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The form you are looking for begins on the next page of this file. Before viewing it, please see 
the important update information below.

                                  New Mailing Addresses
Addresses for mailing certain forms have changed since the forms were last published. The new mailing 
addresses are shown below.
Mailing address for Forms 706A, 706GS(D), 706GS(T), 706NA, 706QDT, 8612, 8725, 8831, 8842, 8892, 
8924, 8928:

Department of the Treasury 
Internal Revenue Service Center 
Kansas City, MO 64999

Mailing address for Forms 2678, 8716, 8822-B, 8832, 8855:

Taxpayers in the States Below                             Mail the Form to This Address

Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, 
Illinois, Indiana,Kentucky, Maine, Maryland,              Department of the Treasury 
Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey,       Internal Revenue Service Center 
New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode       Kansas City, MO 64999
Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, 
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, 
Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas,           Department of the Treasury 
Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana,     Internal Revenue Service Center 
Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota,               Ogden, UT 84201
Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, 
Utah, Washington, Wyoming

This update supplements these forms’ instructions. Filers should rely on this update for the changes described, 
which will be incorporated into the next revision of the forms’ instructions.

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                                          Election To Treat a Qualified Revocable 
Form  8855
(Rev. January 2009)                                     Trust as Part of an Estate                                               OMB No. 1545-1881
Department of the Treasury  
Internal Revenue Service 
Part I  Estate (or Filing Trust) Information 
Name of estate (or the filing trust, if applicable (see instructions))                                        Employer identification number   
                                                                                                              (see instructions) 

Name of executor (or the filing trustee, if applicable)                                                       Type of entity prior to the election: 

                                                                                                                   Domestic      Foreign  
Number, street, and room or suite no. (or P.O. box number if mail is not delivered to street address)              estate        estate 
                                                                                                                   Domestic      Foreign  
                                                                                                                   trust         trust 
City or town, state, and ZIP code (if a foreign address, see instructions)                                    Date of executor’s appointment 

Under penalties of perjury, I, as executor (or filing trustee): 
• Confirm that under applicable local law or the governing document, I have the authority to make this election for the estate (if executor) or trust (if 
filing trustee) and to agree to the conditions of the election; 
• Elect the treatment provided under section 645 for the above-named estate (or filing trust, if applicable); 
• Confirm that an agreement has been reached with the trustees of each qualified revocable trust (QRT) joining in the election to allocate the tax 
burden of the combined electing trusts and related estate, if any, for each tax year during the election period in a manner that reasonably reflects each 
entity’s tax obligation; 
• Agree to ensure that the related estate’s (or filing trust’s, if applicable) share of the tax obligations of the combined electing trust(s) and related estate, 
if any, is timely paid to the United States Treasury; 
• Agree to accept responsibility for filing a complete, accurate, and timely income tax return, when required by law, for the combined electing trust(s) 
and related estate, if any, for each tax year during the election period; 
• (If I am the filing trustee) confirm that if there is more than one QRT making this election, that I have been appointed by the trustees of each QRT 
making this election to be the filing trustee and I agree to accept the responsibility of filing the appropriate income tax return for the combined electing 
trust(s) for each tax year during the election period and all other responsibilities of the filing trustee; 
• (If I am the filing trustee) represent that no executor has been appointed for a related estate and to the best of my knowledge and belief, one will not 
be appointed; 
• (If I am the filing trustee) agree that, if an executor is appointed for the related estate after this Form 8855 is filed, that I will complete and file an 
amended Form 8855 if the late appointed executor agrees to the election, and I agree to cooperate with the executor in filing any amended returns 
required to be filed as a result of the executor’s appointment; and 
• Confirm to the best of my knowledge and belief, that all information contained in this election and any accompanying statements or  schedules is 
true, correct, and complete. 
Signature of executor (or filing trustee)                                                                     Date 

Part II Decedent Information 
Name of decedent                                                           SSN of the decedent                Date of death 

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 4.                            Cat. No. 24542R                                       Form  8855  (1-2009) 

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Form 8855  (1-2009)                                                                                                                                  Page  2 
Part III      Qualified Revocable Trust Information 
Name of trust                                                                                         Employer identification number (see instructions) 

Name of trustee 

Number, street, and room or suite no. (or P.O. box number if mail is not delivered to street address) 

City or town, state, and ZIP code (if a foreign address, see instructions) 

Under penalties of perjury, I, as trustee of the above-named trust: 
• Confirm that under applicable local law or the governing instrument, I have the authority to make this election for the trust and to agree to the  
conditions of the election; 
• Elect the treatment provided under section 645 for this trust; 
• Agree to timely provide the executor (or filing trustee if there is no executor) with all the trust information necessary to permit the executor (or filing 
trustee, if applicable) to file a complete, accurate, and timely Form 1041 (or Form 1040-NR for a foreign estate) for the combined electing  trust(s) and 
the related estate, if any, for each tax year during the election period; 
• Confirm that an agreement has been reached with the trustees of each QRT joining in the election, and the executor of the related estate, if  any, to 
allocate the tax burden of the combined electing trust(s) and related estate, if any, for each tax year during the election period in a  manner that 
reasonably reflects each entity’s tax obligation; 
• Agree to ensure that this trust’s share of the tax obligations of the combined electing trust(s) and related estate, if any, is timely paid to the United 
States Treasury; 
• Confirm that if a filing trustee (and not an executor for a related estate) has completed Part I of this Form 8855, the trustee that completed Part I has 
been appointed the filing trustee, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, an executor has not been appointed to administer a related estate and 
one will not be appointed; 
• Agree that if a filing trustee (and not an executor for a related estate) has completed Part I of this Form 8855 and an executor is appointed for the 
related estate after this Form 8855 is filed, that I will complete and file an amended Form 8855 if the later appointed executor agrees to the election, 
and I agree to cooperate with the executor in filing any amended returns required to be filed as a result of the executor’s appointment; and 
• Confirm to the best of my knowledge and belief, that all information of the electing trust contained in this election and any accompanying statements 
or schedules is true, correct, and complete. 
Signature of trustee                                                                                  Date 

Name of trust                                                                                         Employer identification number (see instructions) 

Name of trustee 

Number, street, and room or suite no. (or P.O. box number if mail is not delivered to street address) 

City or town, state, and ZIP code (if a foreign address, see instructions) 

Under penalties of perjury, I, as trustee of the above-named trust: 
• Confirm that under applicable local law or the governing instrument, I have the authority to make this election for the trust and to agree to the  
conditions of the election; 
• Elect the treatment provided under section 645 for this trust; 
• Agree to timely provide the executor (or filing trustee if there is no executor) with all the trust information necessary to permit the executor (or filing 
trustee, if applicable) to file a complete, accurate, and timely Form 1041 (or Form 1040-NR for a foreign estate) for the combined electing  trust(s) and 
the related estate, if any, for each tax year during the election period; 
• Confirm that an agreement has been reached with the trustees of each QRT joining in the election, and the executor of the related estate, if  any, to 
allocate the tax burden of the combined electing trust(s) and related estate, if any, for each tax year during the election period in a  manner that 
reasonably reflects each entity’s tax obligation; 
• Agree to ensure that this trust’s share of the tax obligations of the combined electing trust(s) and related estate, if any, is timely paid to the United 
States Treasury; 
• Confirm that if a filing trustee (and not an executor for a related estate) has completed Part I of this Form 8855, the trustee that completed Part I has 
been appointed the filing trustee, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, an executor has not been appointed to administer a related estate and 
one will not be appointed; 
• Agree that if a filing trustee (and not an executor for a related estate) has completed Part I of this Form 8855 and an executor is appointed for the 
related estate after this Form 8855 is filed, that I will complete and file an amended Form 8855 if the later appointed executor agrees to the election, 
and I agree to cooperate with the executor in filing any amended returns required to be filed as a result of the executor’s appointment; and 
• Confirm to the best of my knowledge and belief, that all information of the electing trust contained in this election and any accompanying statements 
or schedules is true, correct, and complete. 
Signature of trustee                                                                                  Date 

                                                                                                           Form  8855  (1-2009) 

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Form 8855  (1-2009)                                                                                                                       Page  3 

General Instructions                          1040-NR, if applicable) due for the                When To File 
                                              combined electing trust(s) for each tax  
Section references are to the Internal        year during the election period and has            File the election by the due date  
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.          agreed to accept that responsibility. If           (including extensions, if any) of the Form  
                                              there is no executor and there is only             1041 (or Form 1040-NR, if applicable)  
Purpose                                       one QRT making the section 645                     for the first tax year of the related estate  
The trustees of each qualified revocable      election, the trustee of that electing trust       (or the filing trust). This applies even if  
trust (QRT) and the executor of the           is the filing trustee.                             the combined related estate and electing 
                                                                                                 trust(s) do not have sufficient income to  
related estate, if any, use Form 8855 to      A filing trust is an electing trust whose          be required to file Form 1041. 
make a section 645 election. This             trustee was appointed as the filing  
election allows a QRT to be treated and       trustee by all electing trust(s) if there is         In general, the due date for the first  
taxed (for income tax purposes) as part       no executor. If there is no executor and           income tax return is the 15th day of the  
of its related estate during the election     only one QRT is making the election,               4th month after the close of the first tax  
period. Once the election is made, it         that QRT is the filing trust.                      year of the related estate. For  
cannot be revoked.                                                                               exceptions, see Regulations section  
                                              Election Period                                    1.6072-1(c). For the purpose of  
Definitions                                                                                      determining the tax year if there is no  
                                              The election period is the period of time          executor, treat the filing trust as an  
A QRT is any trust (or part of a trust)       during which an electing trust is treated          estate. If the estate is granted an  
that, on the day the decedent died, was       and taxed as part of its related estate.           extension of time to file its income tax  
treated as owned by the decedent under 
section 676 by reason of a power to           The election period begins on the date             return for its first tax year, the due date  
revoke that was exercisable by the            of the decedent’s death and terminates             of the Form 8855 is the extended due  
decedent (determined without regard to        on the earlier of:                                 date. 
section 672(e)).                              • The day on which each electing trust               For instructions on when to file an  
For this purpose, a QRT includes a            and the related estate, if any, have               amended election, see Amended  
trust that was treated as owned by the        distributed all of their assets or                 Election Needed When an Executor Is  
decedent under section 676 by reason          • The day before the applicable date.              Appointed After a Valid Election Is Made  
                                                                                                 on page 4. 
of a power to revoke that was                 Applicable date. To determine the  
exercisable by the decedent with the          applicable date, you must first determine          Where To File 
consent or approval of a nonadverse           whether a Form 706, United States  
party or the decedent’s spouse.               Estate (and Generation-Skipping                    IF you are                  THEN send the election  
However, a QRT does not include a trust       Transfer) Tax Return, is required to be            located in . . .            to the . . . 
that was treated as owned by the              filed as a result of the decedent’s death. 
decedent under section 676 by reason                                                             Connecticut, Delaware, 
of a power to revoke that was                 IS a Form 706          THEN the                    District of Columbia, 
                                              required?              applicable date is...       Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, 
exercisable solely by a nonadverse party                                                         Kentucky, Maine,   
or the decedent’s spouse and not by the       Yes                    The later of:               Maryland,   
decedent.                                                            • 2 years after the date of Massachusetts,              Department of the Treasury 
                                                                     the decedent’s death or     Michigan, New           Internal Revenue Service Center 
An electing trust is a QRT for which a                               • 6 months after the final  Hampshire,                  Cincinnati, OH 45999 
valid section 645 election has been                                  determination of liability  New Jersey, New York,   
made. Once the QRT makes the                                         for estate tax.             North Carolina, Ohio,   
election, it is treated as an electing trust  No                     2 years after the date of   Pennsylvania, Rhode   
throughout the entire election period.                               the  decedent’s death.      Island, South Carolina,   
                                                                                                 Tennessee, Vermont,   
An executor is an executor, personal          Final determination of liability. For              Virginia, West Virginia,   
representative, or administrator that has     purposes of this election only, the date           Wisconsin 
obtained letters of appointment to            of final determination of liability for the        Alabama, Alaska,   
administer the decedent’s estate through      estate tax is the earliest of:                     Arizona, Arkansas,   
formal or informal appointment                • 6 months after the IRS issues an estate          California, Colorado,   
                                                                                                 Florida, Hawaii, Idaho,   
procedures. For purposes of this              tax closing letter (unless a claim for             Iowa, Kansas,   
election, an executor does not include a      refund of estate tax is filed within 12            Louisiana, Minnesota,   
person that has actual or constructive        months after the letter is issued);                Mississippi, Missouri,   
                                                                                                 Montana, Nebraska,          Department of the Treasury 
possession of property of the decedent        • The final disposition of a claim for             Nevada, New Mexico,   Internal Revenue Service Center 
unless that person is appointed or            refund that resolves the liability for the         North Dakota,               Ogden, UT 84201 
qualified as an executor, administrator,      estate tax (unless suit is instituted within       Oklahoma, Oregon,   
or personal representative. If more than      6 months after a final disposition of the          South Dakota, Texas,   
                                                                                                 Utah, Washington,   
one jurisdiction has appointed an             claim);                                            Wyoming  
executor, then, for purposes of this  
election, only the person from the            • The execution of a settlement                      
primary or domiciliary proceeding is the      agreement with the IRS that determines             A foreign country or a   
                                                                                                 U.S. possession 
executor.                                     the liability for the estate tax; 
A related estate is the estate of the         • The issuance of a decision, judgment,  
decedent who was treated as the owner         decree, or other order by a court of               Who Must Sign 
of the QRT on the date of the                 competent jurisdiction resolving the               If there is more than one executor for a  
decedent’s death.                             liability for the estate tax (unless a notice      related estate or more than one trustee  
A filing trustee is the trustee of an         of appeal or a petition for certiorari is          for an electing trust, only one executor  
electing trust who, when there is no          filed within 90 days after the issuance of         or trustee must sign Form 8855 on  
executor, has been appointed by the           a decision, judgment, decree, or other             behalf of the entity, unless otherwise  
trustees of each of the other electing        order of a court); or                              required by applicable local law or the  
trusts to file the Forms 1041 (or             • The expiration of the period of                  governing document. 
                                              limitations for the estate tax. 

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Form 8855  (1-2009)                                                                                                          Page  4 
Employer Identification                      When to file an amended election. File       Caution: A QRT must get a new EIN  
                                             an amended Form 8855 within 90 days          following the death of the decedent. 
Numbers                                      of the appointment of the executor.          In the space for Employer 
The trustee of a QRT must obtain a new       Correction of returns. See the               identification number, be sure to enter 
employer identification number (EIN) for     Instructions for Form 1041 and               the new EIN obtained for the trust after 
the QRT upon the death of the                Regulations section 1.645-1 for              the decedent’s death. 
decedent. Parts I and III require that a     information on amending the previously       Space is provided for two QRTs. If 
trustee enter the EIN obtained by the        filed returns.                               more than two QRTs are joining in the 
trustee following the death of the  
                                                                                          election than space provided, use 
decedent. See Regulations section            Other Information                            additional Part IIIs. If additional pages of 
                                             For additional information about the         Part III are attached, the executor (or 
Retention of Copy of  Form                   reporting rules for a QRT, an electing       filing trustee) should indicate on the top 
                                             trust, or a former electing trust, or        of the first page of Part III how many 
8855                                         information about when it is necessary       additional pages are attached and the 
The executor of the related estate, if       to obtain a new EIN, see the Instructions    total number of QRTs joining in the 
any, and the trustee of each electing        for Form 1041 and Regulations section        election. 
trust must retain a copy of the              1.645-1. 
completed Form 8855 (and any                                                              Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We  
amended Form 8855 required to be             Specific Instructions                        ask for the information on this form to  
filed) and retain proof that the Form                                                     carry out the Internal Revenue laws of  
8855 was timely filed.                       Part I                                       the United States. You are required to  
Tax Treatment                                The executor of the related estate           give us the information. We need it to  
                                             completes the information requested in       ensure that you are complying with  
During the election period, all electing     this part and attests to the making of       these laws and to allow us to figure and  
trusts and the related estate, if any, file  this election and the conditions for a       collect the right amount of tax. 
one combined income tax return. For          valid section 645 election by signing        You are not required to provide the  
purposes of that return, the electing        (under penalties of perjury) and dating      information requested on a form that is  
trusts and the related estate are treated    the form in the space provided.              subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act  
as one estate. For example, the electing     If there is no executor, the filing          unless the form displays a valid OMB  
trust(s) are treated as part of the estate   trustee completes the information and        control number. Books or records  
for purposes of adopting a tax year, for     attests to the making of this election and   relating to a form or its instructions must  
determining whether estimated tax            the conditions for a valid section 645       be retained as long as their contents  
payments are required, the set-aside         election by signing (under penalties of      may become material in the  
deduction under section 642(c)(2), the S     perjury) and dating the form in the space    administration of any Internal Revenue  
corporation shareholder requirements of      provided.                                    law. Generally, tax returns and return  
section 1361(b)(1), and the special  
allowance for rental real estate activities  The executor must obtain an EIN for          information are confidential, as required  
under section 469(i)(4).                     the estate prior to filing this election. A  by section 6103. 
                                             filing trustee must enter the new EIN        The time needed to complete and file  
Note, however, that each electing trust      obtained for the trust after the             this form will vary depending on  
and the related estate are treated as a      decedent’s death in the space for            individual circumstances. The estimated  
separate share for purposes of the           Employer identification number in Part I.    average time is: 
separate share rules under section  
663(c) when the combined entity              If you have a foreign address, enter         Recordkeeping    . .   . . 3 hr., 21 min. 
computes distributable net income and        the information in the following order:      Learning about 
applies the distribution rules.              City, province or state, and country.        the law or the form    . . 1 hr.,  5 min. 
                                             Follow the country’s practice for entering 
Amended Election Needed                      the postal code. Do not abbreviate the       Preparing, copying, 
When an Executor Is                          country name.                                assembling, and 
                                                                                          sending the form 
Appointed After a Valid                      Part II                                      to the IRS  .    . .   . . 1 hr., 11 min. 
Election Is Made                             The executor (or filing trustee if there is  If you have comments concerning the  
If Form 8855 was filed by the filing         no executor) completes this section.         accuracy of these time estimates or  
trustee because there was no executor                                                     suggestions for making this form  
and an executor is subsequently              Part III                                     simpler, we would be happy to hear  
                                                                                          from you. You can write to the Internal  
appointed, an amended election must          The trustee for each QRT that is joining     Revenue Service, Tax Products  
be timely made. Otherwise, the election      in the election completes the information    Coordinating Committee,  
period terminates the day before the         requested in this part and attests to the    SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, 1111 Constitution 
executor is appointed.                       making of this election and the              Ave. NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC  
How to make an amended election.             conditions for a valid section 645           20224. Do not send the tax form to this  
The executor and the trustees of each        election by signing (under penalties of      address. Instead, see Where To File on  
electing trust complete and file a new       perjury) and dating the form in the space    page 3. 
Form 8855 and write “AMENDED                 provided. 
ELECTION” at the top of the form. 

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