For new validations: Number: This is the next Reference number available in the validations list. To find out what the next available number is, open a form in SuperBoxing and right click on any box. Choose Field Properties and in the Edit Properties dialog box choose Validations. When the Validations box displays the "Category" at the top should be at the default of "All". Scroll to the bottom of the validations list until you see the last Reference number on the left. The number for this new validation will be the next available Reference number. For example, if the last Reference number is 500 this new validation will be assigned Number: 501. Category: Description: Entity Type: Validation: Message: Location: This is the number location to insert the new validation within the Category Description. Follow the steps above to display the Validations dialog box. Using the drop down arrow for the Category at the top select the grouping that best fits this validation. Once you have selected the Category look for a place within the descriptions of the Category where this new validation should logically be placed. For example, say this new validation should be included in the category for Misc. The new validation is a variant of a validation 85 which is "0.00 up to 99999999". The only difference is this new validation is allowed up to 9 digits instead of 8 digits. Logically we should place this validation immediately after Reference number 85 and before Reference number 110 in the Description. The new validation will be assigned Location: between #85 and 110. For changes to existing validations: Only include the lines below if they have changed (except for the VD number). (type the number of the existing VD here) New category: New description: New validation: New message: New location: Specific examples: Number: 428 Category: Alpha Description: Entity Type: S, C, E, T, P, L, LC, LS, X, B, or I Validation: ^([SCETPLXBI]|L[CS])$ Message: Fill in either S, C, E, T, P, L, LC, LS, X, B, or I where S=S Corporation, C=all other Corporations, E=Estate, T=Trust, P=Partnership, L=LLC taxed as a Partnership, LC=LLC taxed as a C Corporation, LS=LLC taxed as an S Corporation, X=Exempt Org, B=Bank/Financial Institute, and I=Insurance Company. Location: between #319 and #227 Number: 429 Category: Alpha Description: Entity Code: RI, NR, PI, P, C, E, T, S, L, LS, LC, B, I, or X Validation: ^(RI|NR|PI|[PCETSLBIX]|L[SC])$ Message: Fill in either RI, NR, PI, P, C, E, T, S, L, LS, LC, B, I, or X where RI=Resident Individual, NR=Non-Resident Individual, PI=Part-Year Resident Individual (S Corp Only), P=Partnership, C=C Corporation, E=Estate, T=Trust, S=S Corporation, L=LLC taxed as a Partnership, LS=LLC taxed as an S Corporation, LC=LLC taxed as a C Corporation, B=Bank/Financial Institute, I=Insurance Company, and X=Exempt Org. Location: between #244 and #139 #204 New description: XXXXXXXXXX XXX New validation: ^[0-9]{10} [0-9]{3}$ New message: Fill in like this: XXXXXXXXXX XXX New location: between #405 and #252 #394 New category: Alpha/Numeric New description: State or Exception Code: AA or XX New validation: ^([A-Z]{2}|[0-9]{2})$ New message: Enter the two-letter state abbreviation or the two-digit exception code. New location: between #276 and #138