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Form M-4768A Instructions
Who May File must be paid before the expiration of such period, plus the
This application may be filed by an executor or administra- interest thereon from the original due date of the return, to
tor, or if there is no executor or administrator appointed, the date of payment.
qualified and acting within the Commonwealth, then by any Note: An extension of time to pay does not extend the due
person in actual or constructive possession of any property date for filing of the return. Form M-4768, Application for
of the decedent. Extension of Time to File Massachusetts Estate Tax Return,
may be filed, if necessary.
Due Date of Massachusetts Estate Tax
Return, Form M-706 When to File
Form M-706, Estate Tax Return, is due within nine months File this application sufficiently early to permit the Mass-
after the date of decedent’s death (with respect to those achusetts Estate Tax Bureau to consider the application
estates of decedents dying on or after January 1, 1976). The and reply before the due date of the return. An extension of
tax is due at the time of filing the return. time to pay shall only be granted if application is made prior
to the due date of the return.
Specific Instructions
An extension of time to pay must be for a reasonable period, How and Where to File
not to exceed six months. If, however, the Commissioner Complete this form in duplicate and file with the Massachu-
finds that payment on the due date would result in undue setts Department of Revenue, Estate Tax Bureau, PO Box
hardship, he may extend the payment date for a period not 7023, Boston, MA 02204.
in excess of three years from the due date of the tax.
An application based on reasonable cause must establish
why it is impossible or impracticable for the executor to pay Any unpaid portion of the tax finally determined to be due
the full amount of the estate tax on or before the due date. will bear interest from the original due date of the return to
the date of payment.
An application based on undue hardship must establish
such undue hardship that would result to the estate if the Penalties
application is denied.
If the Massachusetts Estate Tax is not timely paid, a penalty
This application will be granted only for the amount of the shall be imposed at the rate of ¹⁄�% per month, or fraction
cash shortage. The amount of the estate tax, the cash thereof, to a maximum of 25% of the unpaid balance.
shortage and the balance due should be indicated. Make a
check payable to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for If the Massachusetts Estate Tax Return is not timely filed,
the balance due. Enter the decedent’s Social Security num- a penalty shall be imposed at the rate of 1% per month,
ber on the check. or fraction thereof, to a maximum of 25% of the unpaid
The Massachusetts Estate Tax Bureau will complete the
form and return a copy to the applicant. If the application isBond
approved, attach a copy to the estate tax return filed. The
If an extension of time to pay is granted, the executor may
part of the estate tax for which the extension is granted
be required to furnish a bond.