CORRECTED FINAL -- 04/15/10 2009 S Corporation Form M8 Instructions Adjustments to income include their share of income on their tax What’s new for 2009 Federal bonus depreciation. If you elected return. However, the S corporation taxes Factor percentages have changed on your 2009 federal return the special and minimum fee are paid by the entity. The property and payroll factors on Sched- deduction equal to 50 percent of the cost A C corporation is required to file Form ule M8A have changed from 9.5 percent of qualifying property placed in service, 80 M4, Minnesota Corporation Franchise Tax, to 8 percent each, and the sales factor has percent of the bonus depreciation amount instead of Form M8. changed from 81 percent to 84 percent. Ef- must be added to Minnesota income. For fective for tax year 2009. details, see Schedule KS, line 5. Minimum fee The amount your shareholders add back in An S corporation is subject to a minimum 2009 can be taken as a subtraction in equal fee if the sum of its Minnesota source Questions? parts over the next five years when they file property, payroll and sales or receipts is at their Minnesota tax return. least $500,000. However, the S corporation You can ind forms and information, Increased section 179 expensing. Minne- is exempt from the minimum fee if the S including answers to frequently asked sota did not adopt the increased federal sec- corporation is a qualified business partici- questions and options for iling and tion 179 expensing for tax year 2009. Pass pating in a Job Opportunity Building Zone paying electronically, at: through to your shareholders the difference (JOBZ) in Minnesota and all of its property between the expensing allowed for federal and payroll are within the zone. and state tax purposes. Appropriate lines The minimum fee is computed on M8A, Send us an e-mail at: have been added to Schedule KS. which is on page 2 of Form M8. The amount your shareholders add back in 2009 can be taken as a subtraction in equal Call us at 651-556-3075 parts over the next five years when they file File your return TTY: 711 Minnesota Relay their Minnesota tax return. electronically Discharge of indebtedness for business Options are available to electronically pre- Need forms? debt. Minnesota did not adopt the new fed- pare and file your S corporation tax return. Forms and other tax information are eral election to defer discharge of indebted- Electronic filing is a secure, fast and easy available on our website at ness income from reacquisition of business way to file. For more information, go to our debt (see Schedule KS). Effective for taxable website at years ending after Dec. 31, 2008. We’ll provide information in another format upon request to persons with disabilities. Credit for tuberculosis testing on cattle. For corporations, the credit is limited to 25 Before you ile percent (reduced from 50 percent) of the Complete your federal return Contents Before you complete Form M8, complete expenses incurred during the year to test federal Form 1120S and supporting sched- your cattle for tuberculosis. Effective for tax- What’s new for 2009 ............. 1 able years beginning after Dec. 31, 2008. ules. You will need to reference them. General information ............ 1–3 Filing requirements ............ 1 Due dates and extensions ...... 2 Minnesota tax ID number Payment options .............. 2 Your Minnesota tax ID is the seven-digit Filing requirements number you’re assigned when you register Filing reminders .............. 3 M8 instructions ............... 4–6 Corporations doing business in with the department. Generally, it is the Frequently asked questions ..... 6 Minnesota that have elected to be same as your sales and use tax or Minnesota M8A instructions .............. 7–9 employer’s withholding tax number. taxed as S corporations under sec- KS instructions .............. 10–12 It’s important to include your Minnesota tax tion 1362 of the Internal Revenue ID on your return so that any payments you Code (IRC) must file Form M8. make are properly credited to your account. If you don’t have a Minnesota tax ID, Who must ile you must apply for one. To apply, go Any corporation with a valid federal elec- to and click on tion under IRC section 1362 is considered “Register for a Minnesota tax ID num- an S corporation for Minnesota purposes. ber” from the e-Services menu, or call 651-282-5225 or 1-800-657-3605. The entire share of an entity’s income is taxed to the shareholder, whether or not it is actually distributed. Each shareholder must Continued Stock No. 3509820 (Rev. 4/10) 1 |
CORRECTED FINAL -- 04/15/10 General information (continued) Due dates and Payment options extensions If you’re required to pay any Minnesota business tax electronically, you must pay all Due date for iling and taxes electronically. A 5 percent penalty will be assessed if you fail to do so when paying is March 15, 2010 required. File your return and pay the taxes payable as soon as possible after the end of the tax year, Pay electronically using e-File Minnesota but no later than the following dates: • To pay over the Internet—go to, and click on “Login to • Calendar year returns: March 15, 2010. e-File Minnesota” from the e-Services menu, or • To pay by phone—call 1-800-570-3329. • Fiscal year returns: the 15th day of the third month after the end of your tax year. Both options are free. To be timely, you must complete your transaction and re- ceive a conirmation number on or before the due date for that payment. If the due date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, returns and payments electronically If you’re using the system for the irst time and need a temporary password, call made or postmarked on the next business 651-282-5225 or 1-800-657-3605. day are considered timely. Pay by credit card For a fee, you may charge your payments to your Visa, MasterCard, American Ex- Extension of time to ile All S corporations are granted an automatic press or Discover/Novus credit card. To do so, have your credit card ready and go six-month extension to file Form M8, if to or call 1-800-272-9829. the tax payable for the year is paid by the regular due date. Pay by check When making the following payments by check: you must attach Form: However, if the IRS grants an extension of Tax return payment (taxes payable on M8) ............... PV40 time to file your federal return that is longer Extension payment .................................. PV81 than the Minnesota automatic six-month Estimated tax payments .............................. M72 extension, your state filing due date is ex- Amended return payment (taxes payable on M8X) ......... PV65 tended to the federal due date. Your check authorizes us to make a one-time electronic funds transfer from your This is a filing extension only. To avoid pen- account. You may not receive your canceled check. alties, you must make an extension tax pay- ment by the regular due date. See Extension Forms are available from our website at payment in the section below for details. cally (see Payment options above). If you’re To make an estimated payment, see Payment not required to pay electronically, you may options above. If you’re paying by check, send Payments pay by check and send a completed Form a completed Form M72 with your payment. There are four types of tax payments an S corporation can make — extension, estimated PV81 along with your payment. For additional information, see the S Corpo- tax, tax return and amended return pay- ration Estimated Tax instructions. ments. You can pay electronically, by credit Estimated payments card or by check. (See Payment options An S corporation must make quarterly above.) estimated tax payments if it has $500 or Tax return payment If line 19 of Form M8 shows an amount more of: Note: If you’re currently paying electronically due, you must make a tax return payment using the ACH credit method, continue to call • estimated S corporation taxes and the (see Payment options above). If you’re not your bank as usual. If you wish to make pay- minimum fee, or required to pay electronically, you may pay ments using the ACH credit method, instruc- • any nonresident shareholder’s share of by check and send a completed Form PV40 tions are available at estimated composite income tax, or along with your payment. • any nonresident shareholder’s share of Extension payment estimated Minnesota nonresident with- Penalties and interest Your tax is due by the regular due date, even holding. Late payment. A late payment penalty is assessed on any tax not paid by the regular if you are filing under an extension. Any tax Payments are due by the 15th day of the due date. The penalty is 6 percent of the not paid by the regular due date is subject third, sixth, ninth and 12th months of the unpaid tax. to penalties and interest (see lines 16 and 17 tax year. If estimated tax is required for the on page 5). S corporation taxes/minimum fee, compos- If you file your return after the regular due If you are filing after the regular due date, ite income tax, and/or nonresident with- date with a balance due, an additional 5 per- you can avoid penalties and interest by holding, include all in the same quarterly cent penalty will be assessed on the unpaid making an extension payment on or before payments. tax. the regular due date. Pay your tax electroni- Continued 2 |
CORRECTED FINAL -- 04/15/10 General information (continued) Late iling. There is also a penalty if you Nonresident withholding file after the extended due date and owe tax. S corporations are required to withhold Annual reporting of all The late filing penalty is 5 percent of any tax Minnesota income tax for a nonresident JOBZ tax beneits not paid by the regular due date. shareholder if the shareholder: Each qualified JOBZ business is also Interest. You must also pay interest on the • has a legal residence that is not Minne- required to annually file two addition- penalty and tax you are sending in late. The sota, al forms with the Department of Rev- interest rate for 2010 is 3 percent. • is not included in composite income tax, enue. These forms are filed separate Other penalties. There are also civil and • has Minnesota distributive income of from the JOBZ business’s tax return. criminal penalties for intentionally failing to $1,000 or more from this S corporation, 1. By October 15, 2010, each quali- file a Minnesota return, evading tax and for and fied business must file Form M500, filing a frivolous, false or fraudulent return. • has income that was not generated by a Reporting of JOBZ Tax Benefits, to transaction related to the termination or report the amount of taxes the busi- liquidation of the S corporation in which ness would have paid in 2009 had it Filing reminders no cash or property was distributed in the not been in a JOBZ zone. current or prior taxable year. 2. By December 1, 2010, each quali- Accounting period You must use the same accounting period If you are required to pay nonresident fied business must certify to the for Minnesota as you use for your federal withholding, see the line 4 instructions on Department of Revenue that it is return. If you change your federal account- page 4. in compliance with the terms of its ing period, attach a copy of federal Form business subsidy agreement. 1128, Application to Adopt, Change or Retain Use of information Failure to submit either of these a Tax Year, to your short-period Minnesota All information on this form is private, reports will result in the business being return. except for your Minnesota tax ID number, removed from the JOBZ program. which is public. Private information cannot be given to others except as provided by Composite income tax state law. An S corporation may pay composite Min- nesota income tax on behalf of its nonresi- The identity and income information of the Where to ile paper returns dent shareholders who elect to be included shareholders are required under state law so Mail your Form M8 and all completed in lieu of each shareholder filing his or the department can determine the share- Minnesota and federal forms and schedules her own Minnesota return. The electing holder’s correct Minnesota taxable income using a mailing label (below). individuals must not have any Minnesota and verify if the shareholder has filed a If you choose not to use the label, mail your source income other than the income from return and paid the tax. The Social Security forms to: Minnesota S Corporation Income this S corporation and other entities elect- numbers of the shareholders are required Tax, Mail Station 1770, St. Paul, MN 55145- ing composite filing. under M.S. 289A.12, subd. 13. 1770. If you are paying composite income tax for your electing shareholders, check the box Assembling paper tax Reporting federal changes for composite income tax on the front of If the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) forms Form M8 and see the line 3 instructions on Arrange your Minnesota schedules in the changes or audits your federal return or you page 4. order they were completed and place them amend your federal return and it affects Nonresidents included in the composite behind your Form M8. Then place your your Minnesota return or the federal Sched- income tax are not subject to the nonresi- federal return and its schedules behind the ules K-1, you must amend your Minnesota dent withholding requirements (see the Minnesota material. Do not staple or tape return. File your Form M8X within 180 next section). any enclosures to your return. days after you were notified by the IRS or after you filed your federal amended return. Enclose a copy of the IRS report or your amended federal return with your amended Minnesota return. If the changes do not affect your Minnesota Use a mailing label if iling a paper return return, you have 180 days to send a letter of Use this mailing label on your own envelope to mail your Form M8 and explanation to the department. Send your attachments. (Cut on the dotted line and tape to your envelope.) letter and a complete copy of your amended federal return or the correction notice to: Minnesota S Corporation Tax, Mail Station 5170, St. Paul, MN 55146-5170. If you fail to report as required, a 10 percent S Corporation Tax penalty will be assessed on any additional tax. St. Paul, Minnesota 55145-1770 3 |
CORRECTED FINAL -- 04/15/10 Completing Form M8 Before you complete Form M8, you must If you received a signed and dated Form complete the following; you will need to Line instructions AWC, Alternative Withholding Certificate, Round amounts to whole dollars. Decrease from one or more shareholders, check the reference them: amounts less than 50 cents and increase box provided on line 4 of Form M8. You • federal Form 1120S and supporting amounts 50 cents or more to the next higher must include the certificate(s) when you file schedules, and dollar. your return. • Schedule KS for each nonresident share- Line 1—S corporation taxes holder and to any Minnesota shareholder Enter the total of the following S corpora- Line 6—Employer transit pass who has adjustments to income (see page tion taxes on line 1, and check the ap- credit If you provided transit passes at a reduced 10). plicable boxes to indicate the tax types cost to your employees for use in Minneso- included. Show the detail for each type ta, complete Schedule ETP, Employer Transit of tax and the percentage apportioned to Pass Credit, to determine your credit. Check boxes Minnesota. Multiply that amount by 9.8 Final return percent (.098)—the corporate tax rate—to Enter the amount of the credit that is being If this is a final return and the S corporation determine your Minnesota tax. For each tax, claimed directly by the S corporation and will not be required to file returns in the enclose a separate schedule showing your not passed through to the shareholders. future (e.g., going out of business), be sure computation. Line 6 cannot exceed the total of S corpora- to check this box on the front of the form. tion taxes and the minimum fee (sum of • Determine the tax on the Minnesota por- Composite income tax tion of passive income subject to federal lines 1 and 2). Enclose Schedule ETP. If you are paying composite income tax for tax. Enclose a copy of the federal schedule Line 8—Minnesota Nongame Wild- your electing shareholders, check the box for used to figure your federal tax. life Fund composite income tax on the front of your S corporations can help preserve Min- return and see the instructions for line 3. • Determine the tax on the Minnesota por- tion of recognized built-in gain and net nesota’s rare and endangered animals and Financial institutions capital gain subject to federal tax. plants by donating to this fund. To donate, If you are a financial institution electing enter your contribution on line 8. This • If the S corporation is paying the LIFO to be taxed as an S corporation for federal amount will be added to your total tax and recapture tax (figured for the last year the purposes, check the box on the front of the will decrease your refund or increase your corporation was a C corporation) over form. balance due. Monies donated are deductible a four-year period, include this year’s the following year. Qualiied Subchapter S Subsidiary installment. (QSSS) Line 10—Enterprise zone credit If you are including a qualified subchapter S Line 2—Minimum fee If your business has been certified and ap- subsidiary (QSSS) on this return, check the Complete M8A of Form M8 to determine proved by the Department of Employment box on the front of your Form M8. the minimum fee to enter on line 2. See the and Economic Development as employ- M8A instructions beginning on page 7. ment property in an enterprise zone, enter If the parent S corporation has nexus with Minnesota, you must use the parent’s fed- You are exempt from the minimum fee if the credit that is being claimed directly by eral and state ID number. If the parent does you are a qualified business participating in the S corporation and not passed through not have nexus, file Form M8 under the fed- a JOBZ zone in Minnesota and all of your to the shareholders. Enclose Schedule EPC. eral and state ID numbers of a QSSS with property and payroll are within the zone. Line 11—JOBZ Jobs credits nexus in Minnesota. In any event, a com- Line 3—Composite income tax A refundable jobs credit, based on higher- plete copy of the federal Form 1120S must To determine line 3, you must first figure paying jobs, is available to qualified busi- be included with the Minnesota return. the amount of composite tax attributed to nesses operating in a JOBZ zone. A qualified See Three-factor formula for QSSS filers on each electing shareholder. See the instruc- business must have signed a Business Sub- page 7 for more information. tions for line 31 of Schedule KS on page 12. sidy Agreement with the zone administra- tor. Complete and enclose Schedule JOBZ, Qualiied business participating in a Add the composite income tax attributed to JOBZ Tax Benefits. JOBZ zone all electing shareholders (the total of lines If you are a qualified business participating 31 from all KS schedules), and enter the Also include any credit you may have re- in a JOBZ zone in Minnesota and all of your result on line 3 of Form M8. ceived as a partner of a partnership (include Schedule KPC with your return). property and payroll are within the zone, Line 4—Nonresident withholding you are not required to pay a minimum fee. Enter the total jobs credit that is being To determine line 4, you must first figure Check the box on the front of Form M3. claimed directly by the S corporation and the amount to withhold for each nonresi- not passed through to the shareholders. Initial return dent shareholder. See the instructions for If this is the S corporation’s first return filed line 32 of Schedule KS on page 12. To learn more about the zones, go to the Minnesota Department of Employment in Minnesota, check the box on the front of Add the withholding required for all non- and Economic Development website at the form. resident shareholders (the total of lines 32 from all KS schedules), and enter the result on line 4 of Form M8. Continued 4 |
CORRECTED FINAL -- 04/15/10 M8 (continued) Line 12—Cattle tuberculosis test- Payment method. If you are required to Line 20—Overpayment ing credit pay electronically and do not, an additional If line 14 is less than the sum of lines 9 and If you own cattle in Minnesota and you in- 5 percent penalty applies to payments not 18, subtract line 14 from the sum of lines 9 curred expenses during the year to test your made electronically, even if your paper and 18. Enter the result on line 19 and enter cattle for tuberculosis, you may qualify for a check is sent on time. zero on line 20. credit of 25 percent of your total expenses. To determine line 12, follow the steps below: Line 17—Interest If you have an overpayment, you may You must pay interest on the unpaid tax and choose to have it direct deposited into your 1 Expenses you incurred to penalty from the regular due date until the bank account. You may also choose to apply conduct tuberculosis testing total is paid. The interest rate for calendar all or a portion of your overpayment toward on your cattle in Minnesota ... year 2010 is 3 percent. your 2010 estimated tax account. 2 The credit is limited to 25% .25 (.25) of your expenses ........ To figure how much interest you owe, use Line 21—2010 estimated tax the following formula with the appropriate Skip this line if you owe additional tax. 3 Multiply step 1 by step 2 ...... interest rate: If you are paying 2010 estimated tax, you Enter the result from step 3 on line 12. You Interest = may apply all or a portion of your refund to cannot pass through this credit to your (tax + penalty) x # of days late x interest rate ÷ 365your 2010 estimated tax. Enter the portion shareholders. Line 18—Additional charge for of line 20 you want to apply toward your Expenses incurred in a calendar year in 2010 estimated tax. underpayment of estimated tax which tuberculosis testing of cattle in Minnesota is not federally required are not If you did not pay the correct amount of es- Line 22—Refund allowed in claiming the credit. timated tax by the due dates, you may have If you want to request your refund to be to pay an additional charge for underpaying direct deposited into your bank account, Line 13—Estimated tax and exten- or not paying estimated tax. complete line 23. Your bank statement will sion payments You may also owe the additional charge if: indicate when your refund was deposited to Enter your total prepayments, including: your account. Otherwise, skip line 23 and • your total 2009 estimated tax payments • the total of lines 1 and 2—less any credits your refund will be sent to you in the mail. on lines 6, 10, 11 and 12—is $500 or made in 2009 and 2010, paid either elec- more, or Line 23—Direct deposit of refund tronically or with Form M72, If you want your refund to be directly • any nonresident shareholder’s share of • any 2009 extension payment, paid elec- deposited into your checking or savings the composite income tax on line 3 is tronically or with PV81, that was made by account, enter the routing and account $500 or more, or the due date when filing under an exten- numbers. • any nonresident shareholder’s share of sion, or You can ind your bank’s routing number and • the portion of your 2008 refund applied Minnesota withholding tax on line 4 is account number on the bottom of your check. to your 2009 estimated tax. $500 or more. Complete Schedule EST, Additional Line 16—Penalty Penalties are collected as part of the tax and Charge for Underpayment of Estimated Tax, to determine the additional charge for routing number must have nine digits. The are in addition to any additional charge for underpaying estimated tax. If you are underpaying estimated tax. Compute the The account number may contain up to 17 paying your tax after the regular due date, underpayment charge separately for the S digits (both numbers and letters). Enter the include the appropriate penalties on line 16. corporation taxes/minimum fee and for number and leave out any hyphens, spaces You must include a statement showing how each nonresident shareholder who has $500 and symbols. you arrived at the penalty amount. or more of either composite income or If the routing or account number is incor- nonresident withholding tax. Late payment. If the tax is not paid by rect or is not accepted by your financial the original due date, a penalty is due of 6 Enter the total charge, if any, on line 18. institution, your refund will be sent to you percent of the unpaid tax on line 15. Enclose the schedule with your return. in the form of a paper check. Late iling. If you are filing your return Line 19—Amount owed By completing line 23, you are authorizing after the extended due date, you must pay a Add lines 15 through 18. This is the amount the department and your financial institu- late filing penalty. The late filing penalty is 5 of tax you owe. Be sure to check the ap- tion to initiate electronic credit entries, and percent of the unpaid tax on line 15. propriate box on line 19 to indicate your if necessary, debit entries and adjustments method of payment. See Payment options on for any credits made in error. Balance not paid. If you file your return page 2. after the original due date and owe tax, an additional penalty is due. The additional Continued penalty is 5 percent of the unpaid tax on line 15. 5 |
CORRECTED FINAL -- 04/15/10 M8 (continued) Checking the box does not give your pre- By providing an e-mail address, you are Signature parer the authority to sign any tax docu- authorizing the department to correspond The return must be signed by a principal ments on your behalf or to represent you at with you or the designated person over officer of the corporation. any audit or appeals conference. For these the Internet and you understand that the If you paid someone to prepare your return, types of authorities, you must file a power entity’s nonpublic tax data may be transmit- the preparer must also sign. The preparer’s of attorney or Form REV184 with the ted over the Internet. ID number and phone number should also department. You also accept the risk that the data may be included. E-mail address be accessed by someone other than the You may check the box in the signature area If the department has questions regarding intended recipient. The department is not to give us your permission to discuss your your return and you want to receive corre- liable for any damages that the entity may return with the paid preparer. This autho- spondence electronically, indicate the e-mail incur as a result of an interception. rization remains in effect until you notify address below your signature. Check a box the department in writing (either by mail or to indicate if the e-mail address belongs to fax) that the authorization is revoked. an employee of the S corporation, the paid preparer or other contact person. Frequently asked questions Q: I iled federal Form 2553 with the IRS to elect to become Q: When determining composite income tax, can I reduce the an S corporation. Do I also need to ile a similar form with taxable income by a prior year’s net operating loss? Minnesota? A: No. Only the current year’s income is included when determin- A: No. Once you have filed Form 2553 with the IRS and it has been ing composite income tax. approved, Minnesota automatically accepts your S corporation status. Q: If the S corporation does business in a reciprocity state (Wisconsin, North Dakota or Michigan) and the sole share- Q: Does Minnesota allow a parent S corporation to elect to holder is a Minnesota resident, does the shareholder have treat its subsidiary as a QSSS (Qualiied Subchapter S to ile a return in the other state? Subsidiary)? A: Yes. The shareholder would be required to file a return in the A: Yes. Minnesota conforms to this federal treatment. The parent other state. The income earned by an S corporation does not S corporation that owns a QSSS must file a single Form M8 re- qualify for exemption under the reciprocity agreements. porting the income, deductions and credits for both the parent and the QSSS, as described in Revenue Notice 98-09. Q: What information will I need to pay taxes electronically? A: To pay electronically over the Internet or by phone you will Q: When I ile a single QSSS return, how do I determine the need your Minnesota tax ID number, password and your bank minimum fee? routing and account numbers. A: Complete a separate M8A and figure the minimum fee based on If you are using the system for the first time and you need a each company’s factors. Enter the sum of all minimum fees on temporary password, call 651-282-5225 or 1-800-657-3605. the Form M8. 6 |
CORRECTED FINAL -- 04/15/10 Completing M8A Complete M8A to determine your Min- Petitioning to use another Property factor nesota source income and minimum fee. If If you are not required to complete federal method of allocation you conducted all your business in Minne- State law (M.S. 290.20, subd. 1a and Min- Schedule L (Form 1120S), you may want sota during the tax year, complete columns nesota Rules 8020.0100, subp. 3) allows to do so to determine the property factor. entities to request permission from the Enclose the completed federal Schedule L A and B1. Enter 1.00000 (for 100 percent) department to allocate all, or any part of, (Form 1120S) or a copy of the S corpora- on line 18, column B 1 (and the remaining taxable net income in a manner other than tion’s balance sheet with your return. columns, as needed). the three-factor formula or by applying the The property factor consists of tangible methodology contained in Revenue Notice property which includes land, buildings, If a qualified subchapter S subsidiary 08-04. machinery, equipment, inventories and (QSSS) is not included on your return, To request permission, complete Form ALT, other tangible personal property valued at Petition to Use Alternative Method of Alloca-original cost. complete columns A and B1. tion (see Revenue Notice 04-07). Original cost is your cost or original basis If a QSSS isincluded, read “Three-factor Permission will be granted only if you can when you acquired the property. Deprecia- formula for QSSS filers” below.” Each QSSS show that the three-factor formula does not tion and fair market value are not considered. must have a MN Tax ID number. Column properly and fairly reflect your Minnesota A must include the total amounts of all S income, and that the alternative formula you have chosen does. Continued corporations included on Form M8 and column B 1is for the QSSS designated filer. The remaining columns are for each of the Three-factor formula for QSSS ilers other S corporations in the group that have a Minnesota apportionment factor. If you If your federal Form 1120S includes a The apportionment formula is computed need more than three columns, attach ad- qualified subchapter S subsidiary (QSSS), by adding the apportionment ratios of all ditional forms as needed. you must file a single Form M8. However, unitary entities with nexus in Minnesota. for computing the minimum fee and The numerators of these apportion- allocating income for nonresidents, each ment factors would include the property, Three-factor formula entity must compute their own income, payroll and sales (or receipts) attributed Minnesota uses a weighted three-factor deductions, factors and credits sepa- to Minnesota for each entity having nexus formula comprised of property, payroll rately. Provide a worksheet that separates in Minnesota. The denominators of the and sales (which includes gross earnings, these items for each entity. Also, attach a apportionment factors include the prop- receipts and rents received) during the tax schedule with each entity’s name, address, erty, payroll and sales (or receipts) in all year to determine the apportionment factor. federal and Minnesota tax ID numbers locations for all the entities in the unitary For tax year 2009, the factor weights are and include it with the filing. business. 0.08 for property, 0.08 for payroll and 0.84 If the S corporation parent or any of the for sales (receipts). Resident shareholders Under Minnesota law, the entire income QSSSs are not engaged in a single unitary To determine the Minnesota apportionment of Minnesota residents is subject to Min- business, a nonresident shareholder is only factor, first determine your property, payroll nesota income tax, regardless of the S subject to tax on an apportioned share of and sales factors. corporation apportionment factors. the income earned by those entities that have nexus with Minnesota. If column A of line 6, 10 or 14 of M8A is zero, you are not able to use the three-fac- Nonresident shareholders The income from such entities for non- tor apportionment formula prescribed by In determining the amount of income to resident shareholders is apportioned to law. Rather, use the factor weights provided be included on a nonresident sharehold- Minnesota using the weighted three-factor below: er’s Minnesota income tax return, Form apportionment formula determined under M1, a determination must be made as M.S. 290.191. A separate apportionment • If the only missing factor is either prop- to whether the S corporation parent and formula is calculated for each entity with erty or payroll, change the sales factor the QSSS are engaged in a single unitary nexus in Minnesota. Only the property, weight on line 16 from 0.84 to 0.913, and business. payroll and sales (receipts) numerators the weight of the remaining factor from Nonresident shareholders will need to and denominators for that entity are used 0.08 to 0.087. know their Minnesota apportioned share to apportion the shareholder’s income for • If the only missing factor is sales, change of the combined income for those entities that entity. the weight of both the property and pay- roll factors on lines 8 and 12 from 0.08 to that are part of the same unitary business. Complete a Schedule KS for each nonresi- 0.50. The weighted three-factor formula deter- dent shareholder. mined on M8A must be used to apportion • If you are missing two factors, change the the combined income of the parent and weight of the remaining factor to 1.00. QSSS. 7 |
CORRECTED FINAL -- 04/15/10 M8A (continued) M8A, lines 1–9 Determining Minnesota sales tions of sale, or the ultimate destination of In column A, lines 1–5, enter the total the property. Real property property items for your entire business. Sales, rents, royalties and other income from Tangible personal property delivered to In column B 1(and remaining columns as real property are attributed to the state in a common or contract carrier or foreign needed), enter the property items for your which the property is located. vessel for delivery to a purchaser in another business in Minnesota. state or nation is a sale in that state or na- Line 1. Add the beginning and ending year Tangible personal property tion, regardless of f.o.b. point or other Sales of tangible personal property are inventories, divide by two and enter the conditions of sale. attributed to Minnesota if the property is result on line 1. This is your average value of Property is received by a purchaser in Min- received by a purchaser within Minnesota inventory for your business for the tax year. nesota if the recipient is located in this state, and the S corporation is taxed in this state, Line 2. Add the beginning and ending year regardless of the f.o.b. point or other condi-even if the property is ordered from outside Minnesota. values of the buildings, machinery, equip- ment and other tangible property and Continued divide by two. Enter the result on line 2. Line 3. Add the land’s beginning and end- Apportionment for inancial institutions ing year values and divide by two. Enter the In general, a financial institution is any consumer and commercial loans and lease result on line 3. national or state bank, bank holding financing, credit card, and merchant dis- Line 4. For financial institutions only. See company, savings and loan, or any other count receivables. the apportionment instructions on this page. corporation that does business that a bank or other financial institution would be Line 14—Sales or receipts factor Line 5. Rented property is based on the Financial institutions use a receipts factor authorized to do. actual rent you paid for property (land, instead of a sales factor. buildings, equipment, etc.) used during the Financial institutions complete M8A the tax year. The rents you receive are included same way as other S corporations, except Include the gross income from activities in in the sales factor. for lines 4 and 14. the ordinary course of business, including income from securities and money market To determine the value of rented property, instruments. Line 4—Property factor multiply the rent paid for the tax year by The property factor for financial institu- eight. The following are considered Minnesota tions includes certain intangible property. income: The following are considered Minnesota • interest income from loans secured Payroll factor property: by real or tangible personal property M8A, line 10 • coin and currency located in Minnesota located in Minnesota In column A, enter your total payroll paid • lease inancing receivables, to the extent • interest on consumer loans not secured or incurred for the tax year in connection the property is located in Minnesota by real or tangible personal property if with the entire business. • secured loans if real or tangible personal the borrower is a Minnesota resident In column B 1(and the remaining columns property is located in Minnesota • interest on commercial loans not secured as needed), enter your total payroll paid or • unsecured (or secured by intangible by real or tangible personal property if incurred in Minnesota, or paid for labor property) consumer loans to Minnesota the proceeds are applied in Minnesota performed in Minnesota, for the tax year in residents • merchant discount income if the mer- connection with the business. • unsecured (or secured by intangible chant is located in Minnesota property) commercial loans if the pro- • receipts from travelers checks if pur- ceeds are applied in Minnesota chased in Minnesota Sales factor • credit card receivables if the fees and • receipts from credit cards if regularly M8A, line 14 charges are regularly billed to Minnesota billed in Minnesota The sales factor includes all sales, rents, • receivables from merchant discount • receipts for regulated inancial institu- gross earnings or receipts received in the income if the merchant is located in tions from securities, based on the ratio ordinary course of your business, except: Minnesota, and of total deposits from Minnesota to total • interest • securities, money market instruments deposits in and outside Minnesota • dividends and secondary market assets appor- • sales of capital assets under IRC section tioned to Minnesota, in the ratio of • receipts for nonregulated inancial 1221 Minnesota deposits to all deposits if institutions from securities, based on a regulated financial institution, or in the ratio of gross business income from • sales of property used in the trade or Minnesota to total gross business income the ratio of Minnesota gross business business, except sales of leased property • receipts from secondary market assets income to total gross business income if that is regularly sold as well as leased, and treated in the same way as securities unregulated. • sales of stock or sales of debt instruments • receipts from the performance of under IRC section 1275(a)(1). Secondary market assets are obligations services if the services are received in that are not originally solicited or entered Financial institutions: See Apportionment Minnesota. into by the owner. They include secured, for financial institutions in the next column. 8 |
CORRECTED FINAL -- 04/15/10 M8A (continued) Sales of tobacco products, beer, wine and Intangible property is attributed to Min- However, if you are a qualified business par- other alcoholic beverages to someone nesota if the purchaser uses the property, or ticipating in a JOBZ zone in Minnesota and licensed to resell the products only within rights in the property, to conduct business all your property and payroll are within the the state of ultimate destination is a sale in within this state, regardless of the location zone, you are exempt from the minimum the destination state. of the purchaser’s customers. fee. Enter zero on line 21 of M8A and on line 2 of Form M8. Receipts from leasing or renting tangible If the property is used in more than one personal property, including finance leases state, then the sales or royalties must be ap- M8A, line 19—Adjustments and true leases, are attributed to the state in portioned to Minnesota pro rata based on In some cases the property, payroll and sales which the property is located. Receipts from the portion of use within this state. used for computing the minimum fee will the lease or rental of moving property are attributed to Minnesota to the extent the If you cannot determine the portion of be different than those used for apportion- moving property is used in Minnesota. use in Minnesota, then exclude the sales ment. The following adjustments should be or royalties from both the numerator and made to your Minnesota factors on line 19. The extent of use is determined as follows: denominator of the sales factor. Add: All tangible property owned or rented • A motor vehicle is used wholly in the that is not included on line 6 of M8A. Some state in which it is registered. Personal services examples include construction in progress, • Receipts from rolling stock are assigned to Receipts from the performance of personal idle property, any nonbusiness property or Minnesota in the ratio of miles traveled in services are attributed to the state in which rent expense. The amounts should be deter- Minnesota to total miles traveled. the services are received. mined in the same manner as the amounts • Receipts from aircraft are assigned to Receipts from services provided to a cor- on lines 1–5. Minnesota in the ratio of landings in poration, partnership or trust may only be Subtract: Minnesota to total landings. attributed to a state in which it has a fixed • Receipts from vessels, mobile equipment place of doing business. • JOBZ zone minimum fee adjustment from Schedule JOBZ (enclose a copy of and other mobile property are assigned If you can’t determine where the service to Minnesota in the ratio of days the was received, or if it was received in a state Schedule JOBZ). property is in Minnesota to the total days where the corporation, partnership or trust • Any amounts included on lines 6, 10 or of the tax year. doesn’t have a fixed place of business, use 14 that represent your share of the factors the location of the office of the customer passed through from partnerships. Intangible property from which the service was ordered. • For inancial institutions only, the Sales of intangible property are attributed If you can’t determine the ordering office, amount of intangible property listed on to the state in which the property is used by use the office location to which the service line 4. the purchaser. was billed. • The reduction of property owned for a Royalties, fees and similar income not short taxable year. To determine, multiply qualifying for the foreign royalty subtrac- the sum of line 1 and line 2 by a fraction: Minimum fee tion, received for the use of or the privilege the numerator is 365 minus the number of using intangible property (such as pat- M8A, lines 19–21 of days in the tax year; the denominator ents, copyrights, trade names, franchises or S corporations are subject to a minimum similar items) are attributed to the state in fee if the sum of its Minnesota source prop- is 365. which the property is used by the purchaser. erty, payroll and sales or receipts is at least Enclose a schedule showing the computa- $500,000. tion and pass-through information of any adjustments listed on M8A, line 19. 9 |
CORRECTED FINAL -- 04/15/10 Completing Schedule KS Complete and provide Schedule KS to KS, line 2 • Enter the amount from line 2 of federal each nonresident shareholder and any Determine the state income tax deducted Form 4562 on line 2 of your Minnesota Minnesota shareholder who has adjust- in arriving at ordinary income or net rental Form 4562. income of the S corporation. • Subtract $600,000 from line 3 of federal ments to income. Form 4562, and enter the result on line 3 Do not include the minimum fee, the of your Minnesota Form 4562. built-in gains tax, capital gains tax, LIFO Purpose recapture tax or excess net passive income • Enter the information from lines 6 and 7 An S corporation must provide each non- of federal Form 4562 on lines 6 and 7 of tax in this amount. resident shareholder, and any Minnesota your Minnesota Form 4562. However, if shareholder with adjustments to income, Enter the shareholder’s pro rata share of this you have section 179 expensing from a with enough information for them to com- amount on line 2. flow through entity, use the amount from plete a Minnesota income tax return and line 10 of Schedule KPC instead of the determine their correct Minnesota tax. KS, line 3 amount from line 12 of federal Schedule Expenses or interest deducted on your fed- K-1. Schedule KS is used to provide sharehold- eral return that relate to income not taxed • Enter line 10 of federal Form 4562 on line ers with the information they need to file a by Minnesota must be added back to the 10 of your Minnesota Form 4562. Minnesota income tax return. The sched- shareholder’s Minnesota income. ule shows each shareholder their specific • Recalculate lines 4, 5, 8, 9, 11 and 12 of share of the S corporation’s income, credits Enter the shareholder’s pro rata share of any your Minnesota Form 4562. The result on and modifications. Be sure to provide the federal deductions that are attributable to line 12 of Minnesota Form 4562 cannot shareholder a copy of both the front and income not taxed by Minnesota, other than be more than line 1 of that form. back of the completed Schedule KS and the U.S. government bond interest or other Enter the shareholder’s pro rata share of the instructions. federal obligations. amount on line 12 of the Minnesota Form If there are no modifications or credits and If you had expenses attributable to interest 4562 on line 4 of Schedule KS. there are no nonresident shareholders, you or mutual fund dividends from U.S. bonds, do not have to provide Schedule KS. see line 9 of Schedule KS. Do not include KS, line 5 these expenses on line 3. If you chose on your federal return the You must enclose with your Form M8 cop- special depreciation allowance for certain ies of the Schedules KS and attachments Enclose an explanation or statement show- qualified property, your shareholders must issued to your shareholders and copies of ing your computation. add back 80 percent of the bonus deprecia- your federal Schedules K and K-1. tion to Minnesota. KS, line 4 If you are required to amend your federal Minnesota did not adopt the extension of Follow the steps below to determine the S corporation return or you have been the increased federal section 179 expensing shareholder’s share to enter on line 5 of audited by the IRS, you must file Form for tax year 2009. If, during the year, your Schedule KS: M8X and Schedules KS, if appropriate. See total investment in qualifying property was 1 Add line 14 and line 25 of Reporting federal changes on page 3. more than $200,000 or if you elected more your federal Form 4562 ....... than $25,000 in section 179 expensing, your Line instructions shareholders must add back to Minnesota 2 Total of any bonus depreciation Enter the name, address and identifying 80 percent of the difference between the amounts passed through to the number of the shareholder. A $50 penalty will expensing allowed for federal and for state S corporation as a partner of a be assessed for each incorrect tax ID number tax purposes. Your shareholders will be al- partnership (from line 8 of used for a shareholder after being notified by lowed to subtract their share of the addition Schedule KPC) .............. the department that the number is incorrect. in equal parts over the next five years when 3 Add steps 1 and 2 ............ they file their state tax returns. Calculate lines 1–17 the same for all resident 4 Multiply step 3 by the share- and nonresident shareholders. Calculate lines If you completed federal Form 4562 to holder’s percentage of stock 18–32 for nonresident shareholders only. claim the section 179 expensing for federal ownership .................. tax purposes, you must also complete lines 1 through 12 on a separate federal Form Enter the result from step 4 on line 5 of the All shareholders— 4562 to determine the amount you need to shareholder’s Schedule KS. lines 1–17 add back for Minnesota purposes. Federal bonus depreciation subtraction. KS, line 1 Recalculate line 12 of your Minnesota Form For five years following the addback year, Determine the interest you received from all 4562 using the same information from your shareholders may be able to subtract non-Minnesota state and municipal bonds. your federal Form 4562 and the following one-fifth of the addback on their Minnesota Include the Minnesota portion of exempt- modifications: income tax return. See the instructions for interest dividends if less than 95 percent Form M1 for details. of the exempt-interest dividends are from • Subtract $225,000 from line 1 of federal Minnesota state and municipal bonds. Form 4562, and enter the result on line 1 of your Minnesota Form 4562. Enter the shareholder’s pro rata share of this amount on line 1. Continued 10 |
CORRECTED FINAL -- 04/15/10 KS (continued) KS, line 6 KS, line 13 not reduce the adjusted basis by the current If you are an employer who provides Enter the shareholder’s pro rata share of the year’s depletion. Figure the excess amount prescription drug coverage to your retirees, JOBZ jobs credit that is passed through to separately for each property. If the deple- include on line 6 the shareholder’s pro rata the shareholders. tion deduction for any property does not share of the federal tax-exempt subsidies exceed the adjusted basis at year-end, do not you received for continuing these pension KS, line 14 include a tax preference amount for that benefits. If, for regular tax purposes, you elected property. the optional 60-month write-off under KS, line 7 IRC section 59(e) for all property in this Enter the shareholder’s pro rata share of any category, skip lines 14–16. No adjustments Nonresident shareholders fines, fees and penalties that were deducted are necessary. —lines 18–32 a business expenses paid to a government KS, line 18 Intangible drilling costs (IDCs) from oil, gas entity or nongovernment regulatory body as The Minnesota source gross income is and geothermal wells are a tax preference a result of a violation of law, or the inves- used to determine whether a nonresident item to the extent that the excess IDCs ex- tigation of any potential violation of law. shareholder is required to file a Minnesota ceed 65 percent of the net income from the This does not include amounts identified income tax return or has the option to elect wells. The tax preference item is computed in a court order or settlement agreement as composite income tax. separately for oil and gas properties and for restitution or as an amount paid to come geothermal properties. into compliance with the law. Enter the shareholder’s pro rata share of the Enter the shareholder’s pro rata share of S corporation’s Minnesota source gross in- KS, line 8 the following: IDCs allowed for regular tax come. Minnesota source gross income is the Enter the shareholder’s pro rata share of purposes under section 263(c), (but not total amounts apportioned to Minnesota any discharge of indebtedness income from including any section 263(c) deduction that are included on line 6 of federal Form reacquisition of business debt that was for nonproductive wells) less the amount 1120S, and lines 17, 19 and 20a of Form deferred federally by the S corporation. that would be allowed had the IDCs been 8825 and (other than losses), 3a, 4, 5a, 6, 7, Your shareholders will be allowed to sub- amortized over a 120-month period start- 8a, 9 and 10 of Schedule K (1120S). tract in future years the amount they added ing with the month the well was placed in back. production. KS, lines 19–28 From the nonresident shareholder’s federal Schedule K-1 (1120S), enter the Minnesota KS, line 9 KS, line 15 Interest earned on certain direct federal Gross income from oil, gas and geothermal portion of the amounts on lines 19–28. obligations is taxable on the federal return, properties are used in determining if the All income of a Minnesota resident is taxed but is not taxable on the state return. excess IDCs exceed 65 percent of the net by Minnesota, regardless of the source. income from the wells. Determine the net interest you received from primary obligations issued by the U.S. Enter the shareholder’s pro rata share of the Composite income tax and government, such as savings bonds and aggregate amount of gross income within nonresident withholding treasury notes, that are held directly by the the meaning of section 613(a) from all oil, S corporation. Do not include obligations gas and geothermal properties that was KS, line 30 where the U.S. government is only a guaran- received or accrued during the tax year. When determining the shareholder’s share of the S corporation’s Minnesota source tor. Be sure to subtract any investment in- distributive income, you must make adjust- terest and other expenses you deducted on KS, line 16 Deductions allocable to oil, gas and geo- ments for any items you passed through to the federal return that relate to this income. the shareholder on lines 1 through 10 of the thermal properties are used in determining Enter the shareholder’s pro rata share of this if the excess IDCs exceed 65 percent of the shareholder’s Schedule KS. amount on line 9. net income from the wells. Follow the steps below to determine line 30: Enter the shareholder’s pro rata share of KS, line 10 1 The difference between the share- Enter the shareholder’s pro rata share of any deductions allocable to oil, gas and holder’s federal section 179 the amounts from lines 17 and line 30 of geothermal properties. Do not include any deduction from box 11 of Schedule JOBZ. deductions for nonproductive wells. federal Schedule K-1 (1120S) and line 4 of the shareholder’s KS, line 11 KS, line 17 Schedule KS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enter the shareholder’s pro rata share of the In the case of oil wells and other wells of enterprise zone credit that is passed through nonintegrated oil companies, enter the 2 Line 5 of the shareholder’s to the shareholders. shareholder’s pro rata share of the amount Schedule KS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by which the depletion deduction exceeds 3 Add step 1 and step 2 ....... KS, line 12 the adjusted basis of the property at the end 4 Multiply step 3 by 80% (.80) . Enter the shareholder’s pro rata share of the of the tax year. employer transit pass credit that is passed In computing the year-end adjusted basis, through to the shareholders. use the rules of section 1016. However, do Continued 11 |
CORRECTED FINAL -- 04/15/10 KS (continued) 5 Line 6 of the shareholder’s KS, line 31 KS, line 32 Schedule KS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Composite income tax Nonresident withholding 6 Add step 4 and step 5 ....... Nonresident shareholders must pay tax if Nonresident shareholders who are not their Minnesota gross income is more than included in the composite income tax may 7 Multiply step 6 by line 18 of the minimum filing requirement for the be subject to withholding. See Nonresident M8A ..................... year ($9,350 for 2009). withholding on page 3 to determine if your 8 Combine lines 19–28 of the nonresident shareholders are subject to shareholder’s Schedule KS .... Skip this line if the nonresident shareholder Minnesota withholding. did not elect the S corporation to pay com- 9 Combine step 7 and step 8 ... posite income tax on his or her behalf. To determine the amount of tax to withhold 10 JOBZ subtraction from line 10 for each nonresident shareholder, follow the of shareholder’s Schedule KS . To determine the amount of composite steps below: income tax to pay on behalf of each electing 11 To the extent allowed by law, shareholder, follow the steps below: 1 Multiply line 30 of Schedule enter one-fifth of the shareholder’s KS by 7.85% (.0785) ......... share of the federal bonus depre- 1 Multiply line 30 of Schedule ciation that was added back in a KS by 7.85% (.0785) ......... 2 Add lines 11, 12 and 13 of Schedule KS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . year the shareholder elected to be 2 Add lines 11, 12 and 13 of included in composite income Schedule KS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Subtract step 2 from step 1 .... tax ....................... 3 Subtract step 2 from step 1 .... The result in step 3 is the amount you are 12 To the extent allowed by law, required to withhold from the nonresident enter one-fifth of the shareholder’s The result in step 3 is the amount you are shareholder, unless the individual submits share of the section 179 expensing required to pay on behalf of the electing Form AWC, Alternative Withholding Certifi- that was added back in a year the shareholder. Enter this amount on line 31 of cate. shareholder elected to be included the shareholder’s Schedule KS and check the in composite income tax ..... box to indicate the shareholder’s election to If the individual submits Form AWC, with- 13 Add steps 10, 11 and 12 ..... be included. hold the amount from line 6 of the certifi- cate. Check the box provided on line 32 of 14 Subtract step 13 from step 9 . If the shareholder elects to be included the shareholder’s Schedule KS and also on in composite income tax but has zero tax line 4 of Form M8. Be sure to enclose a copy Enter the result from step 14 on line 30 of due, enter zero on line 31. Even though the of the certificate when you file your return. the shareholder’s Schedule KS. This amount amount may be zero, be sure to check the is the shareholder’s adjusted Minnesota box to indicate the election. If the individual submits a false or fraudu- source distributive income. lent Form AWC, the department may Once you have completed all the KS sched- require you to withhold the maximum ules for your electing nonresident share- percentage from that individual in the holders, add the amounts on line 31 of all future, even if an exemption certificate is the schedules and enter the total on line 3 of submitted. Form M8. This is the amount of compos- ite income tax you are required to pay on Be sure to inform your shareholders that behalf of your electing shareholders. they must include their Schedule KS when they file their Form M1 to claim the Min- nesota withholding. If the schedule is not included, the department will disallow the withholding and assess the tax or reduce their refund. 12 |