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Form  8554-EP                        Application for Renewal of Enrollment to          
(November 2022)             Practice Before the Internal Revenue Service as                                     OMB No. 1545-0946

Department of the Treasury         an Enrolled Retirement Plan Agent (ERPA)
Internal Revenue Service
Important things you need to know and do before you file this form:
                                                                                                          For IRS use: 
• The Renewal Fee is $140.
• You must complete 72 hours of Continuing Professional Education (ERPA–CPE) over the three-year 
enrollment cycle to remain active. This must include at least 2 hours of Ethics CPE each year.            Enrollment Number: 
• Exception: If this is your first renewal, you have to complete 2 hours of CPE for each month you were    
enrolled, including 2 hours of Ethics each year.                                                           
                                                                                                          Date Enrolled:
You can file this form and pay electronically at www.pay.gov. This fee is non-refundable and applies 
regardless of your enrollment status.

Part 1. Enrollment Status

I want approval for Active Enrolled Retirement Plan Agent status.
Are you currently under suspension or disbarment?          .  .    .   . .       Yes        No
I want approval to remain or be placed into Inactive Retirement status.
Note:Inactive Retirement    status is not available to individuals who are under suspension or disbarment.
If you want approval for Active Enrolled Retirement Plan Agent status, enter the number of CPE and Ethics hours you earned in each 
year of the current enrollment cycle.

                           Year 1     Year 2        Year 3         Total

Part 2. Identifying Information

1     Last four digits of your Social Security Number

                                                                   If you do not have an SSN, please check this box.

2     Your Enrollment Number

3     Your Full Legal Name
                                                                           Last                           First         MI
4     Your Current Address
      Check if this is a new address
                                                              Number                               Street                                      Suite or Apt. Number

                            City                              State              Zip Code                 Country

      Your email Address:

      Your Contact Number:

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 3.            Catalog Number 51484G          Form 8554-EP (Rev. 11-2022)

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Form 8554-EP (Rev. 11-2022)                                                                                                                                Page 2 
5  Do you have a Centralized Authorization File (CAF) number?                  Yes       No

   If Yes, enter all CAF numbers assigned to you (attach additional pages, if necessary):

6  Do you have an Employer Identification Number (EIN)?                        Yes       No
   If Yes, enter all EINs, business names, and addresses below (attach additional pages, if necessary):
       EIN                  Business Name                                          Business Address




Since you have become an ERPA Agent or your last renewal of enrollment (whichever is later):

7  Have you been sanctioned by a federal or state licensing authority?         Yes       No

8  Has  any  application  you  filed  with  a  court,  government  department, 
   commission, or agency for admission to practice ever been denied?           Yes       No

9  Have you been convicted of a tax crime or any felony?                       Yes       No

10 Have  you  been  permanently  enjoined  from  preparing  tax  returns,  or 
   representing other before the IRS?                                          Yes       No

   NOTE: If you answered yes to question 7, 8, 9 or 10, please describe on a separate page, the matter, including the date of 
   when the matter occurred, and provide any additional information about the matter that you would like us to consider.

11 Are you a CPA?           Yes       No If Yes, enter the states where you are licensed to practice.

12 Are you an Attorney?     Yes       No If Yes, enter the States where you are licensed to practice.

13 Are you an Enrolled Agent (EA)?                                             Yes       No

Part 3. Sign here
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this application, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete.

                                                                               If you do not have a PTIN please check this box.

   Signature                                                                   Date

                                                                                                       Form 8554-EP (Rev. 11-2022)

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Form 8554-EP (Rev. 11-2022)                                                                                                       Page 3

Note:                                                               What we will do when we receive your form.
This form is used to renew your status as an Enrolled Retirement    As part of the application process, we will check your tax 
Plan Agent (ERPA). You must renew your enrollment every             compliance history to verify that you have timely filed and paid all 
three (3) years. For additional information on renewal, see         federal taxes. If you own or have any interest in a business, we 
Circular 230 or visit the Retirement Plan Community webpage at      will also check the tax compliance history of your business(es).
                                                                    How long will it take to process your application for 
When must I renew my enrollment?                                    renewal?
Your status as an ERPA Agent must be renewed every three            The processing cycle begins July of every year, and it generally 
years as determined by the last digit of your Tax Identification    takes about 90 days to process applications. Your status is not 
Number (TIN). Applications for renewal of enrollment must be        effective until your application for renewal is approved, and you 
submitted between April 1 and June 30, of the year that your        receive your new enrollment card.
next enrollment cycle begins.
If your TIN ends in:                                                Who do I call if I have questions?
• 0, 1, 2, or 3 – Your next enrollment cycle begins April 1, 2013.  To check on the status of your application for renewal after 
                                                                    September 30, call 1-855-472-5540. Please allow 90 days for 
• 4, 5, or 6 – Your next enrollment cycle begins April 1, 2014.     processing before calling to check on the status of your 
• 7, 8, or 9 – Your next enrollment cycle begins April 1, 2015.     application.
It is your responsibility to apply for renewal of enrollment timely 
by filing Form 8554-EP.                                             Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. Section 
                                                                    330 of title 31 of the United States Code authorizes us to collect 
Filling out this form.                                              this information. We ask for this information to administer the 
It is important to answer all questions on the form. Failure to     program of enrollment to practice before the IRS. Applying for 
answer any questions or sign the form could result in processing    renewal of enrollment is voluntary; however, if you apply you 
delays.                                                             must provide the information requested on this form. Failure to 
                                                                    provide this information may delay or prevent processing your 
An intentionally false statement or omission identified with your   application; providing false or fraudulent information may subject 
application is a violation of Circular 230 10.51(a)(4) and 18       you to penalties. Generally, this information is confidential 
U.S.C. 1001 and may be grounds for suspension or disbarment         pursuant to the Privacy Act. However, certain disclosures are 
from practice.                                                      authorized under the Act, including disclosure to: the Department 
                                                                    of Justice, and courts and other adjudicative bodies, with respect 
Continuing Professional Education:                                  to civil or criminal proceedings; public authorities and 
You must keep proof of your continuing professional education       professional organizations for their use in connection with 
for four years from the date of your renewal.                       employment, licensing, disciplinary, regulatory, and enforcement 
Do not attach records to this form.  If we need this information,   responsibilities; contractors as needed to perform the contract; 
we will request it from you.                                        third parties as needed in an investigation; the general public to 
                                                                    assist them in identifying enrolled individuals; state tax agencies 
Electronic Application and Payments                                 for tax administration purposes; appropriate persons when the 
You can renew and pay electronically by visiting                    security of information may have been compromised for their use 
www.pay.gov.                                                        to prevent, mitigate or remedy harm.

If you are mailing your application:                                You are not required to provide the information requested on a 
Enclose a check or money order in the amount of $140 made           form that is subject to the requirements of the Paperwork 
payable to the United States Treasury.                              Reduction Act unless the form displays a valid OMB control 
                                                                    number. Books and records relating to a form or its instructions 
Where to send this form:                                            should be retained as long as their contents may become 
                                                                    material in the administration of the law. The time needed to 
You can use overnight mail or regular mail to send us this form.    complete and file this form will vary depending on individual 
If you want to use overnight mail, send it to:                      circumstances. The estimated average time is 30 minutes, 
                                                                    including recordkeeping, learning about the law or the form, 
Internal Revenue Service                                            preparing the form, and copying and sending the form to the IRS.
Enrolled Agent Policy and Management 
127 International Dr Room - EA125                                   If you have comments concerning the accuracy of this time 
Franklin, TN 37067                                                  estimate or suggestions for making this form simpler, we would 
                                                                    be happy to hear from you. You can write to Office of Enrolled 
If you want to use regular mail, send it to:                        Agent Policy & Management; 985 Michigan Ave; Detroit, MI 
Internal Revenue Service                                            48232. Do not send this form to this address; instead see the 
Enrolled Agent Policy and Management                                Where to send this form section of the instructions.
127 International Dr Room - EA125 
Franklin, TN 37067 

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