CITY OF HAMTRAMCK INCOME TAX CORPORATION RETURN INSTRUCTIONS Corporations Required to File Income or Loss from Activity in Hamtramck Each corporation doing business in the city, whether or not Formulary apportionment is used to determine taxable it has an office or place of business in the city, is required to income or loss. However, a taxpayer may petition the file a City of Hamtramck Corporation Income Tax return, Administrator for approval to use a separate accounting Form H-1120. method (or an alternate method). An amended Hamtramck return is required if a determination A petition to use separate accounting (or an alternate is made by the Internal Revenue Service that affects the method) must be made in writing within 90 days following taxpayer’s Hamtramck income tax liability. This return the beginning of the accounting period for which its use is is due within 90 days from the date of the service’s final requested. If the petition is approved, a copy of the approval determination, letter must be submitted with any return that has been prepared using this method to determine taxable income or Organizations that have an Internal Revenue Service loss, If the taxpayer’s petition is not approved, formulary exemption from taxation but have income from operations apportionment must be used. not related to the purpose for which they received the exemption are subject to Hamtramck tax on the unrelated Unless a separate accounting method has been approved income. total income (including interest, dividends, and other non operating income) shall be subject to the apportionment A tax-option corporation must file a Hamtramck corporation percentage. return and pay the tax on its income. Generally, a corporation that is unitary in nature (i.e. has The election provided in the Internal Revenue Code for a central management, purchasing, advertising. etc.) cannot qualifying Domestic International Sales Corporation is not use separate accounting. available in the Hamtramck Income tax Ordinance. Instructions for Page I Hamtramck may require a parent corporation to file a consolidated return with its subsidiaries if the business is Line 1. Attach a copy of your federal return, Schedule 1120 unitary and such filing would more accurately determine net and reconcile the income on your schedule to your federal profits attributable to Hamtramck. return. Include in the reconciliation the reinstatement of payroll expense not allowable on the federal return as a The Hamtramck ordinance exempts financial institutions and result of the targeted jobs credit provisions. insurance companies from taxation. Financial institutions are defined in Section 14, Ordinance 292, as amended. Line 2. Add items deducted on your federal return but not deductible under the Hamtramck ordinance. Schedule C, Filing Date column 1, (on page 2), is used to support line 2. Taxpayers on a calendar year are required to file by April 30. Schedule C. column 1, line 1, is used to adjust profit for the Those on a fiscal year must file by the last day of the fourth non-deductible portion of losses from the sale or exchange of month following the end of the fiscal year. Returns shall be property acquired prior to October 1. 1962. See instructions for the same calendar year, fiscal year, of other accounting below for Schedule C, column 2, fine 5 for computing losses period as used for federal income tax filing, or gains on property acquired before October 1. 1962. Extension Line 4. Deduct items not taxable by Hamtramck. Complete Schedule C. column 2 to substantiate your deduction. Upon written request from the taxpayer made on or before Schedule C, Column 2 - the due date the Administrator may extend the time for filing up to six months. An application for extension of time is Line 1. Interest from obligations of the United available on request. States and its subordinate units is exempt from tax. If an extension longer than two months is requested a Line 2. If you reported dividend income, enter tentative return must be filed and an estimated tax paid. on this line the amount of the dividend-received deduction allowed in the Internal Revenue Code. |
Line 3. Enter the amount of foreign “taxes deemed Line 3. Enter in column I the total gross revenue to have been paid” which were grossed-up and from all sales or services rendered during the year. included in your Hamtramck return as dividends In column II show the amount of revenue derived received. from sales made or services rendered in the city. Line 4. If a foreign tax credit rather than a foreign Rental income is to be considered as derived from tax deduction was taken on your federal return services rendered and is to be included in gross enter that portion of the credit reported on Internal receipts. Revenue Service form 1118 as “taxes paid or accrued” for the taxable year. Multistate Tax Compact Line 5. Enter here the nontaxable portion of the Taxable income for accounting periods after October gains from the sale or exchange of property acquired 1. 1970 may be determined by the apportionment prior to October 1, 1962. provisions of Michigan Act 343, Public Acts of Gain or loss on property purchased prior to October 1969, for those multi-state corporations that qualify 1. 1962 must be determined by one of the following under the act. Computation of the tax must be methods: supported by schedules. I. The base may be the adjusted fair market value of the property on October 1. 1962. (October Line 8. Enter the net capital loss carryover and net 2nd closing price for traded securities), or; operating loss carry over applicable to Hamtramck. Capital losses and capital loss carryovers are deductible only to the 2. Divide the number of months the property extent of capital gains. was held prior September 30, 1962 by the total number of months the property was held. If 100% of a corporation’s activity was not conducted Apply this fraction to the entire gain or loss in the city in the year in which the loss was sustained the reported for federal tax purposes. apportionment percentage in the loss year must be applied. If Schedule D. “Income Apportionment Formula” was not Line 6. Total income must be apportioned if the corporation prepared when the loss was claimed it must be completed had activity within and without the city, and permission to and reported, so that the allowable loss carry over can be use separate accounting (or an alternate method) has not determined. been granted. Complete Schedule D. page 2 to support the apportionment. Computation and Payment of Tax Schedule D Tax due of one dollar ($1.00) or more must be paid with the return. Make check or money order payable to Line 1. Enter in column I the average net book value CITY OF HAMTRAMCK. of all real and tangible personal property owned by If your payments and credits exceed the tax indicate if the the business regardless of location, and in column overpayment is to be refunded or credited to your estimated II show the average net book value of the real and tax. The city cannot refund an amount of less that one dollar tangible personal property owned and located in the ($1.00). city. Declaration and Payment of Estimated Tax The average net book value of real and tangible personal Property may be determined by adding the Each corporation subject to tax must file a Declaration of net book values at the beginning of the year and the Estimated Income Tax (Form H-1040-ES) if the estimated net book values at the end of the year and dividing tax for the next calendar or fiscal year is more than TWO the sum by two. If this method will not properly HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($250.00). reflect the average net book value of tangible property owned during the year, any other method ASSISTANCE that will accurately reflect it will be permitted, If you have questions, or needed assistance, call (313) 870- Line 1a. Enter in column I the gross annual rent 9366, The Income Tax Unit. multiplied by 8 for all rented real property regardless of location. In column 11 show the gross annual rent The Hamtramck income tax is imposed under Ordinance multiplied by 8 for rented real property located in 292. Enabling legislation was provided by the State of the city. Michigan. The Uniform City Income Tax Ordinance is set forth in Chapter 2 of Act 284 of the Public Acts of 1964. Gross annual rent should include money and other These instructions are intended as an aid in the preparation consideration given for the use of or possession of of your Hamtramck return. real property rented or leased. Line 2. Enter in column I total compensation paid to all employees during the year. In column II show compensation paid to employees for work or services performed within the city. |