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General Lines 10 and 11 - Beneficiaries who are City of Port Huron
Every trust and estate that has gross income from sources listed residents must report their portion of distributable net income on
under "Taxable Income" below, must file a City of Port Huron their individual return. Resident beneficiaries should receive this
Fiduciary Income Tax Return (Form PH-1041). You must file a information from the Fiduciary. Use line 10 to find the resident's
return whether or not the trust or estate had a net profit. Under share of total taxable income. Subtract this amount from total
the ordinance, estates and trusts are treated as a nonresident income. Enter the result on line 11. This is the income that is
individual. taxable to the trust or estate.
The return is due by the last day of the fourth month, Schedule A - Business Allocation Formula
following the end of the trust’s or estate’s taxable year. Use the Business Allocation Formula when a trust or estate
Calendar year 202 2returns are due by May , 2021 . We3 conducts a business activity both inside and outside the City of
Port Huron. Use the formula to find what percentage of
do not require trusts or estates to file a Declaration of Estimated business activity was conducted in the city. We tax trusts and
Income Tax. estates on the percentage of income that relates to business
You must pay any balance due when you file the return. Make activity in the city.
all funds payable to: City of Port Huron. Mail both the return Line 1a. Show in column I the average net book value of all
and your payment to: Income Tax Division, 100 McMorran real and tangible personal property owned by the business
Boulevard, Port Huron, Michigan 48060. no matter where it is located. In column II show the net
book value of all real and tangible personal property owned
Taxable Income by the business in the City of Port Huron. You may find the
“Income from trusts and estates” means "income" as defined in average net book value by adding the net book value at the
Sec. 643(b) of the federal Internal Revenue Code. It includes all beginning and at the end of the year and dividing the sum by
income properly paid, credited, distributed or required to be two. You may also use any other method that accurately
distributed. reflects the average net book value for the year.
Line 1b. Show in column I the gross rentals for the year
The only types of income taxable to an estate or trust are multiplied by eight for all rented property no matter where
the following: the property is found. In column II enter the gross rentals for
the year multiplied by eight for all rented property in the city.
(1) The portion of net profits from the operation of a business or Gross rentals refer only to real property, rented or leased.
enterprise operated by the estate or trust from business activity Rent includes all amounts paid, directly or indirectly, for the
conducted in the City of Port Huron. It does not matter whether use or possession of the property.
or not the business or enterprise is located in Port Huron. We
tax businesses outside the City on any portion of its net profits Line 2. Show in column I the total compensation paid to all
that are allocable to business activities in the City. employees during the year. In column II enter the amount
of compensation paid to employees for work done or
(2) Net profits from rentals of real and tangible personal services performed within the city of Port Huron during the
property located in the City of Port Huron. year.
(3) Capital gains from the sale or exchange of real and tangible Line 3. Show in column I the total gross receipts from all
personal property located in the City of Port Huron. sales or services rendered during the year. In column II
enter the amount of receipts from sales made or services
(4) Income from partnerships. rendered in the City of Port Huron during the year.
Line 5. In determining the average percentage, exclude a
Instructions for Page One of Form PH-1041 factor only if the factor does not exist as far as your
Line 1 - Show on this line the total net profit (or loss) from business operation is concerned. If a factor does not exist,
business activities reported on page 1 of your federal income tax divide the sum of the percentages by the number of factors
return (Form 1041). used.
Line 4 - Show on this line the allocation percentage you Schedule C - Resident Beneficiaries Share of Exclusions
determined in schedule A. If you conducted all of your business Get the information for this schedule from the comparable areas
in the City of Port Huron, enter 100%. of the trust’s or estate’s federal return. Show only information
and amounts for beneficiaries who are City of Port Huron
Line 6 - Show on this line the net profit (or loss) from the rental residents. Fiduciaries must report the amounts in columns 5, 6
of real and tangible personal property located in the City of Port and 9 to each resident beneficiary. The beneficiary will show
Huron. these amounts as exclusions on their individual return PH-1040.
Line 7 - Show on this line capital gains (or loss) from the sale or Assistance
exchange of real and tangible personal property located in the If you have any questions or need help, call (810) 984-9741
City of Port Huron. or email us at incometax. @porthuron.org You can also
visit our office in Room 112 of the Municipal Office Center,
100 McMorran Boulevard, Port Huron, Michigan 48060.