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Who Must File a Return 
                                                              Corporations must make estimated tax payments every 
Every corporation that is doing  business in the  City of     year  that  their  total  City  tax  will  exceed  $250.00.    To 
Port  Huron  must file a  return. You  must file a  return    make  estimated  payments,  file  Form  PH-1040ES, 
even if the corporation did not maintain an office or place   Declaration of Estimated Tax. 
of business in the City.  You must file a return whether or 
                                                              Estimated taxes are payable in four equal installments.  
not the business has a net profit.                            The payments are due on the last day of the 4th, 6th, 9th 
                                                              and 13th month after the start of your fiscal year.  For 
Under the Uniform City Income Tax Act all corporations        calendar year taxpayers, the payments are due on April 
are taxed as corporations.  A Sub-chapter S corporation       30, June 30, September 30, and January 31.  You may 
must file as a  corporation for  Port  Huron  income tax      also  pay  in  full  with  the  first  voucher.    If  you  need 
purposes. A corporation cannot elect to be taxed as a         estimated tax forms, please call (810) 984-9741. 
                                                              Instructions for Page 1 
Nonprofit entities that are exempt from Federal income 
                                                              Line 1a.  Enter the net profit or loss from your Federal 
tax do  not have to  file a Port  Huron return. Nonprofit 
                                                              corporate income tax return.    You must attach a copy 
entities must submit a  copy of  their IRS  determination     of pages one through five of your Federal Form 1120 
letter to our office.  The ordinance also exempts banks,      or 1120S. 
trust companies, insurance companies, building and loan 
and saving and loan associations, and credit unions.          Line  1b.  If  you  have  approval  to  use  the  separate 
                                                              accounting  method,  enter  your  net  profit  or  loss  from 
Date Due and Payments                                         page 2, Schedule C. 

The  return is due  by  the  last day  of  the  fourth month, Line 2.  Exclude on this line any portion of capital gains 
following  the  end  of  your  corporation's  taxable         and  losses  occurring  before  the  effective  date  of  the 
                                                              ordinance, January 1, 1969.  Compute the exclusion by 
year.  Calendar  year  returns  are  due  by          May  1, 
                                                              using one of the following methods: 
202 . The 3 return  must  be  for  the  same  taxable 
period  as your federal return.                               1) The  difference  between  the  purchase  price  and  the
                                                              fair market value of the asset on January 1, 1969.
Mail your return and payment to: 
                                                              2) Prorate the amount based on the number of months
            Income Tax Division                               since January 1, 1969 in relation to the total number of
            100 McMorran Boulevard                            months held.
            Port Huron, MI   48060 
                                                              Line  8.  Show  on  this  line  the  net  operating  loss 
                                                              carryover for the City of Port Huron.  You may carry net 
Make all checks payable to: City of Port Huron 
                                                              operating losses forward for the same number of years 
                                                              allowed  on  your  federal  return;  however,  you  cannot 
Extensions                                                    carry net operating losses back to a prior year.  Attach a 
                                                              schedule  showing  the  amount  of  unused  loss  by  tax 
To get an extension, use form PH-4868, Application for        year.  You must have previously filed a City of Port 
Automatic Extension of Time to File a City Income Tax         Huron return for each year showing the loss. 
Return.  File the form on or before the due date of your 
return.     An  extension  does  not  extend  the  time  for  Line 14.  If line 10 exceeds line 13, enter the difference 
paying the tax due.  You must pay the total estimated         on line 14.  This is your balance due.  You must pay the 
tax due with the form.  We will charge you penalty and        balance  due  when  you  file  the  return.    Make  your 
                                                              check  or  money  order  payable  to:  City  of  Port  Huron. 
interest if you underestimate or fail to pay the estimated 
                                                              Mail  both  the  return  and  your  payment to:  Income  Tax 
tax due.  You do not need to file an extension if you will    Division,  100  McMorran  Boulevard,  Port  Huron, 
be claiming a refund.                                         Michigan 48060.  If you are paying in person, please pay 
                                                              at the City Treasurer's office. 
Declaration and Payment of Estimated Tax 

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Line 15.  If line 13 exceeds line 10, enter the difference      Line 1b.  Show in column I the gross rentals for the year 
on line 15.  This is the amount you overpaid.  Show on          multiplied  by  eight  for  all  rented  property  no  matter 
line 16 whether you want your overpayment refunded or           where the property is found.  In column II enter the gross 
credited to next year’s estimated taxes.  Mail the return       rentals  for  the  year  multiplied  by  eight  for  all  rented 
to: Income Tax Division, 100 McMorran Boulevard, Port           property  in  the  City.    Gross  rentals  refer  only  to  real 
Huron, Michigan 48060.                                          property,  rented  or  leased.    Rent  includes  all  amounts 
                                                                paid, directly or indirectly, for the use or possession of 
Instructions for Schedule C                                     the property.  

The corporation may petition for or we may require that         Line 2.  Show in column I the total compensation paid to 
you  use  the  separate  accounting  method.    You  must       all  employees  during  the  year.    In  column  II  enter  the 
request  approval  to  use  the  separate  accounting  in       amount  of  compensation  paid  to  employees  for  work 
writing.  You must request approval within the first ninety     done or services performed within the City of Port Huron 
days of your taxable year or other taxable period.  Once        during the year. 
we  have  granted  approval  to  use  the  method,  it  will 
remain  in  effect  if you  continually  use the  method.   To  Line 3.  Show in column I the total gross receipts from 
report using the separate accounting method, you must           all sales or services rendered during the year.  In column 
regularly  keep  your  books  and  records  by  such  a         II  enter  the  amount  of  receipts  from  sales  made  or 
method.                                                         services  rendered  in  the  City  of  Port  Huron  during  the 
Lines  12  &  13.  Taxpayers  using  the  separate 
accounting  method  must  include  in  taxable  income  a       Line 5.  In determining the average percentage, exclude 
proportionate share of dividends, interest, and other non-      a factor only if the factor does not exist as far as your 
operating  income.    Apportion  the  income  on  the  same     business  operation  is  concerned.  If  a  factor  does  not 
basis as general administrative and overhead costs.   If        exist, divide the sum of the percentages by the number 
the  division  subject  to  Port  Huron  tax  receives  the     of factors used. 
income directly, use direct allocation. 
                                                                Instructions for Schedule E 
Line 14.  Use the same rules for rent and royalty income 
that you used for dividends and interest income (lines 12       Line 1.  Use this line to adjust your net profit for items 
and 13).                                                        reflected  in  taxable  income  that  are  attributable  to  any 
                                                                period before January 1, 1969. 
Line 15.  Enter the full amount of any net capital gain for 
the period on this line.  Adjust the amount for any portion     Line  6.  We  do  not  tax  interest  income  from  federal, 
of  capital  gains  or  losses  occurring  before  January  1,  state or municipal government obligations. 
1969 on page 1, line 2. 
                                                                Line 7.  If you reported dividend income, enter on this 
Line 26.  Charitable contributions are deductible to the        line  the  amount  of  the  dividends  received  deduction 
same  extent,  with  the  same  limitations,  that  they  are   allowed by the Internal Revenue Code. 
deductible under the Internal Revenue Code. 
                                                                Line  8.  If  you  took  a  foreign  tax  credit,  rather  than  a 
Line 27.  Use the same basis and method to calculate            foreign  tax  deduction  on  your  Federal  return,  enter  on 
depreciation that you used on your Federal return.              this line the total foreign taxes paid or accrued (from the 
                                                                IRS Form 1118). 
Instructions for Schedule D 
The  Business  Allocation  Formula  is  to  be  used  by 
corporations  with  business  activity  both  inside  and       If you have any questions or need help, call us at (810) 
outside  the  City  of  Port  Huron  and  are  not  using  the  984-9741;  email  us  at incometax@porthuron.org;  or
separate accounting method.                                     visit  our  office  in  room  112  of  the  Municipal  Office
                                                                Center, 100 McMorran Boulevard, Port Huron, Michigan
Line 1a.  Show in column I the average net book value           48060.
of all real and tangible personal property owned by the 
business  no  matter  where  it  is  located.    In  column  II 
show the net book value of all real and tangible personal 
property  owned  by  the  business  in  the  City  of  Port 
Huron.    You  may  find  the  average  net  book  value  by 
adding  the  net  book  value  at  the  beginning  and  at  the 
end of the year and dividing the sum by two.  You may 
also  use  any  other  method  that  accurately  reflects  the 
average net book value for the year. 

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