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Form  8879-TE                                      IRS e-file Signature Authorization                                             OMB No. 1545-0047
                                                          for a Tax Exempt Entity
                            For calendar year 2021, or fiscal year beginning         , 2021, and ending               , 20
Department of the Treasury                           ▶ Do not send to the IRS. Keep for your records.                             2021
Internal Revenue Service                          ▶ Go to www.irs.gov/Form8879TE for the latest information. 
Name of filer                                                                                               EIN or SSN

Name and title of officer or person subject to tax

Part I        Type of Return and Return Information 
Check the box for the return for which you are using this Form 8879-TE and enter the applicable amount, if any, from the return. Form 8038-
CP and Form 5330 filers may enter dollars and cents. For all other forms, enter whole dollars only. If you check the box on line 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 
5a, 6a, 7a, 8a, 9a, or 10a below, and the amount on that line for the return being filed with this form was blank, then leave line     1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 
5b, 6b, 7b, 8b, 9b,      or 10b, whichever is applicable, blank (do not enter -0-). But, if you entered -0- on the return, then enter -0- on the 
applicable line below. Do not complete more than one line in Part I.
1a     Form 990 check here  .     . ▶              b Total revenue, if any (Form 990, Part VIII, column (A), line 12)  .  . 1b
2a     Form 990-EZ check here  .    ▶              b Total revenue, if any (Form 990-EZ, line 9)  . .   .   .   . .   .   .     2b
3a     Form 1120-POL check here ▶                  b Total tax (Form 1120-POL, line 22)     .   . . .   .   .   . .   .   .     3b
4a     Form 990-PF check here  .    ▶              b Tax based on investment income (Form 990-PF, Part V, line 5)  .        4b
5a     Form 8868 check here .     . ▶              b Balance due (Form 8868, line 3c)  .    .   . . .   .   .   . .   .   .     5b
6a     Form 990-T check here  .     ▶              b Total tax (Form 990-T, Part III, line 4) . . . .   .   .   . .   .   .     6b
7a     Form 4720 check here .     . ▶              b Total tax (Form 4720, Part III, line 1)  . . . .   .   .   . .   .   .     7b
8a     Form 5227 check here .     . ▶              b FMV of assets at end of tax year (Form 5227, Item D)  .      .   .   .     8b
9a     Form 5330 check here .     . ▶              b Tax due (Form 5330, Part II, line 19)  .   . . .   .   .   . .   .   .     9b
10a    Form 8038-CPcheck here       ▶              b Amount of credit payment requested (Form 8038‐ CP, Part III, line 22)  10b
Part II       Declaration and Signature Authorization of Officer or Person Subject to Tax
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that         I am an officer of the above entity or       I am a person subject to tax with respect to (name 
of entity)                                                                   , (EIN)                    and that I have examined a copy of the
2021 electronic return and accompanying schedules and statements, and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct, and 
complete. I further declare that the amount in Part I above is the amount shown on the copy of the electronic return. I consent to allow my 
intermediate service provider, transmitter, or electronic return originator (ERO) to send the return to the IRS and to receive from the IRS (a) an 
acknowledgement of receipt or reason for rejection of the transmission, (b) the reason for any delay in processing the return or refund, and (c) 
the date of any refund. If applicable, I authorize the U.S. Treasury and its designated Financial Agent to initiate an electronic funds withdrawal 
(direct debit) entry to the financial institution account indicated in the tax preparation software for payment of the federal taxes owed on this 
return, and the financial institution to debit the entry to this account. To revoke a payment, I must contact the U.S. Treasury Financial Agent at 
1-888-353-4537 no later than 2 business days prior to the payment (settlement) date. I also authorize the financial institutions involved in the 
processing of the electronic payment of taxes to receive confidential information necessary to answer inquiries and resolve issues related to 
the payment. I have selected a personal identification number (PIN) as my signature for the electronic return and, if applicable, the consent to 
electronic funds withdrawal.
PIN: check one box only
      I authorize                                                                    to enter my PIN                            as my signature
                                                   ERO firm name                                          Enter five numbers, but 
                                                                                                          do not enter all zeros
      on the tax year 2021 electronically filed return. If I have indicated within this return that a copy of the return is being filed with a state 
      agency(ies) regulating charities as part of the IRS Fed/State program, I also authorize the aforementioned ERO to enter my PIN on the 
      return’s disclosure consent screen.
      As an officer or person subject to tax with respect to the entity, I will enter my PIN as my signature on the tax year 2021 electronically 
      filed return. If I have indicated within this return that a copy of the return is being filed with a state agency(ies) regulating charities as part 
      of the IRS Fed/State program, I will enter my PIN on the return’s disclosure consent screen.
Signature of officer or person subject to tax  ▶                                                             Date ▶
Part III      Certification and Authentication
ERO’s EFIN/PIN. Enter your six-digit electronic filing identification 
number (EFIN) followed by your five-digit self-selected PIN.
                                                                                                Do not enter all zeros
I certify that the above numeric entry is my PIN, which is my signature on the 2021 electronically filed return indicated above. I confirm that I 
am submitting this return in accordance with the requirements of Pub. 4163, Modernized e-File (MeF) Information for Authorized IRS e-file 
Providers for Business Returns.
ERO’s signature ▶                                                                                 Date ▶

                                                  ERO Must Retain This Form — See Instructions  
                                 Do Not Submit This Form to the IRS Unless Requested To Do So
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form.                           Cat. No. 31722T                   Form 8879-TE (2021)

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Form 8879-TE (2021)                                                                                                          Page 2

General Instructions                       • Enter the name and employer                Important Notes for EROs
                                           identification number or social security 
The Taxpayer First Act, P.L. 116-25,       number at the top of the form;               • Do not send Form 8879-TE to the IRS 
                                                                                        unless requested to do so. Retain the 
increased the number and types of tax-     • Complete Part I by checking the box        completed Form 8879-TE for 3 years 
exempt and government entities required    for the type of return being filed and       from the return due date or the date the 
to file information and tax returns        using the amount, if any, from the 2021      IRS received the return, whichever is 
electronically. To accommodate the         return;                                      later. Form 8879-TE can be retained 
expansion of electronic filing, Forms 
8453-EO and 8879-EO have been              • Enter on the authorization line in Part II electronically in accordance with the 
replaced by Forms 8453-TE and              the ERO firm name (not the name of the       recordkeeping guidelines in Rev. Proc. 
8879-TE, respectively. The forms listed    individual preparing the return) if the      97-22, which is on page 9 of Internal 
in Part I of Form 8453-TE and Form         ERO is authorized to enter the officer’s     Revenue Bulletin 1997-13 at 
8879-TE include forms currently            PIN;                                         www.irs.gov/pub/irs-irbs/irb97-13.pdf.
available for electronic filing as well as • Give Form 8879-TE for completion and       • Enter the PIN on the input screen only 
forms expected to become available for     review to the entity subject to tax. The     if you’re authorized to do so.
electronic filing in 2022. Please see the  acceptable delivery methods include          • Give a copy of the signed Form    
instructions for each specific form for    hand delivery, U.S. mail, private delivery   8879-TE upon request to the entity 
more information about electronic filing   service, email, Internet website, and fax;   subject to tax.
of that form.                              and
                                                                                        • Give a corrected copy of the Form 
Future Developments                        • Complete Part III by entering the ERO’s    8879-TE if changes are made to the 
                                           EFIN/PIN and include a signature and         return (for example, based on the entity’s 
For the latest information about           date.                                        review) to the entity subject to tax.
developments related to Form 8879-TE 
and its instructions, such as legislation           Form 8879-TE must be                • See Pub. 4163, Modernized e-File 
enacted after they were published, go to            completed and signed before         (MeF) Information for Authorized IRS 
www.irs.gov/Form8879TE.                    !       submission of the electronic        e-file Providers for Business Returns.
                                           CAUTION  return.
Purpose of Form                                                                         Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We 
                                           Responsibilities of Entity 
An entity subject to tax and an electronic                                              ask for the information on this form to 
return originator (ERO) use Form           Subject to Tax                               carry out the Internal Revenue laws of 
8879-TE when the entity subject to tax     The entity subject to tax has the            the United States. You are required to 
wants to use a personal identification     following responsibilities.                  give us the information. We need it to 
number (PIN) to electronically sign an                                                  ensure that you are complying with these 
electronic return and, if applicable,      • Verify the accuracy of the entity’s        laws and to allow us to figure and collect 
authorize an electronic funds withdrawal.  prepared return.                             the right amount of tax. 
In the case of Form 990-PF, Form 990-T,    • Verify the type of return being filed in   You are not required to provide the 
Form 1120-POL, Form 4720, Form 5330,       Part I.                                      information requested on a form that is 
and Form 8868 with payment, Form           • In the beginning of Part II, check the     subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act 
8879-TE is used to authorize an            appropriate box for an entity subject to     unless the form displays a valid OMB 
electronic funds withdrawal. An entity     tax (and enter the name of the entity and    control number. Books or records 
subject to tax who doesn’t use Form        employer identification number (EIN)).       relating to a form or its instructions must 
8879-TE must use Form 8453-TE, Tax                                                      be retained as long as their contents 
Exempt Entity Declaration and Signature    • Check the appropriate box in Part II to    may become material in the 
for Electronic Filing. For more            either authorize the ERO to enter the PIN    administration of any Internal Revenue 
information, see the instructions for      or to choose to enter it in person.          law. Generally, tax returns and return 
Form 8453-TE.                              • Indicate or verify his or her              information are confidential, as required 
The ERO must retain Form 8879-TE.          self-selected PIN when authorizing the       by section 6103. However, certain 
Do not send this form to the IRS.          ERO to enter it (the PIN must be five        returns and return information of tax 
                                           numbers other than all zeros).               exempt organizations and trusts are 
ERO Responsibilities                       • Sign and date Form 8879-TE.                subject to public disclosure and 
                                                                                        inspection, as provided by section 6104.
The ERO will:                              • Return the completed Form 8879-TE to 
• If using Form 8879-TE to authenticate    the ERO. The acceptable delivery             The time needed to complete and file 
the electronic Form 8038-CP (after it      methods include hand delivery, U.S.          this form will vary depending on 
becomes available), enter the interest     mail, private delivery service, email,       individual circumstances. The estimated 
payment date from Form 8038-CP, Part       Internet website, and fax.                   burden for tax exempt organizations 
                                                                                        filing this form is approved under OMB 
III, line 18, in the period ending date at                                              control number 1545-0047 and is 
the top of the form;                                                                    included in the estimates shown in the 
                                                                                        instructions for their information return. 

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