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GRW-4                                                                                                                                                          RESIDENT
EMPLOYEE’S WITHHOLDING CERTIFICATE FOR GRAND RAPIDS INCOME TAX                                                                                                 NONRESIDENT
1. Print Full Name                                                  Social Security No.                        Office, Plant, Dept.                  Employee Identification No
2. Address, Number and Street                                       City, Township or Village where you reside                                       State                 Postal Code

3. Place of Employment                                          City                                           Under           40%                   60%       80%                         100%
                                                                                                               25 %
Print name of each city where you work for this                 City
employer and circle closest % of total earnings in each.                                                       Under           40%                   60%       80%                         100%
YOUR                   Check            4.      Exemptions           Regular            Additional exemption if      Additional                      Enter number of exemptions
WITHHOLDING            blocks                   for yourself         exemption          65 or over at end of year    Exemption if blind              checked
EXEMPTIONS             which            5.      Exemptions           Regular            Additional exemption if      Additional                      Enter number of exemptions
                       apply                    for your spouse      exemption          65 or over at end of year    Exemption if blind              checked
EMPLOYEE:  File this form with your             6.  (a) Exemptions for your children: Number 6. (b)        Exemptions for your      Number           Enter total of  line 6
employer.  Otherwise they must withhold                                                                    other dependents:                         (a plus b)
GRAND RAPIDS income tax from your
earnings without exemption.                     7.  Add the number of exemptions which you have claimed on line 4, 5 and 6 above and write the total 
EMPLOYER:  Keep this certificate with your               I certify that the information submitted on this certificate is true,  correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief
records.  If the information submitted by the                                                Signature
employee is not believed to be true, correct    8.  Date
and complete, the CITY INCOME TAX
DEPARTMENT must be so advised.
To answer residency questions call  the                                                    SEE INSTRUCTIONS
Income Tax Department  at (616) 456-3415.                                                                                                                                  Revised 7/2004
                                                                                      FORM GRW-4
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS—Check the box  in  the                                                  INCREASE IN EXEMPTIONS—You should file a new
upper  right  hand  corner to indicate your residency                                        certificate at any time if the number of your exemptions
status and enter the requested data on lines 1 and 2.                                        increases.
LINE 3 INSTRUCTIONS—If you are a nonresident and                                             DECREASE IN EXEMPTIONS—
work  for  this  employer in two or more cities or                                           1.  You must file a new certificate within 10 days if the
communities, print the names of the two Michigan                                                    number of exemptions previously claimed  by  you
cities or communities where you perform the greatest                                                DECREASES for any of the following reasons:
percentage of your work. Circle the closest percent of                                              (a)  Your spouse for whom you have been claiming
total earnings for work done or services  rendered  in                                                         exemption is divorced or legally separated, or
each city or community listed.  The estimated percent                                                          claims their own exemption on a separate
of total earnings from this employer for work done  or                                                         certificate.
services  performed  within taxing cities  (Line 3) is for                                          (b)  The support of a dependent for whom you
withholding purposes only.  In  determining  final  tax                                                        claimed exemption is taken over by someone
liability  this estimate is  subject to substantiation and                                                     else,  so that you no longer expect to furnish
audit.                                                                                                         more than half of their support for the year.
DEPENDENTS—To qualify as your dependent (line 6),                                                   (c)  You  find  that a dependent for  whom you
a person (a) must receive more than one-half of his or                                                         claimed an exemption will receive $3,000 or
her support from you for the year, and (b) must have                                                           more of income of their own during the year.
less than $3,000 gross income during the year (except                                        2.     CHILD TURNS 19—File a new certificate within 10
your child who is under 19 years of age or who is a full-                                           days of the start of the tax year in which your child,
time student under 24 years of age), and (c) must not                                               for whom you claimed exemption, turns 19 years of
be claimed as an exemption by such person’s husband                                                 age or, if a full- time student, 24 years of age.
or wife, and  (d) must be a  citizen  or resident of the                                     3.     DEATH OF SPOUSE OR DEPENDENT—You
United States or a resident of Canada,  Mexico,  the                                                must  file a new  certificate by December 1 of the
Republic of Panama or the Canal Zone (this does not                                                 year in which the death of  your spouse  or
apply to an alien  child legally adopted  by  and  living                                           dependent  for  whom you claimed exemption
with a United States citizen abroad), and (e) must  (1)                                             occurs. (Death of a spouse  or  a  dependent  does
have your home as his principal residence and be  a                                                 not affect your withholding until the next year.)
member of your household for the entire year, or (2) be                                      4.     CHANGE OF RESIDENCE—You must file a new
related to you as follows:                                                                          certificate  within  10  days after you change your
• Your  son  or daughter (including legally adopted                                                 residence from or to a taxing city.
  children), grandchild, stepson, stepdaughter,  son-                                        5.     CHANGE IN EMPLOYMENT—You must file a new
  in-law, or daughter-in-law.                                                                       certificate by December 1 each year  if  your
• Your father, mother, grandparent, stepfather,                                                     estimate of the percentage of work  done  or
  stepmother, father-in-law, or mother-in-law.                                                      services rendered in Grand Rapids (Line 3)  will
• Your  brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, half                                              change for the ensuing year.
  brother, half sister, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law.                                    EXTRA                 EXEMPTIONS—Additional                                   exemptions
• Your uncle, aunt, nephew,  or  niece (but  only  if                                        allowed  for federal income tax purposes and claimed
  related by blood).                                                                         on Schedule A of federal Form W-4 are not allowed for
                                                                                             Grand Rapids income tax purposes.

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