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                                                                             CITY OF PORT HURON - INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RETURN 
        PH-1040                                                                                                   This return is due April 30, 2021                                                    2020 
                                                      Your first name and initial                                            Last name                                     Your social security number 
        Residency Status                                                                                                                                                   
          SEE INSTRUCTIONS                                                                                                                                                 
                                                      If a joint return, spouses first name and initial                      Last name                                     Spouse's social security number 
          NONRESIDENT                                 Home address (number and street) if a P.O. Box or if this is not your actual residence, see instructions             
                                                                                                                                                                           Did you file a 2019 Port Huron return? 
          PARTIAL RESIDENT                                                                                                                                                 Yes                   No 
                                                      City, town or post office, state and ZIP code 
   Partial residents must complete                                                                                                                                         If yes, is the name(s), filing status and 
   Schedule L - see instructions                                                                                                                                           address the same as last year? 
                                                                                                                                                                           Yes                      No If no, explain and 
   If you were a resident for only part of the year, indicate when you were a resident:                                                                                                                give date of change 
   From:                                              to:                                                    former address: 

   EXEMPTIONS                                                                                                     65 or Older  Blind    Deaf         Disabled             
                                                                                                  Additional                                                               Number of boxes checked 
   (see instructions)                          You:                                               exemptions                                                              Note: claim an exemption even if you 
                                                                                                  if you or your                                                          are a dependent on another return 
   Dependents                                  Spouse:                                            spouse are:                                                             
        First name                             Last name                                          Social security number                Relationship to you 
                                                                                                                                                                           Number of dependents you 
                                                                                                                                                                           claim on your federal return 
                                                                                                                                                                           (list to the left) 
                                                                                                                                                                           Total number of exemptions 
                                                                                                                                                                           (add the numbers entered 
                                                                                                                                                                           in the boxes above) 
                                                                                                                                        Column I                          Column II                    Column III 
                                                                                                                                        Amounts from your                                            Column I minus Column II 
                                                                                                                                        Federal Return                    Exclusions                 Income subject to tax 
                1. Wages, salaries, tips, etc.                                                                                                                    00                             00                       00 
                2. Interest income RESIDENTS ONLY (partial residents see Schedule L)                                                                              00                             00                       00 
                3. Dividend income 
  A                                               RESIDENTS ONLY (partial residents see Schedule L)                                                               00                             00                       00 
                4. Business income or (loss) Attach Federal Schedule C                                                                                            00                             00                       00 
                5. Capital gain or (loss) 
  T                                                                                                                                                               00                             00                       00 
                6. Supplemental income or (loss) Attach Federal Schedule E 
  T                                                                                                                                                               00                             00                       00 
  A             7. Other income                                                                                                                                   00                             00                       00 
                8. Adjustments Attach explanation and support 
  C                                                                                                                                                               00                             00                       00 
                9. Total income - add lines 1 through 8 
  H                                                                                                                                                                                                                       00 
                10.  Exemption Credit.  Number of exemptions                                                      x $600.00 (from exemptions above) 
                11. TAXABLE INCOME. Subtract line 10 from line 9. If line 10 is greater than line 9, enter -0- 
  W -                                                                                                                                                                                                                     00 
                12. TAX multiply line 11 by 1% (.01) if a resident or by ½ of 1% (.005) if a nonresident. Partial residents see Schedule L 
  2  's                                                                                                                                                                                                                   00 
                13.  Port Huron tax withheld. You MUST attach W-2's showing the full amount of tax withheld . .                                                   13 
                14.  2020 estimated tax payments, extension payments and carried forward from last year  .   .   .   .   .  .                                     14 
  H                                                                                                                                                                                              00 
                15.  Credit for tax paid by a partnership  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  .   15 
  E                                                                                                                                                                                              00 
                16.  Credit for tax paid to another city. Residents only, SEE INSTRUCTIONS . . . . . . .                                                          16 
  R                                                                                                                                                                                              00 
                17.  Total payments and credits.  Add lines 13, 14, 15 and 16   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  . 17 
  E                                                                                                                                                                                                                       00 
                18.  If line 12 is more than line 17, subtract line 17 from line 12. This is your tax due ................................................ BALANCE DUE                           18                       00 
                19.  If line 17 is more than line 12, subtract line 12 from line 17. This is the amount you overpaid .................................... Overpayment                            19                       00 
                20.      Amount of line 19 to be:          applied to your 2021 estimated taxes                              ' 20a                               00   or REFUNDED'20b                                     00 
   I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this return and attachments is true and                                              I declare under penalty of perjury, that this return is based on all 
   complete to the best of my knowledge.                                                                                                             information of which I have knowledge. 
   Your signature                                                                                                              Date 
                                                                                                                                                     Preparer's name, address and ID number 
   Spouse's signature - if a joint return BOTH MUST SIGN                                                                       Date                  
                                                                                                  Mail to: Income Tax Division                       
        Make checks payable to: City of Port Huron                                                                                                   Preparer's signature                                   Date 
                                                                                                                  100 McMorran Blvd. 
        IfTopayingpay online,in person,go topaywww.porthuron.org.at the City Treasurer's Office.                  Port Huron, MI  48060              X 

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 1.  Wages earned partly outside of Port Huron - NONRESIDENTS ONLY 
 A.  Total number of days you worked for this employer during the year (EXCLUDE vacation and sick days)                                                       days 
 B.  Actual number of days during the year you worked for this employer inside of the city                                                                    days 
 C.  Number of days you worked outside the city FOR THIS employer during the year - List location below                                                       days 
 D.  Percentage of days you worked outside the city for this employer (divide line C by line A)                                                               % 
 E.  Wages you earned from this job during the year (from your W-2) - List location outside the city below                       $                             
 F.  Excludable wages from this job (multiply line E by line D)                                                                                                $                        
 2.  Wages earned by a NONRESIDENT entirely outside the city, but included on the return (line 1, column I) - List location below                              $                        
 3.  Military pay - Excludable by both residents and nonresidents                                                                                              $                        
 4.  TOTAL EXCLUDABLE WAGES (add line 1F, 2, 3) - Enter the total here and on the front of the return (line 1, column II)                                      $                        
 List the specific location you 
 worked outside of the city      ' 

 1.  Taxable income for the year                                                                                                                               $                        
 2.  Additions (Note: add back Port Huron income tax deducted from income) - List:                                                                             $                        
 3.  Subtractions - List:                                                                                                                                      $                        
 4.  Allocable income - line 1 plus line 2, minus line 3                                                                                                       $                        
 5.  Allocation percentage (from schedule below)  - If  all business was conducted in the city enter 100%, RESIDENTS ENTER 100%                                                       % 
 6.  Taxable income - multiply line 4 by line 5, enter the result here                                                                                         $                         
 7.  Excludable income   - line 4 minus line 6                                                                                                                 $                        
                                                                                                                              I      II                            III 
 BUSINESS ALLOCATION FORMULA - NONRESIDENTS ONLY                                                 Located everywhere                  Located in the city       Percentage in the city 
 Aa. Average net book value of real and tangible personal property                                                                                                 II )I 
 Ab. Gross rentals of real property multiplied by 8                                              
 Ac. Total - line Aa plus line Ab                                                                                                                                              % 
 B.  Total wages salaries, commissions and other compensation paid to all employees                                                                                            % 
 C.  Gross receipts from sales made or services rendered                                                                                                                       % 
 D.  Total of all percentages - add the percentages computed on lines Ac, B and C                                                                                              % 
 E.  Average percentage - divide line D by three* - Enter here and on line 5 above                                                                                             %  
 * Note: in determining the average percentage, if a factor does not exist, you must divide line D by the number of factors used 
 Note: If you are authorized to use a special formula, give the date of the administrator's approval letter and attach a schedule detailing the calculation 
 SCHEDULE C - OTHER EXCLUSIONS (Exclude in column II if shown on the front of the return) 
 1. Interest income from federal, state, or municipal obligations   $                4. Taxable social security benefits                                       $                        
 2. Unemployment compensation                             $                          5. State and local refunds included in taxable income $                                            
 3. Pensions and annuities                                $                          6. Other - describe                                                       $                        
 RESIDENTS: The city compares the total income reported on your city return to the income reported on your state return. Provide information in this section that explains any 
 difference between the first line of your state return (adjusted gross income) and the total income reported on this return. 
 SCHEDULE D - ADJUSTMENTS (Explain adjustments claimed) 
 1. Moving expenses (only Armed Forces on active duty, moving into the taxing area) - Attach Federal Form 3903                   $                             
 2. Employee business expenses  SEE INSTRUCTIONS - Attach schedule detailing the amounts                                         $                             
 3. Alimony paid (allowed for divorce decrees signed PRIOR to January 1, 2019)                                                   $                             
 4. Deductible I.R.A. contributions - YOU MUST ATTACH A RECEIPT for any contribution claimed                                     $                             
 5. Other - attach documentation and describe:                                                                                   $                             
 6. Other - attach documentation and describe:                                                                                   $                             
 Note: Nonresidents must prorate income based on the amount of income subject to tax - see instructions 
 List employers who paid you wages and DID NOT WITHHOLD CITY TAX (list only if you did not attach a copy of your W-2 from the employer) 
 Employer's name                                          Work location                                                                                           Wages 

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