• Annual Conference
  • Legislative Day & Executive Committee Meeting

48th Annual Conference

The Commission’s 2015 Annual Conference and Committee Meetings are held on July 27– 30, 2015 in Spokane, Washington.  Visit our Schedule of Events webpage for additional details.

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2015 Legislative Day & Executive Committee Meeting

The Commission will hold its Legislation Day and Executive Committee Meeting on May 6-7, 2015.  Visit our Schedule of Events webpage for more information. 

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Looking for Information About Changes to Article IV of the Compact?

At its annual business meeting in July 2014, the Commission adopted, as uniformity recommendations to the states, several amendments to provisions within Article IV of the Compact. Article IV of the Compact is composed of the Uniform Division of Income for Tax Purposes Act (UDITPA).  There are a couple of remaining sections of Section 18 and conforming amendments throughout Article IV that are awaiting consideration for approval by the Commission.  Once consideration of these remaining items has occurred, a revised model Compact will be posted on this website in addition to the original model drafted in 1966.

You can find the adopted changes, along with the remaining items still pending, at the Article IV page of the Uniformity section of our website

Commission Files Brief in Supreme Court

The MTC has filed an amicus brief in support of California's petition for certiorari in the United States Supreme Court. The case, Hyatt, raises the issue of state sovereignty, as it considers to what extent one state must extend legal immunities to another state. The MTC filed its brief to point out the impact that lawsuits like this one could have on state tax enforcement and on our system of cooperative federalism.
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MTC Sends Letter on Digital Goods Act

The Commission sent a letter to the chairmen and ranking members of the Senate Committee on Finance and the House Judiciary Committee regarding H.R. 1643/S. 851, the Digital Goods and Services Tax Fairness Act of 2015.  The Chair of the Commission, Alabama Commissioner of Revenue Julie Magee, expressed concerns about the bill, highlighting some flaws in the legislation --
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Trends in State Corporate Income Taxes Revisited (Again)

This article updates the article that appeared in the Winter 2007 issue of the Multistate Tax Commission Review which, in turn, updated a similar article that appeared in the Fall 2000 issue of that Review. The previous article was written at a time when state corporate income taxes were growing at unprecedented rates. However, in the recent past, this revenue source has been growing much more slowly. 
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State Fiscal Conditions

On February 4, Scott Pattison, Executive Director of the National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO), spoke to the Tax Economists Forum, a Washington, DC based group of public finance economists, about the current condition of state finances and the outlook for the future. To briefly summarize Mr. Pattison’s presentation: the current fiscal condition of state governments has improved somewhat when compared to fiscal years 2013 and 2014, but have not yet completely recovered from the Great Recession. 
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Commission’s Brief in Massachusetts Marblehead Case Cited in Decision

Marbleheada.jpgIn a case where the MTC had filed an amicus brief supporting the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has found in favor of the Department. The case concerned the proper application of MTC model apportionment rules for financial institutions. 
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Commission Files Brief in Tennessee Vodafone Case

The MTC has filed an amicus brief in the Vodafone case before the Supreme Court in Tennessee. The brief addresses the use of UDITPA Section 18 – equitable apportionment authority. The taxpayer argues that under the statutory cost-of-performance rule, sales of mobile telecommunications services to customers in Tennessee should not be sourced to the state.
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