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                               City of Hudson -  2013 Corporation Return

                               FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2013                                                            THIS IS NOT A FEDERAL RETURN
HU- 1120
                               OR OTHER TAXABLE YEAR BEGINNING                              ,          ENDING                                                          ,
TELEPHONE NUMBER                                                                                                                                     WHERE INCORPORATED
                                      NAME                                                  Please Print or Type

PERSON IN CHARGE                                                                                                                                     DATE OF
OF RECORDS                            NUMBER AND STREET                                                                                              INCORPORATION

                                                                                                                                                     NATURE OF BUSINESS
IDENTIFICATION                        CITY OR TOWN                               STATE      POSTAL ZIP CODE

1.  Taxable income from Federal Form 1120 (Attach copy of Federal Form 1120)
2.  Enter gain or loss from sale or exchange of property included in line 1
3.  Result after excluding line 2 from line 1
4.  Enter items not deductible under Hudson Income Tax Ordinance (from p. 2, Schedule E, Col. 1, line 5)
5.  Total -  add lines 3 and 4
6.  Enter items not taxable under Hudson Income Tax Ordinance (from p. 2, Schedule E, Col. 2 line 5)
7.  Total -  line 5 less line 6
8.  Amount in line 2 above (after excluding any capital loss carry- over) applicable to taxable period (see instructions)
9.  Total income -  Add lines 7 and 8
10. Allocation percentage from p. 2, Schedule D, line 5 -  if all business was conducted in Hudson or the
    "separate accounting" method used, enter 100% on line 10 and DO NOT fill in Schedule D on p. 2                                                                                    %
11. Total -  multiply line 9 by % on line 10
12. Less: Applicable portion of net operating loss carry- over and/or capital loss carry- over (see instructions)
13. Total income subject to tax -  line 11 less line 12
14. CITY OF HUDSON TAX -  multiply line 13 by 1%

15. a. Tax paid with tentative return                                                                                                                $
    b. Payments and credits on 2013 Declaration of Estimated Hudson Income Tax
    c. Other Credits -  explain in attached statement
16. Total -  Add lines 15a, b, and c

17. If your tax (line 14) is larger than your payment (line 16) enter BALANCE DUE here                                                               $
    CITY OF HUDSON, Income Tax Division, P.O. Box 231, Hudson, Michigan 49247
18. If line (16) is larger than line (14) enter OVERPAYMENT here                                                                                     $
19. Check here if you wish to receive a refund ·¸
20. Check here if you wish overpayment credited to 2014 estimated tax  ·¸

A.  Name and address of resident agent in Michigan                                                                                                            Do not write in space
B.  Is this a consolidated return? (            ) Yes    (          ) No.  If yes, list names and address of included corporations                            File Subj. to Inv. Items
    in an attached statement showing percent owned of voting stock of each corporation.
C.  List address of Hudson location(s) if different from address used in filing this return                                                                   AUDIT RESULT
D.  Total amount of dividends paid to all stockholders during the taxable period                                                                              Corr. Tax
E.  List names and addresses of officers who are Hudson residents:                                                                                            Agent
I declare th at I h ave examined th is return (including accompanying sch edules and statements) and to th e best of  my know ledge and belief  it is
true, correct and complete.  If  prepared by a person oth er th an taxpayer, h is declaration is based on all inf ormation of  w h ich  he has any know ledge.

    D ate                                      Signature of  Of f icer                                                                               Title

    Date                              Individual or f irm signature of  preparer                                                                     Address            page 1
                                                                                                                                                              F3.00.02 MIHU1121

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BUSINESS ALLOCATION FORMULA -  SCHEDULE D                                                 Located              Located in
                                                                                          everywhere           Hudson                 Percentage
                                                                                          IIIII - .                                        I.
1. Average net book value of real and tangible personal property                   $$
   a. Gross annual rentals of real and tangible personal property multiplied by 8
   b. TOTAL (add lines 1 and 1a)                                                                                                             %
2. Total wages, salaries, commissions and other compensation of all employees                                                                %
3. Gross revenue from sales made or services rendered                                                                                        %
4. Total percentages -  add the three percentages computed for lines 1b, 2 and 3 which you entered in the last
   column (you must compute a percentage for each of lines 1b, 2 and 3)                                                                      %
5. Average percentage (one third of line 4) -  enter here and on Pg. 1, line 10                                              £               %
In determining the average percentage (line 5), a factor shall be excluded from the computation only when such factor does not exist anywhere insofar as
the taxpayer's business operation is concerned and, in such cases, the sum of the percentage shall be divided by the number of factors actually used.

In the case of a taxpayer authorized by the Income Tax Administrator to use one of the special formulas, attach explanation and use the lines provided
   a. Numerator                                                                    b. Denominator
   c. Percentage (a / b)                      enter here and on Pg. 1, line 10.       Date of Income Tax Administrator approval letter


   Schedule E is used to adjust the income reported on Page 1 on Line 1 to give effect to the requirements of the Hudson Income Tax Ordinance.  The
   period of time used to compute items for Schedule E must be the same time period used to report income on Line 1, Schedule E entries are
   allowed only to the extent directly related to net income as shown on Line 1 of Page 1.

   PERIOD: From                                                                    to

COLUMN 1                                                                        COLUMN 2
Add -  Items not Deductible                                                     Deduct -  Items not taxable and Allowable

1. Adjustments to income relating to prior                                      1. Interest from governmental obligations   $
   periods.  (See instructions)               $                                 2. Dividends received deduction
2. All expenses (including interest) incurred                                   3. Foreign tax credit
   in connection with derivation of income                                      4. Other (submit schedule)
   not subject to Hudson income tax
3. Hudson income tax paid or accrued.
4. Other (submit schedule)

5. Total additions (enter on Pg. 1, line 4)                                     5. Total deductions (enter on Pg. 1, line 6)

                                                                                                                                             page 2

                                                                                                                            F3.00.02  MIHU1122

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