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Instructions for Idaho Form 84R
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Line 4. Multiply line 2 by line 3 to compute the credit originally
earned for each property listed.
Use Form 84R to compute the increase in tax and reduction
to credit carryover for the recapture of the small employer real Line 5. Enter the month, day, and year the property ceased to
property improvement tax credit (SE-RPITC). qualify as SE-RPITC property.
If you claimed the SE-RPITC in an earlier year and fail to meet Line 6. Do not enter partial years. If the property was held less
the tax incentive criteria you certiied to on Idaho Form 89SE, you than 12 months, enter zero. If you failed to meet the tax incentive
must recapture all the SE-RPITC claimed in the earlier years. criteria, enter zero.
You must recompute the credit if you earned it in an earlier year, PART III
but disposed of the property before the end of the ive-year
recapture period. You must also recompute the credit on any Line 7. Enter the appropriate recapture percentage from the
property ceasing to qualify as SE-RPITC property. Property following table.
moved from Idaho ceases to qualify as SE-RPITC property and is
subject to recapture.
If the number of full yearsThen the recapture
Recapture may be necessary when: on Form 84R, line 6 is... percentage is...
● An S corporation shareholder's interest is reduced by a sale, 0 100
redemption or other disposition of the shareholder's stock, or 1 80
by the corporation's issuance of more shares.
● A partner's proportionate interest in the general proits of the 2 60
partnership (or in a particular item of property) is reduced. 3 40
● A trust's, estate's or beneiciary's proportionate interest in the
income of the trust or estate is reduced. 4 20
5 or more 0
S corporations, partnerships, estates and trusts that pass through
SE-RPITC to the shareholders, partners or beneiciaries must
provide Form ID K-1 reporting the recapture amount and including
in Part E, Supplemental Information, details on the year(s) the Line 9. Add all amounts on line 8. If you have used more than
credit being recaptured was originally earned. one Form 84R or separate sheets to list additional items on which
you computed an increase in tax, write to the left of the entry
Any resulting tax from recapture of credits claimed in prior years space "Tax from attached" and the total tax from the separate
must be added to the tax otherwise determined in the year of sheets. Include the amount in the total for line 9.
recapture. Recapture of credits not claimed in prior years reduces
the amount of credit carryover available to the current year. Line 10. Enter the amount of recapture of SE-RPITC that is being
passed to you from S corporations, partnerships, estates and
SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS trusts. This amount is reported on Form ID K-1, Part D, line 16.
Attach a copy of Form ID K-1 provided to you.
Instructions are for lines not fully explained on the form.
If recapture is necessary due to a reduction of a shareholder's
PART I proportionate stock interest in an S corporation, reduction in the
interest in the general proits of a partnership, or reduction in the
Lines A through E. Describe the property for which you must proportionate interest in the income of the trust or estate, include
recompute the SE-RPITC. Fill in lines 1 through 8 in Parts II and that recapture on line 10 as well.
III for each property on which you are recomputing the credit. Use
a separate column for each item. Use an additional Form 84R, Line 11. Add lines 9 and 10 to determine the amount of credit
or other schedule with the same information as required on Form subject to recapture.
84R, if you have SE-RPITC recapture on more than ive items.
Line 12. If you are a partnership, S corporation, trust or estate,
PART II enter the amount of credit recapture that passed through to
partners, shareholders, or beneiciaries. Do not include any
S corporations, partnerships, estates and trusts that have credit recapture on this line for partners, shareholders, or beneiciaries
subject to recapture must complete lines 1 through 9 to determine for whom you are paying the tax.
the amount of credit recapture.
Line 13. If you did not use all the credit you originally computed
Partners, shareholders and beneiciaries will use the information either in the year earned or in a carryover year, you will not have
provided by the partnership, S corporation, trust or estate to report to pay tax from recapture of the amount of the credit you did not
their pass-through share of the credit to be recaptured on line use.
10. If the only recapture you are reporting is from a pass-through
entity, skip lines 1 through 9 and begin on line 10. Compute the unused portion of the original credit on a separate
sheet and enter it on this line. Do not enter more than the tax
Line 1. Enter the month, day, and year that the property was irst from recapture on line 11.
available for service.
Line 15. This is the total increase in tax. Enter it on this line and
Line 2. Enter the cost or other basis of the property used to on Form 44, Part II, line 4. DO NOT use this amount to reduce
compute the original SE-RPITC. your current year's SE-RPITC from Form 84.