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                                                      CITY OF PORTLAND INDIVIDUAL 
    CITY    OF PORTLANDP-1040                                           RETURN                                           For year January 1-December 31, 2020                            2020
Your Social Security Number                     Spouse's Social Security Number                           RESIDENCY STATUS
                                                                                                                RESIDENT            NON-RESIDENT              PART-YEAR RESIDENT       FROM____________TO_________
First Name and Initial                          Last Name                                                 FILING STATUS
                                                                                                          SINGLE         MARRIED FILING JOINTLY               * MARRIED FILING SEPARATELY
If Joint, Spouse's First Name and Initial       Last Name                                                 EXEMPTIONS      65 OR OVER BLIND  DEAF     DISABLED
                                                                                                          A   □ YOURSELF          □        □              □
Mailing Address ( If using a PO Box you must also list your physical home address )                       B  □  SPOUSE       □      □        □              □                      D. NUMBER OF OTHER DEPENDENTS (EXPLAIN)
                                                                                                          C.  NAMES OF DEPENDENT CHILDREN WHO LIVED WITH YOU
City / Town                                     State                                             Zip Code
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   TOTAL NUMBER OF EXEMPTIONS CLAIMED ON BOXES A,B,C, & D
    ATTACH     1.      Wages, salaries, tips, etc.                                                                                                                                 1.
    COPY OF    2.      Taxable interest.                                                                                                                                           2.
    PAGE 1     3.      Ordinary dividends.                                                                                                                                         3.
 AND PAGE 2    4.      Income/loss from business - attach Federal Schedule C                                                                                                       4.
FEDERAL 1040   5.      Income/loss from sale or exchange of property (Capital gains) - attach Federal Schedule D/Form 8949                                                         5.
               6.      Income/loss from rents/royalties - attach Federal Schedule E, page 1                                                                                        6.
               7.      Income/loss from partnerships - attach Federal Schedule E, page 2                                                                                           7.
               8.      Income from estates/trusts - attach Federal Schedule E, page 2                                                                                              8.
               9.      Premature distributions from profit sharing plans, pension plans and/or IRAs                                                                                9.
               10.     Distributions from Subchapter S corporations - attach Federal Schedule K-1                                                                                  10.
 W-2 & 1099-R  11.     Unemployment compensation.                                                                                                                                  11.             NOT TAXABLE
    FORMS      12.     Social security benefits.                                                                                                                                   12.             NOT TAXABLE
    HERE       13.     Other income (gambling winnings, taxable scholarships, etc.)                                                                                                13.
               14.           Total income.  Add lines 1 through 13.                                                                                                                14.
               DEDUCTIONS                 See instructions.  Deductions must be allocated on the same basis as related income.
               15.     IRA Deduction - attach Schedule 1 of Federal 1040     (No deduction is allowed for contributions to a ROTH IRA)                                             15.
               16.     Employee business expenses - see instructions and attach detailed list                                                                                      16.
               17.     Moving expenses.  -see instructions and attach Federal 3903                                                                                                 17.
               18.     Non-Resident Income (For part-year residents that did not work in Portland)                                                                                 18.
               19      Other Deductions                                                                                                                                            19.
               20.     Total deductions.  Add lines 15 through 19                                                                                                                  20.
               21.     Total income after deductions.  Subtract line 20 from line 14                                                                                               21.
               22.     Amount from exemptions  ( Number of Exemptions, __________ times $1,000.00 )                                                                                22.
    ATTACH     23.     Total income subject to tax.  Subtract line 22 from line 21                                                                                                 23.
    CHECK      24.     TAX -MULTIPLY LINE 23 BY YOUR TAX RATE   RES. = 1% (.01), NON-RES. = 1/2% (.005), PART YEAR RES.- ATTACH P 'SCH PY' ( PG 8 )                                24.
    MONEY      25.     Portland tax withheld by your employer  (ATTACH W-2 FORMS showing tax withheld)                                                                             25.
    ORDER      26.     Payments on 2020 Declaration of Estimated Income Tax, payments with an extension and carry forward credits.                                                 26.
    HERE       27.     Credit for tax paid to another city and for tax paid by a partnership.  Copy of other cities tax return must be attached for credit. (Worksheet on page 10) 27.
               28.           Total payments and credits.  Add lines 25 through 27                                                                                                  28.
               TAX DUE                    29    If tax (line 24) is larger than payments (line 28) you owe tax.(If over $100.00 see page 5)  PAY WITH RETURN >>>                   29.
               CREDIT TO 2021             30.   If payments (line 28) are larger than tax (line 24) enter overpayment to be credited forward to 2021                               30.
               REFUND CHECK               31.   If payments (line 28) are larger than tax (line 24) enter overpayment to be refunded via a refund check                            31.
               DIRECT DEPOSIT             32.   If payments (line 28) are larger than tax (line 24) enter overpayment to be refunded via direct deposit                            32.
                                          32 A.        Check box for direct deposit of refund.  List bank account information below.
                                          32 B.  Routing number                                            * 32 C. Type of Account: CHECKING         SAVINGS * If type of account is not checked a 
                                          32 D.  Account number                                                                                               check will be mailed 
                       PLEASE SIGN YOUR RETURN BELOW
                       If joint return, both husband and wife must sign.
                       I declare that I have examined this return (including accompanying schedules and statements) and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct and complete. 
                       If prepared by a person other than taxpayer, the preparer's declaration is based on all information of which he/she has any knowledge. 
                                                                                                           SIGNATURE OF PREPARER OTHER THAN TAXPAYER
                               X X
                       HERE    TAXPAYER'S SIGNATURE                                               DATE                                     
                         ====> X                                                                          PREPARER'S ADDRESS
                               SPOUSE'S SIGNATURE
                                                      PHONE #                                             PREPARER'S PHONE NUMBER: 


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