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                                                 STATE OF HAWAII — DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION
                                            APPLICATION FOR AUTOMATIC EXTENSION OF TIME 
(REV. 2009)                                 TO FILE HAWAII FRANCHISE TAX RETURN (FORM F-1) 
                                      OR PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY TAX RETURN (FORM U-6)

                           Name of taxpayer                                                                                                                      Extension REJECTED.  (See below  
                                                                                                                                                                  for reasons.)
                           Dba or c/o                                                                                                                           Federal Employer Identification Number

                           Number and street                                                                                                                    Hawaii Tax I.D. No.
             Type or Print
                           City or town, State                                                                 Postal/ZIP Code

                          Check type of return to be filed:  Form F-1                             Form U-6 
                                                          (Check here   if you do not have an office or place of business in Hawaii)
1                          (a) I request an automatic 6-month extension of time to file the franchise or public service company tax return of the entity named above for: 
                               calendar year 20             , or tax year ending                                , 20 
                           (b) If this tax year is for less than 12 months, check reason:
                            Initial return      Final return                                    Change in accounting period approved                             Consolidated return to be filed
                            Amended Return      First Year                                      Second Year         Third Year
2                          Does this application also cover subsidiaries to be included in a consolidated return? .............................................................. Yes  No
                           If “Yes,” attach a list showing the name, address, and Federal Employer Identification Number of each member of the affiliated group of domestic 

3                          Total tax liability for the taxable year (You may estimate this amount)  ...........................................................  3
                           NOTE:  You must enter an amount on line 3.  If you do not expect to owe tax,  
                           enter zero (0) and skip lines 4a, 4b, and 4c.
4                          Are you making the election to pay the tax in:
                           4a.  4 equal installments?  .................................... Yes    No
                           4b.  12 equal installments (applicable to those whose total tax liability  
                               exceeds $100,000)? .....................................     Yes    No
                           4c.  If line 4a is checked “Yes” — enter 1/4 of line 3 on line 4c.
                               If line 4b is checked “Yes” — enter 1/12 of line 3 on line 4c. 
                               If “No” is checked for line 4a and 4b — enter the amount of line 3 on line 4c........................................             4c

Pay amount on line 4c in full.  Attach check or money order for full amount payable to “Hawaii State Tax Collector.”  Write your Federal Employer 
Identification Number, the taxable year, and Form N-755 on it.  Pay in U.S. dollars. Do not send cash.
Installment Payments. — If you are making installment payments instead of paying the tax in full, use the “Franchise Tax or Public Service Company  
Tax Installment Payment Voucher” (Form FP-1) to report and pay the remaining amount(s) due.

                                                                         REASONS FOR REJECTION OF EXTENSION

                                       1.  The request was not in this office or mailed on or before the date prescribed by law for filing this return.
                                       2.  Separate requests are required for each type of tax and for each taxpayer involved.
                                       3.  The tax return was not filed within the time specified by the automatic extension.
                                                                                                                                                                                      FORM N-755

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FORM N-755 
(REV. 2009)                                                                                                                                   PAGE 2
                                                      (1) On or before the due date of the return pre-      10.  Consolidated Returns. — If a consoli-
INSTRUCTIONS                                              scribed by the statute, there shall have been     dated return is to be filed, the parent corporation 
1.  Purpose. — Use this form to ask for an                paid, through a payment accompanying the          may request an automatic extension for its sub-
automatic 6-month extension of time to file Form           application for the extension, an amount equal    sidiaries.  In such case, the name, address, and 
F-1 or Form U-6.                                          to the tax payable for the year.                  Federal Employer Identification Number of each 
Do not request an automatic extension if you              If you are electing to pay the tax in four equal  member of the affiliated group for which the ex-
are under a court order to file your return by the         installments, then one-fourth (1/4) of the tax    tension is desired must be listed under item 2 on 
regular due date.                                         due must accompany this form.  If your total      a separate sheet.  The filing of this form by a par-
                                                          tax liability exceeds $100,000, your tax pay-     ent corporation is not considered as an exercise 
The extension will be granted if you complete             ments must be made in 12 equal installments       of the privilege of making a consolidated return.
this form properly, file it on time, pay with it the       beginning with the 10th day of the first month     11.  Termination of Extension. — The Direc-
amount of tax shown on line 4c and meet the               following the close of the taxable year.  One-    tor of Taxation may terminate the automatic ex-
conditions indicated in item 7 of the Instructions.       twelfth (1/12) of the tax due instead must ac-    tension at any time by mailing a notice of termina-
In no case shall the extension be granted for             company this form.  If a payment accompanies      tion to the entity or to the person who requested 
a period of more than six months beyond the due           the application for the extension, the amount     the extension for the entity.  The notice will be 
date of the return.                                       of this payment shall be shown on line 4c.        mailed at least 10 days prior to the termination 
2.  Where to Get Tax Forms.     Hawaii tax           (2) Within  the  time  specified  by  the  automatic   date designated in the notice.
forms, instructions, and schedules may be ob-             extension, the return shall be filed, accompa-
tained at any taxation district office or from the         nied by payment of the remaining tax liability.   SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS
Department’s  website  at www.hawaii.gov/tax,             If the above conditions are not met, the delin-   We  have  provided  specific  instructions  for 
or you may contact the customer service staff of          quent penalty and interest will be charged on     most of the lines on the form.  Those lines that 
our Taxpayer Services Branch at:                          the tax as if no extension had been granted,      do not appear in the Instructions are self-explan-
808-587-4242                                              i.e.,  the  computation  of  delinquent  penalty  atory. 
1-800-222-3229 (Toll-Free)                                and interest will relate back to the due date     Line 3. — Enter the amount of tax you expect 
                                                          prescribed by the statute.                        to owe for the taxable year.
3.  When to File. — File this application on or           8.  Penalties. — You may be assessed one or       Line  4c.  —  Enter  one-fourth  (1/4)  of  the 
before the original due date of the entity’s income   both of the following penalties.                      amount shown in line 3 on line 4c if you have 
tax return.  If the due date falls on a Saturday, 
Sunday, or legal holiday file by the next regular      Late Filing of Return. — The penalty for failure      elected to pay the tax due in four equal install-
workday.                                              to file a return on time is assessed on the tax due    ments.  Section 239-7, HRS, allows the payment 
                                                      at a rate of 5% per month, or part of a month, up     of the public service company tax to be made in 
You may file the applicable tax return any time        to a maximum of 25%.  If you file and pay a return     four equal installments on April 20, June 20, Sep-
before the 6-month period ends.                       late, attach a full explanation with the return.      tember 20, and December 20.  Section 241-5, 
                                                                                                            HRS, allows the payment of the franchise tax due 
4.  Where to File. — Submit this form to:             Failure to Pay After Filing Timely Return. —          in four equal installments.  The first installment 
HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION                         The penalty for failure to pay the tax after filing a  shall be paid on or before the twentieth day of the 
                 P. O. Box 1530                       timely return is 20% of the tax unpaid within 60      fourth month following the close of the fiscal year 
        Honolulu, Hawaii 96806-1530                   days of the prescribed due date.  The 60-day pe-      (April 20 for calendar year taxpayers).  This form 
5.  How to Fill Out This Form. —  Fill in the         riod is calculated beginning with the prescribed      has incorporated the payment of the first quar-
spaces with the entity’s name, address, Federal       due date even if the prescribed due date falls on     terly installment or the 5th monthly installment for 
Employer Identification Number, and Hawaii Tax         a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.                 certain taxpayers whose total tax liability exceeds 
I.D. No., if any.  Below that indicate the applicable These penalties are in addition to any interest       $100,000 of this tax payable for the taxable year.   
tax form to which the extension relates.              charged on underpayment or nonpayment of tax.         An extension of time to file your tax return will not 
                                                                                                            extend the time to pay your tax.  Therefore, you 
6.  How to Claim Credit for Payment Made                  9.  Interest. — Interest at the rate of 2/3 of 1% must pay the amount of tax shown on line 4c in 
With This Form. — Show the amount paid (line          per month, or part of a month, shall be assessed      full with this form.
4c) with this form on the applicable tax return.      on unpaid taxes and penalties beginning with the 
7.  Granting of Extension. — An automatic             first calendar day after the date prescribed for 
extension of time for filing a return shall be al-     payment, whether or not that first calendar day 
lowed only upon the following two conditions:         falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.

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