- 2 -
such tax was levied is included in this return. DO NOT take credit for income months the property was held after January 1, 1988, to the total months the
taxes paid to any other municipality on behalf of nonresident partners. The property was held.
credit for tax paid to another city shall be the lesser of: (1) The income tax The nonresident excludable portion also includes that portion of the gain (or
paid the other municipality for Walker resident partners, or (2) .5% of an loss) which arose from the sale or exchange of intangible assets, and of
amount obtained by deducting the amount for exemptions claimed for Walker tangible property located outside of Walker. The taxable nonresident
resident partners on page 1, column 3 of this return from the gross amount of partners portion in column 5 will be the gain (or loss) attributable to the period
income of Walker resident partners subject to tax by such other city. after January 1, 1988, from the sale or exchange of tangible real and
All credits in column 6 are to be distributed on lines 8a, b and c, and totaled personal property located in Walker.
on line 9. The total on line 9 must agree with the total of column 6. RENTS AND ROYALTIES. Report in column 1, lines 6, 7 and 8, the total net
income or loss from all rents and royalties. The resident partners portion of
COMPUTATION AND PAYMENT OF TAX rents and royalties is taxable. The nonresident partners exclude net income
Line 10. If tax due (line 7) is greater than the total tax payments (line 9) or loss from rents, and royalties attributable to property located OUTSIDE of
subtract line 9 from line 7 and enter the tax due. Tax due must be paid when Walker.
filing the return.
OVERPAYMENT OF TAX OTHER INCOME. Report in column 1, line 9, all other partnership income.
Line 11. If the total tax payments (line 9) is greater than tax due (line 7) TOTAL NON-BUSINESS INCOME. Enter on line 10 the totals for each
subtract line 7 from line 9 and enter the tax overpayment. column in Schedule B. After transferring the amounts from columns 3 and 5
of Schedule B to Schedule C, the total of Schedule C, column 6a, (taxable
Lines 12 – 14. On lines 12 through 14 enter all or the portion of the resident partners non-business income) must equal the total of Schedule B,
overpayment to be credited forward (line 12), refunded via a paper check (line column 3, and the total of Schedule C, column 6b, (taxable nonresident
13) or refunded via a direct deposit (line 14). partners non-business income) must equal the total of Schedule B, column 5.
Line 15. If the “Yes” box is marked, the partnership is authorizing the Walker SCHEDULE C - DISTRIBUTION TO PARTNERS
Income Tax Department to call the preparer to answer any questions that The totals of columns 1, 6a and 6b of Schedule C, showing the distribution to
may arise during the processing of the return. The partnership is also individual partners of ordinary and non-business income, must agree with the
authorizing the preparer to give the Department any information that is totals transferred from Schedules A and B.
missing from the return, to call the Department for information about the Column 1. Enter in column 1 the individual partner's share of business
processing of the return, and to respond to any notices related to the return. income from Schedule A, line 5. If Sec. 179 depreciation is included in
Schedule A and the partners have unequal credits for such additional
PAGE 2 INSTRUCTIONS depreciation (e.g. if one partner is single and one is married filing jointly for
Federal income tax purposes), the apportionment of income to partners in this
SCHEDULE A - ALLOCABLE BUSINESS INCOME column will require a special computation.
Schedule A is used to report ordinary business income of the partnership. Column 7. Transfer the amount of each individual partner's share shown in
Ordinary business income of Schedule A is transferred to Schedule C, column 7, Schedule C to column 1, page 1 of the return.
column 1. Schedule C is used to determine the amount of ordinary business
income subject to the Walker tax. If ordinary business income includes
income from other partnerships, you must attach a supplementary schedule SCHEDULE D - BUSINESS ALLOCATION PERCENTAGE
to calculate allocable business income excluding partnership income. The business allocation percentage is to be applied to the distributive share
Partnership income cannot be reallocated and must be included in Schedule of business income of NONRESIDENT partners if business activity of the
partnership is conducted both within and outside the City of Walker.
B, line 9.
Non-business income is reported in Schedule B. The taxable portion of non- LINE 1a. Enter in column 1 the average net book value of all real and
tangible personal property owned by the business, regardless of location; and
business income is transferred to Schedule C. in column 2 show the net book value of the real and tangible personal
Instructions for Schedules B and C indicate how amounts transferred from property owned and located or used in the City of Walker. The average net
Schedules A and B are allocated to the individual partners. book value of real and tangible personal property may be determined by
adding the net book values at the beginning of the year and the net book
SCHEDULE B - NON-BUSINESS INCOME & EXCLUSIONS values at the end of the year and dividing the sum thus obtained by two.
Schedule B is used to allocate the total non-business income of the
partnership between resident partners and nonresident partners. After LINE 1b. Enter in column 1 the gross annual rent multiplied by 8 for all
determining the total taxable income for resident and nonresident partners, rented real property regardless of location. In column 2 show the gross
the totals are transferred to Schedule C wherein an analysis is made to annual rent multiplied by 8 for rented real property located in the City of
determine the amount of non-business income distributable to each individual Walker. Gross annual rent refers to real property only, rented or leased
partner. Therefore, compute the total amount of distributable non-business during the taxable period, and should include the actual sums of money or
income, by type of income, and enter these amounts on the proper lines of other consideration payable, directly or indirectly, by the taxpayer for the use
Schedule B, column 1. For each category of non-business income use or possession of such property.
columns 2 and 3 to show the resident partners excludable and taxable portion LINE 2. Enter in column 1 the total compensation paid to all employees
and use columns 4 and 5 to show the nonresident partners excludable and during the year and in column 2 show the amount of compensation paid to
taxable portion. The total of columns 2 through 5 must equal the total of employees for work or services performed within the City of Walker.
column 1. LINE 3. Enter in column 1 the total gross revenue from all sales or services
INTEREST AND DIVIDENDS. In column 1, line 1, report total partnership rendered during the year and in column 2 show the amount of revenue
non-business interest income. In column 1, line 2, report total partnership derived from sales made or services rendered in the City of Walker during the
income from dividends. The interest and dividends reported on lines 1 and 2, year. If there is no regularly maintained sales force outside of the city, this
column 1, are to be apportioned between resident partners (columns 2 and 3) allocation factor must be 100% for businesses with no other business activity
the total nontaxable interest from obligations of the United States, the states
and nonresident partners (column 4). Resident partners exclude in column 2 outside the city.
or subordinate units of government of the states. Interest and dividend ASSISTANCE
income is not taxable to nonresidents. If you have questions not answered in these instructions, or if you need
SALE OR EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY. Report in column 1, lines 3, 4 and assistance in preparing your return call (616) 791-6880. Questions by mail
5, the total taxable net gain or loss from sales and exchanges of property, should be directed to: Walker Income Tax Department, P.O. Box 153, Grand
short term, long term and Section 1231, respectively. Resident and Rapids, Michigan 49501-0153.
nonresident partners may exclude any gain or loss on the sale of obligations
of the United States and the gain or loss attributable to the period prior to NOTICE
January 1, 1988. If the property was acquired prior to January 1, 1988, These instructions are interpretations of the Walker Income Tax Ordinance.
market values of traded securities as of December 31, 1987, may be used as The Ordinance will prevail in any disagreement between the instructions and
the cost basis; or the gain or loss applicable to the period after January 1, the Ordinance.
1988, may be computed by multiplying the total gain or loss by the ratio of the