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The form you are looking for begins on the next page of this file. Before viewing it, please see 
the important update information below.

                                  New Mailing Addresses
Addresses for mailing certain forms have changed since the forms were last published. The new mailing 
addresses are shown below.
Mailing address for Forms 706A, 706GS(D), 706GS(T), 706NA, 706QDT, 8612, 8725, 8831, 8842, 8892, 
8924, 8928:

Department of the Treasury 
Internal Revenue Service Center 
Kansas City, MO 64999

Mailing address for Forms 2678, 8716, 8822-B, 8832, 8855:

Taxpayers in the States Below                             Mail the Form to This Address
Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, 
Illinois, Indiana,Kentucky, Maine, Maryland,              Department of the Treasury 
Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey,       Internal Revenue Service Center 
New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode       Kansas City, MO 64999
Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, 
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, 
Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas,           Department of the Treasury 
Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana,     Internal Revenue Service Center 
Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota,               Ogden, UT 84201
Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, 
Utah, Washington, Wyoming

This update supplements these forms’ instructions. Filers should rely on this update for the changes described, 
which will be incorporated into the next revision of the forms’ instructions.

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                            Election To Use Different Annualization Periods for Corporate Estimated Tax
Form     8842                                   (Under section 6655(e)(2)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code)                       OMB No. 1545-0123
(Rev. October 2016)
Department of the Treasury                    ▶ Do not file with the corporation’s income tax return—file separately.
Internal Revenue Service    ▶ Information about Form 8842 and its instructions is available at www.irs.gov/form8842.
Name                                                                                                                 Employer identification number 

Number, street, and room or suite no. (If a P.O. box, see instructions.) 

City or town, state, and ZIP code, or country                                                                        Tax year ends (month and year) 

Type of return to be filed (check one) 
     Form 1120                                  Form 1120-L                             Form 1120-RIC 
     Form 1120-C                                Form 1120-ND                            Form 1120S 
     Form 1120-F                                Form 1120-PC                            Form 1120-SF 
     Form 1120-FSC                              Form 1120-REIT                          Form 8804 

Election to use an annualization option under the annualized income installment method                                 
Check one of the following     boxes. 

                                                1st                      2nd                               3rd                   4th   
                                                Installment              Installment              Installment            Installment 

   Option 1        . . . . .                    First 2 months           First 4 months           First 7 months         First 10 months 

   Option 2        . . . . .                    First 3 months           First 5 months           First 8 months         First 11 months 

Signature. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have been authorized by the above-named corporation or organization to make this election, and 
to the best ofmy knowledge and belief, the information provided is true, correct, and complete. 

                 Signature of officer or agent                                          Title                                       Date 

General Instructions                            If an organization wants to use the                        When To File 
                                                annualized income installment  
Section references are to the                                                                              • File Form 8842 annually to elect  
                                                method but does not elect Option 1  
Internal Revenue Code unless                                                                               Option 1 or 2 even if the same  
                                                or 2, it can annualize income using  
otherwise noted.                                                                                           option is elected each year. 
                                                the Standard Option. The Standard  
Purpose of Form                                 Option can be used without filing                          • File Form 8842 by the 15th day of  
Corporations use Form 8842 to elect             Form 8842. Corporations, see Form                          the 4th month of the tax year for  
one of the two annualization options            1120-W, Estimated Tax for                                  which the election is to apply. 
that can be elected under section               Corporations, for information on the                       Note: The election applies only to  
6655(e)(2)(C) to figure the                     Standard Option. Partnerships, see                         the tax year for which it is made.  
corporation’s estimated tax                     the instructions for Form 8804,                            Once the election is made, it cannot  
payments under the annualized                   Annual Return for Partnership                              be revoked for that tax year. 
income installment method.                      Withholding Tax (Section 1446).                            Where To File 
                                                Tax-exempt organizations subject                           File Form 8842 with the Department  
Who Can Elect                                   to the unrelated business income tax                       of the Treasury, Internal Revenue  
Corporations (including S                       and private foundations should not                         Service Center, Cincinnati, OH  
corporations) and partnerships                  file Form 8842. For information                            45999. 
required to pay the withholding tax             concerning the annualization periods 
under section 1446 use this form to             applicable to tax-exempt                                             Do not file Form 8842 with  
                                                                                                                     the corporation’s income  
elect either Option 1 or Option 2               organizations and private                                  !        tax return. 
under the annualized income                     foundations, see Form 990-W,                               CAUTION
installment method.                             Estimated Tax on Unrelated  
                                                Business Taxable Income for Tax-
                                                Exempt Organizations. 

                                                                                                                     (Continued on back of form) 
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions.                             Cat. No. 15990T                        Form  8842  (Rev. 10-2016) 

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Form 8842 (Rev. 10-2016)                                                                                   Page  2 

Address                                 receiver or trustee in bankruptcy on and return information are  
Include the suite, room, or other unit  behalf of a corporation must be      confidential, as required by section  
number after the street address.        accompanied by a copy of the order   6103. 
                                        or instructions of the court         The time needed to complete and 
If the post office does not deliver     authorizing signing of the election. file this form will vary depending on 
mail to the street address and the  
corporation has a P.O. box, show                                             individual circumstances. The 
the box number instead.                 Paperwork Reduction                  estimated burden for business 
                                                                             taxpayers filing this form is approved 
If the corporation receives its mail    Act Notice                           under OMB control number 
in care of a third party (such as an    We ask for the information on this   1545-0123 and is included in the 
accountant or an attorney), enter on    form to carry out the Internal       estimates shown in the instructions 
the street address line “C/O”           Revenue laws of the United States.   for their business income tax return.
followed by the third party’s name      You are required to give us the      If you have comments concerning  
and street address or P.O. box.         information. We need it to ensure    the accuracy of these time estimates 
Who Must Sign                           that you are complying with these    or suggestions for making this form  
The election must be signed and         laws and to allow us to figure and   simpler, we would be happy to hear  
dated by:                               collect the right amount of tax.     from you. You can send your 
• The president, vice president,        You are not required to provide      comments to www.irs.gov/
treasurer, assistant treasurer, chief   the information requested on a form  formspubs. Click on “More 
accounting officer; or                  that is subject to the Paperwork     Information” and then on “Give us 
                                        Reduction Act unless the form        feedback.” Or you can send your 
• Any other corporate officer (such     displays a valid OMB control         comments to the Internal Revenue 
as tax officer) authorized to sign.     number. Books or records relating to Service, Tax Forms and 
If the election is filed on behalf of a a form or its instructions must be   Publications, 1111 Constitution Ave. 
corporation by a receiver, trustee, or  retained as long as their contents   NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC 
assignee, the fiduciary must sign the   may become material in the           20224. Do not send the form to this 
election instead of the corporate       administration of any Internal       address. Instead, see Where To File, 
officer. An election signed by a        Revenue law. Generally, tax returns  earlier.

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