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                                       STATE OF HAWAII—DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION

FORM                                                                                                                                                             TAX
               TAX CREDIT FOR LOW-INCOME HOUSING                                                                                                                 YEAR
N-586          Or fiscal year beginning _________________, 20____, and ending __________________, 20____
(REV. 2009)  
                                       Enter the start and end of your tax year in the space provided.                                                           20_ _
                      ATTACH THIS SCHEDULE AND A COPY OF FEDERAL FORM 8586 TO FORM N-11, N-15, 
         N-20, N-30, N-35, N-40, N-70NP, F-1 OR TO THE ANNUAL PREMIUM TAX RETURN (Form 314), WHICHEVER IS APPLICABLE.  
                                       ATTACH A COPY OF FORMS 8609 AND 8609-A TO THIS SCHEDULE.
Name(s) as shown on Form N-11, N-15, N-20, N-30, N-35, N-40, N-70NP, F-1, or Form 314                                                                        Social Security Number

NOTE: If you are claiming the Ethanol Facility Tax Credit, no other credit can be claimed for the taxable year.                                              Federal Employer I.D. No.
NOTE: If you are only claiming the tax credit from a flow-through entity, start on line 5.
Part I   Low-Income Housing Credit
1 Name and address of building(s) for which the credit is being  
2 Date building(s) placed in service (month, year)

3 Enter the amount of the tax credit allocated by the HHFDC to Hawaii property: 
  a     Placed in service before July 1, 2005 .................................................................................................              3a 
  b     Placed in service on or after July 1, 2005 ...........................................................................................               3b

4 a     Multiply the amount on line 3a by 30% and enter here .......................................................................                         4a 
  b     Multiply the amount on line 3b by 50% and enter here .......................................................................                         4b
5 Flow through of Hawaii low-income housing credit received from other entities, if any:
  Check the applicable box below.  Enter the name and Federal Employer I.D. No. of Entity: 
       a  S corporation shareholder — enter total from Schedule K-1 (Form N-35), line 12d ......................
       b  Partner — enter amount from Schedule K-1 (Form N-20), line 15  .................................................
       c  Beneficiary — enter amount from Schedule K-1 (Form N-40), line 7b  ...........................................
       d  Patron — enter the amount from federal Form 1099-PATR  ............................................................                               5
6 Carryover of unused low-income housing tax credit from prior years ........................................................                                6

7 Tentative current year low-income housing credit (Add lines 4a, 4b, 5, and 6) ..........................................                                   7
  Note:  Form N-20, Form N-35, and Form 314 filers stop here and enter the amount on line 7 on the 
  appropriate lines of your tax return.
Part II  Tax Liability Limitations (Not to be completed by Form N-20, Form N-35, and Form 314 filers)
8 a     Individuals — Enter tax liability amount from Form N-11 or, if applicable, Form N-15 ........................
  b     Corporations — Enter tax liability from Form N-30 .............................................................................
  c     Other filers — Enter your income tax liability, before credits, from the applicable form  .....................                                       8

9 Complete the credit worksheet in the instructions and enter the total here................................................                                 9

10  Income tax liability, as adjusted (line 8 minus line 9).  If the result is zero or less than zero,  
  enter zero on line 10  ................................................................................................................................... 10

11  Total credit allowed — Enter the smaller of line 7 or line 10.  This is your low-income housing credit  
  allowable for the year.  Enter this amount also, rounded to the nearest dollar for individual taxpayers, 
  on the appropriate line for the credit on Schedule CR (for Form N-11, N-15, N-30, and 
  N-70NP filers); Form N-40, Schedule E; or Form F-1, Schedule H, whichever is applicable .....................                                               11

12  Carryover of unused credit.  Enter here the difference between lines 7 and 11; otherwise  
  enter zero.  The amount of any unused tax credit may be carried over and used as a credit  
  against your income tax liability in subsequent years until exhausted.   ......................................................                            12

                                                                                                                                                                FORM N-586

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                                                                                                                                 FORM N-586 
Page  2                                                                                                                            (REV. 2009)

PART III Recapture of Low-Income Housing Credit
  Building                 Address of Building (as shown on Form N-586)                                                Date placed in service  
                                                                                                                       (from Form N-586)


                                                                                                     Building                    TOTAL 
                                                                                                    A   B

1 Enter the amount of accelerated portion of tax credits  
  recaptured, federal Form 8611, line 7 ..................................................        1

2 Enter the appropriate credit percentage (see Instructions) ..................                   2

3 Multiply line 1 by line 2 and enter result ...............................................      3

4 Enter net recapture amount from flow-through entities, Schedule K-1  
  or Federal Form 1099-PATR  .................................................................    4

5 Enter the interest on line 4 recapture amount (see Instructions) .........                      5

6 IRC Section 42 (j)(5) Partnerships ONLY - Enter interest  
  on line 3 recapture amount  ................................................................... 6

7 Total recapture - Add lines 3, 4, 5, and 6.  Enter here and on  
  proper line of your tax return  ............................................................... 7

                                             Purpose of Form.  Owners of                             Insurers.—Complete Part I to figure 
General                                      residential rental buildings providing low-             the credit to carry to Form 314, Annual 
Instructions                                 income housing must use Form N-586 to                   Premium Tax Return.  Attach a copy of 
                                             claim the low-income housing credit.                    federal Form 8586 to Form 314.
  (Section references are to the Internal 
Revenue Code (IRC) unless otherwise          The tax credit does not apply to                        Caution:  No credit may be claimed on any 
noted.)                                      occupants of low-income housing units.                  building for which there has been allowed 
                                                                                                     any relief from the passive loss rules under 
  The Hawaii low-income housing tax          For more information, contact the 
                                                                                                     section 502 of the Tax Reform Act of 1986.
credit allowed under section 235-110.8,      Department of Taxation, Taxpayer Services 
Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), is based      Branch at (808) 587-4242, or toll-free at               Statutory Reference.  Section 235-
upon the tax credit allowed for federal      1-800-222-3229.                                         110.8, HRS.
income tax purposes under section 42.        Banks and other financial                                Low-income housing tax credit.
Generally, the Hawaii low-income tax credit  institutions. –– Complete Parts I and 
is 50% of the allowable federal low-income   II.  Attach a copy of federal Form 8586 to              (a) Section 42 (with respect to low-
housing tax credit (30% for property placed  Form F-1.                                               income housing credit) is operative for 
in service before July 1, 2005).  A taxpayer                                                         purposes of Chapter 235, HRS.
may claim this credit whether or not the     Partnerships, S Corporations, Estates 
taxpayer claims a federal low-income         and Trusts.—Complete Part I to figure                    (b) Each taxpayer subject to the tax 
housing tax credit.                          the credit to pass through to the partners,             imposed by Chapter 235, HRS, who files 
                                             shareholders, or beneficiaries.  Attach a                a net income tax return for a taxable year 
Note:  Although a taxpayer no longer has     copy of federal Form 8586 to the entity’s               may claim a low-income housing tax credit 
to claim the federal low-income housing      income tax return.                                      against the taxpayer’s net income tax 
tax credit in order to claim the State low-                                                          liability.  The amount of the credit shall be 
income housing tax credit, federal low-      Partnership investors now have the                      deductible from the taxpayer’s net income 
income housing tax credit forms, Form        flexibility of allocating the State low-                 tax liability, if any, imposed by Chapter 
8586, will need to be completed in order     income housing tax credit among its                     235, HRS for the taxable year in which 
to claim the State low-income housing tax    partners without regard to the partners’                the credit is properly claimed on a timely 
credit. Form 8586 needs to be attached       proportionate interests in the partnership              basis.  A credit under this section may be 
to your Hawaii return even if you are not    for taxable years beginning after December              claimed whether or not the taxpayer claims 
required to attach it to your federal return.31, 1999.                                               a federal low-income housing tax credit 
                                                                                                     pursuant to section 42.

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FORM N-586 
(REV. 2009)                                                                                                                      Page  3

(c) The low-income housing tax credit          claim the credit shall constitute a waiver of  •	The building no longer meets the 
shall be fifty per cent of the applicable       the right to claim the credit. A taxpayer may    minimum set-aside requirements 
percentage basis of each building located      claim a credit only if the building or project   of section 42(g)(1), the gross rent 
in Hawaii.  Applicable percentage shall be     is a qualified low-income housing building        requirements of section 42(g)(2), or the 
calculated as provided in section 42(b).       or a qualified low-income housing project         other requirements for the units which 
                                               under section 42 of the Internal Revenue         are set-aside.
(d) For the purposes of this section, the      Code.
determination of:                                                                             Recapture does not apply if:
                                                 Section 469 (with respect to passive         •	You disposed of the building or an 
(1) Qualified basis and qualified low-           activity losses and credits limited) of the      ownership interest in it after July 30, 
income building shall be made under            IRC shall be applied in claiming the credit.     2008, and it is reasonably expected that 
section 42(c);
                                                 (h) The director of taxation may adopt         the building will continue to be operated 
(2) Eligible basis shall be made under         any rules under chapter 91 and forms             as a qualified low-income building 
section 42(d);                                 necessary to carry out this section.             for the remainder of the building’s 
                                                                                                compliance period;
(3) Qualified low-income housing project 
shall be made under section 42(g);                                                            •	You disposed of an ownership interest 
                                                 The Hawaii Housing Finance and                 in a building that you held through an 
(4) Recapture of credit shall be made                                                           electing large partnership; 
under section 42(j), except that the tax       Development Corporation (HHFDC), under 
for the taxable year shall be increased        the Department of Business, Economic           •	The decrease in qualified basis does 
under section 42(j)(1) only with respect       Development and Tourism, is designated           not exceed the additions to qualified 
to credits that were used to reduce            as the State housing credit agency to carry      basis for which credits were allowable 
State income taxes;                            out section 42(h) (with respect to limitation    in years after the year the building was 
                                               on aggregate credit allowable with respect       placed in service;
(5) Application of at-risk rules shall be      to projects located in the State).  As         •	You correct a noncompliance 
made under section 42(k);                      the State housing credit agency, the             within a reasonable period after it 
                                               corporation shall determine the eligibility      is discovered or should have been 
of the Internal Revenue Code                   basis for a qualified low-income building,        discovered.  (However, recapture 
(e) As provided in section 42(e),              make the allocation of housing credit dollar     applies if any vacant unit of comparable 
rehabilitation expenditures shall be           amounts with the State, and determine the        or smaller size to the low-income units 
treated as separate new building and their     portion of the State’s housing credit ceiling    is rented to other than a low-income 
treatment under this section shall be the      set aside for projects involving qualified        tenant (on other than a temporary 
same as in section 42(e).  The definitions      nonprofit organizations.                          basis) during any period when the 
and special rules relating to credit period      All claims for allocation of the low-          project does not comply with the set-
in section 42(f) and the definitions and        income housing credit under section 235-         aside requirement or has experienced 
special rules in section 42(i) shall be        110.8, HRS, shall be filed with the HHFDC         a reduction in qualified basis for which 
operative.                                     at 677 Queen St., Suite 300, Honolulu,           credits were allowable.);
(f) The State housing credit ceiling in        HI  96813.  The HHFDC shall determine          •	The credit did not reduce your tax 
section 42(h) shall be zero for the calendar   the amount of the credit allocation, if          liability; or
year immediately following the expiration      necessary, and return the claim to the         •	The qualified basis is reduced because 
of the federal low-income housing tax          taxpayer.  The taxpayer shall file a credit       of a casualty loss, provided the 
credit program and for any calendar year       allocation form issued by the HHFDC              property is restored or replaced within a 
thereafter, except for the carryover of any    with the taxpayer’s tax return with the          reasonable period.
credit ceiling amount for certain projects in  Department of Taxation.
progress which, at the time of the federal                                                    Specific Instructions 
expiration, meet the requirements of           Recapture of Credit
                                                                                              Part II
section 42.                                      There is a 15-year compliance period 
(g) The credit allowed under this section      during which the residential rental building   Tax Liability Limitations
shall be claimed against net income            must meet certain requirements.
                                                                                                NOTE:  For the purpose of this tax 
tax liability for the taxable year. For the    Note: If the decrease in qualified basis        credit, net income tax liability means net 
purpose of deducting this tax credit, net      is because of a change in the amount for       income tax liability reduced by all other 
income tax liability means net income tax      which you are financially at risk on the        credits, except for the high technology 
liability reduced by all other credits allowed building, then you must first recalculate       business investment tax credit and the 
the taxpayer under this chapter.               the amount of credit taken in prior years      technology infrastructure renovation 
A tax credit under this section which          pursuant to section 42(k) before you           tax credit allowed under chapter 235, 
exceeds the taxpayer’s income tax              calculate the recapture amount on this         HRS.  If you are also claiming the high 
liability may be used as a credit against      form.                                          technology business investment tax 
                                                                                              credit (Form N-318) or the technology 
the taxpayer’s income tax liability in         Generally, recapture applies if:               infrastructure renovation tax credit 
subsequent years until exhausted. All 
claims for a tax credit under this section     •	You dispose of a building or an              (Form N-326), complete this form first, 
must be filed on or before the end of the         ownership interest in it;                    then Form N-318, then Form N-326.
twelfth month following the close of the       •	There is a decrease in the qualified          Line 8 — Enter the tax liability before any 
taxable year for which the credit may be         basis of the building from one year to       credits from the appropriate line of your tax 
claimed. Failure to properly and timely          the next; or                                 return.

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                                                                                                                        FORM N-586 
Page  4                                                                                                                                        (REV. 2009)

Line 9 — The law requires that ALL other      year involved.  Add the interest amounts for                        For flow-through entities that file Form 
credits except for the high technology        each prior year until the earlier of:            N-20 or Form N-35, identify amounts as 
                                                                                               “Recapture of low-income housing tax 
business investment tax credit and the        •	The due date (not including extensions) 
technology infrastructure renovation            of the return for the recapture year, or       credit”:
tax credit offset a taxpayer’s tax liability 
BEFORE allowing a credit for low-income       •	The date the return for the recapture                             N-20, Schedule K-1, line 28. 
housing.  Complete the Credit Worksheet         year is filed and any income tax due for                           N-35, Schedule K-1, line 20.
on this page and enter the result on line 9.    that year has been fully paid.
Line 11 — Compare the amounts on lines          Enter the total on line 5 or 6.  (This 
                                              interest is not deductible on your income 
7 and 10.  Enter the smaller of line 7 or 10 
here.  This is your maximum credit allowed    tax return.)
for this taxable year.                          Line 7 — Include the total credit 
                                              recaptured on the appropriate line 
Part III                                      representing your tax liability.
 To complete Part III of Form N-586 you 
will need copies of all the following federal 
forms that you have filed:  Form 8586,                                              CREDIT WORKSHEET
Low-Income Housing Credit, Form 8609,                         Tax Credit                                          Amount
Low-Income Housing Credit Allocation 
                                                          a. High Technology Investment Tax 
Certification, Form 8609-A Annual                             Credit for investments made after 
Statement for Low-Income Housing Credit,                     April 30, 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
and Form 8611, Recapture of Low-Income                    b. Ethanol Facility Tax Credit  .........
Housing Credit.                                           c. Income Taxes Paid to another state 
 Lines 1 through 7 — If the tax credit is                    or foreign country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
recaptured from more than two buildings,                  d. Enterprise Zone Tax Credit  ........
attach a schedule and enter the totals in                 e. Carryover of the Energy 
the third column.                                            Conservation Tax Credit . . . . . . . . . .
 If the tax credit recapture is only from                 f. Credit for Employment of Vocational 
a flow-through entity (partnership, S                         Rehabilitation Referrals  ...........
corporation, estate, or trust) skip lines 1-3             g. Carryover of the Individual 
and go to line 4.                                            Development Account Contribution 
                                                             Tax Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Line 1 — Tax credit recapture.—                          h. Credit for School Repair and 
Section 42(j)(5) partnerships fill in line                    Maintenance  ...................
7 also.  All other flow-through entities                   i. Ko Olina Resort and Marina 
(partnerships, S corporations, estates, or                   Attractions and Educational 
trusts) enter the result here and on the                     Facilities Tax Credit  ..............
appropriate line of Schedule K of your                    j. Renewable Energy Technologies 
respective return.  Enter each recipient’s                   Income Tax Credit  ...............
share on the appropriate line of Schedule                 k. Credit for Low-Income Household 
K-1.                                                         Renters  .......................
 Line 2 — Appropriate credit                              l. Credit for Child and Dependent 
percentage.—Enter 30% if the property                        Care Expenses  .................
was placed in service before July 1, 2005.  
                                                          m.  Credit from a Regulated Investment 
Enter 50% if the property was placed in                      Company  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
service on or after July 1, 2005.
                                                          n. Fuel Tax Credit for Commercial 
 Lines 5 and 6 — Interest.—Compute                           Fishers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
the interest separately for each prior tax 
year using a rate of 8% (.00667 monthly)                  o. Credit for Child Passenger 
                                                             Restraint Systems  ...............
for the period beginning on the due date 
for filing the original return for each prior              p. Capital Goods Excise Tax Credit  . . .
                                                          q. Refundable Food/Excise 
                                                             Tax Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                                          r. Tax Credit for Research Activities  ...
                                                          s. Motion Picture, Digital Media and 
                                                             Film Production Income Tax Credit . .
                                                          t. Add lines a through s.  Enter the 
                                                             amount here and on  
                                                             line 9  .........................

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