
NOTE:   If            the  business  was      in operation  for  less  than      amonth                            it maintained  for  use      in future  years      on the  Group  Copy  for  ABI. 
      is considered   to have been   in business for   1month.                                                        Line 12: Enter  the  amount      of loss  entered  on  line  11  that  was  
UBGs:  For            UBG  members  reporting                              a period      of less     than    12       used          as an adjustment          in a prior  period. 
months  with  the group                    return,    annualization                    is done   using      the  
member’s  number      of months      in the                          group’s       tax  year.  Sum  the          


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UBGs:  When  completing the                     Group       Copy          for ABI,       if                   a
member’s negative            ABI      was     included          on    Line     11    (the     member           
received      a credit and       was     not    part           of the UBG             in the tax       year    
the  credit  was received),            include       any    loss     adjustment          used       by         
that   member  in           a prior    period  to offset           an     ABI     disqualifier.               
Also   enter  any  groupwide loss                 used      against       the   UBG’s          ABI            
disqualifier          in a prior  period. 
Line 13:  Subtract  line      12 from  line          11 to arrive      at loss  available  
on  the  current return.                If less   than  zero,  enter zero;               no    loss           is
UBGs:  On  the  Group  Copy  for  ABI,      if the  group’s  membership  
has   not  changed, that          is,  no   member          has    joined       or left    the                
group     since  the  filing            of the  prior  year’s  return, the               amounts              
calculated  on  line 13         should      equal        the  amounts         on    line    16             of   
the prior     year’s   corresponding              columns.      If membership  for  this  
year      is different,    these     amounts  may  not  be the                  same.       See      the       
“Supplemental   Instructions  for  Standard Members                                            in UBGs”  
section      in Form 4600        for    details.      
Line 14:  Enter  the  amount from                     line              3 or  line      9, whichever  
   is larger,      in the  first  column  where                  a loss      is available         on  line  
13.  In  subsequent columns,                enter    amount        from       line     15               of the  
previous applicable          column.         
Line 15:   If      line 14        is larger than       line   13,     subtract       line     13     from     
line 14.   Enter       here  and      on    line   14          of the next     column         where           a   
loss      is available on   line      13.   
Line 16:   If      line 13        is larger than       line   14,     subtract       line     14     from     
line 13.   This  amount             is available      to use      in subsequent periods.                    
NOTE:  To  benefit from                       a loss  adjustment, the               total      loss           
available for    the   current        year,     line      13,  must        equal        or exceed the          
loss adjustment        required       on     line     14.  
The    function  of  this form                    is to  demonstrate  that                   a taxpayer  
that   otherwise  would  have been                   disqualified         from      the    SBAC                
due      to ABI,      or fully      or partially disqualified              due          to an owner’s          
allocated    income  is, after          application          of loss        adjustment,                       
allowed      to claim   a   full        or partial SBAC.           
   If loss   adjustment        is    successfully applied                 to  cure     an  ABI                
disqualifier,   there  is no         calculated          figure    from       this form                       
that   feeds to    another      form.       Simply       ignore      the apparent                             
disqualification   on Form             4571,         line  8 and     proceed        with                      
calculating  the  SBAC      on the  remainder      of Form  4571. 
   If loss   adjustment      is successfully             applied      to fully      or partially  
cure   an  owner’s allocated               income        disqualifier,        this     will    be             
demonstrated  by  the final             applicable          column                  of line  15  being  
blank.      In that  event,  carry  the  number  from  line          5 of this  form  
to  Form  4571,  line      11 and  proceed  with  the  calculation  there. 
Include completed Form 4575 as part of the tax return filing. 


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