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              Massachusetts                                                                                             Voucher 1
1-ESDepartment of RevenueEstimated Tax Payment — 2010
Social Security number   Spouse’s Social Security no.          Due date        Voucher Estimated tax for the year ending

                                                                               1       MONTH //DAY                      YEAR
Last name (print)        First name and initial (and spouse’s, if joint return)       1. Amount of this installment (from line 12 of esti-
                                                                                       mated tax worksheet):
Street address                                                                        Check which form you plan to file:
                                                                                       Form 1 Full-Year Resident
                                                                                       Form 1-NR/PY Nonresident/Part-Year Resident
                                                                                       Nonresident Composite Return
City/Town                                                 StateZip
                                                                                      Important Information
                                                                                      File your Form 1-ES online at
Return this voucher with check or money order payable to:                             no cost! It’s fast, easy and se-
Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
                                                                                      cure. Go to www.mass.gov/dor
Mail to:                                                                              and click on WebServices for
Massachusetts Department of Revenue, PO Box 7007, Boston, MA 02204.                   Income for more information.
For Privacy Act Notice, see instructions for the form you file.

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              Massachusetts                                                                                             Voucher 2
1-ESDepartment of RevenueEstimated Tax Payment — 2010
Social Security number   Spouse’s Social Security no.          Due date        Voucher Estimated tax for the year ending

                                                                               2       MONTH //DAY                      YEAR
Last name (print)        First name and initial (and spouse’s, if joint return)       1. Amount of this installment (from line 12 of esti-
                                                                                       mated tax worksheet):
Street address                                                                        Check which form you plan to file:
                                                                                       Form 1 Full-Year Resident
                                                                                       Form 1-NR/PY Nonresident/Part-Year Resident
                                                                                       Nonresident Composite Return
City/Town                                                 StateZip
                                                                                      Important Information
                                                                                      File your Form 1-ES online at
Return this voucher with check or money order payable to:                             no cost! It’s fast, easy and se-
Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
                                                                                      cure. Go to www.mass.gov/dor
Mail to:                                                                              and click on WebServices for
Massachusetts Department of Revenue, PO Box 7007, Boston, MA 02204.                   Income for more information.
For Privacy Act Notice, see instructions for the form you file.

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              Massachusetts                                                                                             Voucher 3
1-ESDepartment of RevenueEstimated Tax Payment — 2010
Social Security number   Spouse’s Social Security no.          Due date        Voucher Estimated tax for the year ending

                                                                               3       MONTH //DAY                      YEAR
Last name (print)        First name and initial (and spouse’s, if joint return)       1. Amount of this installment (from line 12 of esti-
                                                                                       mated tax worksheet):
Street address                                                                        Check which form you plan to file:
                                                                                       Form 1 Full-Year Resident
                                                                                       Form 1-NR/PY Nonresident/Part-Year Resident
                                                                                       Nonresident Composite Return
City/Town                                                 StateZip
                                                                                      Important Information
                                                                                      File your Form 1-ES online at
Return this voucher with check or money order payable to:                             no cost! It’s fast, easy and se-
Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
                                                                                      cure. Go to www.mass.gov/dor
Mail to:                                                                              and click on WebServices for
Massachusetts Department of Revenue, PO Box 7007, Boston, MA 02204.                   Income for more information.
For Privacy Act Notice, see instructions for the form you file.

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              Massachusetts                                                                                             Voucher 4
1-ESDepartment of RevenueEstimated Tax Payment — 2010
Social Security number   Spouse’s Social Security no.          Due date        Voucher Estimated tax for the year ending

                                                                               4       MONTH //DAY                      YEAR
Last name (print)        First name and initial (and spouse’s, if joint return)       1. Amount of this installment (from line 12 of esti-
                                                                                       mated tax worksheet):
Street address                                                                        Check which form you plan to file:
                                                                                       Form 1 Full-Year Resident
                                                                                       Form 1-NR/PY Nonresident/Part-Year Resident
                                                                                       Nonresident Composite Return
City/Town                                                 StateZip
                                                                                      Important Information
                                                                                      File your Form 1-ES online at
Return this voucher with check or money order payable to:                             no cost! It’s fast, easy and se-
Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
                                                                                      cure. Go to www.mass.gov/dor
Mail to:                                                                              and click on WebServices for
Massachusetts Department of Revenue, PO Box 7007, Boston, MA 02204.                   Income for more information.
For Privacy Act Notice, see instructions for the form you file.

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