- 4 -
1. Average net book value of Mai and tangible personal property ..............................................................................................................................................
a. Gross annual mm paid for real property only multiplied by 8 ..............................................................................................................................................
b. TOTAL (Add lines I and I a) .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................%
2. Total wages, salaries, commissions and other compensation of all employees (exclude partners) ...........................................................................................................................%
3. Gross receipts from sales made or services rendered ................................................................................................................................................................................................%
4. Total Percentages- add ** three percentages computed for lines I b, 2 and 3 which you entered in*9 lost column (you must compute a
percentage for each of lines I 1b, 2 and 3. %
5. Average percentage (one-third of line 4) - enter here and on P.3, Sch. E, Col. 4 (*”note below %
NOTE: In determining the average percentage (line 5), a factor shall be excluded from the computation only when such factor does not exist
anywhere insofar as the taxpayer’s business operation is concerned and, in such cases, the sum of the percentages on line 4 shall be
divided by the number of factors actually used.
In the case of a taxpayer authorized by the Administrator to use mm of the special formulas use the lines provided below.
a. Numerator ...................................... c. Percentage (a – b) enter here ........................... and on p. 3, Sch. E Col. 4
b. Denominator .................................. d. Date of Administrator’s approval letter .......................................................
The business allocation percentage is to be applied by NON- book value for the year will also be permitted.
RESIDENT partners to their distributive share of business income Line I a. Enter in column I the gross annual rent multiplied by 8 for
if business activity of the partnership is conducted both within all rented real prop” regardless of location. In column II show the
and without the City of Highland Park. In order to use “the sepa- gross annual rent multiplied by 8 for rented real property, located in
rate accounting method” for years beginning on and after January the City of Highland Park. Gross annual rent refers to real prop”
1. 1970, permission must be requested in writing from the adminis- only, rented or leased, and should include the actual sums of
trator not more than 90 days after the beginning of the taxpayer’s money or other consideration payable, directly or indirectly, by
year. the taxpayer for the use or possession of such real prop”.
Line 1. Enter in Column Ithe average net book value of all real and
tangible personal prop” owned by the business, regardless of Line 2. Enter in column theI total compensation paid to all
location; and in column II show the average net book value of the employees during the year and in column II show the amount of
real and tangible personal prop” owned and located or used in the compensation paid to employees paid for work done or services
City of Highland Park. The average net book value of real and tan- performed within the City of Highland Park during the year.
gible personal property may be determined by adding the net Line 3. Enter in column Ithe total gross receipts from all sales
book values at the beginning of the year and the net book values made or services rendered during the year and in column II show
at the end of the year and dividing the sum thus obtained by two. the amount of gross receipts from sales made or services ren-
Any other method which will accurately reflect the average not dered in the City of Highland Park during the year.