W94585-NUT01 1/13/15 1:43 PM Page 1 City of Highland Park 2020 HIGHLAND PARK Income Tax Department INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX P.O. Box 239 Eaton Rapids, MI 48827-0239 FORMS AND INSTRUCTIONS For use by individual residents, Form HP-1040 part-year residents and nonresidents – IF LABEL APPEARS BELOW IMPORTANT PLEASE PEEL OFF LABEL AND AFFIX TO AREA DESIGNATED ON INCOME TAX RETURN. CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK INCOME TAX 2020 ALL PERSONS HAVING HIGHLAND PARK TAXABLE INCOME IN 2020 MUST FILE A RETURN TAX RETURNS ARE DUE APRIL 30, 2021 MAILING ADDRESS BALANCE DUE RETURNS ALL OTHER RETURNS City of Highland Park 1040 Payments City of Highland Park P.O. Box 239 P.O. Box 239 Eaton Rapids, MI 48827 Eaton Rapids, MI 48827 TAX RATES Resident: 2% Nonresident: 1% EXEMPTIONS Exemption value: $600 Tax must be paid at the time you file your return if you owe $1.00 or more. PAYMENT OF TAX DUE NOTE: If you are paying $100.00 or more with your 2020 return, you may need to make estimated income tax payments for 2021. See page 2 for instructions. Make check or money order payable to: CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK YOUR RETURN Tax returns are due April 30, 2021 Forms are available online at www.highlandparkmi.gov. For assistance contact the Highland Park Income Tax Department at 3401 Evaline Ave, Hamtramck, Michigan or call CONTACT US (313) 603-3118. Failure to attach documentation or attaching incorrect or incomplete documentation will delay processing of the return or result in corrections being made to the return. |
W94585-NUT01 1/13/15 1:43 PM Page 2 Page 2 of 6 Indicate your residency status by marking (X) the proper box. RESIDENCY STATUS Schedule TC to the return. Mark the box to indicate your filing status. Schedule TC to compute your tax, mark (X) line 23a and attach an attachment that states your actual residence. is %.) If you were a resident for only part of the year and used 1 PO Box, or an address that is not your legal residence, you must add enter it on line 23b. (The resident tax rate is 2%. The nonresident rate address under Present home address. If using a current Enter your Multiply line 22 by the appropriate tax rate to compute tax liability, and line of return. ine 23 Tax L signature area; and enter the date of death in the box on the signature Subtract line 21b from line 20. If line 21b is greater, enter zero. 1310 or a copy of the death certificate; write deceased in the ine 22 Total Income Subject to Tax L If the taxpayer or spouse is deceased: attach a copy of federal Form product on line 21b. Enter your name and, if a joint return, your spouses name. line 1h) on line 21a and multiply line 21a by $600.00 and enter the attached to your return. Enter the total number of exemptions (page 2, Exemptions schedule, social security number must agree with the SSN on the Form(s) W-2 ine 21 Exemptions L Your Always write your social security number(s) on the return. 18. from lineSubtract line 19 NAME, ADDRESS, SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Line 20 Total Income after Deductions COMPLETING YOUR RETURN Enter the total deductions from line 7 of Deductions schedule, page 2. and the Ordinance. ine 19 Total DeductionsL Ordinance will prevail in any disagreement between these instructions Add lines 1 through 17. Ordinance, MCLA 141.601 et seq. The Highland Park Income Tax Line 18 Total Income These instructions are interpretations of the Uniform City Income Tax Add lines 2 through 16. DISCLAIMER ine 17 Total Additions L minimum combined charge for interest and penalty is $2.00. Support figures with schedules. interest at the rate of 1% above the prime rate on an annual basis. The Subtract column B from column A and enter difference in column C. penalty of 1% per month, not to exceed a total penalty of 25%, and bear ines 1 - 16, Column C Figure Taxable Income L All tax payments remaining unpaid after they are due are liable to a adjustments or deductions being disallowed. CHARGES FOR LATE PAYMENTS delay processing of your return or result in tax withheld, exclusions, ., MI 48827-0239Income Tax, P.O.,Box 239 Eaton Rapids Failure to attach or attaching incomplete supporting information will change must be explained. Mail amended returns to: Highland Park tax withheld, exclusions, adjustments or deductions must be provided. schedules supporting the changes should accompany the filing. Every NOTE: Schedules, attachments and other documentation that support original return when totaling amended return payments and credits. All ines 1 16, Columns A & B Federal Data and Exclusions L schedule, line 4; Include the tax paid and subtract refunds from the Round all figures to the nearest dollar. refunds received to the left of the box on page 2, Payments and Credits TOTAL INCOME AND TAX COMPUTATION paid or refunds received from the original return. Write in the tax paid or the change and pay the tax due. An adjustment must be made for tax FORM HP-1040, PAGE 1, INSTRUCTIONS Park taxable income, you must file an amended return within 90 days of self employment tax, and penalty for early withdrawal of savings. the top of the return. If a change on your federal return affects Highland MSA deduction, self-employed health insurance deduction, one-half or at AMENDED File amended returns using the HP-1040 Clearly mark deductible on the Highland Park return: student loan interest, Archer AMENDED RETURNS losses, etc. In addition, the following federal adjustments are not the failure to pay on time was due to reasonable cause. interest, medical expenses, charitable contributions, casualty and theft understated by more than 5% of tax or the corporation can show that allow deductions for items such as taxes, not Highland Park does Income Tax Administrator if the tax paid by the original due date is not ITEMS NOT DEDUCTIBLE ON THE HIGHLAND PARK TAX RETURN extension of time to file is granted. Penalty may be waived by the 7. City, state and federal refunds. notified. Interest and penalty is charged on taxes paid late even if an (Michigan lottery prizes won after December 30, 1988 are taxable.) assumed that the extension is automatically granted unless otherwise 6. Michigan Lottery prizes won on or before December 30, 1988. When an extension form is filed and the balance due is paid, it may be including Reserve and National Guard pay. due. 5. Military pay of members of the armed forces of the United States, An extension does not extend the time for paying the tax payments. the sales of obligations of the United States. extension with payment is not a substitute for making estimated tax subordinate units of government of the states and gains or losses on made and the tentative tax due must be paid (MCL 141.664). Filing an 4. Interest from obligations of the United States, the states or filing a Highland Park extension. Application for an extension must be unemployment benefits. Applying for a federal extension does not satisfy the requirement for 3. Welfare relief, unemployment compensation and supplemental Automatic Extension of Time to File an Individual Income Tax Return. are taxed the same as under the Internal Revenue Code). months. To apply for an extension, file Form HP-4868, Application for (Payments from a health and accident policy paid by an employer income tax return may be extended for a period not to exceed six 2. Proceeds of insurance where the taxpayer paid policy premiums. Returns are due on or before April 30, 2021. The due date of the annual after reaching age 59½. DUE DATE AND EXTENSIONS pensions), Individual Retirement Account (IRA) distributions received 1 Social security, pensions and annuities (including disability the year, you still must file a tax return. Highland Park does not tax the following types of income: If you have made estimated tax payments and do not owe more tax for INCOME EXEMPT FROM HIGHLAND PARK INCOME TAX of estimated tax will result in assessment of penalty and interest. box and enter the spouses full name in the filing status box. Failure to make required estimated tax payments or underpayment separately, enter spouses Social Security number in the spouses SSN payments if your income increases or decreases during the year. Indicate filing status by marking (X) the proper box. If married filing and January 31 of the following year. Adjust the remaining quarterly FILING STATUS in three equal payments on June 30 and September 30 of the tax year one-fourth (¼) of the estimated tax. The remaining estimated tax is due compute the tax. the Highland Park website) by April 30 of the tax year and pay at least separate returns or file a resident return using Form HP-1040TC to quarterly estimated tax payments. File Form HP-1040ES (available on and had a different residency status from that of your spouse, file plus other credits by $100 or more, you may be required to make If you were married in 2020 Married with Different Residency Status. When your total income tax is greater than the amount of tax withheld use form HP-1040TC to calculate the tax and attach it to the HP-1040. ESTIMATED TAX PAYMENTS Highland Park or vice versa. If you were a resident for only part of 2020, withholding Highland Park tax from your 2021 wages. residence) during the year from one inside Highland Park to one outside to make estimated income tax payments if you work for an employer not a person who changed their domicile (primary Part-Year Resident You will be required withhold Highland Park tax from your paycheck. were a nonresident the entire year. to file a tax return and pay tax even if your employer did not outside the City of Highland Park all year. File as a nonresident if you You are required more information on your allowable exemption total. a person whose domicile (principle residence) was Nonresident even if you did not file a federal tax return. See Exemptions schedule for the entire year. personal and dependency exemptions, you must file a tax return City of Highland Park all year. File as a resident if you were a resident If you had Highland Park taxable income greater than the total of your a person whose domicile (principle residence) was in the Resident WHO MUST FILE A RETURN 2020 HIGHLAND PARK FORM HP-1040 INSTRUCTIONS FOR RESIDENTS, NONRESIDENTS AND PART-YEAR RESIDENTS |
W94585-NUT01 1/13/15 1:43 PM Page 3 2020 HIGHLAND PARK FORM HP-1040 INSTRUCTIONS FOR RESIDENTS, NONRESIDENTS AND PART-YEAR RESIDENTS Line 24 Total Payments and Credits Line 3 Employee Business Expenses Enter the line 4 total from the Payments and Credits schedule on page Employee business expenses are deductible only when incurred in the 2. You must file the return even if there is no tax due or overpayment. performance of service for an employer and only to the extent not Line 25 Estimated Tax or Late Payment Interest and Penalty reimbursed by the employer. Meal expenses are not subject to the Nonpayment or underpayment of estimated income tax and late reductions and limitations of the Internal Revenue Code. Under the payment of tax is subject to penalty and interest. You may calculate the Highland Park Income Tax Ordinance meals must be incurred while amounts and enter penalty on line 25a, interest on 25b, and the total away from home overnight on business. interest and penalty on line 25c or the city may calculate and assess it. BUSINESS EXPENSES ARE LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: Calculate estimated tax interest and penalty using Form 1040ES. A. Expenses of transportation, but not to and from work. TAX DUE OR REFUND B. Expenses of travel, meals and lodging while away from home overnight on business for an employer. Line 26 Tax Due and Payment of Tax C. Expenses incurred as an outside salesperson away from the If the tax on line 23b plus the interest and penalty on line 25c exceeds employer's place of business. This does not include driver- the total Payments and Credits on line 24, enter the difference, the tax salesperson whose primary duty is service and delivery. due, on line 26. The tax due must be paid with the return when filed. D. Expenses reimbursed by employer from an expense account or The due date for the return is April 30, 2021. other arrangement if included in gross earnings. Pay by Check or Money Order. Make the check or money order NOTE: Business expenses claimed on line 4 of fed. Form 2106 are payable to the CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK, place the check or money not allowed unless taxpayer qualifies as an outside salesperson. order in front of page 1 of the tax form and mail the return with the Attach a copy of Form HP-2106, federal Form 2106 or a list of your payment to: Highland Park Income Tax, P.O. Box 239, Eaton Rapids, employee business expenses. MI 48827-0239. Do not send cash for your tax payment. The tax is due at the time of filing the return. Line 4 Moving Expenses Line 27 Overpayment Moving expenses for moving into the Highland Park area are deductible If the total payments and credits on line 24 exceed the tax on line 23 to the same extent deductible under the Internal Revenue Code. Moving plus the interest and penalty on line 25c, enter the difference, the must be related to starting work in a new location. Attach a copy of overpayment, on line 27. Use lines 28 through 31 to indicate what you federal Form 3903 or a list of moving expenses, with the distance want done with the refund. You must file the return even if there is no in miles from where you moved. tax due, no overpayment or only a slight overpayment. Line 5 Alimony Paid Separate maintenance payments, alimony, and principal sums payable Line 29 Credit Forward in installments (to the extent includable in the spouse's or former Enter on line 29 the amount of overpayment to credit to the next year. spouses adjusted gross income under the federal Internal Revenue Line 30 Refund Code) and deducted on the federal return are deductible. Child support Enter on Line 30 the amount of the overpayment to be refunded. Your is not deductible. Attach first 2 pages of federal return. refund will be issued as a paper check. NOTE: The above deductions are limited to the amount claimed on Please allow 45 DAYS before calling about a refund. your federal return, except meals. The deductions are limited by FORM HP-1040, PAGE 2 INSTRUCTIONS the extent they apply to income taxable under the Highland Park Income Tax Ordinance. Part-year residents must allocate EXEMPTIONS SCHEDULE deductions the same way they allocate income. Complete the Exceptions schedule to report and claim the total Line 6 Renaissance Zone exemptions amount allowed. Everyone who files a Highland Park return The Renaissance Zone deduction may be claimed by: a qualified gets a personal exemption of $600 for 2020. You may claim an resident domiciled in a Renaissance Zone; an individual with income exemption even if someone else claims you as a dependent on from rental real estate located in a Renaissance Zone; and an individual their return. proprietor or a partner in a partnership that has business activity within a Lines 1a - 1c You and Spouse. Enter your date of birth and mark (X) Renaissance Zone. Individuals who qualify for the deduction must the exemption boxes that apply to you. If filing jointly, complete line 1b attach Schedule RZ of HP-1040 to their return to claim the deduction. for spouse. If you are age sixty-five or older or you are blind, you get an Residents are not qualified to claim the deduction until they have been additional exemption. Mark (X) the boxes that apply, and enter on line domiciled in a Renaissance Zone for 183 consecutive days. Individuals 1e the total number of exemption boxes marked. are not qualified to claim the Renaissance Zone deduction if they are Lines 1d Dependents. Determine dependents using the same rules delinquent for any Michigan or Highland Park taxes. A Highland Park as on the federal return. If you cannot claim a dependent on the federal income tax return must be filed to qualify and claim this deduction. return, you cannot claim them on a Highland Park return. Enter the Line 7 Total Deductions names of your dependent children that live with you, then the names of Add lines 1 through 6. Enter the total on line 7 and on page 1, line 19. other dependents and their relationship to you. Provide dependents Social Security numbers and dates of birth. Enter totals on 1f and 1g. PAYMENTS AND CREDITS SCHEDULE Lines 1e - 1h Total Exemptions. Add the amounts on 1e, 1f and 1g, Line 1 Highland Park Tax Withheld by Employers and enter the total exemptions on line 1h and on page 1, line 21a. The city tax withheld by each of your employers is to be reported on Lines 7 through 10 of the Wages, Excludible Wages and City Tax EXCLUDED WAGES SCHEDULE Withheld schedule. Total Highland Park tax withheld, line 17 of this If any wages reported on page 1, line 1, column A, are not taxable, the schedule, is reported on Form HP-1040, page 2. Payments and Credit Excluded Wages schedule must be completed. The data to complete schedule, line 1. The Form W-2 (Wages and Tax Statement) you this schedule comes from the Wages, Excludible Wages and City Tax received from each of your employers shows the tax withheld in box 19 Withheld schedule. and the locality name in box 20. DEDUCTIONS SCHEDULE You must attach a copy of W-2 form(s) showing the entire amount You may deduct amounts that directly relate to income that is taxable by of HIGHLAND PARK tax withheld and Highland Park (or an Highland Park, prorating where necessary. Allowable deductions abbreviated form of Highland Park) as the locality name. We will not include the following line number items: allow the credit for Highland Park tax withheld without W-2 Forms. Line 1 Individual Retirement Account (IRA) Contributions Line 2 Tax Payments Other Than Tax Withheld Contributions to an IRA are deductible to the same extent deductible On line 2, enter the total of the following: estimated tax paid, tax paid under the Internal Revenue Code. Attach first 2 pages of federal return with an extension, tax paid paid by a partnership and credit forward from and evidence of contribution, which includes, but is not limited to, one past tax year. of the following: a copy of receipt for IRA contribution, a copy of federal Line 3 Tax Credit for Tax Paid (Residents only) Form 5498, a copy of a cancelled check that clearly indicates it is for an Enter on line 3 the credit for income taxes paid to the other city. If you IRA contribution. ROTH IRA contributions are not deductible. had income subject to tax in another city while you were a resident of Line 2 Self-Employed SEP, SIMPLE and Qualified Plans Highland Park, you may credit this credit. The credit is 1% Self-employed SEP, SIMPLE and qualified retirement plan deductions of the taxable income. This credit must be based on income may be entered on page 2, Deductions schedule, line 2. taxable by both cities, and the credit may not exceed the tax that a nonresident of Highland Park would pay on the same income earned in Highland Park. You must attach a copy of the income tax return filed with the other city to receive this credit. Page 3 of 6 |
W94585-NUT01 1/13/15 1:43 PM Page 4 Page 4 of 6 ode regarding capital gains. All capital gains realized while a resident C The Uniform City Income Tax Ordinance follows the Internal Revenue esident (Form 1099-R, box 7, Distribution Code, G) unless the r Line 7 Capital Gain or (Loss) The conversion of a traditional IRA to a ROTH IRA is taxable to a educted on a Highland Park return. d document excluded IRA distributions. Federal rules concerning passive losses are applicable to losses C. xclusions and Adjustments to IRA Distributions schedule is used to E Attach a complete copy of federal Schedule from the federal return. (2)(A)(iv) of the IRC and all other excludible IRA distributions. The s located. Report on line 6, columns A and C, the total business income i IRA distributions received after age 59½ or described by Section 72(t) ll self-employment income is taxable regardless of where the business A Exclude in column B, IRA distributions qualifying as retirement benefits: Line 6 Business Income taxable.distribution code 4) are mount of alimony received as reported on the federal return. a eneficiary other than the decedents spouse (Form 1099-R, box 7, b Alimony received is taxable. Report on line 5, columns A and C, the istribution code 1) and IRA distributions made to a decedents d Line 5 Alimony Received or Form 1040A. Premature IRA distributions (Form 1099-R, box 7, NOT TAXABLE. Exclude all. No explanation needed. In column A enter the IRA distributions reported on federal Form 1040 Line 4 Taxable Refunds, Credits or Offsets Line 9 IRA Distributions excluded dividends on the Excludible Dividend Income schedule. losses reported on your federal income tax return. nd tax option corporations (S corporations, etc.). Document the a schedule to compute exclusions and adjustments to other gains and excludible dividends from U.S. Bonds, Treasury Bills, Treasury notes se the Exclusions and Adjustments to Other Gains or (Losses) U dividend income from the federal return. Report on line 3, column B, federal Form 4797. Dividends are taxable. Report on line 3, column A, the total amount of must attach a copy of Residents reporting other gains and losses ine 3 Dividends L on the Excludible Interest Income schedule. Form 6252 and/or Form 8824. Excludible Interest Income schedule. Document the excluded interest must be supported by attaching a copy Deferred of federalgains Treasury Bills and notes; document this excluded interest on the taxable in the year recognized on the federal income tax return. 2, column A. Report on line 2, column B, interest from U.S. Bonds and Deferred other gains from installment sales and like-kind exchanges are Report the amount of taxable interest income from federal 1040, on line Highland Park Income Tax Ordinance. the gain or loss on property purchased prior to the inception of the Etc.). . axable regardless of where the property is located, except the portion of t through interest income from a tax option corporation (S corporation, the federal 1040. Other gains and losses realized while a resident are interest from U.S. Bonds, Treasury Bills, Treasury notes and flow Other gains or losses are taxable to the extent that they are taxable on Interest is taxable to the same extent on the federal return except for Line 8 Other Gains or (Losses) ine 2 Interest L military pay. the Exclusions and Adjustments to Capital Gains or (Losses) schedule. excludible. An example of excludible (nontaxable) resident wages is Excluded capital gains must be explained by completing and attaching schedule on Form 1040, page 2. A residents wages are generally not federal Schedule D. listed by employer on the Excluded Wages andTax Withheld schedule must attach a copy of Residents reporting capital gains or losses wages must be documented on the Wages, Excludible Wages, and City Attach copies of federal Sch. K-1 (Form 1120S). All nontaxable Report on line 1, column B, the total excluded wages. S-Corp cannot be transferred to HP-1040. .you employer does not withhold Highland Park tax for you in 2021 is income. Losses on an D or form 4797 Sch reported on federal You will also be required to make estimated tax payments if tax rate. corporation)Flow through income from a tax option corporation (S you are still required to file and pay tax on those wages at the resident federal income tax return. If your employer did not withhold Highland Park tax from your paycheck, exchanges are taxable in the same year reported on the taxpayers York City: 100% of this compensation is taxable. Deferred capital gain income from installment sales and like-kind Highland Park and receives a paycheck from the home office in New federal income tax purposes. Example: Taxpayer lives in the City of Highland Park but works in carryover for Highland Park may be different than the carryover for no matter where earned.compensation for services rendered capital losses may be carried over to future tax years. The capital loss separation, and incentive payments, tips, commissions and other the Internal Revenue Code and limited to $3,000 per year. Unused net earnings, including salary, bonus, ALL A resident is taxed on Capital losses are allowed to the same extent they are allowed under 1040EZ. a resident of Highland Park are not deductible. reported on your federal tax return, Form 1040, Form 1040A or Form 3. Capital loss carryovers that originated prior to the taxpayer becoming reported on Form HP-1040, page 1, line 1, column A, and the wages attributed to the time before inception ordinance. total wages from line 15 of this schedule should equal the wages the inception of the Highland Park income tax ordinance that is schedule to report all wages, excludible wages and tax withheld. The 2. The portion of the capital gain or loss on property purchased prior to Complete the Wages, Excludible Wages and City Tax Withheld subordinate units of government. Park tax withheld must be attached to page 1 of the return. 1. Capital gains on sales of obligations of the United States and resident tax returns. All W-2 forms showing wages and Highland following exceptions: of the federal tax return must be attached to all The first 2 pages are taxable regardless of where the property is located, with the Line 1 Wages, Salaries, Tips, Etc. RESIDENT INSTRUCTIONS of move in/move out to support adjusted income. income. Adjustments and deductions must be allocated in the same . You must attach copies of proof mailed to you call (313) 603-3118 Income is allocated according to the residency status for each item of To have a form Highland Park website: www.highlandparkmi.gov. Complete the form using the instructions on the Schedule TC. Schedule TC and other Highland Park tax forms are available on the the amount of their tax on Schedule TC, which has multiple tax rates. residents as a guide to allocate income. year, you must file as a part-year resident. Part-year residents compute way income is allocated. Use the instructions for residents and non- as a nonresident during the If you had income taxable as a resident and PART-YEAR RESIDENT INSTRUCTIONS and enter the beginning and ending dates of residence at each. must sign it and provide their address and telephone number. whether the address was for the taxpayer (T), spouse (S) or both (B) must sign and date the return. If someone else prepared the return, they other principal residences (domiciles) occupied during 2020. Mark You must sign and date the return. If filing a joint return, both spouses none was filed. Complete the schedule by listing the addresses of the SIGN THE RETURN on page 1, write Same. If no 2019 return was filed provide reason number (PIN). To designate the tax preparer, enter Preparer. address used on last years return. If this address is the same as listed name, phone number and any five digits as their personal identification Every taxpayer must complete the Address schedule. Start by listing the Income Tax Department, mark (X) the Yes box and enter the persons ADDRESS SCHEDULE To allow another person to discuss the tax return information with the Add lines 1 through 3. Enter the total on line 4 and on page 1, line 24. THIRD-PARTY DESIGNEE Line 4 Total Payments and Credits 2020 HIGHLAND PARK FORM HP-1040 INSTRUCTIONS FOR RESIDENTS, NONRESIDENTS AND PART-YEAR RESIDENTS |
W94585-NUT01 1/13/15 1:43 PM Page 5W94585-NUT01 1/13/15 1:43 PM Page 5 2020 20 HIGHLANDHIGHLANDPARKPARKFORMFORMHP-1040HP-1040INSTRUCTIONSINSTRUCTIONSFORFORRESIDENTS,RESIDENTS,NONRESIDENTSNONRESIDENTSANDANDPART-YEARPART-YEARRESIDENTSRESIDENTS20 individualindividualmakingmakingthetheconversionconversionisis5959½½yearsyearsoldoldororolderolderatatthethetimetime (SLLcorporation,ine ine 11 11 etc.) flowRental Rental through incomeReal Real or lossEstate, Estate, reportedRoyalties, Royalties, on Schedule E. S S Corporations, Corporations, Partner-Partner- ofofthetheconversionconversiondistribution.distribution. Lineships,ships,12 –Royalties,Royalties,DistributionsEstates,Estates,from SubchapterTrust,Trust,Etc.Etc.S corporations. Line 10 Taxable Pension Distributions Line 10 Taxable Pension Distributions AAll income reported on Schedule E is taxable except for tax option ll income reported on Schedule E is taxable except for tax option EnterEnterononlineline10,10,columncolumnA,A,pensionpensionandandannuitiesannuitiesreportedreportedononfederalfederal Entercorporation corporation on line 12((cashSScorporationcorporationor property,,etc. etc. distributions))flowflowfromthroughthroughS corporations incomeincomefromororlosslossreportedreported FormForm10401040ororFormForm1040A.1040A.ExcludedExcludedpensionpensionandandretirementretirementbenefitsbenefits lineononScheduleSchedule16, code D ofE.E.Federal Schedule K-1. The Hamtramck City Income Tax are reported on line 10, column B and explained on the Exclusions and are reported on line 10, column B and explained on the Exclusions and Ordinance does not recognize Subchapter S status. Distributions from an S AdjustmentsAdjustmentstotoPensionPensionDistributionsDistributionsschedule.schedule. corporationLLineine1212areTaxTaxtaxableOptionOptionas if paidCorporationCorporationby a regular corporationDistributionsDistributionsas dividends.(S(SIfcorporation)corporation)you PensionPensionandandretirementretirementbenefitsbenefitsfromfromthethefollowingfollowingarearenotnot taxable: taxable: areDistributions Distributions a shareholderreceived received in a corporationby by thata a hasresident resident elected to filefrom from undera a Subchaptertax tax Soption option corporationscorporations 1. Pension plans that define eligibility for retirement and set contribution 1. Pension plans that define eligibility for retirement and set contribution of the Internal Revenue Code, you are not required to report any distributed Accumulated Adjustments Account, Other Adjustments Account and/or Accumulated Adjustments Account, Other Adjustments Account and/or andandbenefitbenefitamountsamountsininadvance;advance; incomethe the Shareholders Shareholders from Federal ScheduleUndistributed Undistributed K-1 lines 1 through 11,Taxable Taxable nor mayIncome Income deduct yourPreviously Previously TaxedTaxed 2. Qualified retirement plans for the self-employed; 2. Qualified retirement plans for the self-employed; share of any loss or other deductions distributed by the corporation.Account (federal Form 1120S, Schedule M-2, line 7) are income on a Account (federal Form 1120S, Schedule M-2, line 7) are income on a Benefits from any of the previous plans received on account of Benefits from any of the previous plans received on account of Line 13 – Farm Income or (Loss)Highland Park return and are to be reported on this line. These Highland Park return and are to be reported on this line. These disability disability or or as as a a surviving surviving spousespouseififthethedecedentdecedentqualifiedqualifiedforforthethe Profitdistributionsdistributionsor loss fromarearethefoundfoundoperationononfederalfederalof aScheduleSchedulefarm is taxableK-1K-1(1120),(1120),as reportedlinelineon20.20.theReportReportfederal exclusionexclusionatatthethetimetimeofofdeath;death; returnthesetheseregardlessdistributionsdistributionsis whereononthethethefarmAdjustments Adjustments is located. Therefor for Subchapter Subchapter are no exclusions.S S CorporationCorporation 3. 3. Distributions Distributions from from a a 401(k) 401(k) or or 403(b)403(b)planplanattributableattributabletotoemployeremployer AttachDistributionsDistributionsa completeschedule.schedule.copyAlsoAlsoof federalattach attach Schedulecopies copies F. of of federal federal Schedule Schedule K-1K-1 contributionscontributionsororattributableattributabletotoemployeeemployeecontributionscontributionstotothetheextentextent Line(Form(Form141120S).1120S).– Unemployment Compensation they result in matching contributions by the employer; they result in matching contributions by the employer; LLine 13 Farm Income or (Loss) ine 13 Farm Income or (Loss) 4. Benefits paid to an individual from a retirement annuity policy that 4. Benefits paid to an individual from a retirement annuity policy that NOT TAXABLE. Exclude all. No explanation needed.Profit or loss from the operation of a farm is taxable as reported on the Profit or loss from the operation of a farm is taxable as reported on the has been annuitized and paid over the life of the individual. has been annuitized and paid over the life of the individual. Line 15 – Social Security Benefitsfederal return regardless of where the farm is located. There are no federal return regardless of where the farm is located. There are no PensionPensionandandretirementretirementbenefitsbenefitsfromfromthethefollowingfollowingareare taxable: taxable: NOTexclusions.exclusions.TAXABLE. ExcludeAttachAttachall. No explanationaacompletecompleteneeded.copycopyofoffederalfederalScheduleScheduleF.F. 1. 1. PrematurePrematurepensionpensionplanplandistributionsdistributions(those(thosereceivedreceivedpriorpriortoto LineLLineine161414– OtherUnemploymentUnemploymentIncome CompensationCompensation qualifyingqualifyingforforretirement);retirement); Other income reported on the resident’s federal return is taxable except for NOTNOTTAXABLE.TAXABLE.ExcludeExcludeall.all.NoNoexplanationexplanationneeded.needed. 2. Amounts received from deferred compensation plans that let the 2. Amountsemployeereceivedset the amountfrom deferredto be putcompensationaside and doplansnot setthatretirementlet the incomeLLineine1515fromrecoveriesSocialSocialrelatedSecuritySecurityto federalBenefitsBenefitsitemized deductions from prior tax employeeage or requirementsset the amountfor yearsto beofputservice. aside andThese do notplans setinclude, retirementbut years.NOTNOTTAXABLE.IncludeTAXABLE.incomeExcludeExcludenot previouslyall.all.NoNodiscussed.explanationexplanationThis includesneeded.needed.partnerships, age or requirements for years of service. These plans include, but estates,Linetrusts,16alimony Otherreceived,Incomedistributions from profit sharing plans, are not limited to, plans under IRC Sections 401(k), 457 and 403(b): are not limited to, plans under IRC Sections 401(k), 457 and 403(b): Line 16 Other Income AmountsAmountsreceivedreceivedbeforebeforethetherecipientrecipientcouldcouldretireretireunderunderthetheplanplan premature distributions from IRA’s capital gains, winnings from State Lottery, OtherOtherincomeincomereportedreportedononthetheresidentsresidentsfederalfederalreturnreturnisistaxabletaxableexceptexcept provisions, provisions, including including amounts amounts paid paid ononseparation,separation,withdrawalwithdrawaloror gamblingforforincomeincomewinningsfromfromfromrecoveriesrecoveriescasinos, racetracks,relatedrelatedtotoorfederalfederalnon-charitableitemizeditemizedlotteriesdeductionsdeductionsor fromfrom discontinuancediscontinuanceofofthetheplan;plan; bingopriorpriorhalls,taxtaxyears.oryears.fromReportReportany otherononthisthissource.”linelineReportaanetnetonoperatingoperatingthis line a netlosslossoperatingcarryovercarryoverlossfromfrom Amounts Amounts receivedreceivedasasearlyearlyretirementretirementincentives,incentives,unlessunlessthethe carryoverthethepreviouspreviousfromtaxtaxtheyear.year.previousReportReporttax year.exclusionsexclusionsReport exclusionsandandadjustmentsadjustmentsand adjustmentsononp.p.2,2,usingusing incentivesincentiveswerewerepaidpaidfromfromaapensionpensiontrust;trust; onthethep.ExclusionsExclusions2, using the ExclusionsandandAdjustmentsAdjustmentsand AdjustmentstototoOtherOtherOtherIncomeIncomeIncomeschedule.schedule.”schedule. 3. Benefits paid from a retirement annuity policy other than annuitized 3. Benefits paid from a retirement annuity policy other than annuitized Line 17 – Total AdditionsLine 17 Total Additions Line 17 Total Additions benefitsbenefitspaidpaidoveroverthethelifelifeofofthetheindividualindividualarearetaxabletaxabletotothethesamesame AddAddAddlineslineslines2 through22throughthrough16 of each16.16. ofofcolumneacheachandcolumncolumnenterandandamountsenterenteronamountsamountsline 17. ononlineline17.17. extent taxable under the Internal Revenue Code. Line 18 – Total IncomeLine 18 Total Income Report taxable pension and retirement income on line 10, column C. Add lines 1 through 16 of each column and enter amounts on line 18. ReportLineextent11 taxable– taxableRentalpensionunderRealtheandEstate,InternalretirementRoyalties,RevenueincomeSCode.Corporations,on line 10, columnPartnerships,C. AddLineAddlineslines181 through1throughTotal16 of each16Incomecolumnof eachandcolumnenterandamountsenteronamountsline 18. on line 18. Royalties, Estates, Trust, etc. Line 19 – DeductionsLine 19 Deductions Line 19 Deductions All Income reported on Schedule E is taxable except for tax option corporation Enter amount from Deductions schedule, page 2, line 7.Enter amount from Deductions schedule, page 2, line 7. Enter amount from Deductions schedule, page 2, line 7. NONRESIDENTNONRESIDENTINSTRUCTIONSINSTRUCTIONS NONRESIDENT INCOME SUBJECT TO TAX:NONRESIDENT INCOME SUBJECT TO TAX: for each employer. Wages are normally allocated using the actual for each employer. Wages are normally allocated using the actual 1.1.CompensationCompensation for for workworkdone done ororservicesservicesperformedperformedininHighlandHighlandPark,Park, numbernumberofofdaysdaysororhourshoursworkedworkedininandandoutsideoutsideofofHighlandHighlandParkParkduringduring which includes, but is not limited to, the following: salaries, wages, which includes, but is not limited to, the following: salaries, wages, the tax year for an employer. Vacation time, sick time and holidays are the tax year for an employer. Vacation time, sick time and holidays are bonuses, commissions, fees, tips, incentive payments, severance bonuses, commissions, fees, tips, incentive payments, severance not included in total days worked in arriving at the wage allocation not included in total days worked in arriving at the wage allocation pay, vacation pay and sick pay. pay, vacation pay and sick pay. percentage. Vacation pay, holiday pay, sick pay, bonuses, severance percentage. Vacation pay, holiday pay, sick pay, bonuses, severance 2. Net profits from the operation of an unincorporated business, 2. Net profits from the operation of an unincorporated business, pay, etc. are taxable to same extent as normal earnings. pay, etc. are taxable to same extent as normal earnings. profession or other activity attributable to business activity conducted profession or other activity attributable to business activity conducted 100% Earned in Highland Park. 100% Earned in Highland Park. All wages, salaries, tips, sick pay, All wages, salaries, tips, sick pay, in Highland Park, whether or not such business is located in in Highland Park, whether or not such business is located in bonuses, deferred compensation, severance pay, and other bonuses, deferred compensation, severance pay, and other Highland Park. This includes business interest income from business Highland Park. This includes business interest income from business compensation (Form W-2, boxes 1 and 8) is taxable to nonresidents compensation (Form W-2, boxes 1 and 8) is taxable to nonresidents activity in Highland Park. activity in Highland Park. who worked 100% of the time in Highland Park. who worked 100% of the time in Highland Park. 3. Gains or losses from the sale or exchange of real or tangible 3. Gains personalorpropertylosses fromlocatedthe salein Highlandor exchangePark.of real or tangible Wage Wage Allocation.Allocation. NonresidentsNonresidentswhowhoperformedperformedonlyonlypartpartofoftheirtheir 4 personalNet profitspropertyfrom thelocatedrentalinof Highlandreal or tangible Park. personal property services services for for an an employer employer in in the the HighlandHighlandParkParkmustmustallocateallocatetheirtheir 4 Netlocatedprofitsin Highlandfrom the rentalPark.of real or tangible personal property wages. wages. UseUsethetheNonresidentNonresidentandandPart-YearPart-YearResidentResidentWageWageAllocationAllocation 5. locatedPrematurein HighlanddistributionsPark.from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) section section of of the the Wages,Wages,ExcludibleExcludibleWagesWagesandandCityCityTaxTaxWithheldWithheld 5. Premature distributions from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) where a deduction was claimed on a current or previous years schedule. schedule. where a deduction was claimed on a current or previous years Wage Allocations on Commissions, Etc. A nonresident salesperson Highland Park income tax return. Highland Park income tax return. Wage Allocations on Commissions, Etc. A nonresident salesperson 6. Premature distributions from a pension plan attributable to work 6. Premature distributions from a pension plan attributable to work paid on a commission basis or other results achieved should allocate paid on a commission basis or other results achieved should allocate performed in Highland Park. performed in Highland Park. wages based on commissions received or other results achieved wages based on commissions received or other results achieved 7. Deferred compensation earned in Highland Park.7. Deferred compensation earned in Highland Park. attributable to efforts expended in Highland Park. A nonresident attributable to efforts expended in Highland Park. A nonresident Line 1 Wages, Salaries, Tips, Etc. Line 1 Wages, Salaries, Tips, Etc. insurance salesperson paid sales commissions and renewal insurance salesperson paid sales commissions and renewal All wages of a nonresident are to be reported on the Wages, Excludible All wages of a nonresident are to be reported on the Wages, Excludible commissions should allocate compensation on the following basis: commissions should allocate compensation on the following basis: Wages and City Tax Withheld schedule. The total wages from line 15 of Wages and City Tax Withheld schedule. The total wages from line 15 of Allocate commissions from life, health, accident and vehicle (auto) Allocate commissions from life, health, accident and vehicle (auto) this schedule is the amount reported on Form HP-1040, page 1, line 1, this schedule is the amount reported on Form HP-1040, page 1, line 1, insurance based on the location (residence) of the purchaser. Allocate insurance based on the location (residence) of the purchaser. Allocate column A. The total wages should be the same as the wages reported column A. The total wages should be the same as the wages reported commissions from group insurance based on the location of the group. commissions from group insurance based on the location of the group. on your federal tax return (Form 1040, Form 1040A or Form 1040EZ). on your federal tax return (Form 1040, Form 1040A or Form 1040EZ). Allocate commissions from fire and casualty insurance based on the Allocate commissions from fire and casualty insurance based on the location of the risk insured. location of the risk insured. All W-2 forms showing income earned in Highland Park and/or tax All W-2 forms showing income earned in Highland Park and/or tax Line 2 Interest Line 2 Interest withheld for Highland Park must be attached to the return. withheld for Highland Park must be attached to the return. Non-business interest income of a nonresident is not taxable. Exclude Non-business interest income of a nonresident is not taxable. Exclude Report on page 1, line 1, column B, the total excluded wages from Line Report on page 1, line 1, column B, the total excluded wages from Line all non-business interest income. No explanation needed. all non-business interest income. No explanation needed. 16 of the Wages, Excludible Wages and City Tax Withheld schedule. All 16 of the Wages, Excludible Wages and City Tax Withheld schedule. All Interest income that is business income from business activity in Interest income that is business income from business activity in excluded wages must be documented on the Wages, Excludible Wages excluded wages must be documented on the Wages, Excludible Wages Highland Park is taxable and must be reported. Attach a schedule Highland Park is taxable and must be reported. Attach a schedule and City Tax Withheld schedule and listed, by employer, on the and City Tax Withheld schedule and listed, by employer, on the showing source and computation of taxable and nontaxable interest showing source and computation of taxable and nontaxable interest Excluded Wages schedule on Form HP-1040, page 2. On the Wages, Excluded Wages schedule on Form HP-1040, page 2. On the Wages, income. income. Excludible Wages and City Tax Withheld schedule, lines 13 and 14, Excludible Wages and City Tax Withheld schedule, lines 13 and 14, enter the reason the wages are excludible and the address of the work Line 3 Dividends Line 3 Dividends enterstationthewherereasonyoutheperformedwages aretheexcludiblework for theandemployer.the address of the work NOTNOTTAXABLE.TAXABLE.ExcludeExcludeallalldividenddividendincome.income.NoNoexplanationexplanationneeded.needed. station where you performed the work for the employer. Line 4 Taxable Refunds, Credits or Offsets Do not use box 18 of W-2 form to report taxable wages or to Do not use box 18 of W-2 form to report taxable wages or to Line 4 Taxable Refunds, Credits or Offsets NOT TAXABLE. Exclude all. No explanation needed. allocate wages, use all wages reported on your federal return as allocate wages, use all wages reported on your federal return as NOT TAXABLE. Exclude all. No explanation needed. the allocation basis. the allocation basis. A separate wage allocation must be completed A separate wage allocation must be completed Line 5 Alimony Received Line 5 Alimony Received NOT TAXABLE. Exclude all. No explanation needed. NOT TAXABLE. Exclude all. No explanation needed. Page 5 of 6 Page 5 of 6 |
W94585-NUT01 1/13/15 1:43 PM Page 6 W94585-NUT01 1/13/15 1:43 PM Page 6 Page 6 of 6 Page 6 of 6 pension and retirement benefits. ine 10 under Residents for additional information on nontaxable pension and retirement benefits. L ine incentives, 10 under unless the Residents incentives for were additional paid from ainformation pension trust.on SeeLnontaxable incentives, unless the incentives were paid from a pension trust. See discontinuance of the plan. Amounts received as early retirement discontinuance of the plan. Amounts received as early retirement provisions, including amounts paid on separation, withdrawal or provisions, including amounts paid on separation, withdrawal or Amounts received before the recipient could retire under the plan Amounts received before the recipient could retire under the plan Sections 401(k), 457 and 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC): Sections 401(k), 457 and 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC): service. These plans include, but are not limited to, plans under service. These plans include, but are not limited to, plans under aside and do not set retirement age or requirements for years of aside and do not set retirement age or requirements for years of compensation plans that let the employee set the amount to be put compensation plans that let the employee set the amount to be put Highland Park may not exclude amounts received from deferred Highland Park may not exclude amounts received from deferred A nonresident remaining employed by the particular employer in A nonresident remaining employed by the particular employer in normal wages from the employer are taxable. prior to qualifying for retirement)normalarewagestaxablefromto thethe employersame extent are taxable.the prior to qualifying for retirement) are taxable to the same extent the Premature pension plan distributions (those received by a nonresident Premature pension plan distributions (those received by a nonresident Line 10 Taxable Pension Distributions SectionLine72(t)(2)(A)(iv)10 TaxableofPensionthe IRCDistributionsare not taxable. nonresident. IRA distributionsSectionreceived72(t)(2)(A)(iv)after ageof the59IRC½ oraredescribednot taxable.by nonresident. IRA distributions received after age 59 ½ or described by (reported on Form 1099-R, box 7, distribution code 1) are taxable to a the Ordinance, the Ordinance prevails. (reportedighland onParks Form 1099-R,taxable box 7,income distributionin codethe 1) arecurrent taxableor to aa H prior tax year Tax Ordinance. If any discrepancy exists between the instructions and ighland That portionParks of a prematuretaxable IRAincome distributionin that the was current deducted or froma H prior tax year These instructions are an interpretation of the Highland Park Income That portion of a premature IRA distribution that was deducted from Line 9 IRA Distributions Notice also enter this total onLinepage9 IRA1,Distributionsline 8, column B. schedule (page 2 instructions) for a list of allowable deductions. line 4 of the schedule enteralsotheentertotalthisexcludedtotal onotherpagegains1, lineor8,lossescolumnandB. other gains and losses reported on the federal income tax return. On deductionsschedulethe same(pageway2relatedinstructions)incomeforisaallocated.list of allowableSee Deductionsdeductions. lineGains4 ofandtheLossesschedulescheduleenter thetototalcomputeexcludedexclusionsother gainsand adjustmentsor losses andto deductionsthe HighlandtheParksameIncomeway relatedTax Ordinance.income isNonresidentsallocated. SeemustDeductionsallocate otherUse thegainsExclusionsand lossesandreportedAdjustments on theto federal Otherincome federal tax Form return. 4797.On thedeductionsHighlandareParklimitedIncomeby theTaxextentOrdinance.they relateNonresidentsto incomemusttaxableallocateunder Gainsmust attachand Lossesa copy of scheduleNonresidentsto computereportingexclusionsotherandgainsadjustmentsand lossesto deductionsnter amountarefromlimitedDeductionsby the extentschedule,they relatepageto income2, linetaxable7. A nonresidentsunder E Use the Exclusions and Adjustments to Other federal Form 4797. nter amount from Deductions schedule, page Line2,19 Totalline 7.DeductionsA nonresidentsE must attach a copy ofAttach copiesNonresidentsof federal SchedulereportingK-1other(Formgains1120S).and losses Line 19 Total Deductions Exclusions and AttachAdjustments copies of federalto OtherScheduleGainsK-1and(Form(Losses)1120S).schedule. Add lines 1 through 16 of each column and enter amounts on line 18. Exclusions is excluded and on theAdjustments reportedtoonOtherfederal GainsForm and4797(Losses)or Schedule schedule.B Add lines 1 through 16 of each column and enterLineamounts18 TotalonIncomeline 18. is Flow excluded through onincomethe reportedfrom a ontaxfederal option corporation Form 4797 or(S Schedule corporation)B Add lines 2 through 16 of each column and enterLineamounts18 TotalonIncomeline 17. Flow through income from a tax option corporation (S and/orcorporation)Form 8824. Add lines 2 through 16 of each column andLineenter17amounts Total Additionson line 17. other gains must be supported by attaching a copy ofand/orfederalFormForm8824.6252 fromLinethe17 TotalpreviousAdditionstax year. otheryear recognizedgains mustonbethesupportedtaxpayersby attachingfederala copyincomeoftaxfederalreturn.FormDeferred6252 Report on this line a Highland Park-related netfromoperatingthe previousloss carryovertax year. yearkindrecognizedexchangesonofthepropertytaxpayerslocatedfederalin HighlandincomeParktaxare taxablereturn.inDeferredthe Report on this line a Highland Park-related net operating loss carryover Other Income schedule to document exclusions and adjustments. kind exchanges of property located in Highland Park are taxable in the Park. Deferred other gains and losses from installment sales and like- Other Income schedule to document exclusions and adjustments. conducted in Highland Park. Use the Exclusions and Adjustments to Park. Deferred other gains and losses from installment sales and like-to the extent the gains or losses are from property located in Highland conducted in Highland Park. Use the Exclusions and Adjustments to Other income is taxable if it is from work performed or other activities to the extent the gains or losses are from property located in Highland A nonresidents other gains and losses are included in taxable income Other income is taxable if it is from work performed or other activities Line 16 Other Income A nonresidents other gains and losses are included in taxable income Line 8 Other Gains or (Losses) NOT TAXABLE. Exclude all.LineNo explanation16 Other Incomeneeded. carryover reported on the taxpayersLine 8 OtherfederalGains orincome(Losses)tax return. NOT TAXABLE. ExcludeLine 15 Socialall. NoSecurityexplanationBenefitsneeded. the ExclusionscarryoverandreportedAdjustmentson thescheduletaxpayersto excludefederaltheincomecapitaltaxloss return. NOT TAXABLE.LineExclude15 Socialall. NoSecurityexplanationBenefitsneeded. the A commonExclusionserrorandonAdjustmentsa nonresidentschedulereturn istofailureexcludeto completethe capital lossNOTE: NOT TAXABLE.Line 14Exclude Unemploymentall. No explanationCompensationneeded. Aschedulecommontoerrorcomputeon aexclusions nonresidentandreturnadjustmentsis failure totocompletecapital gains.NOTE: subjectsLinethe14 Unemploymentfarm to HighlandCompensationPark income tax. scheduleUse the toExclusions compute exclusions and Adjustments and adjustmentsto CapitaltoGainscapital or (Losses)gains. produce stand located insubjectsthe city istheHighlandfarm toParkHighlandbusinessParkactivityincomeandtax. Use the Exclusions and Adjustments to Capital Gains or (Losses) 1120S). produceSales ofstandcropslocatedat thein theproducecity ismarket,Highland Parkany ofbusinessthe farmersactivitymarketsand or aAttach copies of federal Schedule K-1 (Form (Losses) schedule 1120S). Sales of crops atExclusionsthe produceand Adjustmentsmarket, anytoofFarmtheIncomefarmersschedule.markets or aAttach excludedcopies onof federal the ExclusionsSchedule K-1 and(FormAdjustments to Capital (Losses)Gains scheduleor Highland Park, Exclusionsthe entire farm and Adjustmentsprofit or losstoisFarmexcluded,Incomeusingschedule.the excludedcorporation, on theetc.) Exclusionsreported and Adjustmentson a nonresidents to Capital Gains federal or Schedule D is Highland Park, the entire farm profit or loss is excluded, using the is done, services rendered or other business activity is conducted in corporation, etc.) reported on a nonresidents federal Schedule D is Flow through income or loss from a tax option corporation (S isofdone,the threeservicesfactor renderedFarm Allocationor other Percentagebusiness activity formula.is Whereconducted no workin Flow through income recognizedor lossonfromtheataxpayerstax option corporationfederal income(S tax return. ofthetheprofitthreeorfactorloss reportedFarm Allocationon HighlandPercentagePark returnformula.is determinedWhere nobyworkuse exchange of propertyrecognizedlocatedonintheHighlandtaxpayersPark arefederaltaxableincomein thetaxyearreturn. the profit or loss reported on Highland Park return is determined by use rendered or other activities conducted in Highland Park. The portion of exchange of property located in Highland Park are taxable in the year Deferred capital gain income from installment sales and like-kind rendered or other activities conducted in Highland Park. The portion of income to the extent the profit or loss results from work done, services Deferred capital gain income from installment sales and like-kind carryover for federal income tax purposes. incomeA nonresidentsto the extentprofittheorprofitlossor lossfromresultsa farmfromareworkincludeddone,inservicesHighland Parkcapital loss carryover for Highland carryoverParkfor federalmay beincomedifferenttaxthanpurposes.the A nonresidents profit or loss from a farm are included in Highland Park Line 13 Farm Income or (Loss) capital loss carryover for Highland Park may be different than the Unused capital losses may be carried over to future tax years. The other deductionsLinedistributed13 Farmtransferredby theIncomecorporation.”or (Loss)to HP-1040. Unusedto the samecapitalextentlossestheymayarebeallowedcarriedunderover theto future Internaltax Revenueyears. Code.The reportbusinessanyisdistributedlocatedincomein Highlandnor mayPark.you deductLossesyouronshareantransferredS-Corpof any losscannottoorHP-1040.be toPark.the sameCapitalextentlossestheyfromarepropertyallowedlocatedunder thein HighlandInternal RevenuePark are allowedCode. businessunderCorporationSubchapteris locatedDistributions S of theinInternalHighlandareRevenuetaxablePark.Code,Lossesif youtheareonnotSanSubchapterrequiredS-Corpto cannotLine be12 Park.to theCapitalextentlossesthe gainsfromorpropertylosses arelocatedfrom propertyin HighlandlocatedParkinareHighlandallowed IfCorporationyouexclusionsare a shareholderDistributions and adjustments;in a corporationare taxableenterthatif alsothehasonelectedSpageSubchapter1,tolinefile11,Line columnLine12 12 C.– toCapitalthe extentgainstheorgainslossesoroflossesa nonresidentare fromarepropertyincludedlocatedin taxablein Highlandincome Trusts,exclusionsEtc. schedule.and adjustments;On line 6 enterof thisalsoscheduleon pageenter1, linethe 11,totalcolumn C. Capital gains or losses of a nonresidentLineare7 includedCapitalinGainstaxableor (Losses)income Trusts,from RentalEtc. schedule.Real Estate,OnRoyalties, line 6 of thisPartnerships, schedule enterS Corporations,the total is reported on page 1, line 16, columnLine 7C. CapitalSee instructionsGains or (Losses)for line 16. fromExplainRentalall exclusionsReal Estate,onRoyalties, the Exclusions Partnerships, and Adjustments S Corporations,to Income A Highlandis reportedParkonnetpageoperating1, line 16,losscolumncarryoverC. Seefrominstructionsthe previousfortaxlineyear16. Explain all exclusions on the Exclusions and Adjustments to Income reported on Schedule E; and income from estates and trusts. A Highland Park net operating loss carryover from the previous tax year schedule to exclude profit or loss from the operation of a business. option corporationreported(Soncorporation, Schedule E;etc.)andflow incomethrough from estatesincome andor trusts.loss Complete schedulethe toExclusions exclude profitand orAdjustmentsloss from thetooperationBusinessofIncomea business. option corporation (S corporation, etc.) flow through income or loss income from business activity or property outside Highland Park; tax Complete the Exclusions and Adjustments to Business Income conducted in Highland Park, the profit or loss is entirely excluded. income from business activity or property outside Highland Park; tax The following income reported on federal Schedule E is excludable: conducted in Highland Park, the profit or loss is entirely excluded. Where no work is done, services rendered or other business activity is The following income reported on federal Schedule E is excludable: distributions to nonresidents and on undistributed taxable income. Where no work is done, services rendered or other business activity is formula. in HighlanddistributionsPark, theto nonresidentsestate or trustandmustonfileundistributeda return andtaxablepay taxincome.on profit or loss is determined using the three factor Business Allocationformula. in Highland Park, the estate or trust must file a return and pay tax on is taxable to nonresidents. When an estate or trust has taxable income profit or loss is determined using the three factor Business Allocation business operates both in and outside of Highland Park, the taxable is taxable to nonresidents. When an estate or trust has taxable income business activity in Highland Park or property located in Highland Park business operates both in and outside of Highland Park, the taxable line 5 of this schedule is also entered on page 1, line 6, column B. If a business activity in Highland Park or property located in Highland Park All income reported on the federal Schedule E that comes from line 5 of this schedule is also entered on page 1, line 6, column B. If a to exclude business income. The total excluded business income from All income reported on the federal Schedule E that comes from Estates, Trusts, Etc. to exclude business income. The total excluded business income from The Exclusions and Adjustments to Business Income schedule is used orporations,Royalties,, Partnerships, S C stateLineEstates,11 RentalTrusts, Etc.Real E The6,Exclusionscolumn A,andbusinessAdjustmentsincometoreportedBusinesstaxableIncomeonscheduleyour federalis usedreturn. orporations,Royalties,, Partnerships,amountS C stateon pageLine1,11line Rental10, columnReal E B. business6, columnactivitiesA, businessconductedincomein Highlandreported taxablePark. Reporton youronfederalpage 1,return.line pension distributions on the last lineamountof theonschedulepage 1,andlinealso10,entercolumntheB. businessthe extentactivitiesit resultsconductedfrom workindone,HighlandservicesPark.renderedReport onorpageother1, line pension distributions on the last line of the schedule and also enter the Adjustments to Pension Income schedule. Enter the total excluded the extent it results from work done, services rendered or other Profit or loss from the operation of a business or profession is taxable to Adjustments to Pension Income schedule. Enter the total excluded Excludible pension distributions are listed on the Exclusions and Profit or loss from the operation of a business or profession is taxable to Line 6 Profit or (Loss) from a Business, Etc. Excludible pension distributions are listed on the Exclusions and Line 6 Profit or (Loss) from a Business, Etc. , NONRESIDENTS AND PART-YEAR RESIDENTSHIGHLAND PARK FORM HP-1040 INSTRUCTIONS FOR RESIDENTS 2018 , NONRESIDENTS AND PART-YEAR RESIDENTSHIGHLAND PARK FORM HP-1040 INSTRUCTIONS FOR RESIDENTS 2020 |
W94585-NUT01 1/13/15 1:43 PM Page 7 HP-1040 INDIVIDUAL RETURN DUE APRIL 30, 2021HIGHLAND PARK 2020 12MI-HPK120MI-HPK1 Taxpayer's SSN Taxpayer's first name Initial Last name RESIDENCE STATUS Part-year Resident Nonresident resident Spouse's SSN If joint return spouse's first name Initial Last name Part-year resident - dates of residency (mm/dd/yyyy) From Make sure the SSN(s) above and on Present home address (Number and street) Apt. no. To page 2, line 1d are correct. FILING STATUS Address line 2 (P.O. Box address for mailing use only) Single Married filing jointly Check box if you need a tax form mailed to you next year. Married filing separately. Enter spouse's SSN For city use only City, town or post office State Zip code in Spouse's SSN box and Spouse's full name here. Foreign country name Foreign province/county Foreign postal code Spouse's full name if married filing separately ROUND ALL FIGURES TO NEAREST DOLLAR Column A Column B Column C INCOME ($0.50 next dollar) Federal Return Data Exclusions/Adjustments Taxable Income 1. Wages, salaries, tips, etc. (W-2 forms must be attached) 1 .00 .00 .00 ATTACH COPY OF 2. Taxable interest 2 .00 .00 .00 FIRST 2 3. Ordinary dividends 3 .00 .00 .00 PAGES OF FEDERALFEDERAL 4. Taxable refunds, credits or offsets 4 .00 .00 NOT TAXABLE 1040 5. Alimony received 5 .00 .00 .00 RETURN 6. Business income or (loss) (Attach federal Schedule C) 6 .00 .00 .00 7. Capital gain or (loss) (Attach copy of fed. Sch. D) 7a. Mark if federal 7 .00 .00 .00 Sch. D not required 8. Other gains or (losses) (Attach copy of federal Form 4797) 8 .00 .00 .00 9. Taxable IRA distributions 9 .00 .00 .00 10. Taxable pensions and annuities (Attach copy of Form(s) 1099-R) 10 .00 .00 .00 11. Rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts, etc. (Attach federal Schedule E) 11 .00 .00 .00 12. Subchapter S corporation distributions (Attach federal Sch. K-1) 12 NOT APPLICABLE .00 .00 ATTACH 13. Farm income or (loss) (Attach federal Schedule F) 13 .00 .00 .00 W-2 14. Unemployment compensation 14 .00 .00 NOT TAXABLE FORMS 15. Social security benefits 15 .00 .00 NOT TAXABLE HERE 16. Other income (Attach statement listing type and amount) 16 .00 .00 .00 17. Total additions (Add lines 2 through 16) 17 .00 .00 .00 18. Total income (Add lines 1 through 16) 18 .00 .00 .00 19. Total deductions (Subtractions) (Total from page 2, Deductions schedule, line 7) 19 .00 20. Total income after deductions (Subtract line 19 from line 18) 20 .00 21. Exemptions (Enter the total exemptions, from Form HP-1040, page 2, box 1h, in line 21a and multiply this number by $600 and enter on line 21b) 21a 21b .00 22. Total income subject to tax (Subtract line 21b from line 20) 22 .00 (Multiply line 22 by Highland Park resident tax rate of 2% (0.02) or nonresident tax rate of 1% 23. Tax (0.01) and enter tax on line 23b, or if using Schedule TC to compute tax, check box 23a and enter tax from Schedule TC, line 23d) 23a 23b .00 24. Total payments and credits (Total from page 2, Payments and Credits schedule, line 4) 24 .00 Interest and penalty for: failure to make Interest Penalty Total 25. estimated tax payments; underpayment interest & of estimated tax; or late payment of tax 25a .00 25b .00 penalty 25c .00 PAY WITH ENCLOSE Amount you owe (Add lines 23b and 25c, and subtract line 24) CHECK OR TAX DUE 26. MAKE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO: CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK RETURN MONEY >>>>> 26 .00 ORDER OVERPAYMENT 27. Tax overpayment (Subtract lines 23b and 25c from line 24; choose overpayment options on lines 28 - 30) 27 .00 28. Reserved Total 28a 28b 28c donations 28d 29. Amount of overpayment credited forward to 2021 Amount of credit to 2021 >> 29 .00 30. Amount of overpayment refunded (Line 27 less line 29) Refund amount >> 30 .00 31a Not available 31c Reserved 31. Reserved 31b Not available 31d Reserved 31e Reserved MAIL TO: Highland Park Income Tax Dept, P.O.Box239 , Eaton Rapids, MI 48827-0239 Revised: 12/01/2019 |
W94585-NUT01 1/13/15 1:43 PM Page 8 Revised: 12/01/2019 number software SIGNATURE PREPARER'S NACTP FIRM'S NAME (or yours if self-employed), ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE Preparer's phone no. PTIN, EIN or SSN Date (MM/DD/YY) SIGNATURE OF PREPARER OTHER THAN TAXPAYER If deceased, date of death Spouse's occupation Date (MM/DD/YY) SPOUSE'S SIGNATURE ===> HERE If deceased, date of death Daytime phone number Taxpayer's occupation Date (MM/DD/YY) TAXPAYER'S SIGNATURE - If joint return, both spouses must sign SIGN true, correct and complete. If prepared by a person other than taxpayer, the preparer's declaration is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge. Under the penalty of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return and accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is number (PIN) No. name Personal identification Phone Designee's No Yes, complete the following Do you want to allow another person to discuss this return with the Income Tax Office? THIRD PARTY DESIGNEE DAY MONTH DAY MONTH listed on page 1 of this return, print "Same." If no return filed, list reason. Continue listing residence addresses from this year. T, S, B TO FROM ADDRESS (INCLUDE CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE) Start with address used on last year's return. If the address is the same as MARK (Where taxpayer (T), spouse (S) or both (B) resided during year and dates of residency)ADDRESS SCHEDULE .00 4 Total payments and credits (Add lines 1 through 3, enter total here and on page 1, line 24) 4. .00 3 Credit for tax paid to another city (Residents attach a copy of other city's return; not allowed for nonresidents) 3. .00 2 Tax payments other than tax withheld (Estimated income tax payments, extension payment, partnership payments and credit forward) 2. .00 1 Tax withheld by your employer for HIGHLAND PARK (Attach W-2 Forms showing tax withheld for HIGHLAND PARK, Form W-2, box 19) 1. PAYMENTS AND CREDITS SCHEDULE .00 7 Total deductions (Add line 1 through line 6, enter total here and on page 1, line 19) 7. .00 6 Renaissance Zone deduction (Attach Schedule RZ OF 1040) 6. .00 5 Alimony paid (DO NOT INCLUDE CHILD SUPPORT. Attach copy of page 1 of federal return) 5. .00 4 Moving expenses (Into Highland Park area only) (Attach copy of federal Form 3903) 4. .00 3 Employee business expenses (See instructions and attach copy of federal Form 2106) 3. .00 2 Self-employed SEP, SIMPLE and qualified plans (Attach copy of page 1 of federal return) 2. .00 1 IRA deduction (Attach copy of page 1 of federal return & evidence of payment) 1. DEDUCTIONS (See instructions; deductions allocated on same basis as related income) DEDUCTIONS SCHEDULE .00 .00 10 .00 .00 5 .00 .00 9 .00 .00 4 .00 .00 8 .00 .00 3 .00 .00 7 .00 .00 2 .00 .00 6 .00 .00 1 WAGES WAGES WAGES WAGES RESIDENT EXCLUDED NONRESIDENT EXCLUDED EMPLOYER'S ID # NONRESIDENT EXCLUDED RESIDENT EXCLUDED EMPLOYER'S ID # COLUMN C COLUMN B COLUMN A W-2 COLUMN C COLUMN B COLUMN A W-2 (See instructions. Resident wages generally not excludible) EXCLUDED WAGES SCHEDULE line 21a) 8 here and also on page 1, 7 lines 1e, 1f and 1g; enter 1h. Total exemptions (Add 6 5 line 1d 4 dependents listed on 1g. Enter number of other 3 2` on line 1d 1 dependent children listed Enter number of 1f. Date of Birth Relationship Social Security Number Last Name First Name # Check box if you can be claimed as a dependent on another person's tax return List Dependents 1c. 1d. 1a and 1b 1b. Spouse boxes checked on lines 1e. Enter the number of 1a. You SCHEDULE Disabled Deaf Blind 65 or over Regular Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) EXEMPTIONS 12MI-HPK220MI-HPK2 HP-1040, PAGE 2 Taxpayer's SSN Taxpayer's name |