Enlarge image | 01/2015 Online Filing on the ONE-SPOT / MATS system is available ST. CLAIR COUNTY TAX RETURN Payment must be postmarked 165 5 THAVENUE SUITE 102 ASHVILLE, ALABAMA 35953 On or Before the 20th PHONE: 205-594-2108 FAX: 205-594-2110 to be considered timely www.stclairco.com MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, SALES, LODGING, USE, RENTAL/LEASE TAXES ANNUAL, OR OCCASIONAL Business Name ____________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ Period Covered _____________________________ ________________________________________________ Account # ___________________________________ S A L E S M A D E I N TO S T. C L A I R C O U N T Y I N S I D E T H E C I T Y L I M I T S O F P E L L C I T Y A B C D E 7759 ST CLAIR Gross Taxable Amount Deductions Net Taxable Amount Tax Tax Due CO CL PELL CITY Rate 1. Sales Tax-General Rate 1 % 2. Auto, Trailer, Farm & Manufacturing Machines 1 / 2 % 3. Lodging Tax 1 % THE FOLLOWING TAXES ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR DISCOUNT 4. Use Tax – Gen. Rate 1 % 5. Use Tax- Auto, Trailer, Farm & Mfg. Machines 1 / 2 % 6. Rental/Lease Tax 1 % S A L E S M A D E I N T O A L L O T H E R L O C A T I O N S I N S T. C L A I R C O U N T Y A B C D E 7059 ST CLAIR CO Gross Taxable Amount Deductions Net Taxable Amount Tax Tax Due Rate 7. Sales Tax-General Rate 2 % 8. Auto, Trailer, Farm & Manufacturing Machines 1 % 9. Lodging Tax 2 % THE FOLLOWING TAXES ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR DISCOUNT 10. Use Tax-Gen. Rate 2 % 11. Use Tax– Auto,Trailer, Farm & Mfg. Machines 1 % 12. Rental/Lease Tax 2 % 14A. Total Tax Due - Column E, Lines 1,2,3 and 7, 8 9 7859 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14B. Total Tax Due – Column E, Lines 4,5,6 and 10,11,12 13. Non-Abatable Educational Taxes NO DISCOUNT ALLOWED ON THESE TAXES_________________________________________ For companies with State Tax Abatement Only 15. Discount: LINE 14A TOTAL ONLY 5% on first $100 of tax due __________________ 2% on any remaining tax due __________________ .5 % ____________________ MAXIMUM $400.00__ __ ________________________________ __________ 16. Penalty for Failure to Timely File 1.0 % ____________________ Greater Of: 10% of Tax Due or $ 50.00 17. Penalty for Failure to Timely Pay: 10% of tax due TOTAL ________________________ NO DISCOUNT ALLOWED ON LINE 13 18. Interest: % 5 of Tax Due Per Month______________________________________________________ Signature certifies a true and complete report. 19. Net Tax Due 20. Dealer Vehicles withdrawn at $5.00 Date_______________ Title__________________ Signature_______________________________ 21. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE AND ENCLOSED__________________________________________________ |