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                                                                     This pamphlet includes important information on how to ile a               Massachusetts Department of
Obtaining UI services by telephone.
                                                                     claim for Unemployment Insurance beneits.
       It’s Easy.                                                                                                                               Division of Unemployment Assistance
       When you call the Unemployment Insurance 
       TeleClaim Center, you will press a number on your 
       telephone to choose services in English or  
       another language. 

 Press	to	ile	a	new	UI	claim	or	to	reopen	an		
 	                 existing	claim.
                                                                                                                                                To	Massachusetts	Workers:
 You will be asked to enter your social security number and the 
 year you were born. Then	you	will	be	transferred	to	a	DUA	agent	
 who	will	help	you	ile	your	claim.
                                                                                                                                                How to File for  
 Press	for	immediate	information	on	the	status	of		   	
 	                 your	check	or	claim	certiication	form.
 Enter your social security number and the year you were born. 
 You will be able to obtain automated information on the status 
 of your weekly signing form or your UI check. This is the same 
 information available to DUA staff. If there is a problem with your 
 claim, you will be transferred to a DUA agent.
 Press	to	sign	up	for	direct	deposit,	or	to	cancel	or			
 	                 change	existing	direct	deposit	information
                                                                                                                                                To	Massachusetts	Employers:	
 Press	for	customer	assistance,	to	resolve	a		                                                                                      Under the state’s Employment and Training Law, you are 
 	                 problem,	to	provide	a	social	security	number	                                                                                required to give a copy of this pamphlet to each of your 
 	                 for	a	dependent	child,	or	to	change	your		                                                                                   employees who is separated from work, permanently or 
 	                 address.                                                                                                                     temporarily. Please complete the information below:
 Press          — 5	for	information	on	the	Unemployment		
 	                 Insurance	program,	how	to	ile	for	beneits,	
 	                 and	how	to	obtain	job	search	and	retraining	
 	                 assistance.	                                                                                                                 Employer	name	(as	listed	in	DUA	Quarterly	Contribution	Report)		
                                                                     Massachusetts Department of
 You can listen to recorded information on the Unemployment                                                                                     DUA	Employer	ID	Number
 Insurance program and obtain the addresses and telephone            Workforce
 numbers of the nearest ofices that provide reemployment             Division of Unemployment Assistance
 services and information on training opportunities.                                                                                            Federal	Employer	ID	Number	(optional)
                                                                     Commonwealth of Massachusetts

                                                                     Equal Opportunity Employer/Program                                         (to	which	DUA	should	mail	request	for	separation	and	wage		
                                                                     Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with information) 
                                                                     TDD/TTY 1-800-439-2370  -  Voice 1-800-439-0183
                                                                      Printed on recycled paper    Form 0590-A  Rev. 03-09

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You have a choice.                                    Filing your claim. Follow these simple steps.

There are two ways to file  
                                                      Step	1	-	Decide	how	to	ile	your	claim.                                Step	2	-	Find	out	when	to	ile.	
your claim for Unemployment 
                                                      Choose to ile your claim in person or by calling the TeleClaim        For	Walk-In	services,	call	your	local		
Insurance benefits.                                    Center. Walk-In sevices are located in every region of the state. For Career	Center	for	hours.	
                                                      the address of the nearest UI Walk-In service, call 617-626-6560.     For	TeleClaim	Centers,	Expanded	hours:		
                                                      After hearing the greeting, enter the number 331 on the keypad of     Monday	to	Friday,	8:30	am	-	6:30	pm,		
You	can	call	the	TeleClaim	Center.
                                                      a touch tone telephone. When you are asked to do so, enter the        Saturday,	8:00	am	-	1:30	pm	
 	 	 Expanded	hours:		                                irst ive digits of your zip code. You will be given the address of    DUA is committed to providing you with prompt and courteous 
 Monday	to	Friday,	8:30	am	-	6:30	pm,		               the nearest Walk-In service. You can also ind the addresses of all    service. Our goal is to ensure that your claim is iled quickly and 
 Saturday,	8:00	am	-	1:30	pm	                         Walk-In services in Massachusetts on the DUA website at               eficiently, and that your waiting time is kept to a minimum. If 
 Unemployment Insurance services are                  www.mass.gov/dua. Select “Find UI Walk-In Services” on the            there are callers in queue, you will be given a message about 
 available by telephone. You can ile a new claim for  home page.                                                            the length of the expected waiting time. If you choose not to 
 Unemployment Insurance, reopen a current claim,                                                                            wait, you may call back later during that week and there will be 
 be interviewed if there are issues that affect your  To	ile	your	claim	by	telephone,	call	the	
                                                                                                                            no effect on the processing of your claim. 
 eligibility, obtain up-to-date information on the    TeleClaim	Center	at	1-877-626-6800	from	area	
 status of your claim and beneit payment check, and   codes:	351,	413,	508,	774,	and	978;	or	                               The earliest your claim may be iled is during your irst full 
 resolve problems — all by telephone.                 1-617-626-6800	from	any	other	area	code.                              week of unemployment or the irst week that you experience a 
                                                                                                                            signiicant reduction in the number of hours you normally work. 
                                                      You will be asked to press a number on your telephone to choose       A delay in iling could affect the amount of your beneits.
You	can	ile	your	claim	in	person.		                   services in English or another language. From the list of services, 
                                                      Press        — to ile a new UI claim or to reopen an existing claim. 
                                                                                                                            Step	3	-	Be	ready	with	the	following	information.
 Business	Hours:		                                    You will be asked to enter your social security number and the 
 DUA	Walk-In	Center	in	Boston:                        year you were born. You will then be connected to an agent who        • Your Social Security Number
 Monday	to	Friday,	                                   take the information necessary to ile your claim.                     • The year you were born
 8:30	am	–	4:30	pm
 Walk-In	Services	at	Career	Centers:                  Note: During peak periods from Monday through Thursday,               • Your residential and mailing address and  
 Hours	vary	from	center	to	center,	please	call	your	  call scheduling may be implemented, providing priority for            telephone number
 local	Career	Center	for	hours.	                      callers based on the last digit of their Social Security Number.      • Whether you have iled an Unemployment  
 	                                                    This helps ensure that you and others can get through to the          Insurance claim in Massachusetts or in any  
 Unemployment Insurance Walk-In services are          TeleClaims Center in a timely manner.  Please check the schedule      other state during the past 12 months
 available at the DUA Walk-In Center in Boston and at below before calling.                                                 • Your last day of employment
 One-Stop Career Centers in communities throughout 
 Massachusetts. Services include assistance with        If	the	last	digit	of	your	Social	Assigned	Day	to	Call	              • The names and addresses of all of the employers 
 iling a new claim for Unemployment Insurance,          Security	number	is:              Teleclaims	is:                     you have worked for during the 15 months prior 
                                                                                                                            to iling your claim, and the dates you worked for 
 reopening an existing claim, or resolving problems     0, 1 or 2                        Monday
 with your current claim.                                                                                                   each of these employers. If you are reopening a 
                                                        3, 4 or 5                        Tuesday                            claim, be ready with the same information for the 
                                                        6 or 7                           Wednesday                          past 8 weeks.
                                                        8 or 9                           Thursday                           • The reason that you are no longer working or 
                                                                                                                            that your hours have been reduced
                                                        Any last digit                   Friday and Saturday
                                                                                                                            • The names, dates of birth and social security 
                                                                                                                            numbers for any dependent children, if you are 
                                                                                                                            going to apply for dependency allowance
                                                                                                                            • Your alien registration number if you are not a 
                                                                                                                            U.S. citizen

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