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                                                                                                                                                                                                  Clear Form
   FORM                                    STATE OF HAWAII—DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION
   N-405                    Tax on Accumulation Distribution of Trusts
   (Rev. 2009) Attach to beneficiary’s tax return.
Name(s) as shown on return                                                                                                                         Social Security Number

Name and address of trust                                                                                                                          Federal Employer I.D. No.

Type of Trust:                Beneficiary’s date of birth        Enter number of trusts from which you received accumulation 
  Domestic      Foreign                                       distributions in this tax year (see General Instructions). ...............                                                  
 Part I        Average Income and Determination of Computation Years
 1 Amount of current distribution that is considered distributed in earlier tax years. (From Schedule J (Form N-40),  
   line 31 column (a).)  .................................................................................................................................................................. 1
 2 Distributions of income accumulated before you were born or reached age 21.  ....................................................................                                        2
 3 Line 1 minus line 2.   ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
 4 Taxes imposed on the trust on amounts from line 3. (From Schedule J (Form N-40), line 31 column (b).)  .............................                                                     4
 5 Total (add lines 3 and 4).  ........................................................................................................................................................     5
 6 Tax-exempt interest included on line 5.  (From Schedule J (Form N-40), line 31 column (c)) .................................................                                             6
 7 Taxable part of line 5 (Line 5 minus line 6).  ............................................................................................................................              7
 8 Number of trust’s earlier tax years in which amounts on line 7 are considered distributed.  ...................................................                                          8
 9 Average annual amount considered distributed (divide line 3 by line 8).  .......................................                              9
 10  Multiply line 9 by .25 (25%).   ........................................................................................................... 10
 11  Number of earlier tax years to be taken into account (see Instructions).   ................................................................................                            11
 12  Average amount for recomputing tax (divide line 7 by line 11).  Enter here and in each column on line 15  ............................                                                 12
 13  Enter your taxable income before this                  2008         2007                                               2006                      2005                                     2004
   distribution for the 5 immediately preceding 
   tax years (see Instructions). ...........................

 Part II       Computation of Tax Attributable to the Accumulation Distribution

                                                                  (a)  ______                                                                      (b)  ______                                 (c)  ______
 14  Enter the amounts from line 13, eliminating the highest and lowest 
   taxable income years.  ...........................................................................................     14

 15  Enter amount from line 12 in each column. ...........................................................                15

 16  Recomputed taxable income (add lines 14 and 15). .............................................                       16

 17  Income tax on amounts on line 16 (see Instructions). ...........................................                     17

 18  Income tax before credits on amounts on line 14. .................................................                   18

 19  Additional tax before credits (line 17 minus line 18, but not less than zero). .........                             19

 20  Tax credit adjustment (see Instructions). ...............................................................            20

 21  Line 19 minus line 20.  ............................................................................................ 21

 22  Add amounts on line 21, columns (a), (b), and (c) and enter here. .........................................................................................                            22 

 23  Divide the amount on line 22 by 3.  .........................................................................................................................................          23 

 24  Multiply the amount on line 23 by the number of years on line 11.   .........................................................................................                          24 

 25  Enter the amount from line 4.  .................................................................................................................................................       25 

 26  Partial tax (line 24 minus line 25).  If less than zero, enter zero.  Enter here and as indicated in the Instructions.   .................                                             26

                                                                                                                                                                                               FORM N-405

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FORM N-405 
(REV. 2009)                                                                                                                                      PAGE 2

General Instructions                                  Specific Instructions                                   Part II—Computation of Tax 
(Section references are to the Internal Revenue                                                              Attributable to the Accumulation 
Code.)                                                Part I—Average Income and                              Distribution
                                                      Determination of Computation 
Note:                                                 Years                                                  Line 17.—Figure the income tax on the income 
                                                                                                             on line 16 using the tax rates in effect for your 
Act  113,  Session  Laws  of  Hawaii  1998,  in       Line  1.—For  a  nonresident  individual  or           particular earlier tax year shown in each of the 
conforming  Hawaii’s  income  tax  laws  to  the      foreign corporation, include only the part of the      three columns.  You may use the Tax Table or Tax 
changes  made  by  the  Congress  in  1997,           accumulation distribution that is attributable to      Rate Schedules.  The Tax Rate Schedules and 
repealed  the  throwback  rules  applicable  to       Hawaii sources or is effectively connected with a      appropriate  prior  year  forms  can  be  obtained 
accumulated  distributions  of  certain  domestic     trade or business carried on in Hawaii.                from any taxation district office.
trusts.  For tax years beginning after August 5,      Line  2.—Enter  any  amount  from  line  1  that       Line 18.—Enter your income tax as originally 
1997, the tax on accumulation distributions from      represents UNI of a domestic trust accumulated         reported, corrected,    or amended,     before 
trusts does not apply to most domestic trusts.        before  you  were  born  or  reached  age  21.         reduction for any credits for your particular earlier 
The  tax  continues  to  apply  to  foreign  trusts,  However, if the multiple trust rule applies, see       year shown in each of the three columns.
certain domestic trusts that were once foreign        the instructions for line 4.
trusts,  and  certain  domestic  trusts  created                                                             Line 20.—Nonrefundable credits that are limited 
before March 1, 1984.  For more information,          Line 4.Multiple Trust Rule. If you received           to tax liability may be changed because of an 
see section 665(c).                                   accumulation  distributions  from  two  or  more       accumulation distribution. If the total allowable 
                                                      other trusts that were considered to have been         credits for any of the three computation years 
Purpose of Form                                       made in any of the earlier tax years in which the      increases,  enter  the  increase  on  line  20.   
                                                      current accumulation distribution is considered        However, do not treat as an increase the part of 
The  beneficiary  of  a  trust  that  accumulated,     to have been made, do not include on line 4 the        the credit that was allowable as a carryforward 
instead of distributing, its income currently, uses   taxes  attributable  to  the  current  accumulation    credit in the current or any preceding year other 
Form N-405 to figure the partial tax under section     distribution considered to have been distributed       than the computation year.
667.  The fiduciary notifies the beneficiary of an       in the same earlier tax year(s).
“accumulation  distribution”  by  completing  Part                                                           To refigure these credits, you must consider 
IV of Schedule J (Form N-40).                         For this special rule only count as trusts those       the changes to the tax before credits for each 
                                                      trusts for which the sum of this accumulation          of the three computation years due to previous 
Thus, if you received a distribution for this         distribution and  any       earlier accumulation       accumulation distributions.
tax  year  from  a  trust  that  accumulated  its     distributions from the trust which are considered 
income,  instead  of  distributing  it  to  you  each under section 666(a) to have been distributed in       Attach  the  proper  form  for  any  credit  you 
year (and the trust paid taxes on that income),       the same earlier tax year, is $1,000 or more.          refigure. The amount determined for items on 
you must complete Form N-405 to compute any                                                                  this line is limited to tax law provisions in effect 
additional tax liability.  The trustee must give you  Foreign  trust.—If  the  trust  is  a  foreign  trust, in those years involved.
a completed Part IV of Schedule J (Form N-40)         see section 665(d)(2).
so you can complete this form.                        Line  8.—You  can  determine  the  number  of          Line 26.—Attach this form to the current income 
                                                      years in which the UNI is deemed to have been          tax return being filed by the beneficiary and add 
If  you  received  accumulation  distributions        distributed by counting the “throwback years” for      the amount (if greater than zero) on line 26 to 
from more than one trust during the current tax       which there are entries on line 26 through 30          the total tax liability (before any tax credits) on 
year, prepare a separate Form N-405 for each          of Part IV of Schedule J (Form N-40).  These           the current income tax return of the beneficiary.
trust from which you received an accumulation         throwback  rules  apply  even  if  you  would  not     If Hawaii estate taxes or Hawaii generation-
distribution.  You can arrange the distributions      have been entitled to receive a distribution in        skipping transfer taxes apply to the accumulation 
in any order you want them considered to have         the earlier tax year if the distribution had actually  distribution, reduce the partial tax proportionately 
been made.                                            been made then.                                        for those taxes. See section 667(b)(6), for the 
Definitions                                            Note:  There  can  be  more  than  five                 computation  and  adjust  the  numerator  and 
                                                      “throwback years.”                                     denominator accordingly for Hawaii taxes paid.
Undistributed      Net   Income (UNI).— 
Undistributed  net  income  is  the  distributable    Line 11.—From the number of years entered on 
net income (DNI) of the trust for any tax year        line 8, subtract any year in which the distribution 
less: (1) the amount of income required to be         from column (a), Part IV of Schedule J (Form 
distributed  currently  and  any  other  amounts      N-40) is less than the amount on line 10 of Form 
properly  paid  or  credited  or  required  to  be    N-405.    If  the  distribution  for  each  throwback 
distributed to beneficiaries in the tax year; and      year is more than line 10, then enter the same 
(2) the taxes imposed on the trust attributable       number on line 11 as you entered on line 8.
to such DNI.                                          Line 13.—Enter your taxable incomes for years 
Accumulation Distribution.—An accumulation            2003 - 2007, even if less than five years of the 
distribution is the excess of amounts properly        trust had accumulated income after you became 
paid,  credited,  or  required  to  be  distributed   21.  Use  the  taxable  income  as  reported, 
(other  than  income  required  to  be  distributed   amended by you, or as changed by the Hawaii 
currently) over the DNI of the trust reduced by       Department of Taxation. Include in the taxable 
the amount of income required to be distributed       income  amounts  considered  distributed  in 
currently.                                            that  year  as  a  result  of  prior  accumulation 
                                                      distributions whether from the same or another 
Generally, except for tax-exempt interest, the        trust, and whether made in an earlier year or the 
distribution loses it character upon distribution to  current year.
the beneficiary.  See section 667(d) for special 
rules for foreign trusts.                             If your taxable income as adjusted is less 
                                                      than zero, enter zero.

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