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P.O. BOX 239


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If amending your return beginning 1987 to claim an
exemption for a dependent who was age 5 or over on
December 31, 1987, you must enter his or her social security
If claiming more than five additionaldependents, show the
information requested in columns (a) through (e) on an
attached statement. When entering the total number of
dependents in the boxes to the right of line 8, be sure to
include these dependents.
If claiming a child under the special rules for children of
divorced or separated parents, you must either attach 
or  similar  statement,          a  copy  of  a  pre-1985Form
agreement8332 if you have such anORagreement that states  you
are entitled to claim the child as a dependent.

Where to FileDetach form at perforation and mail form with any payment
due to: 
        CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK, INCOME TAX, P.O.Make check and
BOX 239, EATON RAPIDS, MI 48827. money orders payable to: City of Highland Park.

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Mail to: City of Highland Park, P.O. Box 239, Eaton Rapids, MI 48827

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Form HP-1040 X

                                                    tax return

Complete column (b) or (c), whichever applies, only if amending your return beginning 1987.

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