Number: 437 Category: Alpha Description: Entity Type: S, C, E, T, P, L, LC, LS, DE, X, B, or I Validation: ^([SCETPLXBI]|L[CS]|DE)$ Message: Fill in either S, C, E, T, P, L, LC, LS, DE, X, B, or I where S=S Corporation, C=all other Corporations, E=Estate, T=Trust, P=Partnership, L=LLC taxed as a Partnership, LC=LLC taxed as a C Corporation, LS=LLC taxed as an S Corporation, DE=Disregarded Entity, X=Exempt Org, B=Bank/Financial Institute, and I=Insurance Company. Location: Between #428 and #227 ##################################################################### Number: 438 Category: Account Identifier Description: XXXXXXX or XXXXXXXXXX or APPLIED Validation: ^([0-9]{7}([0-9]{3})?|APPLIED)$ Message: Fill in seven or ten digits. If a number has been applied for, fill in APPLIED Location: Between #403 and #65